an. PAGE FOCH Seven 1 -Dials-Mystery By Agatha Christie Copyright by Public Ledger INSTALMENT XXXVIII i (Continued) With a Sandbag "Look here don't be scared, either of you. But I'd better leave yon my revolver. I meanjust in cue. Ill be back just as soon as I possibly can." He laid the revotw down on the little table by the sofa, then harried off. They heard the front door bang behind him. The house seemed very still now. The two girls stayed motionless by Bill. Dandle stm kept her finger on his Muse. It seemed to be beating my fast and Irregularly'. "I wish we could do something," she whispered to Loraine, This is awful." Loraine nodded. "I know. It seem ages since Jimmy urent and yet it's only a minute and a half." "I keep bearing things," said Bundle. "Footsteps and boards creaking upstairs and yet I know it's only imagination." "If they could get Bfll " said Bundle and stopped. Loraine shivered. "I know but we're In the house. No one can get in without our hearing them. And anyway we're got the reporter." Bundle tamed her attention back again to BUI. "I wish I knew what to do. Hot coffee. Tou give them that sometimes." "I've got some smelling-salts tn my bag," said Loraine. "And some brandy. Where is it? Oh, I must have left it in the room upstairs." "IH set it," said Bundle. "They might do some goad." She sped quickly up the stairs, across the gaming room land through the open door into the meeting place. Loralne'a bag was lying on the table. As Bundle stretched out her hand to take it, she heard a noise from behind bar. Hidden behind the door a man stood ready with a sandbag In his band. Before Bundle could turn her head, be bad struck. With a faint moan, Bundle slip-. pad down, an uneenseteus heap,, u,on the floor. The Seven Dials Very slowly Bundle returned to consciousness. She was aware of a dark, spinning blackness, the centre of which was a violent, throbbing ache. Punctuating this were sounds. A voice that she knew very weU saying the same thing over and over again. The blackness spun leas violently. The ache was now definitely located as being in Bundle's own head. And she was sufficiently herself to take an interest in what the voice was ytaf. "Darling, darling Bundle. Oh, darling Bundle. She's dead; I know he's dead. Oh, my darling. Bun- die, darling, darllne Bundle. I do love you so. Bunoleaarting-1 darling " Bundle lay quite still with her eyes hut. But she was now fully conscious. BUI'S arms held her closely "Bundle, darling Oh, dearest, darling Bundle. Oh, my dear love Oh, Bundle Bundle. What shall I do? Oh. darling one my Bundle my own dearest, sweetest Bundle. Oh, Ood, what shall I do? I've kill ed her. I've killed her." Reluctantly very reluctantly Bundle spoke. "Mo, you haven't you silly Idiot,1 she said. BU gave a gasp of utter amaze ment. "Bundle you're alive?" "Of course I'm alive." "How long havopu been I mean wiion an youADBmeaiaj "About flvofmmnSffaco" "Why iduQaJjpepfour eyes 01 say sesneunng?" "Didn't want to. I was enjoying my'lf." "Enjoying yourself?" "Yes. Listening to all the things I CI 1 "J -am , ij m w at m .wwamm nnrrrrTynBlCSal BaZT W 111 PJ W . IVBnTBJ raiti.'iT - nM you were saying. YouH never say them so well again. YouH be too beastly self-conscious." Bill had turned a dark brick-red. "Bundle you really didn't mind? You .know, J do love, you so. rtLhave, lor ages, aui i never aarea leu you sa ... . . "You sUly Juggins, whv?" said Bundle. "I thought you'd only laugh at me. I mean you've got brains and j all that you'll marry some big- j wig." "Like George Lomax?" suggested f Bundle. j "I don't mean a fatuous ass like dodders. But seme, really fine chap who'll be worthy of you though I don't think any one could be that," j ! ended um. Another Proposal "You're rather a dear, Bill." "But. Bundle, seriously, could you ever? I mean, could you ever bring yourself to? slave or your anything." I (To Be Continued.) ! Local Items Important! Pioneer's Association 1 meeting Wednesday at 8 pm. at home of Mrs. Jack. Business arrangements for March 10. (40). I Mrs. W. Ross Thomson of Ter race arrived in the city from the, interior on yesterday afternoon's train for a brief visit. She is a guest at the Hotel Central. Mrs. Geoffrey Hamlin and young son, Edgar, arrived in the eity on erterday altassoon's train from Terrace and are the guests of Mrs. 3. H. Thompson, Oraham Avenue. Westvtew. There Reports mer young man schoi thU city tost Ms Em I accident down the no intonnaUen of a seems to be available here. H. thatator-l teacher of