aesday, April 1, 1930 s t The Consolidated Mining and Imelting Company of Canada, Ltd. Offlee, Smelting and Refining Department , THAIL, BRITISH COLUMBIA SMELTERS AND REFINERS ;Y(JVS!&y of ttold,' SilvcV Copper, Lead and Zinc Ores Pij.ty'.yjfls of Gold, Silycr,., Copper, rig Lead and Zinc aim Sc STAIN C Itetralar Priees I, Gals. SM.50 Quarts Plats Vi Pints 1.00 .80 TADANAC, TRAIL EASTER RABBITS, EASTER EGGS EASTER NOVELTIES Our Easter'Goods Have Arrived and Are on Display Ganongs' and Pascalls' See Our Wndows HAVE SOME PUT AWAY IF YOU DESIRE N 3fw Pioneer Druyttsfs HIRDAVL7, SIXTH ST. 'TLLEPHONrS Three Graduate Pharmacists 1 . ZL .TfL-VitBfSr JtMU'MmmPF&fil 11 a'R.'I .iV. Glo ru u :h ..kAfbf U5 mi viv Shjt. 8. Ml D m. For PC" T 8IMI JON and WALES I3f AND. ThurMlay p . 86 200 SATIN-(3 LO ENAMEL Regular Trices Sale Trices 'batt. Quart Pints V Pints $8 JO 1.8S 1J&0 JO .35 , nguUr I'rftos Sale Prices J. i.oo 60 V4 Ptato .45 - JO sua MANUFACTURER'S ANNUAL Sale Satin do Paint; Satin-Glo Clear; Satin-Glo Enamel Far One Week Only, Commencing: March 29 SALE PRIC SATIN-GLO Save the Coupons S2JM .76 TH0MPS0N HARDWARE Co. Ltd. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED ulllti( KrtMti IVIuo It u wrt Fi r VANCOUVER. VlCTOaiA. Buutuie, Airt My. etc. TlMaday. 330 pjn. 'tut WMIlW.K. ILIUM. Ilutrtlulr, Aim liaj. mi- . I'ritM) inldnixbt ltr Al.irfi A KM, ANYOX. nTMVAKT, Nim KHrr, Port Mmptua, un Itt ind Arafir li M SMITH Mrnt. Prim Kuprrt. II C (lintiuh t. iltlniwn . I B.C. COAST IISTEAMSHIPS B. C. Coast Steamship Service bAJLIM.S I KOM riMNCfi RLTE1CT To Ketchikan, Wrangell. Juneau. Skaaway prU 9, 19. 30. To Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle April 2, 13. 23. Princess Mary Ocean Falls, ete Vancouver and Vtctorla. every filcay, ID p.m. A cents For All Steamship Lines V. C. Orchard, General Agent. 3rd .Ave, Prince Itupcrt. Phone 31 ! AN AD I AN 'NATIONAL Q7;c Large Jl Railway Sylem in America, STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SKRV1CE Sa!liiU from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, ' SEATTLE and Intermediate points, Thursday & Sunday 10 p.m. For ANYOX each Wednesday, at 4 p.m.. STEWART eaeh IVednesdav and Saturday at .4 p.nv , KFor For North an,d South (fiittn CllarloUe Islands fortnightly'. ' " '. ! , Ti-nt.') fi. : '"! J'i'H fvm Miu .1111 I'AMNKMIRK TISMX9 I.EAU: I'lllM'E KITI'KT I(IIAY. WFIiXt'HDW and S.Tl'l(lAV m II. SO a.m. for HUNCU flCOBUK, r.llMOMO; IVINMI EO. all points hustrrn Canadii, VnHra Htatek. .' AUFSRV -AI.I. OCEAN STBAMMIir LINKS City Ticket Oflicc, 528 J'liird AeH Prince HuperU-l'hone 2H dvertise in "The Daily News" If yotir najicr docs not arrive, Iclcphonp he africj- M Local Items 4 a Taxi Phone i. Big 4 Taxi, tf Billiard Championship match tonight. MqMordle vs. Easson,. V This afternoon's train, due from the East at 3.30, was reported this morning to be on time. Ole Strolia' and Ole Bendlcksonj arrived in the; city by train onj Sunday from Aaleeund, Norway. Pffv nprmmta fnr ffm tvm trflrq city ticket office here, has been, further consideration. promoted to tne position 01 ucicei clerk. William Harold, from the superintendent's office, taking his place as stenographer. A. A. Easson returned to-the-city ah the- oatalsr thicsmorning from Anyox. accompanying Billy Bag-shaw ahd Pete Chenoskl who participated in a boxing card at a smoker in the smelter town last Friday night, Bagshaw dropping a decision to Henry Deeth while Chenoskl boxed a draw with Kid Barclay. The city council last night adopted a recommendation from the Board of Works to refund to Ed' ward Llpsett (Prince Rupert) Ltd. a sum of $276 in connecVon with overpayment made by that company to -the city a few years ago when a water connection was lad down to serve various business establishments on that part of the Twaterfront. It was explained that ? lithe, eotndanr had oaid consider able more than its share under tne scheme