Monday. February 17, 1930 Twenty Years Ago In Prince Kupcrt February 17, 1910 Frank Bowness'wlll be referee of the Lombard Nelson boxing match in the Empress Theatoe at the end of this week. Julius Levy Is the promoter of the fight. Thirty-seven feet of coal has bean euruuntered In a 812-foot diamond drill hole on Massett Inlet. A Citizens' League has been form ed here with -J. F. M&cdonajd n president. Among speftfeen at the tireanization meeting were Hamilton Douglas, T. Y. McRae, D. F. Mc-Rae. Paul Kauffmarm and W. J. Greer Steamship Movements Tor Vancouver-Tuesday . Catala 1:30 p.m Thursdays as. P. Rupert 10 pm I rlrfnva a Prin Mnrv 10 nm Iridays as. Cardena Midnight Feb. 26 as. Princess Norah p.m. From Vancouver- Sundays S3. 4 p.m Weds. as. P. Rupert 10.30 ajn. Fiinuys as. uaraena p.m. Fridays- ss. Prin. Mary ...4 in Feb. 22 ss. Prin. Noraa For Naas K. and Port Simpson Bundays as. Catala pjn. From Naas R. and Port Simpson-Tuesdays as. Catala 11:90 a.m. For Stewart and A n ox-Sundays ss. Catala 8 pjn. Weds a. Pr. Rupert ...4 pm From Stewart and Anyox Tuesdays at. Catala .11:30 ajn Thurs. as. P. Rupert .8 pjn. From Ocean Falls- Weds. a. P. Rupert 10:30 man. Fridays as. Pfra. Mary 4 p.m Fridays as. Cardena pjn Tor Ocean Falls-Tuesdays as. Catala ... LM pjsf Thursdays as. p. Rupert 10- px Fridays at. Prta. Mary M pjn For Queeri Charlotte Islands For Alaska Feb. 22ss. Princess Norah aja. For Alaska Feb. 12 ss. Princess Month pjn Feb. 26 as. Princess Norah pjn Mail Schedule For the East Mons., Weds., & SaU. 10:30 ajn. From the East Suns., Tues. St Thurs. 3:30 pjn For Vancouver-Tuesdays - 1S:M pjn. Thursdays 9 pjn. Fridays 11 pm. Feb. 12 a4 M fUR. From Vancouver Runnava 4 n m Wednaselays Iff: 36 am! Fridays pjn. i Feb. 8 and 31 aj. For Stewart and Anyos I Sundays 7 pju. 1 Wednesdays 3 pan. I From Stewart and Fremlrr i Tuesdays 11:30 ajn., Thursdays 8 pjn. I To Naas River anfl Tort Simpson Sundays 7 pjn Port Simpson- Tuesday. ... 11JS Jv Feb. 8 and 28 From Naas River and To Queen Charlottes From Oueen Chnrlntte. Feb. 6 and 20 ajn. For Alaska Feb. 8 and 22 9 pjn. From Alaska Feb. n and 2CT PJ SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO ORDER Cuttlne, Workmanship and Style? All Guaranteed SUITS STEAM CLEANED AND PRESSED . . -,S . We Deliver to Any Part of the City. Ling, the Tailor Phone 649 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone C8 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. CLASSIFIED THIS IS THE 1-1 "I Hl.-ll ELITE BEAUTY PARLOR Mrs, Sutherland Expert marcelling, finger and water waving. Place massaee and scalp treatments. Phone 493 SILVERSIDES. BROS. Wallpapers Paints Window Class Picture Frame Mouldines 'Third Avenue Phone 22 FOR Tailoring, Cleaning and Prensmg SEE M. T, LEE & CO. Store Moved to 223 Emad Block CLEARING & ORADINC Concrete Foundations Tunnels anu shafts in difffcsult ground a specialty. NELS ROKKJAR. CENTRAL HOTEL PHOTO FINISHING For Fine Photo Work Quick Returns Careful Finishing VVRATIIALL'S PHOTO FINISHLNOS 322 Third Avenue WE TRAME PICTURES Hunt's Furniture & Upholstry "The Store of Quality-Complete House Furnishings Terms Arranged G. M. HUNT Third Avenue, Phone Red 637 MI LiYDif'iJil Expert hairHutofT 6. Rutherford. " '.:. ' ' Expert marcelUng, finger fc "WBvmf - byMiss Orant. Permanent waving a specialty by