D Monday, January 6, 1930 TITE DAILY NEW3 PAGE FIVE Building Roacls In Turkey Today Costs $60,000,000: ANGORA, Turkey, Jan. 8: ' Mustapha Kemal, who has carried bis people to dizzy height of r-''-llglous. political, social and cultural L ' . revolutions, with one of his famous, ' - slelghts-of-hand is bringing them . . T Tm TTm down to earth, and 1 bidding them ELITE BEAUTY PARLOR worK ine earm lor a solid lllteen years to come. Everybody In Turkey who has resided in the country for six months must do their bit on the balMlnf? of a great network of roads, the project for which has juit emerged full-bloom from the waves of Kem,-aJlst reform. The new road law provides for 6000 miles of highways in Asiatic Turkey, and for the renovation of the existing 8000 miles of state roads, most of which are little more than miserable dirt trails. Within the whole land there are at present scarcely a dozen miles of asphalt or concrete. But the best of roads are to spread over Anatolia to the tune of $60.-000,000 within the next fifteen years. I Under the new law evervbodv in 00, except embassy and consular officials, invalids, students, soldiers, and fathers of five living children, will be drafted for road service. Yearly for ten consecutive days, the Turkish equivalents of the colonel's lady and Judy O'Orady and their respective husbands must break stones and shovel dirt, or pay an exemption tax of 51. The new 5000 miles of high ways will link Angora to Constantinople by a fast speedway; Angora to i-vas. Erberoum and Kara on the Russian frontier; Angara to the Persian frontier by a branch road from Eraeroum: Angora to the frontier by Irak by a branch road from Sivas. and Angora to the Syrian frontier via Smyrna. Konla and Adana. The $00,000,000 required for construction will be met by revenues from the state monopolies on alcohol, matches and tobacco, which aggregate some $16,000,000 annually. Any surpluses from the general budget of the state also geet to the road fund. Italy Winning Grain Battle ; .Mussolini Succeeding In Making j Italy Independent or roreitn Countries nuniB, wan,-o. nuny as winning "The BatUe of Oram." Annually she Ilgnu this battle, and once a year she dectdea who has won the struggle. "Th naille of drain " u Miuao- lini calls it. U the struggle of wheat rowers in itaiy against luveign ? armers. In a nutshell. It is the battle of Benito Mussolini to make Italy independent of the wheat fields in the United States. Argentina. Canada add Australia. The annual day of reckoning this year yielded these figures: In October. 1939. Italy Imported 237,760 hundredweight of grain. In the same month of the preceding year she imported 1,944,753 hundredweight. This is a gain of over 1,700,-000 hundredweight. In the four months from July to October. Italy brought In 2,616,730 hundredweight, last year, for same period 1938 she imported 7.072.697. This bettered the trade balance by $30,000,000. Italy hopes that next year she will be cempietery Independent of foreign producers of wheat. This will conclude one phase of ber struggle to make herself self-sufficient In the three great raw materials, wheat, coal and steel. She is rapidly becoming independent of coal by developing hydro-electric resources. She will probably never be Independent in the case of iron and steel. For-qulck results try a "want-ad" in the Dally News. .tVOTinv SALE Timber Sale X11M7 Advrrt Iwnimt Teere vtl be offend for aale t Public AtteMen, at aeon on tho lftth dy or Jaauarr. 1W. in the ofho c. the Dletrlct noraaW at Prince Ru-pm, the Uoence XI 1847. to cut 3.M4.000 r BJJ. of pruoe. Hemlock and Cedar on an area situated on the North Ami. Taeoo Harbor Went Gout of Queen Okarkotte lalandv Queen Charlotte leMWb Land Dtetnet Two (S) jrtan wlU be allowed for removal of timber. "Provided aur one unable to kttend the auction in person may may aiabmlt leader ta be epeeMd at the hour of auction and treat-ad m one btd." , Further purtkmHra of the Chtet Forcairr. VietorU. ILO. or Dlatrlet fVireater. Prhwe ftwprtt. DC. .trini.v.ati.n Tnere win M - WwjiT'tor aW MI Public Auetkm, at aoon ou-ttat ISli day of January. 