ES | We Hurt Taxi--Phone 99 Day and Night New Management TT ———— gn — Open vO] NO, 244, Petrograd Taken, Says Report of Finnish Army General Staff} wz, ss =--- ity and Fortress of Kronstadt occupied by Anti-Bolshevik |} tectves oto nt, ot forces; Railway between Petrograd and Moscow cut; Cossacks capture 9,000 Bolshevik troops PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspape (Special to Ihe Nows via G.T. P. Telegrapns.) London, October 20. innish army. A communication from the Northwest Russian army confirms e capture of Krasnaia Gorka and claims that the railway be- The fall of Petrograd and the occu- anoy of that city and the fortress of Kronstadt by Russian anti- oishevik forces is reported officially by the general staff of the een Petrograd and Moscow has been out by blowing up the idge over the Tosna River. The Bolsheviks have concentrated 2,000 men at Gdoff on Lake sipus and another 1,000 near Petrograd. Helsingfors, October 20. A wireless message from Taganrog, ssia, on the Sea of Azov, announces that Don Cossak troops) Zibassa, the | halibut launch. The deceased was ptured 9,000 Bolsheviks in the vicinity of Voronezh. QCAL MEN TO OPEN A MILL DUKE NICHOLAS - ON PRINKIPO Living on Island in Sea NEAR PITMAN +. ramiy_ Rope toe E. Allen of Forestry Depart-| ent and Olaf Hansen Under- take New Enterprise. ew sawmill is to be opened Pilman by two loeal men, lanson and R, &, Allen. will be supenintended Mr. Allen who has resigned with the local forestry He spent several at Hazelton as ehief for- rand then was transferred to : strict and has been in ige of both distriets for over Mr. Allen's family is ve wn and popular all! r tl | and they will still } vrinee Rupert at the \partments, to whieh they ‘ing in a few days. ow mill will be divided p ections, one being de- f ely to box making and other: to commercial lumber. ‘4.5 are already on the pend | Mr. Allen will leave Soon as he is relieved from y department to super- 1 of mill buildings. Hanson, his partner in the i has obtained several! ils which will @H the ands of the mill for some . "anson is a well knewn I and has had large Facts with the railway getting oles and timbers. He s ested” in the fish ness here E AND RATS ARE PLAGUE IN BELCIUM ‘4 4. TP. Telegraphs.) he wy } IVY dest ; ! royed by this plague. RINK FOR CALGARY & iy ‘! Via G. Tp Telegraphs. ) BNCOUVe ik L Hoekey Bd ry po! BAC jy City, k for Atking’ Sausages. *%* " . . ** wee oe tees bha ® to take io ofa Case of Scariet ‘ P. Cape Medica, Health Officer. ** “S®e0nccncs DESTROYING CROPS ctober 20—The fall es Belgium has been f “er favorable eondi- 'egions devastated ‘ve suffered another oF mice and rats, Ces the wheat erop ‘id in others abso. “ctober 20.—Frank Mesident of the Pacifie \ssociation, con- ts from Calgary that tee - d the ereetion of an "S°y and skating in Of Marmora. (Special via G.T. 1. Tetewraphs.) London, Oct, 20-—QGrand Duke Nicholas Nicholaivitech, former commander in chief of the Rus- sian army, has been living on Prinkipo Island in the Sea of Marmora since last February. The Geand Duke, his wife, the Grand Duchess Anastasia, and her father the King of Monte- negro are all reported to he on the island. TWO NOMINATED AT VICTORIA Dr. S. F. Toimie, Unionist Minis- ter of Agriculture, and T. A. Barnard, Soidier ndidate. (Speciat via G.T. Pr. Telegraphs.) Victoria, Oct. 20.--Hon) Dr. 8. F. Tolmie, Minister of Agriculture in the Dominion Government, and T. A. Barnard, returned soldier nominee of the Federated Laber Party, were nominated today to contest the by-election, voting on which takes place on October 27. Lieut.-Col. C. W. Peck, V.C., is to address the Tolmie meeting on W ednesday next, SCENE IN GERMAN CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES (Special vie G.T.P. Telegraphs.) Berlin, Oet, 20.—The Minis- ters of the Government and their attaches and the deputies of-all the political parties except his own walked ostentatig@usly out of the Chaanber of Deputies on Sat- urday when the former chief of police Kiechorn took the speaker's stand during the. debate on the Labor Minister's budget. 412 WHALES TAKEN (Special via G.T.P. Telegraphs » Seattle, Oet. 20.—Four Whal- Aleutian group. TROUBLE aT FIUME (Special by 0. t. PF. Telegraphs.) are oceurring here. The busi Halian population. PRINCE RUPERT, B. G., MUNDAY, OCTORBR 20, 1919, ~~ RIGA SITUATION REPORTED CRITICAL to be critical. . The Lettish of Col. Avaloff Demmondt. London, October 20.