Tomorrow's Tides Saturday, June 28, 1930 High 2.15 am. 22.4 ft. 15.22 p.m. 19.0 ft. Low 9.04 a.m. 0.1 It. 21.B p.m. 6.5 It. I v . rfnly after deep thougnt mat ' at associated himself with the I jii party, believing that Its po-i assured more benefits to the iirv i t floclared, because ry ln history had no otner made so RUPERT EAST TEA AND SALE Ladles' Aid Is Holding Affair This Afternoon In Church tfupert East United Church La-dl Aid Is holding a tea and salo of home cooking this afternoon. Mi.s. j. w. Moorehouse. Is general f'ii wner and Is receiving the fints. Mrs. Robert Murray and Mr T. Ross Mackay hre ln charge f the home cooking table; Mrs. J. A. Watt. Mrs. R. Wilson and Mrs. C. cised, econoriy an&, had, shon ousiness ioresgni una great wisdom in carrying out the affairs of the country. There was lndeoen- dent data to bear out the progress thai Canada nad made in those eight years, declared Mr. Pearson. Never before in history had any Skeena dSS ' Vernment SUch 8Upp0rt Mackenzie King administration critical in the his tory of Canada, the speaker said, and there never had been a time when it was more necessary to' do the right thing in order that the country should continue to progress ,d, He urged the clectors to med in the result of this el- . . -flM h,h nf hu.,nMg than Skeena He expressed, and ln M do)ng t(J use ordm. mfldence that th campaign. butlneM judgment themselves, be carried on without person- j He a4kfd the electors to analyze and that all speakers would tuJlU(m and ask themselves-orded a good hearing. Iwnere dld lht preeent governmnt George Pearson '! commence and how did it find the Pearson, the first speaker, ,,, whftr. had this aovern- l in Jocular yeln. It was his mwlt uitM the country, had the islt to Prince Uupert and he progresed in proportion to i ivorably Impressed with the ,JU wportunities and had that pro-.uid iU prospects. He was not I been to the country .i-boiled pollUclan, Mr. Pe-and the Individual clttaen? Where id, and hla entry into public the pre-ent government lead- VI UIXU LUillLAi - J lAA AAlinTfV 1X1 lTr(HLir III (M1CM. . . ... . . 1IIK La lv vuua j. w D- ( - - down or up? Proercss Made From a financial standpoint, Mr. Paarann thouaht the present gov- y thn than thosfl those o of any any om other - mde progress. It had He was supporting the Mac- 1"" when coun. King government, Mr. i debt and was ln a despondent condition. It had met the problems of soldiers' .-establishment. Yet It had been able to meet all capital expendl-.... fmm current revenue, reduce the public debt year by year ana still bring about gradual cuts In taxation. Mr. Pearson thought that was real progress.. Regarding trade, Mr. uennett seemed to be worried as he went about the country giving false Im pressions. The fact was u country had progressed in trade as Canada had in the last eight years. IU trade had,twa;eftsea uu" 's adalor the first ttoe JW Jxpor ed mDre than it lmpbrled "T notwithstanding what Mr. Bennett try. of raw about export might say SuTte the largest producer was product. proaucw. i Vlr goods tn In the world d Motte. the tea room, and jure, Mu.-olm lamb, and Mrs. Alex Mc- of manufactured It took one American thjorm Donald, the tea tables. Mrs. Frank warne is cashier. F S. Walton, C.NJI. roadmasler. per capita and to equal one German and one rnMllirWI l(fUJ ueu - . ... .i i hi nnniiiiiu v - " na A. R. Holtby, B. and B. master, was expon - - three turned to the city on today's 'products and ai one & ftfiffitSf l YrnUnuonVgetwo.) ine iireman oi ireigni iram ino. 4ui irom worm tiay was fatally injured when the train ran into another washout 16 miles east of Canreol. Six unidentified tresnassers presumably riding the freight, were killed. Train No. 3, Toronto, to Winnipeg, was also derailed near Canreol but nobody was injured. The floods are of unprecedented proportions, tying up" traffic on both railways in all directions. Prince Rupert Trophies Will Be Exhibited In Seattle Stores and In One of Largest City Banks Not one of the yachting trophies so far presented on the Pacific Coast can compare with the two large ones presented by the Prince Rupert Rowing and Yacht Club and the city of Prince Rupert, in connection with the Seattle-Prince Rupert race respectively and these two will be placed on view for two weeks in Seattle store windows and afterwards in the rotunda of one of the largest Seattle banks, according to Jack Powers, skipper of the yacht Maidie, which won the first over all race from Se attle to Prince Rupert. He told theO Rotary Club this at the weekly luncheon which he addressed yester day. Captain Powers said he hoped the raco would become an annual one and that several Prince Rupert boats would enter and that they would be prise winners. The speaker gave an Interesting account' of former cruises to Juneau and