Pfurrf:.y July 26, 1930, Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Moiui.'y ss- Prince Rupert4 p.m. T,ir v M. Catala .... 3.30 p.m. v; 1 . day - M Pr. Henry, 9 a.m. Wn:n( sday ss. Pr, Henry, 9 a.m. ss. Princess Alice, 5 p.m. Thir day ss-Pr. Charles, 4 p.m. priii.iv ss. Princess Mary, 10 pjn. ss. Cardcna, 12 midnight S;iKi day -ss. Pr.Charlotte, 5 p.m. ! is. Prince Oeorge, 7 p.m.' prom Vancouver PJJ runt! y ss. Catala Mi I SS, Princes. Alice a.m. . princess -,nano., ii.jua.rn: w , i ? -SS.Pr. Oeorge, 11 JO a.m. huttrd of mile 0f waterway in j I'4 and 1 w'th pleaaaat many P-rHem cardena m T! inday -ss. p.m. beye arui wed iek. uneiptofedT by y, ,!iy SS. Princess LouLsc, a.m. wait mn. Now that really good e. Tr1nr Gcoree 1130 a""0" I provided and modern s, t, mnce ueorge, n.u am a.m. ctmytn equipment la obtainable, many Princess Mary 4 p.m. re taking ttohlnf trip.. Fa ..,. ,rna .rdiv ss Pr. rr.u-iiry Henry 11 --.Jua.m. 30 am ' AlKhr Prtaat attraction there ta a ride or hlk to the top of Mount FnrV " .1'. River and tt9!L wh!ch wondarfui picture ' , U n iw mile of lake ana wood, in " rort Simpson j every -lVectlon. ur !;iv -ss. Catala 8 pjn.l APP!y to r.v.u. or by wire or letter F ,' ss Prince William. 8 pm.'t0 ,wt ,J'.J34,M:- From Naas Klver and Port Simpson T i i;iys. Catala .... 11.30 am. F: !,!'. ss. Prince Wlllam, pjn. For Stewart and Anyox p i!iv ss. Catala, 8 p.m. Monday as. Pr. Charles, 8 pjn. Fi'iiiy ss. Pr. Oeorge, 250 p.m. Tat Stewart and Anyox Ti- 'by ss. Catala .11.30 ajn. T! iu ss. Pr. Charles, 10.30 am. uv ss. Pr. Oeorge, 6pm. p hday ss. Pr. Oeorge, 6 pjn. For Oi cait Falls iy ss. Pr. Rupert, 4 pjn. I . ; . . ss. Pr. Mary, .10 pjn. p ss Prince Oeorge, 7 pjn. From Ocean Falls W'j ss. Pr. Oeorge, 11.30 ajn. ' .vs. Pr. Oeorge, 11 JO aja.; - Princess, Maryv 4 pjn.l Pi' ss Prince Henry, 11 JO a.m.! Tor North Oueen I Charlotte Islands M; rday -ss. Pr. Charles, 8 p.m. From North Queen Charlotte Islands Ttmra. -ss Pf. Charles, 10 JO a.m. For South ;Qucen .i Charlotte bland f, , . M ' iv -ss. Pr. William, 8 pjn. From North Queen Qurrn Charlotte Islands T ir -ss. prince William, a.m. ' For Alaska. . Monday ss. Princess Alice, ajn. W! ss. Pr. George, 2J0 pjn. Friday ss. Princess Louise, ajn. Pi ss. Prince Henry, 2J0 pjn. From Alaska M ii ss. Prince Rupert, 7 ajn. V ! ss Prince Henry. 7 ajn. ss. Princess Alice, pjn. 6a1 i:day it. Pr. Charlotte, pjn. For Tort Simpson and Wales Island Ti. rsday is. Cardena pjn. FuUy-sa. Pr. William, 8 ajn. From Tort Simpson and Wales Island Fuday sa. Cardena p.m. ss. Prince William, pjn For Skcena River Tliurs -m. Pr. William, 8 ajn. Kit ss. Pr. William .... 8 ajn. From Skeena Itiver 'inurs -sa. Prince William, pjn. ss. Cardena pjn. ss Prince William, ..pjn. Mail Schedule For the East Mi iiduy, Wednesday and Satt- iWO am. T day, Thursday and Fi id.iy 12 noon. From the East frniy except Tuesday 12.30 p.m. For Vancouver Munday 3 pjn. Tuesday 220 pjn. W-dnesday 4 pjn. Thursday 3 pjn. Fl"'ay 11 pjn. p"urday 4 pjn., 8 pjn. From Vancouver 'naay ,.. 