1930, IU the offlot ftf the Dixtrlet Foreeter at ranee Rupert, n o, the ueenw XI 1848 to mt 2,437,000 PJUf of Srrnoe, llenuosk and Cedar on an area 4 tutted on the North Aun or Taaoo litrbor, y uoant 01 wwen munorte taianoa, Queen v Oh 11 r let U laiaada Land Dta- trict. Two (3) yeara will be allowed fee removal i umoer. "Provided any one u liable to attend the auction lu person may may aubmtt tender to he o(ened at tho hour of auction and treated aa one bid." Furiher particular! or the Chief roreeter. victoria, DC or District Forester. Prince Rupert, n.C. CLASSIFIED THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT Mrs. Sutherland Expert marcelling, finger and water waving. Face massaae and scalp treatments. Phone 499 MASSAGE A Sure Cure For Rheumatism Lumbago, Sprains, Etc. C. K. IIAYAKAWA Phone Red 399 P.O. Box 515 AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART. We buy, sell or exchange any kind of furniture or house hold goods, musical Instruments, machinery, etc. Oeneral repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Black 120 and we will call. Hunt's Furniture Store "The Store of Quality" WEEK'S SPECIALS Rcstmorc Beds King of Rest Springs Mattresses and Bed Lounges G. iM. HUNT , Third Avenue LAXli At" ft r lwiiNm'l(V ppir to 1 Lend T. T I hm Bui .if T.umI HirrtfilBg XNSHnet Of Blush Twimmm and Ki- wit on the Norte haak of the Beaver ww. so cum nertnweet or im mou ' wver ! 'ZJi'"?1 V9 1 --r - - iuui Hart of Asroe oceusettesv mener. Intends MM w lee at pvrehaee ef the following Uitrlte at poet planted 99 chain dkrtam ad la Northwesterly direction Bran the aaouth f the Little Beaver Atvcr in the KHsumkaJum Valley; thenoe Nerth 80 etulae: thence Westerly M ehaSat; tfeeae Southerly an chains: those Bu(rtr SO chains and containing 1260 seres, more or lee. JOSEPH HART. JOHN B. COO-TORE. Agent. Dated January 4. 1N0. t Al'CTION SAI.K Tinihrr Kale XIIMI AilVrrl Urmrnt There win be ottered rer aaie at Public Auction, at noon on the ltta lay of January, ttteo, in the efflee ot Ute Otstrtct Poreater. Prinee Rfrt, jC. the Uoanoe XUBS4 to eat .SSO.noO T.BM. of Opr . Hemloek ind Cedar on an area d'.tftted on the North Ann, Taaeo Harbor. Wi Qoaat of Queen Charlotte Itlaada, jueen charlotte IUa Laad Dietrlot Two tt) ftra ai be allowed for mini .at tuW. "PaeeWad aay a unable to , attend the auction In pereon mar ma euomlt tender to be opened at the how of atactlon and treat ed aa one 4d." oarUaaUaea of the Oftle! VteMtta. MC or ThtHM Poraatar. PrUaee Bapert. B.C. PROMOTED TO I'LANKWALKER "Come, come, my man, you've been looking around here a long time without buying. Wnat do you want?" "Guess I want anctner noor-walker," replied the old gentleman. I'm tbe new owner.- uosion Transcript. BRINGING UP WU-THWJGOOCAJEyb' WOMEN J Aft CCHM TO WEAR LOMu blMRXfe V NOW I'LL BE ABLE TO WALK A.LOKJG THE TltECT) WITHOUT foMMlNj MTQ LANp POiiT-b AM TELEGRAPH I' n . .. aejf, f H. . f,.KMT 1 SfeBBBS III ST 1 ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR S WANTED RELIABLE English woman wants steady day work, good housekeeper. Apply Box 244, Dally News Office. YOUNG LADY Wants sewing by aay, plain sewing, dressmaking and embrolHery. Phone Black 236. (9 GOOD LIVE Calendar Salesman for Prlnrfl I?nnpi-. arA Hlctrint at once. New line Just out for'F.R J1?-"?, iuju. wonaeriui chances for good hard worker. Write Louis F. Dow Ltd., 517 Granville Street. Vancouver, B.C. (5) HELP WANTED. WORTH Investigating Permanent Positions with pension as Postman, Clerk, Stenographer, in Government Service. Oet ready for Spring appointments. Free Information from the M. C. C. Civil Service School, 18Mackie Block, Calgary. AGENTS WANTED USE OUR Millions to get more money; Rawleigh's giant industries now expanding; must have more good men for cities and towns: Immense resources, over $17,000,000; established 40 yearc: 4 big factories and 7 branches; Australia, Canada and America annual sales over 36,000.000; no similar Industry as big; hustlers earning $150 to $400 every month; big pay every day; no experience or capital required -1 everything supplier.,, world's ble-r gest market; retail nearly 200 1 products; big profits; lowest prices; best values; food., soap, toilet preparations, stock, poul try supplies; 4 nig noes; you can't beat Rawleigh's proposition; investigate then decide. 