a fMi boat st. Little or lie nature I was played by Hanson and Farstad and Rhainlanders and other old ammtry4 .dances were featured. . Assistant Superintendent P. O. Russell of Smithers, Divisional Master Mechanic Archie Watt of nadlan National Railways will be here on Friday of this week for a company fuel conservation meeting. Owing to the inclement weather, there was not a very large attendance at the weekly Cinderalla Dance of the Moose Lodge on Sat urday evening. Those who were there, however, had a very enjoyable tine dancing to strains of melodious music furnished by the Premier Orchestra. B. J. Baeon was master of ceremonies and Ted Rorvlk presided at the door. TEA SUCCESSFUL The tea and sale of home cooking held Saturday afternoon by Hill Sixty Chapter I.OD.E. was a suc- ! r.raKTiit nTinir. nnmu imiavnrnn pi weather, the sum of $25 being re- b allzed. In the raffle of an embroidered tray cloth, the winner was 'Mrs. 11. B. Rochester. The after noon's musical program Included vocal solos by Mrs. T. A. Ross and little Miss Betty Woods, with Mrs. George Hill Jr. accompanying. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ) WANTED Girl to help with house-' work and children. Apply Mrs. ' Good, Suite 4, Summit Apts. (42) A Different Woman " law traat plenum in informing pan that Knuektn ImIU kv nrM tmdm fur me. I hat tten treat tugerrr of Utr and kidmtp troubk, and After trying tm btlk I am a difierml trvmm. I had t tint tip mp irflri, but thanka M Enuckn SaHi I am back at mrvt again, and I liw ur m liSU every morning, and I doml hear ci Ik littl complaint nam wiick ckili ventnil) get. B u ktppitr nd bripkler. I ham tncUd nap-that if mm and pelf. I mm 43 ywt. toy 6 yean. ihali tlrcvi Maktp recommend Knucken, and tavaid nut be wtUaut Kxm tniitei in a lurry." (Mil.) M. P. OrttiMl MM o th lor tBtmeOm. Enucbeo &JUKUCB Siltf (MJU b fli obUlaabl VUMHJACMV At M. UlUg druf ami SltVi "Could . . . . I ever , brine , mvself , to . do . dfMrtroeot um in juda t iu. , battle. ...- I A battle coattuu eoouctt tu lait for 4 or & "Marry me. I know I'm awf uUy thick-headed but I do love you,' Bundle. I'd be your dog or your mouUifc good ueaitb tot bU--cent a Uj, FREE TRIAL OFFER If m he wtr trted k in k now a if lor you to proxr our dlin lor uuf jrour dnifltit lor tr n liUAT?76r. eowiou ol our remUt The hottb- twtir TPr,.''' "- "lent fcfSout U. your , .v. Vou rwvr aikarMrd to Mm iSST lorouto; lnt"nrn eUBwjr'BS: FINALS OF BADMINTON Will Be riayed Tonight; Semifinals Finished on Saturday Finals in the city badminton championship tournament under auspices of the I.OD.E. Badminton Club will be played tonight as follows: 8 pjn mixed doubles Mrs. V. Long and C. J. Norrbkgton vs. Miss Caroline Mitchell and Frank Rus sell. 9 pm.. exhibition game. 9: IS pin., ladies' doubles Miss Caroline Mitchell and Miss Frances R MpMilhn well known 1iffi crOHB vs. Mrs. H. L. BftaoweH ana as part owner of the Big Bay Lum ber Co.'s sawmill, addreggd a luncheon of thVanjwftyi Board of Trade' last ,weelcrorS:'ijreign Mar kets and What They Mean to Van couver. member of the composing etalf of The Daily News. room P. M. Ray received a wire this morning from SoUoway, Mills Si Co. at Vancouver saying they never had a man named Harry Taylor in their employ. Taylor, who is in the hands of the police, said that he worked for them. Despite unfavorable weather. there was a fair-steed crowd at a Scandinavian dance in the Metro-pole Hall Saturday night. Music Mrs. Shelford Darten. 9:45 pjn., men's doubles A. O. Brand and Robert Bartlett vs. Will Lambie and Frank Russell. Ladies' and mixed doubles wiil be decided by the beat two out of three sets, while the men's doubles will.! Mr. and Mrs. Robert Young will J be the best of five seta. Mayor O. be sailing on the Catala tomorrow . H. Orme has been invited to pre- aftemoon for Vancouver. For the I ent the prises at the conclusion ef past year, Mr. Young has. been a the games. In a semi-final of the mixed doubles on Saturday evening. Miss Caroline Mitchell and Frank RUs-sell beat Mrs. J. H. Horton and W. Tobey Jr, 15-8, 16-8. In a men's doubles semi-final, Frank Russell and WH1 Lambie wen 15-11, 15-11 from H. T. Cross and Allan Cross. ELKS WIN BILLIARDS Took Fixture of Last Thursday Night From Canadian Legion 1139 to 1130 u(uc itftiuie ueiwecu ute utuiov dlan Legion and Elks was com' pleted last night, the Lodge Men scoring a win by the narrow aggregate of 1139 to 1136. In the final deferred games results were: F. O. Pyle, Canadian Legion, 175; C. P. Balagno, Elks, 