Prince Rupert 53 'A CORN sag 1 Friday, Jura 27. i93o NEWS page srx THE DAILY 3 v NEW- LQ-W Quality Men's and Boys' Wear Phone 297 CORN is the one grain native to America. One of nature's most healthful cereals. To know how delicious it can be, just sit down to a bowl of crisp Kellogg's Corn Flakes with milk or. cream! CORN FLAKES if Grtat tor thm UiiUt ffijr to dig ft DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD " Smoked Daily by Canadian, Fish ,&; fold Storage jCd., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. COAL PEMBINA EGG-Delivered, Per Ton $12.00 MINEIIEAD EGG-Delivered, Per Ton 12.50 MINEIIEAD LUMP Delivered, Per Ton . . . 13.50 FURNITURE and PIANO MOVING A Specialty HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PnONE 580 RRICE On FASHION -CRAFT BLUE SERGE SUITS For lien and Young Men. Latest models. Double or single breasted with two pairs pants. Former price $35.00. SSO 00 Our usual guarantee with every suit. Now v v vv 17vf-io Qrnial While thev last- Good weight Blue Serge EXira OpeCiai Suits, with two pairs 25 00 vwiVU pants, price SEE THESE VALUES BEFORE BUYING BRYANT & GREER,:Ltd. I'eaches-rSliccd, 2 4 tins Jot Pears 3's , Bananas 4 6 lbsfor Old Potatoes per sack Sixth Street Think It Over ! We want'tbBct your business ; And. lyo fale reay , ,. , It pays to seU good things to eat; ThiitVthe way we advertise--i .r D'i (- - -. Empress Red Current Jam Vs, per tin 4 tlnsrfforpnrcnir-,r;... Stoneless Dates 2 lbs.f6rb.. 3 lbs. for Water Melons-Whole per lb. Canteloupe Standard size each New Potatoes per lb. ., New Peas 2 Ib's. for ... Lettuce 3 heltflfor. fin Inn. 11 Fresh Roasted Peanuts 2 lbs : Ginger Snap Biscuits per lb Ginger Snap Biscuits 3 lbs. for Cutting, Workmanship and All Guaranteed SUITS STEAM CLEANED PRESSED 95c 95c 25c fkesumFits, vegetables Strawb'errieVii' - per box Cherrfe-- per lb. 15c 25c 40c 8c 15c 5c 25c 25c 25c S2.75 25c 18c 50c CAKES. COOKIES, BISCUITS. SLAB CAKES at reduced prices The Economy Cash & Carry "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phone 360 319 Third Ave. SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO ORDER U 8 Style AND We Deliver to any Part of the City Ling, the Tailor Phone C19 EXERCISES IN SCHOOL wining them by Mrs. 8pencer. chairman of the board of school rustees. Mrs. Spencer took the opportunity to congratulate th ouplls on the record of the year's a close, work and had a special, word for i 'he graduating class who, she re-1 minded them, were not so much, boys and girls any .longer but' oung men and women, with in- J reasing opportunities and added -esponslbilitles. She wished the children and teaching staff a very oleasant holiday. Certificates were awarded as. fol -ows: Orade lr Dir. 12 Proflclenay Vorma Walters; deportment, Jean McKay. nnie Peterson; attendance, Ray Case; deportment, Inez Slcuro. Grade 2, Dlv. 10 Proficiency, 3ylvla Croxford: deportment. Christina Cook; attendance. Stanley "3allinger, Melbourne Bussey, Bon-iy Eby, Margaret McMeekln. uraae J rronaency, feier tiu- oy; Erlckson. Grade 6 Proficiency. Clara Wi-; kdal: deportment. Jahetta King; attendance, MacDonald, Eric Jackson, David McMeekln, Gordon Munro. Hadl Suehlro, Merle West. Clara Wlkdal.l Victor Dell. Alex Strachan. Grade 7 Proficiency, fjara Pierce; deportment. Kazu Nlshlo, Eleanor Slevert; attendance, Beatrice Berner, Donald Ryan. Oordon Ryan, Gordon Lawson. Hilda Han- -on Frances Llsney, Vivian Wra- thall, Douglas Sutherland, Arthur MacDonald, Edith Wilkinson, Lewis i Cromp, George Ferguson, Tsunljl Nakamoto. Grade 8 Proficiency. Marlon Ryan; deportment. Patricia Bunn, Velma Walters; regularity and punctuality, Charles Anderson. Eileen Bury, Dorothy Derry. Myrna Fuller. Ingrld Hallberg, Annie Kach Chrlssle McLeod, Hedy Suehlro. The Program The program was as follows: "O Canada." Chorus "Morning Light Is