3 Rawleigh Company. Dept. CN-r 160 I. Winnipeg. Man. FOUND FOUND Mackinaw coat, blue and green checked. Loser may obtain same by enquiring at Dally News Office and paying for this advertisement. SILYERSIDES. BKOS. " Wallpapers , PAmta ;l Window Glass : Picture Frame Mouldings Third Avenue Phone 22 QUEEN CHARLOTTE-POUT CLEMENTS STAGE Meets all boats northbound at Queen Charlotte City to convey passengers tc Port Clements, and meets southbound boats at Port Clements to receive passengers for Queen Charlotte City. Fare $5.00, and in proportion to at Intermediate points. R. G. jMcKENZIE PREMIER HOTEL QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY. B.C. RADIO BICYCLES FURNITURE REPAIRS, PACKING AND CRATING TOM BALLING ER 5th Street, Phone Blue 625 CLEARING & GRADING Concrete Foundations Tunnels anu shafts in difficult ground a specialty. NELS ROKKJAR. CENTRAL HOTEL Advertise In the Dally News, FATHER t"ll tyt trO AS 1 POLEfc FOR RENT FLAT FOR RENT, Wallace Block. Apply Mr. Minns. (5) FOR RENT Four room flat with bath. Furnished. Phone 547. tf. FOR RENT Furnished apartments 2, 4., and 5 rooms. Apply Mussallem Grocery. itf room with board. In town with private family. Phone Oreen' 399. 6 FOR RUNT Clean, well furnished modern two and three roomed suites. Palmer Apartments. Pboce Red 444. tf FOR SALE FOR SALB Halibut boaf M.A.B. Phone Green 335. (8) FOR SALE 1929 Chevrolet Sedan In excellent condition. Can ar- Motor Co.-Ltd. (tf) ! FOUR Roomed house, fully mod-1 era, in lirst class concution, in Section 1. $1000 cash, $1800 on terms. A real bargain. McCaffery, Gibbons and Collart. (tf) FIFTH AVENUE WEST Seven Kooroed Moaern House and two splendid lots FOR SALE $1,000.00 51. 51. STEPHENS 4c CO, LTD. Rentals Loans Real Estate FOR SALE MODERN HOUSE No. 311, FIFTH AVENCBv EAST. WITH TWO LOTS Bedrooms and Large .Sleeping p-tnif' arldbpaiitry DownslairS VERY REASONABLE PRICE AND EXCEPTIONALLY EASY TERMS II. G. IIELGEItSON, LTD. Phone 96 216 Sixth St, . Mi -mi uiuo-vnv ''-'' Notlee ef Inlrnthm ftnitpplj to in', 1.1) i") '"' ;wi "'t ' bit;-, ' i Jh -'too that l jaa& MartfB of eltawtt. tt. ae..i ae.,i uund uund to to IMIf tWf for a leaee of the toHoviag deeerebed land Commencing at a post planted ax I Meb wter mark, and rt the shore Tcrner of Main Street, si.d the OOffvrr Of Block SO Town of laaasett, B.C.: thence South Westerly and in Itne with the last itck of Main Street for shout three hundred feet to low water mark; thence in a North Westerly direction to New Maasett wharf: thence along tbe wharf about three hundred feet saare or lees to hlch water mark: thense along high water mark to tbe point it commencement. Dated at Mawett. B.C. this 30th day Norcember. 1998. JAMBS MARTIN. TRY DANCING ! Myfanwy Campbell, D3Iw. Offers You the Very Latest In Tap!!! Toe!! Ballroom Grecian Classical Terms, $3 Monthly: Private Class $330 Monthly Daily News W ant-Ads bring results. ALE, FOR RENT, LOST IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TQ ypUNQ AND OLD. BOATBUILDERS KIY BOATBUILDERS, COW BAY r. O. Box 749 Phone lied 415 SALVAGE ANI TOWING "If it's on or under the water we do It." PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. LIMITED Fully Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work. Boats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter. , . Row Boats and Canoes for hire. Bargains In Gas Engines. AGENTS FOR EASTHOPE ENGINES Northern B. C. Distributors Coolidge Propellers Sand and Gravel, in any quantity, delivered anywhere by water. Phone, Day or NJfTit 564 !. O. Box 1564 CHIROPRACTIC CHIROPRACTIC and SUNSHINE TREATMENT For Colds, Couchs, Neuritis, Lumbago and Rheumatism