PAGET TWO The Daily News PRINCE KUPEKT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited Third Avenue j h. f. wa&SJ - Tfga&frfca&fc 3 II, ' SUBSCIUPTION RATES Bviiruiil to all other Darts of British Columbia, the British Env Aim an1 fTnitori Stntps rvaid In. R mail tn all nthftr countries. Der year1 ...... 7.551 Vnr Iamm nritui n&id in advance, tier mont h , m Bjjmail to all parts oi Nwtlwrn ami Gantrai British Columbia. paid in advance for yearly period 3.0Q Or four months for ft- t. Cifr deliver', by mall or carrierjfiarly perioL.ipd fa advance) $5,0i Transient advertising on front page, per men Lcxal readers, per Insertion, per line Transient display advertising, per inch, per Insertion Classified advertising, per insertion, per word Lsgal notices, each insertion, per agate line Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation Advertising and Circulation Telephone .... 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone 86 DAILY EDITION 23d .25 1.40 .02 .IS Monday, Feb. 17, 1W0 VALUE OF PUBLIC OPINION Public opinion is a useful factor in connection with many things. This is being shown in connection withthe skipping of Wholesale political- dismissals. ' The publicity given to the Norman Watt case will be a wholesome warning in preventing the continuation of the system. vtfc , We believe it "will be vase to give 'the fullest possible publicity to the investigation which is to be held. This will be in the best everyone and especially will tend toward better government' It is to be hoped the in-J airy will extend to the methods of political machines, both 2 lonservative and Liberal, so that civil servants will have a measnre of protection against those who are seeking po-, sitions for political support. NEW POST OFFICE Writing in a club bulletin recently a local citizen said: i In regard to a new post office, this matter is progressing from being a necessity to being a scandal, and shortly it 1 will progress to being a crime. We have it on undoubted authority that plans for a new building.arq lyingi,prepared i but idle with the department, who are well aware of the crying need and are somewhat surrsdtat-no.con-! , certed efforts are being made to insist opperaed. 1 " We are not asking it as a favor; we are demancfingil a6 a 1 right and a necessity. Such things are obtairiable"by either j frabfie outcry or by political pull. If the public are too ethargic to cry out, then by all means the political asso-( ciations should be compelled to take action. Our climatic ', conditions are such (hat it works a very severe. hardship on thOie Who are Compelled to jniirnpy rrTrHfr rtry hrmn. dary in order to catch the mail or receive their mall. Troubles are for the weak. If you are bignouifh and strong enough mentally, spiritually-'UttU physically you do not have to have troubles. DOERS AND DUDS There are only two kinds of people in the world. Some one has called them the people that lift and the people that lean. For the sake of brevity let us name the doers and the dnds, says the Rotarian. We meet them in every walk of life. Almost every philanthropy, church, or fraternal organization must carry on through the earnest, sacnficial work of a com paratively small band of devotees. Too many men will not exert themselves except under the spur of necessity or! seme exuberant enthusiasm. It is so much easier to be a dud than a doer! Even in business the clock-watching, eight-hour map represents a surprisingly large proportion of any personnel. How can we expect a different situation m such n voluntary association as a Rotary club? Everywhere, ap- ijtirwiuy, a iew are carrying uie Durtiens and taking the lQad. It is a law of life. What, then? Shall we fold our hands 'in resignation and let lahorer and loafer remain fixed in their categories forever? By no means. The very injustice of such a cleavage is a challenge. Certainly in Rotary we can be Vigflantih seeking men of conscience and capacity to fill our vacant classifications. We can pile on the all-but-unwilling backs as much responsibility as they will stand. Perhaps we cannot eliminate the drones; but we can wage an unremitting warfare to increase the ranks of the doers and reduce the number of the duds. Above all, we can ceaselessly iruard aarainst beintr duds ourselvps. 