4 pjn. M,,nday 0 ajn. dnesday .. luo ,ajn. 1 ' ursday pjn ""ay ;. g a.m. Sl,urday 11.30 atm. or Anyox and Stewart 1 . lI'aay 7 pjn. M,)nday 7 pjn, J rtay U0 p.m. rom Anyox and Stewart Tuosday u).i. 11.30,a.m '''Wsday 10.30 a.m fUurday 0 p.m For Wales Island and ptt Simpson "Uursday w. p.m. From Wales IsianT lnl I'ort Simpson F'iday p.m " For Queen Charlottes!. Monday 7 p.m, ffom Queen Charlottes Thursday a.m rr Alaska Mundays and Fridays a.m. Irm Alaska-Wednesdays and Saturdays, pjn. CLAS SIHED ' THIS IS THE Holiday ResoYts RAINBOW TROUT ? Jwpii tnia wwn n In the Stuart ie awrici, tney take either fly or poo. jftla, vide ,irrt countn I there Lakelse Lodge New Lakelse Lodge on the shore of Lakelse Lake is now open to guests. ' Fine Fly Fishin? On the lake and river. Lithia Pool Springs (Largest in Canada? Good for rheumatism. Phone connecting with Terrace Fare from train to Lodge and return $2.50 Manager J. Bruce Johnstone Wonderful Tlell qiT.KN ClUKLOtrE ISLANDS The Home Farm Fine beach and meadows for Children's playgrounds. Salmon and Trout Fishing River and Sea Bathing Excellent Cuisine ratlin ran be met at Skldrzte or Port Clemenl. Wlrrle for j Kekervatlont MADAME RAJAUT Furnished Cabins FOR RENT ON Lakelse Lake Shore Close In to new Lodge. Apply to MRS. SUSIE, Terrace, B.C. Graham Island Stages Operating lletwern Uuren Charlotte flty and Port flement UeeU all boaU northbound at Queen Charlotte City Pare S00. and m pra-portloo to Intermediate polnti. , It. U.; - - Premier Hotel (Jueen rbarlotte City. ILC. JITNEY SERVICE Between Port Clementa and Qen Charlotte aty. Mondayi ml Saturdan, liMtes I'ort rlemenl, SJA a.m. IJnren CharWIe lj.p.m. rare SS earn, lieu ml trip W. U Hfi(-, I'ort ClemenH Stage & Taxi Service Queen Charlotte Is. Sedan Can meat all boata at Port OleaMMe and at Quean Charlotte City. Regular trip to rort (,-Mtnenu 7 T,i; mAv nn nrf Thundav Thundav learlni learlni Q. Q. C. C. j PAGE WHICn MOST PEOPL E RE Atfi BECAUSE IT FOR RENT FURNISHED Flat, 4 rooms and bath Phone 547. tf FOR RE1IT Furnished apartment by day, week or month. Ph,one Red 607. tf FOR RENT $5.00 a month put3 n piano in your home. Walker's ' Music Store. FOR RENT Five roomed flat, vacant July 1. Summit Apartments. Phone Blue 345. tf BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room. Phone Black 707. if BOARD residence, week 6r month, for terms apply The Inlander, Phone 137. lm-J5 AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART We buy, sell or exchange any kind of furniture or household goods, musical instruments, ma chinery, etc. General repairs, cratlns, packing and shipping..! Workmanship guaranteed. Just nhone Black 120 and we will call. G. J. DAWES, Auctioneer, Federal Block. tf! .1 SECOND-HAND DEALERS New and Second-Hand Goods! Uouglit, Sold or Exchanged FOR SALE FOR SALE Modern house cash or terms. Applyj 226 sixth Avenue ' West.'' .'i : ' ' ';;;f FOR SALE Sta'r shape, excellent rubber, $250. i Walker, fnone 137. 177, FOR SALE Leather convertable bed davenport, good condition, $20. Phone Red 338. 175 j FOR SALE Large galvanized tank , rultable tank for stationary gasi engine, etc. .Apply Daily News), "c- FOR SALE Nw clinker built ce - ! dar rowboats $30 up. Lindsay's Boat Works, 842 Powell Street, 1 Vancouver. tf FOR immediate Sale Brass bed ; complete, mahogany chairs, oan; rocker, library table, congoleumj, rug, Axmlnste? rug, kitchen uten-; slls. Phone 376. 