Coming." Division 12 Dance. Division 12 and 10 Song, "The Flowers' Awakening." Division 10 Dance. Division 13 Dance, Hazel Smith, Helen Krause, Mlmmy Johnston. Division 11 Action Song and Floral Dance. Chorus "The Mermaid." Division 8 Recitation. "The Bishop and the Caterpillar," Beryl Birch. Division 9 Dance, Jeanle Rob ertson. Division 7 Drill by boys. Division 6 Vocal Solo, "Fairy Bells Ringing," Betty Wood. Division 5 Dance, Freda Mussallem. Division 4 and 3 Song, "Aloha Oe." wlh scenic and color effects. ' Division- 3 instrumentaW'selec-tlonr -Christian Fossunw inh!'"" Division 1 Vocal Solo, "Gypsy Love Song." Cathie Eastman. Presentation of: certificates by Mrs. T. M. Spencer. Miss Mercer presided and In In troduclng Mrs. Spencer, expressed the gratitude of the school for her coming to make the presentations. Miss Mercer also referred to the case of Jenny Johnston who had won the prize for the Essay on Fire Prevention. Owing to the departure of Jenny for Scotland It had been Impossible to present the certificate at this assembly. Speaking on behalf of the graduating class Marlon Ryan expressed their regret at leaving the Booth School where they had spent many, happy and profitable years. Program 'Enjoyed and Diplomas, They -would try to do honor to Presented at Booth Memorial' th?Ir. old school. School i in replying thereto Beatrice Ret ner wished the graduatlnr class The annual closing exercises took 11 success In the High School place at Booth Memorial School, where their progress would be fol yesterday afternoon when the pu-; lowed with interest by the Booth plls of all classes assembled In the School. She also assured the gra auditorium where a program con-duatlng class that the pupils still tributed to by the different Jin attendance at the Booth School classes was much enjoyed. would do their utmost to see that Certificates for proficiency, reg- the high standard set by Miss Met- ularlty and punctuality, and dtf-'cer and her staff would be maln-portment were presented to the pu- tamed. plls of the different, divisions j cheers were given with enthu slasm for the graduating class and for the school. The singing of the National An them brought the proceedings to SUCCEEDED IN EXAMS High, School Pass Lists Are An- nounced By Principal D. II. Ilartness One hundred and twenty-two of Klnz Edward Hleh School McKay; regularity and punctuality, ere successful In grade promotions MSie JlSKe. 1 thin war ft I nnnn'inpprf hv Prln- Cradel. Dlv. 13 proficiency, Cpai D. h. Hartness. With the ex-Toyce Keilbacly deportment. Aus-ccntloh of the matriculation clas-'aug Holkestod; regularity, Rudolf which are required to write gov- Warne. eminent examinations, the nass Grade 2, Div. 11 Proficiency. ; juts for the term are announced as follows: To Grade 12 (Junior Matric) R. Ross, 747; R. Thomas, 688: M. Slevert, 680; N. Krook. 655: D. 1 Deane, 632; C. Desjardins, 626; B. Edgecumbe, 615; A. Vance. 592; C 8tuart. 565;M. KInslor, 556; J. Mor- rlinn MO V HnHrl fR- V. VThtIpv deportment Alfred WIkdaI;'M5. A 0,53,: 0.' McKlnley. attendance Edlh Cromp Angelo j u j., yager. Grlmble. Hazel hrlstianp, Lester rear, Gordon Stamford, Alfred Wl-idal. Grade 4 Proficiency. Helen Valentine; attendance, Lloyd Rice; de-oortment, Ivar Johnson. Grade 5 Proficiency, Margaret 473; J. Qkurk.,-465a.Ri-BodcUe, 485; R. Wilfcta5OU5'J90i R38murthwaite, 486; Wjbyvi82:.Wohristone. 455; J. Cadet-45fc?P. Brindto.450; J,. Col-llson, 913; R. Monteeano, 487; M. Vance, 463; M. Mussallem, 452. Sue Oullck; deportment. Robert!' To Grade II Olbson; attendance. Margaret Suej h. Hirano. 703; M. Walker. 678; Oullck. Eric Berner. Donald Blake, m. Anderson; 6tA;'Q- Fulton, 664; Helen Fuller. Alf Larsen, Adele;R. ObAtt?f53; G; 'Pearson, 643; O. Mussallem, Robert Ritchie, Martin BussaoicrB6348:ss:Kany, 631; S. Ehilllpspnju2ara)J.M3JeTj 619; R. Wilson. (816; WuiTbeT. ;610; M. Jones, 608; Oj. "Hanson. " 603; M. Edith Ferguson, Mary : O'Brien, 441; D: Ulce. 441; H. Mc- Caffery. 