wheteby the city was to pty -hatf the ooct of the connec tion and the consumers the other half. HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel , ,.1'Nnnt NUV MXAOEMKXT Mram llratd: Trattllrrs' fmpl ' Itnatiu: lint and Cold Walrr lYrc l!4 Merl, All Train ana fVol Kates S1.0 and Up M'Bf ML MOXTIH.Y RATI.N C. K. 151 (iG ART & A. DONALD lri' rVti s PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water In all rooms A. J. PTiUDHOMME, Prop. Cor. ol Fraser and Fifth Sts. Savoy .p. J. fitzpatrlck Grand Forks; Ilarry Winfleld and Howard D. Thompson, Gibson Island. New Royal Hotel , ; J. 7-arrtll. rp. mi: IIOTF.I. MOKTll WHILE Hot St Cold Water: Steam Heat "5c PER PAY AND UP Trte hour tSl PRINCE RUPERT , S.TEAE BATHS Dear Sir and Madam: WHY HESITATE? Steam baths and massage promote health and happiness. Personal cleanliness produces a charming personality. Massage induces the natural health to go with it. Why N'ot Enjoy Bath? V,TWr Prince" (Rupert Steam Baths offer you both at very reasonable rates. And we feel sure that one trial will convince you. Your patronage is solicited, and Inspection is Invited. May we expect you? Respectfully, Prince Rupert Steam Baths, v Hours Ladies 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. dally. Gents 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. dally. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Dentist, Dr. . J. It. Gosse. Phone 686. - i i i.. ,i n . ...... Glasses fitted by"" registered optometrist at Hcilbroner'rf. Store, (tf) . For higher prices ahd prompt returns ship your raw furs to T. Pap-pas, Prince George; B.C. tf The city council last -night tin-ally reconsidered and adopted the bylaw setting the tax rate for the year at 48 mills. A letter from1 H. L.' Taylor, inspector of electrical eriergy, inquir ing if the city had any objection, through conflict with the, tele- tor any other Galvanized Iron, Pipe Fittings, Belting, Etc. Presbyterian BasiecSale April S. Moose Whist Driv,i,and Dance. April 4. , tl it Bagles Smoker Aprtt,.7.i April 10. Daffodil danoe IO.DJL Hall. SP ;il BRAID'S BLUE LABEL I TEA l's, per lb !BLUE RIBBON COFFEE ! l's, per lb. JUICY ORANGES 3 dot. for .SOM-MOR SMILES PORt ; RIDGE Per pkt Canadian National to Expend $25,000,060 In West In 1930; Hudson Bay Road to Churchill construction In Vancouver and .Saskatoon. Relaying of steel, track will be proceeded with. maintenance and improvement, ballasting, track extensions, bridging, fencing, the erecting of new buildings, water supplies and rail- jroad facilities generally comprise n? p& LrwZ .the bulk of the work for which pro-Beit. i to u-inch; 1U0 pyracoM Hair vision has been made". It is not Belt. bt Bngltah mk. wry durable; nnMble a.t this time to nartlcular- ncw Ormmted Iron. 0. 8 and 10 It f , . i, u.. ahMU. always In stock: oatd ftat Oalv. SbMU, SO-lnch by 10 ft. FuU atock ol ate I api;t ruiieyi; trnmo and Grain Sacka; Barbm Wire; Wlr Bop; CanvM: Doom: Windows: Roofing Felt: Garden aod Air Hgne; Boom Chataa: uercnmnaiae ana uiuyamik of all mcrlpUOBS. BBquirlea Mlleltod. laa roweu at. Vaneouver, B.C. II. C. JI NK ro. ANNOUNCEMENTS Bagles Whist Drive and dance April 2. ize the; various items in the budget Together with the branch lines program already mentioned the proposed work constitutes a heavy program for the engineering forces. The branch line program alone calls for the grading of 159 miles of line; track laying on 155 miles, bal lasting on 217 miles, the erection of 300 miles of fencing, 240 miles of since each Item requiring a capital I Telegraph line, 20 station buildings, out lay has to be sanctioned by par-1 40 section men's dwellings and 10 liament before work can be com- water stations, including tanks and menced. ! pumphouses. It can be said, however, that The program on the Hudson Bay among other things, the company ; Railway which is being supervised proposes to replace 270 miles of 80 ' by