PAGE SE5 THE DAILY NEWS L"Jt fur Mii mar on tray lia. t (u i tkt Matic tH::ns no fan or amy oUur Iwmjui ingritknL t 1 tablespoon butter 2 tablespoons sugar 2 eggs 2Jcups Flour Cream butter and sugar. Early . Ad. Copy is appreciated MAGIC BAKING PiOWDEIt never varies Its uniform Icavenlnu nnalifip crivi- the am citl. tactoiy results with every baking. J out of every 4 Canadian housewives, who bake at home, say they use it because it does ivcxonsistent belter taking results. . If you bake at home, the New Magic Cook Book will furnish you with dozens of attractive baking ' suggestions. Try this Recipe for Muffins 3 teaspoons Magic Baking Powder teaspoon salt 1 cup sweet milk Add eggs one by one, beat wcIL Sift dry ingredients toeethcr and add to first mixture altrr. natcly with milk. If batter not stiff enough, add a little more flour. Put in well-greased muffin pans and bake for 20 minutes in a quick oven. TkisJact vas reveaUd in a recent Dominion-vide imcstitaticn. STANDARD BRANDS LIMITEp GILLETT PRODUCTS SAFE for COLDS Prompt relief from HEADACHES, SORE THROAT, LUMBAGO RHEUMATISM, NEURITIS, NEURALGIA, COLDS, ACHES and PAINS does not Harm the heart AS P I TRADEMARK RES. RIN Aarpt only "Atjnrin" package which contains proven directions. Handy "Aspirin" boxes of 12 tablets. Also bottles of 24 and 100 All drugs ista. HERRING New Salted Herring of superior quality just arrived from Norway ' JACK SELVIG CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert 4 DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD 4 W OPERATING 0. T. 1 20.00OTON FLOATING Dlh'DOCK b'ngir.efrMachlnJIBoIlerniakers. Blacksmiths, Pattern J uwiiuwikj, nuvuniiiKini til ,m ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 ALL DAY SEARCH COVERING WIDE TERRITORY YIELDS NO TRACE OF RENAIIAN ft'ontlnued from paire one) sources at his command for use In the search if desired. Dividing Up Ground It was arranged last nieht that Pilot Eckmann should continue the search from the north, moving his base to Ketchikan. He will cover the southern tip of the Alaska pan handle. Cape Chacon and islands adjacent to the westward. Flight Lieutenant L. H. Phlnhev and Flying Officer C. R. Dunlap, who will fly together, will make their base hers and have been assigned to cover the Dundas and other Islands In Chatham Sound, Portland Canal, Observatory Inlet, Pierce Island, etc. It has been decided safer and more effectual to divide up the search In this manner so as to eliminate the necessity of planes having to cross oftener than necessary over Dixon's Entrance which Is considered by Pilot Eckmann a rather dangerous place. Eckmann took off this morning for Ketchikan while Phlnney and Dunlap went out to make their first search. Flying with Flight Lieutenant Phlnney Ls Sergeant A. II. Warner, mechanic. Flying Officer Dunlan's companion ls Corp. W. C. Atwood, mecntalc. Com. M. Soulres. rlecer. is coming north by boat to complete the Canadian personnel here. Pilot Eckmann. incidentally a commissioner of the United States naval reserve, sent the following telegram last evening to the com manding officer of the United States Navy at Seattle: "Earnestly request you to endeavor to send naval planes help search for Rena-han, Hatcher and Clerf, missing In Chatham Sound or Dixon's En trance since October 28. Suggest basing at Ketchikan." A telegram was also sent to the head office of the Alaska-Washington Airways In Seattle urging the company to Impress on naval officers the necessity of more planes .being obtained to engage In the search. "If we can get enough olanes." Eckmann said last night, "we mav be able to get through with the search within a month. As It Is, with only a. few planes, we may go on all winter without success. More Important, If Renahan, Hatcher and Clerf are still alive, It ls necessary to rescue them without delav. Soeed Is the first requirement now in the search." Eckmann