PACE TWO THE-BAIL? H2vv3 Monday, June aa The Daily News , PRINCE. RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue II. F. PULLEN - - - Man'aging-Editbr' SUBSCRIPTION RATES By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Em-mm and United Kt.ite. nald In Advance, taef vear 6.00 City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 Transient advertising on front page, per Inch 2.80 Local readers, per insertion, per line 23 Transient display advertising, per Inch, per Insertion 1.40 Classified advertising, per Insertion, per word .02 Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line 15 Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone 93 Editor and Reporters' Telephone 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION PEACE RIVER OUTLET SHOULD BE BIG YfcART PROFESSOR Appointment of MacMillah No Precedent; Foster and White Same It is no unusual thing for the government at Ottawa to make a raid on one of the universities of the country when It wishes" to fill aft important departmental position with a man of more or less specialized training, says the Vancou ver Province editorially. It IS most Monday, June 23, 193d Tne further down the price of wheat goes, the more important it becomes that the people of tjje. Peace River; country be riven a western outlet at an bar v date. At the present price it is impossible for. the farmers that far from a market to pay the high freight rates in addition to haul-i ing their wheat long distances to the railway. It would be a calamity if for a second time the farmers of that won-j derful region were forced to leave as they did years ago. Premier Mackenzie King has promised that this work will be put through and there are now four survey par-i ties in the field with a view to deciding definitely which is the better route, Peace River Pass. Pine River Pass. Monk-1 ii "Hnori tori If, llitlv i : This should be a big year for salippn fishing. All signs Jjoint to it; The experts say ft iduS anil thVcanners are ready for it. Already a good start has been made , in the Skeena River and it is to be hoped that the forecasts arfe true. The canners need a good season, thjf fishermen need it and the merchants of Prince Rupert held it. JOINT CONTROL OF Colonel Hiam told some local people at a dinner last vccn. uua me x eace uiver railway was likely to be owned and controlled jointly by the two great railways. That should mean that the C P. R. will be running into Prince Rupert. It is very much to be desired that the a N. R. make it possible for the two lines to come here and offer them such facilities as will make their coming a sure thing. At yicocm. me line is sum io De losing money lor -the company. If the two companies used it thnre wnnH business to take care of the overhead and make a profit '. An average man is one who admits it, s5r. also of Ihtlm'esVfhls was Hi IMIPTrnn Iclatsics and ancient literature in ImnllJ I filial I diversity of New Brunswick, wiu cuieicu me wacaonaia cabinet as minister of marine ahd fisheries in 1885. But Mr. Foster we know him now as Sir George, and he Is me most venerable of our elder statesmen had had a few years political experience before taking up nis cabinet work. Dr. MacMlllan h3s had no such experiences and will have to sprout his political wings ln somewhat of a hurry. It is expected that M will be a candidate In Queen's P.E.I., and If he Is, his elecUon Is pretty certain. Queen's is a two-member constituency, Sure unusual, however, for the head of for one Liberal at least, and prob-a university department to be draf- ably for two, and Dr. MacMlllari tea airectiy onto the cablnst, as Dr.- Will have the prestige of his new po Cyrus MacMlllan has been. Dr. Me- sltlon to hack him im nnrt fh. Mlllan, a native of Prince Edward port of whatever credit comes to Island, has been professor of Eng. the g6vernment for carrying out ai Mcuui. now he is to take we terms of the Duncan report up the new portfolio of fisheries in There was another i,ta . SJ1 centuaiBSfl h1SW in Canada 7 ' I "-i. '.uuug smmA novice in pol tics being given fit firiM T)n aWaPJ.QSl JQ4L. When -wuv vm. iicw iiiiiiisber in mil hi fnntf.ft .ttn.. ...... . . that will fal to him. He has been;Thomas had not, up to that time, a memoer or a couple of commls- .been sions which have investigated af- Commons c any 1 turTaad airs in the Mantlmes, and has been 'had taken no pan in pub lc life if ?JTh ur" there the M" wLPSme from fbt some time. His appointment is, university chair, as SiraeonS no doubt, counted on to strengthen Foster didand from outelde 22 the government's position ln the fold of pontics, as Sir Tnoma! three eastern provinces. VWte does Jl, did, a, well in new The appotatment of Dr. MacMil- office as Sir George and Bottom" '!Bnappotmcnt,,many!a,, dld la theirs, his record will he years ago, to another Canadian ja proud one. - . 