Mrs. AUen. . Your Patrons ce "WaiReSrfe uur careful Auermoas Stock Certificates- - Bonds, Insurance Policies and Legal Documents of every description SHOULD RE PROTECTED AGAINST FIRE. Safety Deposit Boxes in Our Fire-Proof Vault Provide This. Protection The small cost of rental for tttase Deposit Boxes is really cheap insurance for your valuables. S.D. Johnston Colli 610 2nd Avenue Phone 130 Prince Rupert D.C. See 4V, the news n or tk, ine stores rtnrnfl in In the advertisements. , BRINGING UP I WELL- TVIAMH I ' OOMT wiitiBft riur s MAKE YOUR ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT FOR RENT FOR RENT Modern house, five-rooms and bath. Munro Bros. tt FOR RENT Two 2-Roomed. Suite Palmer Apartments. Phone Red 444.' tf FOR RENT Furnished a Dart-' ments 2, 4, and 5 rooms. Apply Mussallem Grocery. tf FOR RENT $5.00 a month puts a piano In your home. Walker's Music Store. WANTED VOWO giel vmm W hotel or housework. Phone Blue 562. 47 WANTED Two boarders to share room, near Dry Dock. Apply PX). Box 925. 41 WANTED TENDERS are'invited for purchase of Lot 16, Block 22, Section 1, Prince Rupert, B.C., and building thereon known as the Zenith Cafe. Tenders to close February 24, 1930. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Apply G. P. Tinker & Co. Ltd. 4 i HELP WANTED. I MAN, Woman. $3 an hour; - ma l time: Cash; plus bonuses: Free outfit; no experience; writs hciu or naZ ud" Desk 612. Hamilton. On. tf ! TRADE SCHOOLS Be a Diesel Bogtee expert. Write ! for literature HEMPHILL AUTO, ' ' Xi KHOfifRKRINn SOH DOLS M?eMto'TM& Van- - AM ! BEAUT PRODUCTS MINERAL Water and OR are the component parts of "Oaynett Shampoo" a Canadian Protection on sale at Ml Lady Beauty Shop. 49 BF. INDEPENDENT OF DULL DAYS KEEP WELL! Have a Sun Bath at Home Ultra-Violct SUN RAY Lamps from $G5 up. INFRA-RED LAMPS FROM $12.58 All Information From CARROLL ELECTRIC CO. 525 Dunsmuir St, Vancouver, B. C. JIMOI! M.KKKS- EXAMINATION Per .Civil Service of British Columbia will be held on Saturday afternoon. Mareh 8th. laso. For appHeotton forms and further information apply to nearest Government Agent or to tier- BervS. omiHi. victoria, bc fu&ii FATHER FOR SALE MUST be sold by February 20. Solid Oak Dlningroom Suite, Kitchen CaWnet, CWffonfer, Iv-bry and gold. Vanity Dresser, Ivory and 'gold, ivory Bedroom TaWe, Soitd Brass Bed, Bronz colored Iron Bed, 5 Diningroom Chairs, Cot. Apply S. W. George, Phone Black 703 43 , FOR RENT ;Six room Modern House, Westview $25.00 per month M. M. STEPHENS & CO.. LTD. Rentals T.oans Real Estate BOARg ANI) ROOM . BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and room. Phone Black 707. tf i ROOM tnd Board, all home comforts, reasonable rates. Phone Black 530. 40 FIRE INSURANCE We can insure your property against loss by fire better than any other Insurance Agent in town. Our rates are the lowest which it is pos sible to obtain. We have selected the Companies which we represent ( with great eare and are sure they ; will pay their losses promptly and fully. Ask Us For the Rate On Your Property vt r ittji nnrtCAV v mr It. Ii. II r,IAir,IL.