250. J. W. Scott, 250; A. Denald, 181. The league standings for the second half of the season are as follows: G. TU. Av. Canadian Legion S 9144 1143 Grotto 8 8497 10G3 Elks 8 9428 1179 Pride is as loud a JSeggar as want, U& a great deal more saucy. jVHallfas; TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR S KEEN A BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City THE DAIL7 KEi?a MASSETT SHINGLES One Hundred Thousand Shipment Arrived Here Recently; Is Popular Product One hundred thousand shingles arrived in Prince Rupert recently from the Robertson and Simpson sawmill at Delkatla, near Massett, it being the first movement of shlnrfes this year out of the Queen Charlotte Island plant. The new mill in Massett Inlet is putting out an excellent product, which is proving very popular on the Northern B. C. market. An attempt will be made by the company this year to enter the Alaska market as well. ARE MAKING HOCKEY TOUR Prince Qeorje Intermediates Leave For Okanagan to Participate In Provincial Championships PRINCE GEORGE, Feb. 17. The Prince George hockey team left on Saturday to engage in the lnterme- u diate amateur hockey championship of British Columbia games. After participating In a series at i Quesnel. with four district teams,1 the local men wUl proceed to Arm-1 wards. The party is making the trip south in three automobiles. Massett Opposed To Regulations MASSETT, Feb. 17. The new fishing regulations were discussed at an open meeting held in Martin's Hall. Local residents went on record in favor of the open-door policy with regard to the Issuance of fishing licenses In this province, no restriction of the fishermen's right to change fishing grounds at will, the maintenance of a competitive market and the cancellation of the present regulations for the coming year. ROAD VORK ON ISLANDS 1 strong. If they win there, they will i i r,n tn vmon tn ntev in the final for Extensive Operations Planned the provincial cnampionsnip. i'".M 7 . C. C. Ternen Is in charge of the pb,ic Works Department ' -.-14 " ' HMRM ' . .11 team as manager ana memoers are: C. Izowsky, goal; R. Kerr and W. i Thompson, defence; Dick Corliss, i Bud 'Graham, Waiter Nehrlng, A. j Van Somers and R. Carson, for- For1 Extensive road work in the Mas- cett vicinity during the coming year is outlined by W. K. Owyer. district engineer. Two and a half miles of new road, extending east from the Sangan River, will be cleared, graded and planked this spring, besides improvements to roads already constructed. The North Beach road Justifies considerable expenditure, because more traffic is handled over this one road than over all the other highways on the islands. Cash Register at Massett Is Looted; Thieves Escape MA86ETT, Feb. 17 Thieves looted the cash register in the store of James Martin and escaped with a sum of money. The case is under investigation by Constable Martin of the Dominion police. ManyProspectt it lima irirv t KivAi-TliS-c. a, mj Ujj t On account (,r senjavim,,, vi inn ore winrh .- WriF Mi.. Buuu 1)Dcrt, cav uiere, ncnrr-.s nf . into the Taku River ? ... .. .. -im wnue it wm be Mitv h.fl ! pectors will br abla in Jl field by ordlnarv mi-...,. in over the ice Mri ,L : w De early ,lU :i,fc Tl If I hrnn Ynn . - -A. MJU Of ten candidates eeioeventJKrupi,pr e here on Decern : : .a. were auccesffu; :i. were in order of mp-WaHers, Doroth E i: M. Daisy T)sWIlfst nf (ko , . anneuneed in the rur:-.,-1 the B. C. Oazctto "I'll go to work for You, JMothe) rl 'is ,5 A- V- "DRAVE words, bravely spoken. Boy ish shoulders, braced to lift burden of responsibility beyond their strength. It. is a tragedy so common as to create but little cSrrihicnt ... children starting out to fight life's battles, unequipped. Have, you thought of the story behind the little figure that urges you to buy a paper . . . that begs the chance to run an errand, for a few sorely-needed coppers? Have you imagined the plans that may have been made for his education the hopes, held i in happier aays, xor ms future? And have you considered what would be the fate of yottr boy . . . your girl . . . should you be taken away? For the burden you drop must be carried on . '. . on the frail shoulders of jour children . . . . Or on the broad, sustaining back of Life Insurance. Make your decision today . . . and protect, with adequate Life Insurance, the future you would wish for those you love. Any Life Insurance representa tive will be pleased to discuss die details with you. jure msurwre w la "ajZgp mm. y i, V4 ermcc