427: O. LeDuke. 408; E. McLeod, 393; B. Unger, 383; R. Week-End! Specials i Frasec Valley Strawberry Jam--4-lb. tin Fraser Valley Plum Jam 4-ib. tin .Ill ' ", . '' I ' Garden ,Peas , No. 4 tin Evaporated Milk All brands, 9 tins Swift Premium 'Pork Sausages 1-Ib. tin Nabob Teal-lb. package Cooked Ham Sliced , per lb Chateau Cheese 1-lb. package Marsh's Orape Juice pint bottle Sunnybrook Creamery O-f -iff Butter 3-lb brick Eggs-u-Fresh Extras 3 dozen Grape Nuts per package B. & K. Pasty Flour 10-lb. sack New Potatoes 5 lbS, tot - Fine Canteloupes .itfoviv, - Hothouse Tomatoes per lb Gold Dust Washing Powder per package 50c 40c 15c 95c 35c 60c 60c 40c 40c S1.10 15c 55c 25c 35c ;25c 30c Alberta Market P. GAMULA. Fifth Street. Proprietor Phone 208 Krikcrvsky, 379; M. Ivarson, 378; P. Moltor, 370; V. Hlckey, 364; N. Rudderham, 359, To Grade 10 Y. Klshimoto, 597; P. Palmer, 598; J. Ritchie. 594; T. Katsuyama, 691; J. McRae, 588; K. Watson, 580; B. Cameron, 586; W. Bryant, 58,5 C. Jllckey, 585; C. Btegavlg, 576; R. Rice, 571; IJ. Worsfold, 570; K. Klelback, 567; A.ltiodd, 565; C. smiin, ooi ; I. MCMeeun, sm; n.. Nakamoto. 540: C. Bartlett. 539: E. Johnson. 539; E. Edwards, 533; F. Wesch, 531; R.Alien, 525; u. Mox-1 ley. 492; T. Johnstone, 530; A. Peachey. 512; M. Morgan, 504; B. Capstfck, 496i,D. DUngatf, 4850. Mussallem, 485; WV Murray, 475; ' W. Brerener, 451; K. Oreen, 582; M. I. Johnsvon, 489; C. Edwards, 478; M. Hellbroner. 466; B. Eastman, 455; D. Brady, 425. To Third Year Commercial E. At Anderson, E. Flnley, N. Lawrence, R. Morrison, A. Skattebol, J Smith, M. Thompson, R. Wesch, E. White. ! Commercial Special S. Stuart, 542; H. Walker, 534; B.j Armstrong, 533; W. Tucker, 531; A.! m a AM. n - .llL ill , 1 FrL & Sat. Two Shows 7 & 9 p. itONAi.n rnt.Msv In the Great All-Talking Dram, Condemned a WITH AN1' IIAKUINQ u Short Comedy laurel & nar(jj In "BLOTTO." It's a W w Admisslcn 0c & t.,; Sat. Matinee at 2.30 !,, 4 r AKKlVEIi THIS MOUVNG CN.U. steamer Prinn i' 459; H. McAuley. 445; J. Sinclair. : Prt at 11 morni ' 434: E. Olbson. 430: C. Lundqutet . Vancouver, Dwell Itlver n-i 4J7. To Second Year Commercial E, Tasker, 670; M, Hong, 664; M ean Fall aad sailed at 2:'m afternoon for Anyox and s whence she wU return hi r , iptonello, 630; E. Morris, 606; I. bound tomorrow evenlni? Ti,. Boulter, 599; A. Hale. 572; D. Stln- .sel brought north a larvi- h &h', 527; M. Miller, 490; M. Van ' patcngers, ineladlng many Cooten, 473. Uts. n MONTH -END SPECIALS SUMMER DRESSES In voiles, a variety of styles and trimmings CHILDREN'S STRAW HATS , Assorted styles, each WHITE COTTON Nice evon weiivo 7 yards .' . . , FLOOR MATS-Straw each LADIES' FELT HATS Assorts shades, each i........ TOWELS White or colored G for LUMBE ...51-50 CHILDREN'S HATS Silk in various Q-f Qft colors, nicely trimmed, values to. $2.1)5 V ' CHILDREN'S GINGHAM PANTIB ' Cftn DRESSES-2 to 5 years , oxs LADIES' SPUN SILK DRESSES QO ffft Sizes 14 to 18 K.'....vdOU CHILDREN'S ROMPERS In peach, pink, atZn etc., tastefully trimmed Uel SILK HOSIERYr-Bemborg make, full fashioned, (n all leading shade, pair . 1.00 25c LADIES' CORSELETTES& GIRDLES ?A f 4 garter, full elastic insert CURTAIN MUSLINS-100 yardg imawor- ho ted colors, per yard A $1.00 25c $1.50 51.00 LADIES' LISLE VESTS & BLOOMERS C-f AO White or colored, per suit ?Avv Phone 9 - 3rd Ave, & Fulton St. KILN DRIED SPRUCE, CEDAR ,ND IIEMLOt'K FINISH, CEILING, RUSTIC, MOULDINGS, ETC. ..Vi; Specialt- Edge Grain Roat Cedar. Kiin Dried Edge Grain Hemlock Flooring Spruce and Cedar Shlplap, Boards, Dimensions and Timbers Doors, Windows," Shingles, Etc. Odd lots off-grade material at reduced prices. BIG BAY LUMBER CO., LTD. Lumber Manufacturer! Prince Rupert, H-C ' P nni