—No Esthonian troops have yet Participated in the defence DIED IN BED = Ssasa's DURING NIGHT} "== "re Sr 'sseic. |Capt. Hugh McKinnon of Fishing Boat Chief Zibassa was well Known Local Skipper. oo ean conweet st sient BTR OT TIME IN ONTARIO TODAY Doubt as to Outcome of Elections Chief storage Staying in a small house in See. | tion 2 near the garbage scow and ; Went to bed last night apparently | feeling as well as usual. In the |morning he was found dead by spoon and D. staying with him and report was immediately made to police, investigations prior to an inquest which prob- United ably will be held. well known along the waterfront and was a member in good standing Fishermen's He was about forty years d of age and was born in the prov- ince of Prinee Edward Island. It fi any relatives on the Pacifie coast but lhe kin of his dive in Boston, Mass. communicated arrange- ments are in the hands of the TB. 1. Undertakers. WILL NOT TAKE — POLITICAL ACTION (Specia! via OG. T. P, Ottawa, Oct, -Vigorous de- nial is given by Lieut.-Col. Pur- the Great War Veterans’ Association, contemplated should requests before the perlia- CREW OF ONATA ARE EXONERATED (Special via G. T. P. Philadelphia, Four survivors of the erew of the Brit- Sullivan of the American steamer , Were exonerated today by British Consul, af- into the charges “BE FRANK” WON RACE AGAINST EXTERMINATOR (Special via 6. T.P Kvy.. October terminator” with $7,500 two miles and a quarter, by two lengths, with “Legal MORE CREDIT GIVEN ITALY BY THE STATES (Special vie G. T. P. Telegraphe.) Washington, Oct, 20, of $100,000,000 to Italy has been announced by the treasury, mak ing $4,620,923,872 in all advanced to that country and a total of 89 7,419,494 to all the MAIL AND EMPIRE MANAGER PASSES (Special via 6, T.P added money IN ALASKAN WATERS ing Vessels, the Kodiak, Unimak, Patterson, and Tanginak, return- gd from the season's work in Alaskan waters’ and reported a total catch of 412 whales, an un- usual season. The fleet made headquarters at Akutan in the Fiume, Oct, 19.—Disturbances ness interests are going over to reneral maneget! the support of the leader of the general m Mail and Empire ; He had been connecter Ladysmith Coal. The best. Prince Rupert Coai Company, Phone 15. of Riga though their artillery is assisting. Numerous trai- tors who directed the Ger- man artillery fire by light TA XI Phone 75 and 35 We Never Sleep PRINCE RUPERT AUTO 107 Second Avenue M. H. LARGR| Poe Cee reteeercocceetoosoooooon WOMEN VOTING But All Parties Profess to be Confident of Outcome. Weather (Special via u. tp Telegraphs were Poronto, Oct. 20.—With every. body guessing as to the probable result of the voting today and the Conservatives, Liberals and Farmers all] professing more or less confidence in vie. tory, the Ontario provincial gen- eral elections promise to be ex. -ptionally interesting. There are more candidates un- r inore variety of names than were known before and for the st time women have the suf. frage, prohibition question § is ringing out a very lange women’s vole, as women take more inter. e| in that question than men. FALLS ILLUMINATED Prince of Wales Given a Great Reception at Niagara. (Special via G.T.P. Telegrapbs.) Niagara Falls, October 20.—A great ovation greeted the Prince ot Wales when he arrived late last night. The Prince pressed & button which illuminated = the Canadian Falls with eleetrie light for the first time in many years, BODY OF MISSING ” MAN HAS BEEN FOUND (Special! via G.T.P. lelegraphs.) Edmonton, Oct. 20.—The body of John Doherty of St, Louis who has been missing since May, has been found buried in a cellar at Hythe. His wife and an accom- plice are charged with the crime. MAY REVIVE LOCAL UNIT OF AULITIA Major MeMullin, of the 68th Karl Grey's Own Rifles and loeal sovernipent agent, left on the Pringe Rupert last night for Vie- toria where he will attend a moeting of military men on the matter of reorganizing an active militia, The 68th was disbanded some time ago and it is now thought to revive it as well as others, Major MeMullin was aecom- panied by Mrs. MeMullin who has just recovered from a very serious illness, Kk. W. Barr, of Omaha, inspee- tor for the Travellers’ Assident Insurance Company, left for Van- couver on the Prince Rupert last night. His duties of inspection take him over all the United States west and south of Chicago and all of Canada, He has been in the city on his regular business, . . . . Indian Agent Perry, who has returned from a visit of inspee- tion in the Naas Valley, reports that there is no