the engineering department of and 83 oound steel with new 100 tne Canadian national railways oound steel and to relay 100 miles for the government is also exten- of light track with 80 and 86 pound slve. Between The Pas and Mile 356, steel. In the program for further : the original portion 01 tne railway, strengthening track structure the a number of station buildings andJ instillation nt same 2.T2S.G00 tie emDioyees dwellings nave to De plates and 680,000 rail anchors is built and a certain amount of f 11 eonVnplated. Between three and j Ung of embarnkments has to be un a half and four million ties will be 1 dertaken. replaced. Of this number about Hudson Bay Koad 15 will be treated ties, a consra-1 lt j, expected that the progress to erablc amount ol Dauastmg is aiso be auring this year on the proposed. nig Program i various works will be sufficient to ! complete and enuip the Hudson The extension of 40 passing Bay Railway to a point which will trunk nines is proposed. ; permit or commercial Dusmess De- AifKiiV will ner-'lng extended beyond Mile 356 to First United Chursb,. Barter Sake a more economical use of Churchill. This, however, will de- newir. Provision Is made for the pend to a considerable extent up 1 construction of through sidings at on how early weather conditions , M , H T . . . .. ... ... 1 i U - H..MnJ nyiu 41 iu . 21 points in addition to exisung wui auow wum w uc ibwjku. Moose danee April 11. , I Oatholie Women's IfBgac. Spring Sale April 34. ' . j Ridley I loose Basaa. May 8. '. i , for quick result try a .dM h. the Daily Npwv 'want- TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ; ! LOST Pair Olasses m black lea-1 j ther case, on Seventh Avenue.. Phone Blur 159. This Weeks ECIALS I Koyal DOLLAR SODAS 5 s, I M. Polumbo. C.N.R.; Oeorge J. j Per box uarrett and R. Burton, city; W. j P. Ungerer, Terrace. 65c 70c 65c 80c 35c! IIEINZ'S Tomato Soup Qfl 1 Rm Small. Q 9 tins tins for for HEINZ'S Tomato Soup e-flj (fi vi.W Urge. 6 tins far IIEINZ'S Tomato Ketchup QCn 3 bottles for A.-I. SAUCB-3 bottles for 85c FRISSH Vpr.PTAnLFi ARRIVING EVERY BOAT Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited ; 417-423 5th Avenue East PHONE 18 AND 84 , P. O Box 675. ! DISTRIBUTORS lenses. WANTED Wc want active distributors, to whom will be given exclusive territory rights, to handle the Charles Gurd complete line of beverages. . Eastern Canada knows the high 2uality of Gurd's Ginger Ales, linger Beer and other beverages knows them through three generations of appreciative customers. Tbe west Indies, South America, India these hot countries import Gurd's refreshing 'Dry Qinger Ale In large quantities. We now wish to distribute Gurd's across Canada. We need distributors who will put the same enthusiasm into selling our products as we put into their manufacture. CHARLES GURD & COMPANY LIMITED 1016 BLEURY STREET MONTREAL High Clou ttvaragai btablithad 1863 aan aaar- Roarted and gronnd from diolea bears! and packed by vac tram procoaa In air-tight tint ha aroma and flaronr of Ulna. Kib-bon Coffee appeal to every taste. Order a tin fram roar froter today aaJ try iu It II Man in the Moon r- ' No, Jake, it was not a local commercial man who sent a telegram to his best girl and entered It in his WINNIPEG, April -1: The Canadian National. Rail- expense book as "chicken wire. ways will spend $25,000,000 on new construction, mainten-1 - ance and eeneral betterment work in Western Canada1 Jake says: "Now look what that thin Vfioy nnnnrAinrr tn n ctofomont Jocund f lo V,,, A T? I Spring pome did.' Warren, vice-president of the western region of the com- . ml , i? - . , ... . t " ... ... ... .... Rastus (after speech on political mnnnmvl T)nn' vn1 nil rhlnlr mah " ' " pany. mis ngure is exclusive oi tne sums which will be j talk was sound? spent on the Hudson Bay Railway, and it does not include the Canadian National's share of the budget for the Northern