R. E. EYOLFSON, D.C. 623 Third Avenue West Blue 85 Phones Red 589 DR. W. a ASPINALL Chiropractic Health Service Ultra-Vlolet Ray Ultra-Red Ray All Diseases treated successfully Oreen 241 Phones Black 283 PHOTO FINISHING For Fine Photo Work ftulrk Returns Careful Finlthlnf WRATIIALL'S PHOTO FINISHINGS Z2Z Third Avenue WE FRAME PICTURES BED SPECIALS Uneasy lies the head (not that wears a crown), that lies on a poor LAND ACT Notice of IntentloM to Apply to Lease Ijind lii Prince Rupert Land Recording District of British Columbia, and situ-ate on the South Bank of Skeena River, opposite Mile 28.76 on Canadian National Railways, East of Prince Rupert, B.C. Take notlee that Northern British rur Columbia Power Company, Limited ot Prlnoa Rupert. B.C., occupation Power Corporation Intends to apply for a lease of tbe following descrlVd lands: Commencing at a post planted about 120 chains distant and In a Southerly direction from centre line or Canadian B National Rallwsys, opposite mile 2a.lt j East of Prince Rupert, on the south bank of the Skeena River, thence Korth 6 chains more or leas to Low Water Mark: tbenoe 'Westerly along L.W.M. S chains; thence South S chains, mere or leas to H.W.M.: thence Easterly along u.w.M. to point of eemmeacemem and containing two (2) acres, more or less NORTHERN BRITISH COLOMBIA POWER COMPANY. LIMITED. Peri Thomas D. McLean. Agent Dated September 2Ut. 1939. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to rurt ha Land In Stlklnc Land Recording District and situate on tbe north bank of the Takti River at a point about three miles north of the junction of the Tulsequah River with tbe Takti River. Take notice that the Alaska Juneau Oold Mllag Company of Juneau. Alaska, occupation mining company. Intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing it post planted near the southwest corner 01 the Jack u. C. thence South 40 chains: thence West 30 chains: thence North 49 chaicst thence Eaat 20 chains more or less to point of commencement and OBntalnlsf eighty acres, more or leas. ALASKA JUNEAU GOLD MININQ COMPANY By Paul A- Decker, agent. Dated 28th day of October, 1939. iTEIt NOTICE niiytawn ha I'se TAKE NOTICE that Jama B. StaD Itt whene address la nptel Caattneau. Sunesu, Alaska, wtH ap&Hjjer a ltce nee ta take .and use 300- eubiayaeopnoV fooM of water oat of East Fork Tulseqaati River. , which flo we Southerly and drslpe'tBto Taku River about 30 mile aoove the moutn. stream from the meMtti of the Bast I Pot snd wlUVbe used for Mining j rower purpase Opoai the Tulwouah i-mei group. This notice was posted on the ground on the alat day ot October. 1929. A copy of this notlee and an applt- cation pursuant thereto and to the bed. Rest on a Slumber King;" 7. 'SLSSSTS SXZ Y Spring and a real Simmons Mat. tress, r-1 ' MacKciizic's Furniture PHONE T75 TnE ELECTRIC BAKERY "The Store That Quality Built!" EAT ELECTRIC BREAD The Best There Is! P. O. BOX 416 PIIONE667 MINERAL ACT Section 23 Not Ire tfcj Co-Partners " " ' , - ; Mineral claims Stat. Sand. Belle, Aurora, situated at Lockeport Oueea Charlotte Islands. Owners Ross Morrison FM C 718t C. R. Du&lee and U. II. MoCoU. To all ceacerned, take notice thtt L Roes Morrison FJH.C. 171S93 C. having done all the work and paid aa dues on the abort Mineral OlaUM for the year ending Oct. ITUi, 1930, without any work done or moneys paid by co-owner. R. DurJep and 11. II. McOoU, tetend to apply within a period of 120 days after first appearance of this notice, to the Mining Reeorder, to have the Interests of said co-owners veitcd solely In myself. ROSS MORRISON, Ml Per. L. Barge, Agent. "Water Act. 1911." wU be filed In thei, Qot ru- to V-harI ... .k " I Obieetkoas to the aaciloatson mar.be filed with tbe aald Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament BuUdinga. Victoria, BJC, within thirty days after the first appearance of this notlee in a looal newspaper. ' The oate of the first publication ot Ibis fiotlot is Deccabcr and. 1929. JAMES B. STAPLER. Applicant. By It. MoN. PHASER. AUn. BjC. Agent. utxn