3och a program can infuse new life into any Rotary' club. It will ineyitably tond towards a better balance be tween cnose wno -carry tne load ana the load they carry. Children are great educators. They not only educate their parents but also have considerable influence over their teachers. The C onsolidated Mining and Smelting Company of Canada, Ltd. Olllce. Smelting and Refining Department TRAIL, BRITISH COLUMBIA SHIELTEKS AND REFINERS Purchasers of Qold, Silver, Copper, Lead and Zinc Ores Producers of Gold, Silver, Copper, PI Lead and Zinc TAIUNAC, TRAIL Beauty of line and meeiiaiiieal excellence JM-,t, VUTY has TIIE NEW FORD COUPE A broutifmi eloeed ear, dtHtngvithei by to lubilanlUd grite of line and contour. A partieularlr gooiar for the woman driver beeaate of ttt comfort end rtllc bility. The Triplex ihatter-proof flau nindtldeld and the fully eneldted four, mheel brake$ contribute to the unmual lafety of the neie Ford, o t:s T 'A ;B U G FEATURES OF T II E NEW FORD New streamline bodies Choice o colors Rustless Steel Triplex batter-proof glass windshield Iloudaille hydraulic double-acting sbock absorbers Fully enclosed four-wheel brakes Steel forgings instead of castings or stampings Torque-tube drive Unusual number of ball and roller bearings Sturdy steel-spoke wheels 55 to 65 miles an hour Quick acceleration Ease of control Reliability Economy Long life. . NOTE THESE LOW PRICES Roadster ...... Phaeton Coupe Tudor Sedan . . Sport Coupe . . Three-window Fordor Sedan Convertible Cabriolet - Town Sedan ..... (Ml . .. S. fx rUtot OntmU. so responsive, so easy to handle, so safe and comfortable that it .puts a new joy The city dweller the farmer the industrial worker (he owner of the spacious $540 550 $620 $620 $655 $775 $790 $835 Eaty time peymrntt tan he aitented through rour Ford dealer. been built into the graceful flowing lines of the new Ford and there is an appealing charm in its fresh and varied barmony of color. Yet more distinctive even than this beauty of line and color is its alert and sprightly performance. c As days go by you will find that it becomes more and more your favorite car to drive- garage in the suburbs -to all of these it brings a new measure of reliable, economical service. Craftsmanship has been put into mass production. Today more than ever, the new Ford is a value far above theiapicc.,, MASSETTHAS HEAVY STORM mory of the olclt settlers of the inlet. The smokestack of the Lang&ra iFtohtag & Packing Co.'s cannery was i blown down and duck boards from v the roof were Mattered everywhere. Much Damage Done in Wow Tn .The large sign on the Queen's Ho- Days Ago; Was Worst In Memory of Oldest Residents rj v Ijf BOATS WRECKED tel were blown Into Main Street, and most of the radio aerials came "down. On Delkatkt Slough the damage was even more serious, boats being smashed and mill property seat- Delkatla Slouch Was Scene of Worst i tered around. The gasboat Me Too Destruction in Recent Iwaa holed, the Western Hope's boat Southwest Gale j shed was completely wrecked, a i boom was broken at the mill, a boat i nllt Wa"s wrked- MJW's big MASSETT. Feb. 17 -Much dam- FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA. LIMITED "THE CANADIAN CAR" prtre was thrown on the beach. The steamer Prinee John was held up for half a day or more before venturing into Hecate Straits. LARGEST FAIR MEMBERSHIP IN PROVINCE HERE Terrace Led British Columbia Domestic Science Exhibits, Provincial Association Hears Mmi, . . . , . pacKcr was dfiven mrougn ne prince Rnpert. with a total of " t,ndnr and the pilothouse torn officio, had the largest fair assoela- mw jwasseu iniei irom me soutn-; tne Josephine's masU wew sheared rtlon membertnlp in Brttlsh Oolum-west on February T. It was she' to the dwka, Wes Bingert boat bla last year, it was announced last worst wind experienced In the me- Oyashimo was sunk, and the Em- week at the annual meeting of the 1 if motoring. two-car British Columbia Fairs Association couples. Many deter costing in New Westminster. jwere worn'. Of Jheee, Pe ine xerrace iair was me oesi mi the provlnee with domestic science exhibits. Armstrong had the beet all round fair In the province, scoring 89 out of a possible 100 points. Masquerade Dance At Terrace Is Very Successful Affair TERRACE, B.C., February 17 A very enjoyable masquerade dance was held last Friday night In the Q.W.V.A. Hall by the Board of Trade, the Indian orchestra supplying splendid music for over 80 given to W. Jordan and MW rvenneaj, wno were Spaniards, and to N. Yack nl B. Anderson. Mr. Yack dressed as a Bpanlard. Mrs Vf as the "Fall Fair." won the pn5 for the most original ladles cw turner R. Thomas was verv bec" ingly dressed' as a Spenkiw Everyone had an excellent tia' In the current number of the C nadlan National Rallwaytw". appears from the pen of A. D v Ilngton an Interesting artlc,;lt. titled "The Shadow Show at wlnga" In which some of the ao" Iclnal history of the latetwr na village Is given. Advertise In the Dally ttcw-