desired. Davenp tell DRASTIC AGTltiN The British'atictionR.cut-ting down the contracts on new cruisers for the British navy. It may be done as an example to the other participants at the iMivalonfarence, in-order to show that Britain k.reallv in earnest in-the matter of disarmament. It4srto be hoped that whatever the.intention, it wilt have the effect SIGN OF INFERIORITY The Oriental question is a puzzling one. It is one that has been with us for many years and periodically there is hi", r'v. : ' v - ' . " 4 651,8 miles from ,Hansard to .Van- oouver via Red Pass, which makes the distance from Beaver Lodge to Vancouver 801.8 lnstrad of from Red Pass Junction to Prince leas actual distanoe to Prince Rupert, the equivalent of at least 185 miles more, making a total of over 333 miles of operating costs in favor of Prince Rupert. , "In view of the above facts is it any wonder that we are amaiedjit the omission of any mention of the port of Prince Rupert In toe news- a political outburst against the Japanese and Chinese or' ,ner artl(lle m 0Uestiori? an industrial movement along similar lines as a result of ; "it is a fact that natural condi-some economic nressure. Itlons, to a great extent, divide, the ously consider an outlet so tar south as the Monkman Pass route, evcn though i.this -route does mean the 1 shortest amount of new construe-j tion. The cost of building conncc-1 Hons .with J.hls route from other; parts of the district must be con-1 sidered, as well as length of haulj from the district as a whole. 1 "The map illustrating the. Dally ' 760 wr article is somewhat misleading, ; since anyone unfamiliar with true; t(. kio ,n nwr thP r. m r 'conditions vwould gather ...from it i from PtP- l' "" " '"S runs through narrow George than to Van- proximately -HO less cW. a dlffereiS surely, worthy mun co"rse rntfonSnlticltdealing at farfromtthe case, as the such length and in such detail with ner ld,e ,To Ul"sfc'ate' 22-mlle drive from Vander- Eubct .of rail . haul,and saving to Fort St. James on Stuart to the farmers of the Peace. But. foot for .considerable distance, let us go .a tittle further into, the M nojnountalnsare visible in any dl- comparison between Vancouver-and from.Hansard. ;itls J85 miles further .hy rail tFurther,.Jn this connection, Xhe article states that Uie Pine Pass route 'would traverse mountain valleys with comparatively little The political effect of the order on Portsmouth andlHPert wan to -Vancouver, yei u is prospect 0i1trafnc development; ort and indirectly on the vest of the country will;' "JZJJ hat against the Government unless they take steps a: once to Prljert,m9reeaily " Z to spend the money which would have gone into. cruisers on some other public measures where the men may secure employment. Should there be any slip upon the part of the Government the strong opposition in Parliament would immediately take the opportunity to throw them out and ask for an election. to Vancouver. Therefore, in mak- iug a comparison of operating coats ver the two lines from Hansard, it Is necessary to add to the 140 miles route would be much more produc tive. The actual facts as traffic possibilities over the two routes are precisely the contrary, j asis well known to all familiar with the country. j "We are enclosing our latest i pamphlet, which discusses at.som'e j length the Peace River outlet question, with .a map showing four a .e i. ii.!. j: n-nt : : .cUonntrv nn t.h north of the Peace Accordine to a bulletin issued bv' bre throats A f need this Double- Treatment Rubbed on the throat, Vicks relieves in two direct ways: (1) Its vapors, released by the body heat, are inhaled direct to the air passages; and - (2) At the same time Vicks "draws out" the soreness like an old-fashioned poultice. routes, all of which have ardent ipuuaptre -of 8t advocates. BUSY BEkiS at once Oyek & Million Jars UsEDYfAXU ! Canon Likes Pipe But Would Banish Other Smoking Ule of Arlculture' " te tt S Deparifent infer oritv Wear vve iear the ine Ulieniai. in ne is : inienomy. many respects tallway consuucUon ts concerned, pound of honey represents the people are shocked. I remember how ujgly. better than We are. He IS more tlirilty, more industrious, ftnd the logical solution of theprob- nectar drawn by bees from 2,500.