173 ! FOR SALE Chesterfield suite, oak library tabe, oak table, walnut writing desk, 2 oak rockers, one basket rocker. Apply H. D. Tee, Digny isiana. rrone uac wi. 174 FOR SALE 4 splendid lots 84x100, Sixth Avenue, Section 7. One' splendid lot 25x100, 5th Avenui West near Mcuride. Estate must be closed. What offers? Snap. G. P. Tinker &:Co. Ltd. tf FOR SALE An 8 roomed house with 6 bed- rooms, in live town and doing1 food ( ; FOUND . H. Montgomery compels owner lo Sell for $1100.00 339is as oing concern 16 boarders. 3rd Avenue Phone Blue I I At STFPIIRV" t fn l.TIl. DrivurselfTaxi i Why not enjoy ft. Dice drive thU, evening ening or tomorrow? , If you cannot drive now, why not learn? There'll be a day when you'll with you could. We will teach you. Our charges are reasonable. Walker Motor Co., Ltd. Distributors of 1 CHRYSLER and PLYMOUTH CARS "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT """" ViiTvrV I ' . . . I NOTICE W HEREBY OIVBN that, on the 31st day of Aufost next, the under- tlcrttd intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for a Ltoraee tn reapect of premttea beta part S the butldln known a 9"al Coa Hotel, altuateal ( the Ctty of Prince Rupert. In tha rro- rlnoa of Brltlah CotomWa. upon tha ' Ian da dMcrtbed aa aU that port loo of Watarfront Block "l" Bay of rrmcai Rupert. City of iTinoe Rupert, pronnca 1 a-fMh n 1 1 i.tnlil. um pn Rupert Land Haftetfatlao DUtrlct, and being more parttcularty deacrfbed aa . followa ' ''ComiDMclM at a point which Ilea: In a ttraicnt line oaanng norm ow dag., 38 ft.. 8 Ina. Eaat a tftttanee of 787 30 feat from the centre of circle a ahewn on laid Plan MS. Section 7, thenoe aouth 8 deg M ft., 3S lna. Bait a diatanoe of M feat to a point, thence north BSdeg. 34 rt ssiaa. Beat a die- tuW Of 100 theoo north 6 dag. SSft, 39 In. Vet a dla- -... , 1M, H. A. DOD6. nnllt .-n FATHER ?QWMAT THEIR GEL. LAM ' L f W P Cretl BriUie riW nrxri Wm,A, owner mavlon tie aoutb ahore of Bwlndl Wand LT r,,n'x ae cbaina aotjin and loo u at Daily have same by calling News office and paying for this ' f ouiuu..... FOUND Silver ring With blue stone. Owner mer .may. may have same by"? 'J'"??"": calling at tht J)aUy Newa Office and paying for this advertis-raent. , HANOI S OOA8T DISTRICT Raeordlng Dlatrlat of Prince Rupert. Iderhlll of Vaneouvar. B.C.. Engineer In- tend to apply for permlasion to leate the followlnf da'crthad foreshore lhrd Cunneln at post planted at the of mga about 1 1-2 miles -th n(j j mUm t the south of T,-:t SS6 Bwlndl Inland. thenoe aouth eut 90 chaina. to -ast -'n- trancv to bav tharoa '-a'- - ly an westerly aloog High Water Mark to potat of conimanoeiuent -11U tnnt SO acrea more or laa. Drtd July 4th. 1M. J hn Bdward Dnrlerhlll " im- T . OnderM! ? HANOI 3 COAST DISTRICT Recording District of Prince Rupert. take notice twit Norman nui ir Vancouver. B.C.. Olerk. Intend to ap ply for perm Union to laaa tt fnii-w. Log described toreabore landa: Oom- menelng at a paat planted on the aouth he . ttiaad (bcut ao chain -"nth and 100 cnuaa wait 01 tna aoutn waat corner of Uf 394 thano itarl laiort High Water Mark about chain r7, t-iVTith im Norman Hill Jm X hHl Ant - " ........ ' tanee of 80 ft. to a point, thence south to a point behind Double iuand. thence' jtn eaat corner or ut 430, Bonooner AitVVt a m returning from Port Cle- S3 deg.. 34rt.. 38 Ina. Weat a diatanoe of ,3 chalne more or lea. to Low Water Paawe. thence North 10 ohaina to op- , a nn 1 108 feet to the potat of commence- Mark, thence eanteirty along Low Water, paalte ahore, thence westerly, southerly iSiIriumi riiitrloile nty to I'ort mattt." Mark, thence north to point of com- and Baaterty along High mwr ai wi at SS rel urn or U e t rra. for the aale of bear by the glaaa or by mncennt and encloalng air tidal flatu to point of commenaeenent and ondoa-lf'lern'Alltf xMnt. inc. a mile. the opart bottle for eortaomptton on tha and lagoon and oontatnin. ISO acre lng the bay and containing 13 aorea Rle in comion it oo-a ' I OUr kpene. ,.. KIIMIMI 5Tr.Ii!' iToprn-ut BRINGING UP I av oluv- thb rtoop of That mouse i . om F-iRE I'LL RINQ IET.LM KtJOW ABOUT T Ti fc . . 9 MM la1 rwtyw Im MAKE YOUR ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE. FOR "V1M RENT. faqe nva LOST & FOUND IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TOYOUNG AND OLD. SITUATIONS WANTED STEADY local married man would ' like whole or part time position as caretaker or Janitor. Apply It WANTED WANTED-Housekeeper, must bej good c00). call evenings between i 5 and 8 or Phone Red 710. tf postmen, Clerks, Stenographers, customs Examiners, etc.. con- stantly wanted. Write M. C. C. civil service scnool, 18 Mackie Block, Calgary. tf 1931 census-Ckrks. Hundreds of 1 girls will be required at Ottawa. Candidates selected from all over Canada. Write M. C. C. Civil Service School, 18 Mackle Block Calgary. tf. . . .. . . j - 1 CHIROPRACTIC v. C. ASPINALL (Chiropractor) 6 & 7 Exchange Blk. (Opp. Orme's) Sunshine and Red Ray Treatments Nervou, Pemale and Children' Diseases Specially Treated Phone Green 241 Hunt's Furniture & Upholstry The Store of Quality" Complete House Furnishings Terms Arranged G. M. HUNT Third Avenue. Phone Red CT? RANOE 3 COAST DISTRICT Recordlwt DSatrlct of Prince Rupert. l AKJ Mlnut toat tiroeTtcm. nuuri-Bartlett o Vancouver. BC Secretary, Intends to apply for permlasion to jleae th (elkrwlng described foreahore wt th, west corner ur tot i 33S. thence eaterly and northerly along , !IUn w V .? th- wr. 'cornar or iJt ass. tneooe vo iw wa ter Mark, thence aout&eriy and west erly Uonc Low Water Mark, thence lacora, and contalnlnc 80 acres more or iaaa. Dated July 6th. 1MO. Frederick Ruanell Bartlett Jamaa T. Pnderhffl, Agent. RANOE 3 COAST DISTRICT Recording Diatrlct of Prince Rupert TAKE NOTICE that Richard Walter OnderhlU of Vancouver, B.C., Accountant, intends to apply for permlaalon to laaie. the following described toraahcre landi: Commencing at a post plan tad at High Water Mark about 1-3 mite toutb and 1-3 mile eaat of the aoutb p corner or L-t SSS, Swindle Iriand. t lunar aouth S ehataa to Maod, thence eaat 7 cbalna to ahore. thenoe north -"It weatftrlv and toutberly along High Water Mark to point of oommence-1. and cootatnmg 30 acrea more or leai. Dated July Sth, 1S0. Richard Wiltar OmKtBlU. .lame T. tJndwWlll. Aaan RANOE S COAST DISTRICT Record trig Diatrlct of Prince Rupert, 1 TAKE NOTICE that Frederic Clare un ' oerhHI of Vancouver. B. C. Land Sui- veyor. tnteada to tpy for permlialon ; to laae ttto loilowtng daaenbrl for; I cre lac rt : Oommenelng at a poM piantaa on tne boqui an ore or amaii i In on rMrth IM of PrVr Ward )- ! 