-lll. Ill I. Phone P6 Sixth St. Q U E E N CHARLOTTE- j PORT CLEMENTS STAGE Meets an boats northbound at Queen Charlotte City to convey passengers to Port Clements, and mMta BAuihhnuiHi htntai at Port CTements to receive passengers for Queen Charlotte City. Far tSPJl amd In onvmrtton to'. intermediate points TRHMIER HOTEL QUEEN CIIARI.OTTE CITi. R.C. THE ELECTRIC BAKERY The Store That Quality Built!". EAT ELECTRIC BREAD The Best There Is! P. O. BOX 416 PHONE GG7 AUCTION SALE Tlmler Male XUmAifvrrtkement There will be offeree for Mle at Pifb-Uc Anetion, at Boon on tbe 34th da of February'. 1930. in tbe office of tbe Dlstrtet porester. prtaoa Kunwt. the Ueeaee X121S1. o out 1.408 WO FJl.M ot apruoe. Hem look and CMar oa an area situated on tbe West Arm. Cun-Sbewa Inlet. QtMnn Oharlotte Island auM istriet. "Prbvlded ally' one) unable to attend the auction la person mar saswutt tender to be opened at the hour of aucUac and treated as one bid." further partimtMS of tbe OMet Forester. Victoria, B.C. or Dttrist rXaratter at Prince MlCprrt, BC. (3S-3w.) IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO BOATBUILDERS KIY BOATBUILDERS, COW BAY P. O, Box 749 Phone Ecd 415 SALVAGE AND TOWING "If It's on or under the water we do it." . PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. LIMITED Fully Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work. Boats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter. i Row Boats and Canoes for hire Bargains in Gas Engines. AGENTS FOR EASTHOPE. ENGINES Northern B. C Distributors Coolldge Propeller Sand and Gravel. In any quantity. delivered anywhere by water. Phone, riay or NlKhfc5G4 Ik. O. Box I3G4 CHIROPRACTIC CHIROPRACTIC and STJNSIIINE For Colds, Coughs, Neuritis, Lumbago and Rheumatism R. E. EYOLFSON, D.C. 623 Third Avenue West Dice 85 Phones Red 589 i DR. W. a ASriNALL I Chiropractic Health Service j Ultra-VlOlPt KttV Ultra-Kea Kav - - .Ml Diseases treated successfully ! Green 241 Phones Black 283 Typewriter Repairs C. MORRISON Phone 231, or call Rose, Cowan & Latta. AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT ATTr-nnw MART. We buy, sell or exchange any kind of furniture or housed hold goods, musical Instruments machinery, etc. General repairs) crating, nankins' nnr! shlnnlne. , Workjmanshrp guaranteed. Just pnone aiscs, ana we will Can. ! G. J. DAU'ES, AUCTIONEER Federal Block ! ' 1 WATER NOTICT DlterMon and le TAKE NOTICE that Jamet B. Stap ler wbee address Is Hotel CaaUnesu.i Junes u. Alaska, win apply for a Ilrei to take and use 300 euble, second, foot of water out of East Fork Tulaequab River, which Hows Southerly and drains into Taku River about 30 miles above the mouth. Tbe water will be diverted from the stream at a point about S mfles up stream from thr mouth of the East Pork and- will be tuted for Mlatrur r-ower purpose upon tne Ttnwquan Cater sroost. . Thai notice was posted on the round on tbe 31st day of October, A copy of bis notice and an application pursuant thereto and to the "Water Act. !!V win be filed in the office of tbe Water Reward er tfe AHtn November 1Mb. 1-629. Obleetlona tc tbe abatleatlon mar be fPed wttb the aaM Water Reaerder r witk the OornptroHer or Water Klghta. arUamant RuDdiBU Vteterla. ft R fwKMb tbirJHr daja after tbe Hfat ap-t-pearewre- et tblir' notteev tna'ioe- newspaper. Tbe aate af the first nubneatloa of tfels notlee Is December 3fM. 159 JAMES a STAPLER, Appflcaat. By H. McN. FRAeSR, AUlb, B.C. Agent. TVW'6 OiCCEM QOOOMES. I jffitf&rfS fT ERV CiOOO ' I TWrVT WIUlTU f VAMC? WtH 1 OW6 AMV HiJU