also of this year's event and of the wonderful feeling It gave( Co, win the race and to receive such' a,,splendld trophy. He spoe'd'the reception given them here and of how the visitors appreciated It He expected that next year there would be 25 or 30 boats ln the race, attrac ted by the fine trophies and the tales of what Prince Rupert had done. Trevor Johnston returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a trip to Vancou ver and Victoria. TEN POUND HAIL FALLS l our Persons Killed When Thirty Newfoundland Fishing Boats Sunk By Storm " ST. JOHN'S. Nfld.. June 27: Four persons were killed when 30 fishing boats were sunk, by a 6torm which swept over- the Lumsden fishing district yesterday. Hall stones, some of them weighing 10 pounds, fell. At the suggestion of John Dyb-havn the Rotary "club yesterday afternoon endorsed the proposal to have the new, hotel at Prince Rupert named after Sir Henry Thornton. The vote was unanimous. . BOSTON GRILL LAROK CABARET , Special Dinners Thursdays ind Saturdays Dancing Ertrjr Batnrduj Night, 0 to It Dance Hall for Hire Accommodations for Private Partita NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PHONE 4S7 Vol XXI., No, 150. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1930 PRICE FIVE CENT 01 r OF THUNDER KILLS THIRTY MEN LIBERAL CAMPAIGN IS LAUNCHED HERE Lightning Hits Boat Prince Rupert Urged To Make Wise Choice In Federal Election Canada Has Opportunity of Keeping Good Thing or Choosing For Uncertainty on July 28, Pattullo and Pearson Tell Local Meeting Pnintfnfr nnfr. rhnf fVio mfni-n r iu r-i government at the polls on July 28 was considered a u'luujibjr, vvkii ujr tueiurgf onservauve newspapers, and tlmt it would be manifestly to the advantage of the ridintr nf Stkonnn 'irwl fha mtr nf Pvinn D,,k i- 1 i ,. . ... v.. v..v ..vj ui liiiiicnuucu iu &tjiiu to uuawa a - importer of that government. T. D. Pattnltn. at t. a fnr Pnnce Rupert and leader of the Liberal Opposition, and ijoorge S. Pearson, M.L.A. for Nanaimo, delivered masterly addresses last night in the Moose Hall to oneh in this :. the Liberal federal campaign L 1! was a large audience and a !.! louring was given both speak- It wai the first time that Mr. P illu had spoken publicly here 1 he was chosen permanent : of the Liberal party in Brl- . i olumbla and he received a v.::.. welcome from his home town m p. It was the first visit to Ti ih ( Ruport f Mr. Pearson what -ki..u . i . i i , . . i f " 1 1 IUIIISCU MJ 1X3 S UlUUgllllUl mpresslve speaker. Both Mr. P .lo and Mr. Pearson scored ' . tc-lling points and their ad- were punctuated with ap- uf Col. S. P. McMordle DJB.O.. Jrnt of the .d Association, presided. In op much progress, considering Its small population of ten million peo-Dle. as Canada had during thp nast . m I ' " eight years while that government had been in nower. Thpt-p wnnlri not have been that progress had mere not Deen a government witn sound policies, one that had exer mm. AicMoraie re.erreu w nQW bc, accordcd. A nerences oi opinion Deiween . , . . Doint h had been reached hrt Brady and the leading Conscr- " newspapers of this country u. v u as old country newspapers ft Rard to the Dunning budget. halrman thought there was trict trict in in Canada Canada more more vitally viaiy Canadian National Steamship Prince Henry Canadian National gteamshlp, Prince Henry, which, early in July, will enter the Vancouver-Prince Rupert-Alaska service m tuae t dhare of ever-increasing tourist traffic up this coast. EIeveMlnvcsLosUAs Three TrainsvLeave 'Tracks Within Western Ontario Flood Area TORONTO, J.une ,27: Floods over an area of 20 mile? In the districts oftSudbury aad Capreol took a death toll oi 11 lives- in-itwo-.traini wrecks on the Canadian National RaiMdyS'Ia'sfc'night,1 aCcordhig to an official statement r$ade;tfldijF,'!l of 'Mrs. A. Neddcrburn, travel ling with 'their mother, whq was injured, were drowned when the colonist and day coaches of Train No. 4, from Winnipeg to Toronto, were partly submerged in Vermil lion River when seven of the train's nine cars were derailed by a washout. Twenty-one persons were injured. r t t-, IlAILWAY'AItCIUTEQTS fiiEKKvroricKAsrrE John Schofield and H. C. Cann, Canadian National Rail- way architects from Montre&J, arrived ln the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from VarleduveT. They are here f. to look ovcrtha'prdposed'sites for the nj49firjs.5o, with a ivJew-ta determining de- finitely it shall be situ- ' " "'"J - ated. DECISION RESERVED Mr. Justice. W. A. Macdonald Postpones Finding In Latimer." Appeal ' VANCOUVER. June 27:-rDeclsIon "las been reserved by Mr. Justice W. A. Macdonald ln.SupremeCourt on he appeal of Dr Vlctof-t&tlmer talnst art order of the College of "hystclnns and , Su tfgeons ;qtBrltlsh Columbia erasing his name from he register. IRELAND