'REGISTRARS ARE NAMED llkt. of. Election. Officials c For Riding Announced By Returning Of ficer Rv tn alJ nthpv rnnntWi. vpar 7.X0 . E- H- Mortimer, returning officer By mall to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia. for the forthcoming lederal elec-l paid in advance for yearly pertol ,....; tv. . . .! i. . 3.00 tlm- nnice. the appointment of j Or four months for 1.00 'v f u'" sloCS ln skeet,a follows: For lesser period, paid In advance, per month ; 50 as Alyansh, A. F: Prelslley. Alice Arm, W. B. Bower. Allison Harbor, C. B. Hall. Anyox eBach, O. O. Maclntyre. Anyox Beach, A. J. McMaster. Anyox Mine, Angus MacLean. Atlin, J. B. Kershaw. Bablne, R. II. Eaton. Bella Bella, J. W. Morlscm. Bella Coola, C. A. Brynildsen. Big Missouri, W. E. Altcheson. . Burns Lake, S. Godwin. Butedale. Geo. G. Webber. Casslar Cannery, R. H. Gurd. Cedarvale, A. S. Tordlffe. Ctaxton, Robt. Anderson. Colleymount, R. O. Refiaud. Copper City, L. g. Skinner. Cumshewa, Mrs. M. L. Morgan. Doreen, C. H. Leake. Dawsons (Landing), J. E. Dawson. Dundas Island, M. Anderson. Endako, Jno. S. Ross. Engineer Mine, A. Sykes. Evelyn, Ed. Johnson. Falls River, D. H. Hamilton. Flrvale, O. Netyell. Fourth of July Creek Glentenna, Mrs. K. E. Chapman. Georgia River, F. B. Shearme. Orassy Plains, P. I Mulvllle. Hagensborg, A. Hammer. Haysport, Mrs. M. A. Dupuls. man Pass or Wapiti Pass. At nresent Peace River Pass r Hazeiton, w. Grant. seems to be the favorite and if it is adopted the line is ' 2istn' " silvirULor-pretty sure to come to Prince Rupert instead of being! SSS duiii soutneasteny to southern British Columbia, failing i Kitimaat, c. m. Carlson. rnnce nuperc u snouia oe Stewart., . nm.m mm- The work is lined up and it would be apityitbtr5"tostop it by voting wrong at the f orthcoming electlbtt?" wwwT : JJ Kltsmkalom Lake. J. Comttrre. Kltwanga, Roy Moore. Klemtu, M. Gourd. Lagoon Bay Lawn Hill, R. G. Emmerson. Little Canyon, T. J. Klrkpatrlck. Lower Stikine, W. R. Overend. Lockport Loves, Jno. Love. ' Lowe Inlel, Cyril Gosse. Marmot River, Jno. W. Storey. Margaret Bay, Henry MacDonald. Massett, Mrs. A. Smith. Mill Bay, W. D. NOhle." Moficetown, W. H. Atrlll. Nadlna, F. Gale. Natnu, C. H. Roberts. Netf Hazeiton, J. H. Wlllan. Nifty Mines, Geo. W. Bell. North Bulkley, Jessie Mclnnts. North Francois Lake, Anselm Kel ler. North Island, J. Murray. Oceants, W. J. Connery. Ocean Falls, C. J. Hague. Oona River, J. Bergman, Ootsa Lake, Mrs. M, Bennett. Osland, Mrs. T. Johnson. Pacific, T. McCubbin. Palling, Mrs. L. Saunders. Port Clements, A. R. Mallory. Porters Landing, A. J. Marlon. Port Esslngton, C. A. Moore. Port Simpson, R. Boyd Young. Premier Mine, Dan. McAuley. Prosperity Mine, A. C. Pover. Prince Rupert,, E. Cavanatlle, J McNulty, H. A. McLean, Ben Fer guson, C. P. Balagno, Allster Mc Rae, H. A. Fraser. Queen Charlotte City, G. D. Beat' tie. Quick, E, C. Barger. , ; Remo, P. J. Murphy. Rivers Inlet (Cannery), L. E Whaley. Rose Lake, D. Sturgeon. Sandspit, A. O. Pallant. Selwyn Inlet, W. L. Dass. Shannon Bay, E. A. Morgan. Sheraton, R. Saranovlch, Skeena Crossing, D.W. Pratt. Skidegate, Mrs. O. E. Stevens. Smlthers, L. H. Kenney, T. A. Mc- Martln. South Barik, J. II. Keefe. SouUi Bay, J. McWilllams. South Bulkley, W. H. Mitchell. SouUi Bentlnck, Geo. Scott, , Soderman's Camp, Thos. Altken. Squaderce, S. Paton. Stewart, E. T. Applewhalte. B. C. Silver), D. H. Rae. Surf Point Mine, W. H. Miller. Taltapln Mine, O. E. Nellsori. Tatal Rose School, A. Preble. Telegraph Creek, W. H. Tipton. Telkwa.'Geo. Ollniour. Terrade, it Halllwell. Topley, E. O. Strombold. Tulsequah, L. H. Frascr. Usk, J. L. Bethurem. Wark Channel, Jack Roberts. Wistaria, W. R. Nelson. Woodcock. W. C. Little. Wolcott, Mrs. Mary Hemstreet. Tyee, W. J. Nelson. Wadham's Cannery, Chaa. T, Harvle. Sweeney MounUla J. W. McNeil. i R.cqeb Gusv Swanbprg; bouui iniei, t. a. Floyd. i Slter ship to two Canadian war hips. Saguenay and Skeena. now being built. They are oil burners of 300-feet length and will be most up-to-date in the world. -I' lit ' ' I if I m ilitilfljfirtl w:Uv L IW itsi D mlww Ii Jl - i IV 7he Wisest Investment I ever made "INf other investment gives mc such absolute pcace-of-mind ... no -y t0-" Wl' so surc'y furnish ready money ' when I shall need it most' later on . . ; y . V as my Life Insurance. '., -4w tse p0jcjcs fepfcscnt a substantial personal estate that is instantly available should I die. They guarantee an income for my old age . . . for the education of . ' my children . . , and for my wife should ; she have to maintain the home without my earnings. .t "It is a comforting thought to know that, comc,wHat,may, thefuture of mj-sclf and family is safeguarded. Other invest- , mcnts may fluctuate in value ... soma may turn out to be worthless . . but there is a certainty to Life Insurance that neither time nor drcumstaficcs can alter. "Life Insurance has helped mc create an estate which not only affords protection for today but builds up a cash'v reserve for the future."; ilk Jnsmwcjfefric If your News does not arrive before 6 o'clock Phone 98