Besides price interest, this Sale offers timely items, personal things and household things wanted for immediate use. And, too, it's a Sale with quality paramount, with everything offered and backed by a longstanding reputation. This, our second day, affords a variety selection for the buyer who buys, not only for the present, but for future needs. This Sale spells savings for the countless . thrifty ; shoppers who share in the wonderful values offered;" DOWNSTAIRS in our Crockery, China, Glassware and Brass-ware Department, everything is on sale shamefully cheap TAGS SHOW FORMER PRICES DO NOT DELAY COME AND BE CONVINCED MAX HE1LBR0NER JEWELLER CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERATING G. T. IV 20,000-TON FLOATING DKVDOCK Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Klarksmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our riant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 3S5 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers 'THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD.1 Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Advertise in "The Daily News" William Wilkinson, for several years a member of the staff of the Alex McRae Co. Ltd. print-shop, sailed this afternoon on the Catala for Vancouver and intends to locate In the south. His successor here will be W. Rawlings, who Is expected to arrive from Vancouver tomorrow. At Tite's store slashing clean-up sale values. Furniture, draperies, china ware, at cost and less. 24i Stock Taking SPECIALS s DR. MIDDLETON'S WHOLE It ln GRAIN CEREAL Per pkt.:aui' DR. MIDDLETON'S WHEAT FLOUR 49s, per sack 21s, per sack 10s, per sack ... WHOLE $3.00 $1.65 70c District Is Likely to Develop Into Important Producing Low-Grade Area and Rupert Is Nearest Canadian Port A. new bulletin on the Taku River mining area written by Dr. J. T. Mandy, resident mining engineer, features the position of Prince Rupert relative to the Taku country, contains an excellent view of Prince Rupert city and har bor and a map showing the north coast mining country and its relative position to Prince Rupert. The city is mentioned manv times in connection with the supply of mining equipment and the report does justice to the commanding po a widespread influence on uie iu-ture prosperity of British Columbia's northwest and the industrial development of the coastal area In general. It U in this light that tbe successful development of the complex sulphide deposits of the Taku River area is of the utmost importance." The report tells of possible airplane and other transportation, of the fact that there Is good steamship service from Prince Rupert to ; the mouth of the Taku River and I I that Prince Rupert is a soluble I place to secure boats for river navigation and Is the nearest Canadian port at railhead. The map shows a dotted line giv ing the route from Prince Rupert to the Taku and neglects no op- DRRoLrCA-45c' Pains Around Kearl DR. MIDDLITrON'S SUGAR AND WHOLE WHEAT COOKIES 2pkts. nffrt for FRESH ASSORTED COOKIES 3 lbs. for $1.00 DUTCH TEA RUSKS OCJp Per pkt NATIONAL 'fJOG BIS- HXn &UITp2 "pkts. for FRESH VEGETABLES ARRIVING EVERY BOAT Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 417-423 Sth Avenue East PHONE 18 AND 84 P. O. Box C75. Weak Spells Would Fall Over Un Junes Vanalstlne, Pibroeh, Man., writes: "I had pains around my heart, and suffered with weak, smotberisg spell. Sometimes I would fall OTer anl would have to b plekoi op and put to bed. "I used several boxes of and it is now over three years since 1 hare had a spell. "I hope anyone who is in the sans condition I was will give EtN. Pills a fair trial." Price, 50c. a box at all drccffiett and dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. UMiurn Co., Limited, Toronto, Out. Time Honored Custom is Observe? in Fritter Valley Town Where Former Kupert Man is Reeve The following in the Vancouver Province under a Port Haaejr dais toe may be of toel interest stow the n"w reeve there Is a former resident of Prince Rupert: The peace- pipe was smoked at the Inaupural meeting of the Maple Rids Muntcroal Oouneil or thence by launch and river boat up ( Thursday, but tor a time It looked the Taku River. ' ; as if the old-time custom was to The report tetts of the recent min-1 be discarded. There was an nn-eral discoveries and their Import-, comfortable feeling in the air ance and since the report was is- that the hydra head of pstttict sued it is understood new discoveries wag hovering over the coanct1 have been made which have at- table, and that the noa-smoklng tracted the attention of the big 0f the pipe was a camouflage for companies and which show much an open declaration of war, bat promise from a mining point oi the old pipe, still gorgeous in Its "tew. ' ' beaded finery, won the day in the One' paragraph e-t tile "report end and went the rounds. If not wfrch stMmarftes thsituon'weli from mouth to mouth, from hand follows: Ah ratportant and favor- to hand. awe feature oi ine area u mai uie "Councillor T. J. Drain was the geology and the already discovered tintrto voice oWeetkm to tbe nie ore bodies show promise of mineral He d.a!t wlth the history books of occurrences of tike. Although high- lhr future whfch disclose to grade ores of tnc precious meiais horrified readers that an uncon-are not to be expected, the dtocbv- QUCTaWe ix of savages, headed eries and geology Indicate that the by chlef m Mussallem. was still harbors fegrade base metal area m existence and Indulged in their ore bodies1 carrying- 'ppreciab e , ancJent habtt- mokln the pipe supporting values itm gold and sH-;of whtch WM fUkd wllh yer. Such a combination does not; wncoctioD procured from tne me. . 