IS COMMITTED Former City Relief Officer Sent Up Dead Clerk, Bentley Made Big Haul VANCOUVER. June 27: -George ). Ireland, deposed city relief offl-er. will be committed for trial today on five charges of theft from the city involving a total of $715, Magistrate Shaw announced following the conclusion of the preliminary hearing yeserday. Shortages In the scavenging department accounts of the late Frederick M. Bentley amount to about $1,000 a month for the past fnnr ni1 five months, or a total of between $48,000 and $54,000, l'Ws, announced by Mayor MaiKin, ges- terday. Bentley committed suicide a few weeks ago by poisoning. Was President Imperial Bank TORONTO, June 27. Peleg How-land, president of the Imperial Bank of Canada, died, last night. He was 75 years of age. . Near Brockville and Awful Tragedy Comes Blinding Flash Struck Vessel and Ran Down Drill Into Packed Dynamite In River Shoal , BROCKVILLE, Ont, June 27: When a bolt of light ning struck their boat and utterly demolished it, 30 men were hurled to their deaths in the waters of the St. Lawrence River late yesterday, Only 12 of the crew of 42 were alive and of these several are In hospital more or les"s ser iously injured. The boat was the J. P. King, a drilling vessel operated by A. P. Porter & Son of St. Catherine's on a federal government contract, blasting out a ship channel off this river port. The boat was engaged in drilling a shoal. The thunderstorm blew it up and there was a deaf ening report audible for miles around. A blinding sheet of lightning struck the boat, running down the drill into packed dynamite in the shoal and exploding it. The boat was a mass of wreckage. Fisheries Cases On Last Evening One Man Fined For Fishing With out ucence Anouiar ..nargea With Obstruction O. Lenningdal, fishing boat skipper, came before Aid. S. D. Macdon-aid, sitting as a justice of the peace ln provincial police court last night, on a charge of obstructing a fishery officer while In the performance of his duty. At the request of T. W. Brown, defence counsel, the .case was adjourned for eight days. Ounnar Pedersen, charged with fishing without a license ln Virago Sound, was fined $25, with option of 15 days' Imprisonment. Vol.1. IS NOW AT NEW YORK upu jvuut&iora-ainiin iuaae. spectacular Landing at Roosevelt Field Yesterday ROOSEVELT FIELD, N.Y.. June 27: Capt. Charles Klngsford-Smith landed his plane Southern Cross here at 6:31 Thursday evening. Although he had flown 1100 miles from Harbor Grace, he treated the crowd awaiting to acclaim him, with a spectacular exhibition of vertical flying before bringing his ship to rest with a perfect three point landing. The Political Come, Friday. June 27 IT IS TO LAUGH No. 15. The Tories are never tired of stating that the Libera) tariff policies are starving our Canadian manufacturers and causing our boys and girls to go to the States for work. In contradlcUori of this rubbish we refer our readers to the monthly bank commercial letters of the Royal Bank of Canada and the Canadian Bank of Commerce for the month of June, 1930. The latter contains a table showing the great Increase ln Canadian manufactures for the years 1925 to 1923 as compared with the world Increase during those years. Just to take a few of the illustrations given; Whereas the world increase in steel manufacture was 14 the Canadian Increase was 81. Automobile manufacture, world, 7, Canada, 66. Paper, world, 9; Canada 31. Artificial silk, world, 103; Canada, 217. Increase in foreign trade, world, 3; Canada 26. The monthly letter continues: "It Is a proven fact that the rate "of Increase ln Canadian production, exceeded, tjiat of the world by a "wide margin In many of the most Important branches or economic life. This advance of Canada was so rapid as to place her among that "small group of nations which enjoys a highly diversified economic "organization." During this period Canada rose to second position ln the world ln automobile manufacture; to third in paper and Aluminum, and to fifth in rubber. ' The! Royal Bank-monthly letter has this to say: ,1 "Tii'rtn'ff,ifhp',nfl. Apvrn vestrs Oanhda has hwn nrndiiplnir wpnlt.h -h . -T-Yir-iinn rii; -.r' y "at a, rate which has permitted the, net export of approximately eight "hundred million dollars of capital. This movement has resulted ln an ' "Increase of nearly one billion dollars ln Canadian Investments abroad, ''and the re-purchase of more than five hundred million dollars' worth "of Canadian securities which were owned in other countries." And yet the Prince Rupert "Empire" says editorially: "You can Hake it from us, however, if you return the Mackenzie "King Government to power you won't have to worry about business "flowing through the Port of Prince Rupert, for there will be no busli ' ness." As the Frenchman says, "It Is to laugh."