J KJ ' eUERVTMtMC UOVCLTt' ROMEO "TVwvTr ' l , RENT, LOST LA!I ACT Notice cf Intention to Apply to Lease Land ft Prince Rupert Land Recording District of British Columbia, and s'tu- ate on tbe South Bank of Skeena1 lease of the following described lands: River, opposite Mile 28.76 on Canadian I Oonmenetiag at a pot planted at' National Railways, East of Prince Ru- j IHgh water mark end- the shore pert, B.C. l corner of, Majn, Street, aud the corner1 Take notice that Northern. British) of Block 3a Tow a of Massett. B.C. Columbia Power Company, Limited of thence South Westerly and in line with-lTlnoe Rupert. B.C., occupation Power tfie East ilde of Main Street lor about Corporation Intends to apply tat a tret hundred feet to low water mark; lease cf the following dearled i tjienee In a North Westerly direction .lands : at a port planted about 120 chains distant and !n a Southerly direction from centre line o Canadian ! M.ttmiBl National TYfltlniava Railways, nnnMlt.a opposite mile m!U 9ft 28.76 7R ! East of Frlncu Rupert, aa the south bank of the Bkeena Htver, thence North S chains more or lea to Low Water Mark: thence Westerly alone L.W.M. 8 chain: thence South' 5 cbalas. more or leas to H.W.M.: thence Easterly along H.W.U to point! if commencement and containing: two (2) acres, more or less. NOItTHEnK British COTJBMBtA POWER COMPANY. tliiTTeU. Perf Thomas D. McLean. Agent. Dated,' September (21st. 1929. LA Mi ACT Notice of Intention t Apply to 1'iwthase Land '' In 8tlklne Land Recording District and Mtuate on Hie north bank of tbe Tkr. River at a point about three m'le north of tbe junction of the Tukettnah River with the Taku River. , Take notice that the Alaska Juneau Oold Mining Company cf Juneau, Al- uli. occupation mining company. L intends to tnnlv for nermlsston to LPwrehace the follrwlng described lands: Commencing at a post planted near tne soutnweet corner o: the Jack M mtnw t u snauiai hkom U't on nt.ln. ttienM Narfeh 40 chains; tbence East 20 chains more or less So pofm ot commencement and comavnlog eighty, aeres. more 01 less. ALASKA JCNEAU OOLD MINIS O COMPANY njlm hriu: "Syr ?.ul TBo! frt ) IAXT ACT No) Ire of Intention to Applj to Lease Land In Prince Rupert Land Recording : LMinai of uritun cowmout. ana an- vcr. -30 jehalns Northwest of the mouth, of 'the Uttle Beaver River In ttie Urwhktaim 'VaHef . Bast of Prince Take notice that Jevepn Hart of A,e?j was'.ungteti. occupation. purchafia , foiiowine; described lands: commencing at a post planted SO attains distant and in a Northwesterly aVreetton from '.he mouth of the CttUe Beaver River in the Kitauntkalum VI-J, thence North 80 chains: tbanoe j Westerly 80 chains: thence Southr)7 80 chains: thrnce Easterly 80 cbabM and cantalntnc r280 acres, more or less. JOSEPH HART. JOHN B. COUTURE. Agent. Dated January 4V IS90. LAXB ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Purchase Land In the Oaeelax ruatrtBt and Reeord-uag Dlstrtet of Sttklne- and attuate on the Taku River (bout three quarters ot a mile up alreem tram the osnttu ence of the Taku and TBlseejueb Rtv-era. Take notice that Horace MeNvucbton Fraaer of vancouvr, B.C.. oocupatlon Clvtl Engineer, fotead to aty for permission to purahase tbe fauowtnf denerlbed lands: Oomaienotrtf at a pest planted en the Taku River about three quarters of I a mUe