1 dlcine man of the tribe If the hazardous calculations of unwarranted millions. The problem of de- skilled, careful and conservative handling. The character of the main discoveries is, however, of the type that indicates appreciable tonnage mines, necessitating metal- ! lurglcal expansion and the employ peace pipe meant that there war veloptnj? the Taku ore bodies Into "L, TTZZJ tl C ZZx n that mlht be brought forward be will call for profitable production was not going to countenance It Councillor O. Hast If also voiced hlx 'disapproval of the custom. Other 'Councillors considered It Just a i custom, which had no bearing on any councillor's views. ment of much labor. These are The Reeve Talks factors that tend towards stability Reeve 8otamon Mussallem said and expansion of operations wun that the smoking of the nine was something like the Biblical break ing of bread and eating of salt. It was not the old heathen custom of tbe red Indian, and It carried no obligations. It was explained to the council that the tdjea of the pipe was not to pledge anydne to actions that were not correct according to his conscience, but to promote a friendly spirit, and members of the council should resafaber it and not be carried away In the heat of argument over municipal affairs. The pipe was not smoked to the end, as Is tbe custom, and it now remains to be seen whether the slight to the calumet will call down the angry vengeance of the gods of discord who, heretofore, haVe been soothed by the charms of Tady Nicotine offered in annual sacrifice. Tbe calumet was presented to the Maple Ridge Municipal Council In 1910 by Hon. Nelson Seymour Lougheed, minister of public works, who was at that time a member of the council. Since then it has been smoked at every inaugural meeting of the council, each councillor raising it to his Hps, and only one hot taking the Ntequlrefl puff. This; If. the first year that tbe custom has been called into question, and the pine handed on without any honor paid to it. According to the tradition of the Maple Ridge calumet, it Is an unlucky omen if the pipe Is al lowed to go out until it Is smoked through. As Councillor W. F. Mac-kensle was not present, owing to an attack of Intestinal Influenza, the charmed circle was broken, and the pipe may be smoked again at the first full meeting. ,- Tuesday, January 28 PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Opportunity Knocks Grasp It Now!! . ARTICLE in this high-grade EVERY stock at Smash Down Prices. ! 9 Dr. Mandy's Report Gives Prince Rupert Good Publicity Connected With Development Taku River Mines sition Prince Rupert occupies portunity of giving the city prom' inence in connection with the fu- The new district is undoubtedly,.,... oneration of the mine there. ncn ana is capame 01 enormous ue velopment and Prince Rupert should not let all the business pass her by. At the beginning of the report Dr. Mandy says: "The mouth of the Taku River Is about 110 miles northwesterly of I the Stikine River mouth. It empties! into the head of Taku Inlet, about j 25 miles northeast of Juneau. Alas-1 ka. and about 320 miles north of Prince Rupert, British Columbia.! The British Columbia-Alaska boundary crosses the river about 20 miles from Its mouth, throwing the Important extent of the area in Canadian territory east of the Alaskan pan-handle. The are is reached by direct and frequent steamship connection from Prince Rupert or Vancouver to Juneau and PEACE PIPE IS SMOKED iHiit.ii;iiffrn;lTTngi'a-n-iiwi hi - II w Lt . M MONDAY. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY TWO SllOWS 7 and 9 p.m. TALKING PICTURES iary Pickford The Perfect Actress With the Perfect Screen Voice, in "COQUETTE" 100 PER CENT TALKING Comedies FARO NELL AND GARDEN OF EATIN PARAMOUNT SOUND NEWS Admission, 20c and 65c y 2X3 COGNAC BRANDY This advertisement is not publietaeo. or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by hc Government ot British Columbia. Don't Sacrifice your Model T Ford Protect your investment by running your Model T Ford as long as possible. Expenditure of a few dollars may enable you to get thousands of miles of additional service. Rring the car to us and let us tell you how much it will cost to put it in A-l shape. We use only genuine Ford parts. AH labor charged at standard flat rate. S. E. PARKER, LIMITED FORI) DEALERS MU,mi I irirMTnrfigtuiwww SAVE MONEY! SAVE MONEY! Try C. C. Ketchum's Minehead Coal THE BEST ALUEUTA COAL IN PRINCE RUPERT 8a ve 10 per .Gent In weight and buy our coaL which, is i !''' s under cover and fall weight. Egg, 1-inch to 3-inch $12.30 Stove, 3-inch to 6-inch $12.'J Furnace Lump $13.50 WE CAN SUPPLY TelkwaLump $13. Wellington Lump $14.0 SEE-SEE KETCHUM & CO., LTD. PHONE 771