- shocked they were for a woman to "1 wish that cigars and cigarettes Jjteadier. We have much to learn from him. The d if fi-ilem is that which will best meet the 000 white clover tubes. Toronto ride a bicycle or play tennis. The! had never been invented," said the Clllty is that his Standard of living is lower than that of needs of the district as a whole. In- Evening Telegram. squire of the village where I lived canon. "All evils, real or Imaginary iha nimraim wViito tnnn nnrl fnr rW r-pnsnn Vip ic rnlofar as length of haul to tide- ' - . . u .' . .. undercut him either in business or production The average Oriental does not assimilate with the white man, largely because of the attitude of the latter. The white man does not wish to become yellow. That throws the Orientals together and makes them a peculiar people, still remaining Oriental even after the second and third generartion. The Oriental is that because he can not become anything else. We will not let him. It is because of the unfairness both to the Oriental and to ourselves of a condition which is bourn! to JeatUo racial difficulties that we strongly favor Keeping up the bars against Asiatics. It does not mean that they are inferior. It may even moan that we are inferior, for we are inferior in many respects. It simply is the best solution of a difficult problelm. 8 Full Speed Ahead Soon Many people do not realize -that the Northern Power Company, a subsidiary of the Power Corporation of Canada, is really constructing a large hydro-electric plant to serve the city of Prince Rupert and adjoining territory. The site for the plant is being prepared and the right-of-way for the high-power lines connecting Big Falls on the Ecstall River with the city is being cleared and that during September next it is expected to turn on the power from the first unit. What does this mean to Prince Rupert? It means that iie -largest power corporation of Canada' has faith in the future of the city and district and already sees a market for its product. Under the impetus of the new movement, Prince Rupert will grow. Industries will be developed and all will feel the benefit. Prince Rupert people must prepare for the change. New buildings will be necessary. If houses in the city today, what will be the condition. when people begin to come in? The Qaily alive Aoihe3it-.uation and is laying its plans. Others must do the same if they are tp heep pace with the new Prince. Rupert. WllLri 13 UUilCillCU, WIW a. i.vnav new construction possioie . We do not agree that the Peace River must be crossed at Peace River town, but contend that the crossing at Hudson Hope Is cheaper, and. further, a line there is In close prox imity to the well known and valuable coal deposits of that district. But the Hudson Hope crossing Is of course much further west, and although routes in that direction would afford much the shortest haul to tidewater for the greater part of the district, and would tend to conduct traffic along natural lines, yet the adoption of any of .them would not meet the wishes of . those who desire the port of Van-, ccuver to secure the lion's share -of the traffic with the Peace. "It Is obvious that the MonkmanJ Pass route is far to the south, and its advocates concede that another outlet for the country north of the i Peace must be provided. j Wp d not believe it is necea-j sary to provide two distinct and, separate systems for the district, with two outlets. Rather, we be-i lieve one outlet will suffice, at least for many years, If run as nearly as . possible from the centre of the district and fed by branch lines. Freijht .Kates "Freight rates on wheat to a Pacific coast outlet will be fixed by operating costs over the first outlet built. If that outlet gives a shorter , haul than any line subsequently built, ihen the newer line would have tp meet the first rates established, and the situation would be