ACT' ollre of Intention to Apply to rurenaw uiua tA the Caasiar DMtriet Und Reewd-lg Dlatrlet of StltclBo tad. situate tbi,-Taku RJver obous ahree 4jaaees or It mu np stream from tticeondai-enoe of tbe Taku and Tulseouah Riv era. Take notlee that Horace MpNauchtoC. Fraser of Tanoouver. B.C.. oocufHttoti CM1 Engineer. Intend to apply tor perm4asion to purchase the nMowtnirl described Itads: Oommencmg at a post slanted on the Taku Biver about three quarters of I a mile up stream from the mouth of! the Tubequah River: thence Ncrtn SO I ehalns: thence East X cbslns; thence' South 30 chahu; thence West 90 chains more or lea to point pf com'-1 mencement and oontaining forty acres. ! more or less. HORACE MeNAUOHTON FBASER.. Dated October Wth. 1939. I F REuerTO hje mer Km se touws ) )P r j4 - 3 m6M l.ik.e a ' LONiG ORE&Bi y jmJ M$ fl0r V)3 TO OATS I t iSJl li f.lRl ..... J sJ OUND StwJed Tender addressed u the un denied and endorsed "lender for Alteration and Additions tj, the P11H. .'rjlJdlag. Atlln, B.C.," will be re- ceiyoj up to Thursday, February flth, 1030, for alterations and additions to tbe Public Building. Atlln. B.C. Plans and specification can be seen and forms of tender obtained from the Caretaker, Public Building, Prince Rupert, B.C.. tbe Pottmiater, Burns Lake, C.. the Postmaster. Smlthers, B.C., the Caretaker. Public Building, Atlln. B.C., and the Caretaker. Public Building, Whltehorse, Y.T. Tenders will not be considered -unless rude on tho fenns supplied by the Deawrtiaeat and in aeeordaaee with the cooaltioni set forth therein. Baeb tender anuat be aeoogapanled by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank. MyaMe to the order of ttie MiaMer of Public Works, equal to 10 p. of the amount of the tender. Bonds of tbe Dominion of Canada or Uwads ef the' Canadian National Rall-jway Ooaaoaa will atte be aeoepted as MeMtrtty, r bands and a cheque If re- euireo to mace up an odd amount. By Order. J. O BROWN. Dlatrlet Beskknt Arehltest. Victoria, B.C. Departs of Public Works, Victoria. Deoemtwr 27th. 1929. 2t) LAND ACT Notice of Intention to' Apply to Purrlume land In the Sttklne Land Recording Dlrl-aloo: Land Recording District of Telegraph Creek and situate on extreme Up of penuMuls on North bank ot Tulsequab and West bank, cf Taku Rivers, approximately ens mile south f Msple Slough. Take notice that E. J. Nerman and . McOambe of Juneau, Alaska, oe- upttm miners, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following deeeHbed lauds: Oemmenein at a post planted one mile south of Maple Slough: thence North 40 chains: thence West 20 chains; taenee South 40 chains: theacc set 30 chains and containing 80 acres, more or leas. EDMUND JEAN NORMAN ROBERT SALE MCCOMBE. Dated Wth day of October. 1919 LtM tCT Neth-e of Intention to Apply to Lease una in The Queen OhtrleUe Land Dls. Met Land Beobrdlng District of Prlace HUpert. and attuate near Block 20, Maasett Townalte. Take notice that Arthur Robertson and Eugene H. Simpson of Maasett. B.C.. occtipatlon Lumbermen .Intend to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Oommenetng at a post planted at we a.., vior. Bix. su uaasext Town- iZZ- SZ' &nZ, ,,??f!.. westeri .J"'. 10 chains to Wharf: thence Southerly 4 to low water Marx: thence Eaaterlv io ooaiAs: tnence Northerly 4 chains, and containing 7 acres, more or less. ARTHUR ROBERTSON EUGENE HUMPHREY SIMPSON Dated Nov. 13th. 1920. S. D. Johnston Co., Ltd. Correspondents For MILLER, COURT & CO., LIMITED For the benefit of the investing public. Miller, Court tt Go Ltd., publish a semimonthly market report, dealing with rflining, oils and industrial stocks, which Lh available at our office on the 1st and 15th ot every month. We offer prompt and reliable service in the execution of orders to buy or sell all stocks on the Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto Exchanges. S. D. Johns ton Colt (1. 610 2nd Avenue Phone 130 Prince Rupert. LLC By George McManus X I TTiTs 1 MniMaaM III ... .T I U I III I I J W PI I II 11 1 ft-' II 1 1 .. m I i'a