Alberta Railways. As has already been announced, $9,000,000 will be used 873,49 were passed for .payment at , feas"' to if1 'ti !ln tne branch Une building pro-o last night's council meeting. ioe "J igram. This work Is part of this Power Co. with its power trans-iportlon of tne thre year program A recommendation from the fin- mission line to Galloway Rapidiappr0Ted Dy the federal parliament ance committee, that lot 14, block was read at last night's meeting jin 192g ana- most of the lines are 24, section 8, against which there of the city council. A report fromjjocated jj, Saskatchewan and Al- are charges of $30.63, be sold to 1 City Engineer F. M, Good on tnejberte.. Two are being built In Brl John Wynne and Marlorie Wynne matter referred to tne fact tnat for $60 was adopted by the city j the line would block access to cer council last night. tlsh Columbia. Altogether 12 branch lines are Included in this year's tain townslte property. Further , western program. The balance of information having been received, the money will be used on lines in Jack Lauten, for the past few however, the matter was referred the west now in the operation and years stenographer in the CN.R.!back to the Board of Works for on the two hotels which are under Sambo Yassah, sho was! Rastus And logical? Sambo No, Jes' sound. We did not notice any of our friends looked any more foolish passing tracks, thereby releasing than usual this moraine. In fact. the passing tracks entirely to train, we do not see how they could. operation and so providing an av- j enue for a further speeding up of, Hubby-Ouees what I have In my passenger ana ireigm train scne- hand for you. auies. rweive loading tracic exten- wifey I bet it's new undies! sions are aiso projected, xara ex- Hubby Yes, but how many? tension, improvement ano re-arrangement has been provided for at a number of points, the most important of which is Saskatoon where the extensive terminal changes which were begun last year When a wolf fails to make good, his companions tear and eat him but they do not get that holy feel ing from doing so like the local wolves do. Of aU the things I hate, Of the bad things In this land Is the guy with the sickly smile And the lifeless flabby hand. Toronto Stocks (Courteiy S. P. Jobnon Oo.) Amulet, 1.45, 1.47. Dome, 8.90, 9.10. Falconbridge, 450, 459. Hollinger, 5.65, 5.75. Howie. 79, 80. Hudson Bay, 12.65, Nil. Imperial Oil, 27.15, Nil. International Nickel, 42.80, 43.00. Manitoba Basin, 6, 7. Mining Corporation, 2.63, 2.70. Mclntyre, 18.60, 18.70. Noranda, 39.85. 40.00. Sherrltt Gordon, 255, 2.68. Sudbury Basin, 3.12. 3.15. Teck Hughes, 6.20, 6.25. Treadwell Yukon, 650, Nil. Ventures, ISO, -UBS:' Wright Hargranfei, '1175,-178. il'KM it Hi'iii aNJl. TRAINS i From East Sundays, Tuesdays, md Thursdays. 350 pjn. For East Mondays, Wednesdays mi .' . MailxScfieclute or the'East-7'"' Mons Weds., & Sats. 10:30 u.m rom the East auns., Tues. ti Thurs. 3:30 p.m. 'or Vancouver Sundays 9 pjn. Tuesdays ...2:30 pjn. Thursdays 9 pjn. Fridays 11 p.m. April 2. 13 and 23 pjn. rom Vancouver Sundays 4 pjn. Wednesdays 10 30 a.m Fridays p.m. Saturdays 10:30 p.m. April 9, 19 and 30 ajn. or Stewart and Premier-Sundays 7 pjis Wednesdays 3 p.m Saturdays 3 pjn. om Stewart and Premier-Sundays 8 p.m. Tuesdays 11:30 a.m Thursdays 8 p.m. N- Ulver and Port Simpson-Sundays 7 p.m. om Ntas River and ort Simpson Tuesdays 11 30 ajn. Ou--n Tharlnttrs April 12 and 26 9 p.m From Queen Charlottes-April 10 and 24 ajn. 'or Alaska-April 9, 19 and 30 9 p.m. 'rom Alaska Awl! 2, 13 and 23 pjn. For Anyox and Alice Arm- Sundays 7 pjn. Wednesdays 3 pjn. from Anyox and Alice Arm- Tuesdays 11:30 a.m. Thursdays 8 pjn. Sec the news oi the advertisements. tne stores in BIG ORDER For Beaver, Martin and Otter Pelts Just Received By W. Goldbloom FUR, BUYER He pays more for all furs than anyone else. Brine, your f'irs to him first, the old reliable place.