up stream from tbe moutb Qfa th(T)UMib Rrw. tkeofe North render fjtreet Wast. Vancouver, ChtUni: thVhee Bast is bMnb; fiirnee t1- " Monday the 20th day of Jan-South 30 chains; thence West 30 ' wry. AD. 1B30. at 11:00 o'clock in the chains more or leas to point of com-' forenoon for the purposes provided for mencement and ormtainTg forty aeres. more or lest. HORACE MeNAUOHTON FRASER. Dated October 39th, 1839. By MR 1 Build VM VAIKJC HIM .ORAVJ OO &oria 11 Mnt. EowEsrRl i & FOUND YOUNG AND OLD. LAND ACT Not Ire of Intention to Apply to Lease Land Take Notice tttaf. T, James Martin of Mastt. us.. Intend' to apply for te New Massett wharf: thence aloiuc jjbe wharf, about threu hundred feet more or less to high water mark: thence Alone man wasef marS to the point K. .-.LI u Dated at Mnwetfc B.C. thlr 30th day ot Novwmbes, 1B23. JAMBS MARTIN. LAN!) ACT Notice of Intention te Apply to PiirelNMe Land In tbe StDUne Land BecorClne DM- Moa: land fiewdlK District of Tele- Bfpn ano smiaxe on extreme Id of Denhuula on North bank of pulsequab and West boat ot Tuku (Blvers. aoproslmately, one mile south cf Maple Slough. Take notice that E J. Norman and B. MeCombe of Juneau, Alaska, occupation miners. Intend to apply for permission to purchase the lollowlng described lands: Commencing at a ooet slanted one mile south of Maple Slough: thence North 40 chain: thence West 20 ebalni; thenre South 4a chains: thence East 2D chains and containing 80 acres, more or less. EDMUND JEAN NORMAN SOBERT SALE McCOMBE. Dated lMn day ot Octeber. 1939. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apple to Lease La ml In The Queen Charlette Land District lud RecertBag Dlstrtet of Prince Rupert, and sttaate near Bloet ao. Uamett Tftwnstte. Take notice that Arthur Uobcrtsan and) aagene R. Simpson of Massett B.C.. occupation Lumbermen .Intend to apply for a lease et the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the BJE. Cat. Blk. 30 Uassett Town-site: then? Westerly '0 chains to Oo. Wharf: tkMSiee SotMherly 4 ehrui niniWMg' partHel io Obv Wharf t Lew Water Mark: thence Eaaterl 10 enalns: thence Northerly 4 chains, ano containing 7 acres, more or lesa ARTHUR ROBERTSON EtJOENE HUMPHREY SIMPSON Dated Nov. 13th. 1820 MINERAL ACT Section f Notice tt Co-Partners Mineral cltuns Star. Rand. Bella A"f' "ttuated at Lockeport. Oueen Isurada. Owners Beas Morrison FJ4.C. P7169S O. R. DunJop and H. II. MoColl. To all concerned, take notice thit L Roaa Morrison F.M.C. 871083. C, hav-ino done all the work and paid all due on tbe above Mineral Claims for (the yeav ending Oct. 37th, 1833, with out anj work done or moneys paid by oo-owness, R. Dunlop and H. H. McCoU, Intend to apply within a period of 130 day after first appearance of this notice, to the Mining Recorder, to have the Interests of said ro-owners vested saletf In myself. ROSS MORRISON, SSI Per -J. L. Barge. Agent. COMPANIES ACT W:UIOT Rl'RF INLET MINES LIMITED NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEW that piuat to Section 313 of the "Companies Act" a meeting of the Creditors Of She abeve named Oomnanv will be held at the offices of E. P. Davis A Mb Floor, Royal Trust BuGdlng, tt tbe MM Section MS. dated this Oth day or January, A.D. 1930. D. Q. MARSHALL, , Liquidator, George McManus WANTS KNOWN THROUGH . DAILY NEWS WANT AD. , COLUMNS 1;'