3 autea aoutb and 1 n.Ue of tha IS iriii. ton I Preder'- r-- v --rhlll Jm- T nUfMII limt o , salvaok anu towing "If 't's on or under the water we do it." Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Fully Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work Boats and Scows of all descrip-' tionc for Charter Row Boaty and Canoes for Hire Bargains in Oas Bititnes ; Arents for PASTHOPE! Northern B.C. Dl3ttlDctors Coolhlffe Propellers ;sand and Gravel ir. any quantity delivered anywhere by water Phone, Day o. raelii 5C1 P.O. Box 1X4 PHOTO FINISHING nv EXPERTS Ken! vonr Flln and Photo Work To Wrathall Photo Flnlhlnjf iTlnr itffptrt, n.r. Quality Ouaranteed. Prleei Reasonable Photo Finishing Any size roll developed with six prints, 30c. Extra prints each 4c Enlargements made of your negatives 5x7 . .. 30c, 8x10 .... 45c. .Larger sizes made if wanted. Extra copies of enlargements made of your old photos. Photos of groups, children and passport photos in your own home. Prices Reasonable John Sunderwood, 421 8th Ave W lm-n21 BEFORE BUYING A VACUUM CLEANER See the fr-Way Sanitary System. It Is more than a Vacuum Cleaner at McKenzie's Furniture Phone 775 Spirella Service j Supporting Garments made to meet your personal needs. j MRS. ISABELLA PETERS Resident Corsetlere Phone Red 103 STEAM BATHS 201 6th Street Phone .Black 761 1 Opposite Prince Rupert Hotel I Ladles from 2 pjn. to 9 pjn. Gents, from . 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Silversides Bros. WALI.rAPERS PAINTS Window Glass Picture Frame Mouldings THIRD AVENUE - PHONE 22 C. M. BRYANT A. R. S. M, Eng. ASSAY OFFICE Results guaranteed and returned by next mall. Stewart British Columbia Cameron's Transfer PHONE 177 Dry Birch, Jack-Pine, Red Cedar, Yellow Cedar, Spruce. Balsam, Ice Delivered. Baggage Prices on Application J. R. Watkins Made in Canada Products Thcne Green 700 For Particulars of Our Special Summer Offer. $2.00 Value for $1.50. S. A. KEILBACK Smith & Mallet Block A. W. Edge Co. Wholesale & Retail riate, Window and Ornamental Glass, Wallpaper, Wallfelts, Muresco Brushes, Paints, Varnishes, Oils, rainters' and Paperhangcrs' Supplies. Phone Red 53 P.O. Box 459 330 Second Ave, Prince Rupert TYPEWRITERS No other value ran approach the REBUILT UNDERWOOD $75.00 Vry ray term All tflwr make from SI 3.00 sixnsTiiANn tnii.o MACHINES United Typewriter Co. Ltd. vancoi vr.u. nr. New Laid Eggs For Sale Guaranteed not over 48 hours old. Express charges paid any place from Rupert to Burns Lake. In 12 or 30 dozen crates at 50c per dozen. Cash with order. Phone or write. MRS. C. A. CHAPMAN SMITIIERS, R.C. By George McManus OtQ 1 f bAiTpOR ) j Wl W( ... p (fOOH HOUS "j MMtJ THAT ) THATi) AUU I tR KIM l WANTS KNOWN THROUGH DAILY NEWS WANT AD. COLUMNS