yesterday requested the United States coastguard cutter Cygan to continue to assist in the search for Renahan, working west ward toward Cape Fox in conjunc tlon with Eckmann himself. The Cygan. after engaging in the search for several hours yesterday, went to Ketchikan lor stores. Yesterday Eckmann investigated the report of smoke being seen at a lonely point on the Dundas Islands He went down ahd found an Indian tandiwhlterB3nj4here, evidently .sanuuigiTnsWjnaa been there on v since last Friday so, of course, did not hear of Renahan's plane. There are a number of trappers at various points on the Dundas Islands while at the north end a number of trollers are operating. Deceived Again On Duke Island, Just across Dixon's Entrance In Alaska, the Eckmann party thought for a while yesterday that they had found the WORKS ARE DISCUSSED Terrace Board of Trade Makes Suggestions to Provincial ' Government TERRACE, Nov. 12: Terrace Board of Trade met in monthly meeting with E. T. Kenney presid ing and an excellent attendance of members. A petition from residents of Ter-rnce'and Usk was ordered to be for warded to the Dominion Telegraphs asking for a commercial service between Terrace and Usk. The secretary reported having had correspondence with Dr. Wrlnch MXuA., with regard to unemployment In the district, and that a list of about sixty names had been forwarded to Dr. Wrlnch. The total Income from the Hallowe'en dance was reported o be $119.75 and the expenses, $04.70, leaving a balance for the funds of the board of $35.05. Discussion tepk place as to suggestions for rilief work and the following proposals were put forward: Rock work at north end of Terrace bridge; clearing trail on, east of Kalum Lake; slashing proposed cut-off on Iikejsexoad; erection of bridge over Kalum River near Kalum Lake, and brushing ouj, .ploughing and grading Lakelse Avenue within the limits of Terrace municipality. It was -decided to forward these proposals to the minister of public works. The shocking condition of the highway between Terrace and Usk was also considered and a communication ordered to be sent to the ministry regarding same. It was decided to ask for an increased appropriation for road work in the district consistent with the Increasing demands of modern traffic. It was pointed out that the allowance had not increased for 10 years whilst In that period road traffic had multiplied several times. Suggestions were put forward as recommendations to the minister of public works for the 1931 program, these Including the following: That an outlet be provided for the residents of Vanarsdol by a roadway either east or west; that the Remo road be put Into shape to stand up to that traffic over it: that Lakelse Lake road and Kalum Lake road be widened and Improved where necessary; and that the government be urged to start work at the Terrace end of the main high way between Terrace and Prince Rupert and that the work proceed westward as well as eastward. wreck of Renahan's plane. What looked very much like a wing was seen among the trees but. on ex amination at a lower level. It was found to be one of the slopes of the roof of a caved In cabin. Eckmann has landed at a number of points north of Green Island but none of the people Interviewed remember having heard a plane on the night of October 28. I W0r " Pull of long lasting delicious flavor and made of pure chicle and other Ingredients of the highest quality WRIGLEYS comes to you In perfect condition. Ail of its goodness is sealed tight In the clean wax wrapped packages. The days work goes much easier with WRICIxrS to sustain and refre,h' dfcTr mvnv If II jri-.