18, 1919. October POSE PLAN FCOVERNMENT ai a. Quebec Peopie Ob- 50 ‘ ot road 1 Ne Over of Rail yD by the Country, a} , an sare Nin Special des. al Dn By *atured in the Ed- ae JUSt to hand: "i } oY of the oe Elie Amyot, "2 istative ceouneil Of the Dominion "f Quebec City, heed the allready h at *Sidens ‘ OMpany although N8¢ ribed to ¢lose ‘ars to the vari. ans in oC hone ’ ' jthe Grand Trunk at a time when plan. Anada, he And women, too, A nation’s mighty Thou fair land for Grant that our ser May witness bear T° My part is ended. THE BAILY NEWs The Soul of a Vision So then— Other men, still play their part, With courage resolute and dauntless heart. My broken comrade— Seared by scars that time can not efface, Is not the jest of fortune; for his aid forces doth provide. And those who live— To carry on our story down the years, Face not their “quiet days” in bitter pain; (Forgotten, now they’ve stilled the nation’s fears) Dwarfed by the lust of pride and selfish gain. My Canada— whorn great love Inspired my youth to ancient sacrifice; ried ranks in realms above thee, worthy of the Price. To Pay Debts of Honou the Dead and to the richness of their dying, we must give pause, and in humility confess a debt beyond redemption. Before the altar of their sacrifice, Canada is con- secrated to make its dominion worthy. that illumines Victory so dearly bought, must burn Each year of peace must record an added eternaliy. lustre to our heritage. But to those It is a Debt of Honour. petitive existence of civil | who have come back in suffering, Canada owes a debt which money can, in part, repay Canada was pledged to the end, that the wounded and the sick be adequately cared for untilthey were fairly fitted for the com- ife. The Torch For this purpose, our medical services, and our vo-ational training schools must be maintained until the need for them is no more. + + These, then, are some of the purposes for which the Victory Loan 1919 is being raised. Other purposes . 6 are told about in other announcements. As you read them, the conviction will grow upon you of the absolute necessity for the Issued by Canada’s Victor mmumittee in co-operation with the \linist.r of Fimanee of the Domin on of Canada. jwill not contribute to the coming be taken by the Board of Trade if the Government purechass lthe finances of the country are at present. In a_ letter jimunicated to the press he says j that he has subseribed $50,000 to com |the first Victory Loan, $250,000 | to the second, and $500,000 to the jae but now he says: ‘I'm through.’ | “Montreal—Opposition has de- veloped in the Montreal Board o! ‘Trade to the proposed plan of the Government to take over the firand Trunk Railway, as an- nounced in reeent despatches from Ottawa. The president, Mr: John Baillie, Wis reeently re- nae many letters a ¢ tele- #rames asking that officia: action as! t¢ emphasize its opposition to the Following these President Baillie on Monday sent requests out notices to all members of the Board of Trade calling a special coneral meeting for Thursday next, It was stated yesterday that Montreal Board of Trade had been consisterftly against the national ization of railways and was op posed to the plan for the acq! of the Grand Trunk by the although the cour wien Government record as desinous t! the Government should treat th Grand Trunk with every possible was on consideration y Shoe Store The Famil ——————— BUSINESS MEN IN / £500,000 for ldeep sea sailors. Children's gaiters just art ved. NAVY LEAGUE DRIVE Realize Value of the Work Navy League is Doing for Canada. Prominent business men from coast to coast are backing up the Nelson Day Campaign to raise the continuance the work of the Navy League of Canada. The various useful ac tivities of the Navy League in clude the conduct of naval brig ades in which youthful Canadians are thoroughly trained to become The Merehant every «qualified Marine, requires these brigades can produce | and many It is a great work that is for the lasting benefit of the Dominion, the permanent prosperity of whieh must be de- pendent to large extent upon ex- port trade. Business men all over Canada realize this and are hear- tily in accord with the aims of the Navy League. \ll of the funds raised in the Nelson Day drive will be spent in Canada mainly for the support of ithe naval brigades and for the sailors homes at Canadian ports. more, Ontario's quota is $225,000 in- duding &125,000 whieh will be subscribed in Toronto A brisk ‘ampaigu is new in progress and the actual drive will take place October 24, 22, and 23. \dvertise in the Daily News, = - BRITAIN REQUIRES GREAT MANY HOUSES (Special via G. 7. RP. Telegraphs,) London, Oct. 17.—It is esti- nated that it will take the con. truetion of 1,044,000 houses in (ineat Britain in the next five years to handle the housing prop- osition with any degree of satis. faction. (Special via 6. T.P, Telegrapnes.) Paris, Oct, 17.—-A new aero- plane record between Paris and London of 4 hour 20 minutes has been made,