satisfactory from Uie wheat grower's point, of view. "But if the first line buUt means a considerably longer haul to tidewater than could be obtained over some other route, and a line be subsequently built over such a short ro.ute, rates fixed by operating costs over the first and longer line would govern, and the railway company, not .hc wheat grower, get the benefit of the lower cost of transportation over the shorter line. Hence it Is all to the interest of the settlers of the Peace River district to have the first outlet that one which will afford the shortest haul and cheapest freight rate to tidewater. "That the above contenUon is true Is evidenced by existing rates on grain to the Pacific coast, which have been fixed on the basis of costs to the C. P. R., notwithstanding the fact that on account of much better grades,' operating' costs in British Columbia arejnuch lower on the C. N. R. than on the c. r. r. "Manifestly in a district so large, with existing 'natural conditions, different sections will to a certain extent have different interests, but that solution of this railway problem should be" adopted which will be of the greatest benefit to the whole district. Since it is known that considerably the greatest productive area lies north of the Peace River, it seems Irrational to scrl- handles. Each TORONTO, Jan. 88: Canon! ENGLISH CHINA DECORATED CUPS AND SAUCERS FREE! fens James Cathedral,! has been interviewed on the sub- .. : r- ject f amoitlng. He Is fond of his me M tend f0rbade his footman ipipe, he admits "I don't like women rlde a bioifcle beoaiMe being an (Hmolg. buU cTAll artist, and having n a bicycle Ikowfi "ENGLISH WHITE DINNER AND SOUP PIRATES Regular $2 a dozen. 1! ft o To dear JL'V ENGLISH DECORATED TEAPOTS Recular $1.26 to $2.50. Sale CHILD'S KNIFE, FORK AND SPOON SET with colored handle and stainless blade LAYER CAKE TINS with sliding bottom 70c 10c the .Tuenday, January 5ft PAGE TWO The Daily News PniNCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert :, ' Daily News, Limited; TUJrdjiAuy1 jjf jjj jj ' ; H. F. P.ULLEN 'ManaginEditor Advertising and Circulation Telephone ....... i9S Editor' and Reporters' Telephone & DAILY. SUIT I (IN Tuesday. January 28, 1 9? 1'IllNCLSRUrERT'S jDSVNTAGES AS 'FIMCE RIYER OUTLET UK-VIKWED IN .LETTER TO :IION. FRANK OLIVER. To Owners of Caimont Oils, Ltd. Shares With a view to the protection of the interests 0f the owners of shares, the Directors of Calmer (iil Limited wish to learn how the Company's sharps ar? held. Those owning shares, either -with or without holding certificate, are requested toiet us kno m. ticulars of the shares owned by them as at January 20th, 1930, and forward the coupon below to tin un. ' ' dersigned. Quaker iFinance Corporation Ltd. Sponsors of Caimont. OlIf Ltd. 400 LANCASTER -.BLDQ. CAU .iATV I own Shares of Caimont Oil- Ltd. I hoM.cortfftatafcfer . n I own i..ifeflW8 for which 1 1 certificates. State whether MrtLftiatM jwi own are in your Name A..M.. Address i 1 ' 1 1 would men aisappeui i imagine the small b l whom 1 saw smoking at Mm i.u a,j last summer with pip' i cherried line." Get pays. tbe 'Ad. readlnt; h:ib.: t Being very anxious to wind up the estate with as little delay and expense as possible, the creditors turned the whole stock and fixtures over to us at a ridiculously low rate on the dollar. We now have a chance to pass this on to the people of Prince Rupert at what they canibe sure are .genuine sale prices mostly less than' half, and many things practic-allyjgiven away to clear. HERE ARE SOME ITEMS GENUINE FIRTH STAINLESS STEEL TABLE KNIVES with white QAt 30c SET 1 DOZEN PATTY CAKE TINS -Sale price 23-PIECE CHINA TEA SET-Sale priae LARGE ENAMELLED KETTLE-Sale price FLOUR SIFTERS Sale price mi. j i vveanesaay im at DENNY ALLEN'S STORE - JOHN BULGER LIMITED $2.95 80c 20c ONE DALTON CASH REGISTER Cost $190.00 HALF PRICE 2 SIX-FOOT SILENT SALESMAN SHOW STr 350,00 OTHER COUNTERS, ETC., AT CLEARING PRICES To the first 40 customers Wednesday a.m., we will give an article from the stock. None to children. ormng Third Ave.