foundation to the persistent rumors as to the loss of the Louis Powell family of Metlakatla, They were tied up next to him on Friday night at the mouth of the Naas and are returning to Metlakatla, ul sales were exceeded, First Nearly 20 Cents a Pound for Halibut All records beaten at Sales on Prince Rupert Fish Exchange yesterday and possibility of still higher prices \t yesterday's Fish Exchange all high price records for hali- class fish sold for 19.9e and second for 16e. The previous record for car lots was 19.2 for irsts and 14.2e for seconds in January, 1919. Last year’s price ——————_— Ss — = PRICK FIVE CENTS for October 19 was 15.2c and 12.3¢, The scarcity of halibut just now is the reason of the very high prices and there are several causes for the present shortage Tifish. The fishing industry has really never recovered from the ‘ffect of the strike last summer, when it was given a serious lost very heavily. Many of the larger boats have been packing | salinon this season and will not | be halibut fishing for a week or just closed, There is generally a ‘ull in the fishing in the fall and many of the smaller boats do not zel out to the banks ti!l the first ‘f February. Also the tides, be. ing so very high lately, have inade| it a disadvantage for the smaller boats, Lerger Boats Out. Now that the larger boats are outfitting for the northern banks and some of them are already there, it is expected that some large catches ought to be in here before long. Local fishing au- thorities state that the price may even go higher, but, of course, this depends largely on the sup- vly. The highest prices are gen- setback. At that time the fishing , OO » yet as the salmon season has All Canadian was very good but the fishermey | “i rece SOLDIER TERMS ‘atches to advantage and ee ARE REDUCED Soldier Prisoners, Except Two, Will be Released Before End of Year. (Special via G. T. P. Telegraphs. ) Vancouver, Oct. 20.—-Captain George Black formerly governoi; of the Yukon, has been oflicially advised that all of twenty-one sentences of imprisonment im. posed by court martial on Cana- tian soldiers implicated in camp riots have been fully reviewed and have been reduced so as to expire with two exceptions, before the end of the year. Capt. Black was counsel for these men. ‘rally paid in the month of Jan- POLICE BELIEVE A 'y. ‘Bo quote the manager of one of the loeal fishery plants: “I? hafibut is selling for 20¢ now. Royal Fisheries at 18.9e¢ and 14.2. Cold Storage at 19¢ and 14.2e. salmon at 16c. and 150 Ibs. white able. Kileaula Has Six Cones, One of of the voleano Kileaula are ae- tive at an elevation of 7,150 feet, The cones are on a line manning east and west and extending a}/from Mineola te San Francisco quarter of a mile. The longest/and return. flow covered eight miles. sington, is staying at the Hotel Prince Rupert. B. ©. Undertakers. Phone 44. what will it be in January.?” Che following is the result of vesterday’s fish sale: Nornen, 6,000 Ibs.; White Star, 7,000; H. & R., 5,500; Dolphin, 1,000 Ibs. These boats sold to the Royal Fisheries at 19.9¢ and léc, the record breaking prices. CONSPIRACY EXISTS Former S8ub-inspector of Police Receives Threatening Letter Following Murder of Deforge. (Special by 4. T. Pp. Telegraph-=.) Winnipeg, Oct. 20.—In eonnee- \tli, 2,000 Ibs. sold to Goid|'ion with the murder of the for- Storage at 18.9¢ and 14.2c. iner secret service man Deforge, Wanderer, 2,000 lbs. at 18.6e]‘*orge Ross, former sub-inspec- and 14.5e. . tor in the Dominion Police and Murineag, 1,606 Ibs. sold to the} Co-worker with Deforge during the past two years, has received Nedaros, 11,000 Ibs. sold to the}/®" anonymous letter threatening his life as the next to be taken. Hilda H. sold 600 Ibs. of red This and other evidence secured fives rise te the belief that a de- salmon at 5e to the Canadian Fish|!iberate conspiracy exists to even \ Cold Storage Co, SINGLE NAVY NOT POSSIBLE So Says Report of Admiral Jellicoe up with secret police officials for war time activities. INVESTIGATING THE FUR TRADE HERE Mr. and Mos, Cullen arrived on the train from the east last night and left for the south on the in Report to New Zealand Prinee Rupert. Mr. Cullen is an Government. \ustralian fur dealer and has —— : been looking over the fur situa- (Special via G.T.P. Telegraphs.) tion and markets in St. Louis and London, Oct. 20.—The Times Liverpool, England, Since that correspondent at Wellington, New|time he has been investigating the Zealand, says that Admiral Jel-|