-V V J' A LOT FOR A NICKEL HAVE YOU TRIED A CLASSIFIED? More and more people are turning to the classified columns of the Dally News to find what Jhey want. Used cars, furniture for sale, lost and found, houses to rent or for sale, positions Wanted. All sorts of things, are advertised there. If you do not read the classified page, get the habit now. Try It today. ...chest m COLDS Jjj Best treated IM by stimulation ;, St and inhalation ACTS TWO WAYS AT ONCE Stewart Model Aircraft Club Keen Interest Taken In Organization and Two Cups Up For Competition Stewart boasts the honor of having the only Model Aircraft Club In Northern British Columbia. It ls not an empty boast either when It is considered that Prince Rupert Is said to be the best organised little town In the province. It Is evident that this city has missed a bet here. The Stewart Model Aircraft Club has been reorganised with officers is follows: Flight Commander, Cherrtll Me-Intyre. Flight Lieutenant, Murdoch Me-Intyre. Recording Officer, Gordon Smith. Equipment Officer, John Thomey. Flight Counsel, S. McNeill Sergeant-at-Arms, R R. G. Richardson. Dalby Morkill and E. R. G. Richardson are presenting two cups to be competed for by members, one to be 'given to the plane remaining longest In the air and the other to be awarded to the plane making the longest flight. Quick Sure Relief BILIOUSNESS ' SLUGGISHNESS CONSTIPATION Take one tonight Make tomorrow mM a V u u . THiy WORK e while you SLEEP' 12 Mussallem's MEAT Market Loin Veal Chops per lb "v" Loin Lamb Chops PLtZn 2 lbs Stewing Lamb )0C Storing Vcnl-""5QC 3 lbs Shoulder Veal 5 lbs $1.00 Shoulder Lamb J -fl A A 5 lbs PJLVV Shoulder Pork Q-i AA 5 lbs Brine Rib Rolled per lb Pot Roast Beef per lb. . .' Round Steak 2 lbs Pork Sausage 2 lbs. Leg Roaat.Vonl-ili per lb. Leg Roast Lamb per lb 25c 15c 55c 35c 25c 30c Mussallem's Meat Market Phones 18 & 81 417 Fifth Ave. v.. ARMISTICE OBSERVED By Pupils of Booth Memorial School Yesterday Armlsttce Day was fittingly ob served by the pupils and staff pft the Booth Memorial School yester day fprenoon. The children assembled In the auditorium of the school and the ceremony began with the singing of "O Canada." Miss E. A. Mercer then spoke briefly on the occasion that was being celebrated, what It meant as the end of the war In 1918 and what It means to the present generation, the hope for a perman ent peace and the increasingly! bright prospects of the realization ! of this hope. The senior divisions then rendered Impressively the Armistice chorus, "Tread Softly." The two minutes' silence was observed, after which the pupils sang "O God. Our Help in Ages Past." The singing of the National Anthem brought the proceedings to a close. Miss Patricia Gwyer of the loca' High School teaching staff returned to the city on yesterday : afternoon's, train from Terrace where she spent the holiday Wednesday Nov-rnber to U'Fnvrcniv . Norma Shearer - in The Divorc A Great All TalUnj pittw, Classed as "One of the Best Ten Comedy "LADIES LAsr . i . . .uuMcai aovcit -"THE MI SIC M.u:n ADMISSION -y Feature Starts at 7 10 i r, i THURSDAY MATINEE at : J 15c Si 40c Tv.iUm at ;.n FRIDAY and SATl'ttDAT -SHADOW OF THE LAW Enjoy Hie Comfort of Restful Light GIVE a man a pipe he can smoke . . a book he can read . . and tight that's sort, yet ample. What more can he ask of a restful hour! Edison Mazda Lamps add to the pleasure of an story. They cannot glare . . their light is a!w,r oft and kind to the eyes. And they give the full taluc of the current consumed. EDISON MAZDA -asasiasi a a ass i LAMPS A CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC PROPtCj Distributed By Northern B. C. Power Co. Ltd. Distributors Parkin-Ward Electric Phone 125 W. R. Love Electric Co. Agents OUR COAL IS IN A DItY SUED WllCn VOII nro lmvlnir nil lAAfr aid lli nnrnnnmitit tiTi ufl'I you buy wet coal, vou arc loslnrliltKj Ha .kUvi -l' bar dry coal and see what' 10 means to you. PEMBINA EGO-Drllvered. Per Ton 'J MINI-HEAD EGG Delivered, Per Ton 1 9 MINEIIEAD LUMP Delivered, Per Ton 1 ,0 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 msssmsm AdveYtise in "The Daily News