fcdnesday, July 9, 1930. You'll Want Snapshots oi Your Vacation Besides the fun that Dlcture-taklnc win n'riri in tm ' Uon, you'll have the snapshots I again-after you have returned, Any kodak .takes good pictures easily and kodak prices are just about whatever you would like to pay. Let us help you select the right model for your vacation. LOAD WITH KODAK FILM Let Us Do Your Finishing Ormes Ltd. Z7hc Pioneer DzttQpisls Phones 81 & 82 Three Graduate -O ww JVM T UVU for enjoyment over and over ! - Third Ave. & Sixth St. Pharmacists DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST UKEAKFAST FOOD " Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. prince nui'Eirr, B.C. COA I'EMMNA EGG Delivered, Por Ton $12.00 MINEIIEAD EGG-Delivered, Per Ton 12.50 MINEHEAD LUMP Deliyered, Per Ton . . . 13.50 FUllNITUllE and PIANO MOVING A Specialty HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PnONE580 ROUND TRIP I $48.85 1 from any point on the Triangle (Inc. Msals and Birth on Steamer) Canada's Finest Scenery ... on this TRIANGLE TOUR This year tako a real vacation! Explore the majrstie Rockiest Gelf, ride, awim ... at Jasper- Enjoy the social sayetiiw in Vancouver. CruWw home through the Iniide Passage . . . or make the complete tour in the opposite direction. ... and that long-promised trip East! Why not Nov.' Summer fare are muth Iowit liberal stopover, too. Trains loave daily at 1 p.m., except Sunday. Connections with dc luxe transcontinental flyers for Trairie paints, Toronto. Montreal and everywhere in Eastern Canada and United Statee. W-8f for information- It F. McNatfkten, VJ'u.. I'rince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Halllnn (ruin Itlnre Kupert Por VANCOUVER, VtCTOIUA, Mutedsle. Alert Bay.. etc. Tueedajr. 3.S0 pm or V.N( Ot: Kit. VICTOIIM. Uulednle. Alert lint, ele . Wdar inldnlshl tor Al.lrB AH!!, ANYOX, NTFWAKT. Nwm Klver, Port ttliiiiwuo, sun- day, 8.00 p.m. For POUT SIMPSON and WAI.EB ISLAND. Thundny pm. Ill tnd Avenue It SI SMITH Ment rrlnee Unpen. II. C. Tlrouih Hearts sold to VlrtorU sod Heattle .aud baggage elieeJied through to destination I B.C. COAST I ISTEAMSIIIPS I B. C. Coast Steamship Service SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan. Wrangcll. Juneau, Skagway July 7, 11, U, 18, 21, 25, 28. To Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle- July 5, 9. 12, 16, 19, 23, 2C, 30. Princess Mary Ocean Falls, etc., Vancouver and victoria, every t naay, iu y.m Agents For All Steamship Lines C. Orchard, General Agent. 3rd Ave., Prince Rupert, 1'liot.e 31 Local Items Glasses fitted, by registered optometrist at Ilcilbroner's store. Llbera3.iworkeirsil,will please turn out this, evenl, " at. Committee Rooms. tf Mills' Cottage at Salt Lakes for Sale. $300. Iielgerson. 161 Miss Olive Munro, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. II. Munro, has Joined the staff of Rose, Cowan & Latta Stationery Store for the summer. Mrs. A. Steer and two children arrived In the city on the Prince George this morning from Victoria for a visit here with Mrs. Steer's 'ordther and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Rancc. A cartoon in a recent Vancouver Sun depicts Hon. H. H. Stevens as carving a Peace River outlet turkey. Mr. Steven and Stew-are are grabbing off the lion's I share while Prince Rupert and Vancouver look hungrily on. W. J. Klrkpatrick,' well known I pioneer resident of this city, expects to be superannuated from the Canadian Customs service this fall. He and Mrs. Klrkpatrick, ex-alderman and former school trustee, will then proceed to Victoria to take up their future residence. R. S. Vaughn, vice-president in charge of purchases and stores, Canadian National Railways, after having made the round trip to Skagway aboard the ss. Prince Henry, disembarked here this morning and proceeded by train on his return to his headquarters in Montreal. rWSMflSy . kSTjtf 1 I hereby certify that w t,. t an er, Smith Block. Third Ave., ji I , iiupcrt. i.u.. iis urcii lutiucu vi- i ficial Agent for James Chao. Brady j In the forthcoming Dominion Elec- j tion E. H. MORTIMER. 159 7 I Dr Alexander X-KAV SERVICE r II ONE 575 nESNER BLOCK DENTIST White Ilorft it Scotland ' aenfor WhUky. Uttd throughout .the world uherever connoitteurt .foregather. V31 THE DAILY NEWB PAGE THREF DISTILLED, BLENDED AND BOTTLED IN SCOTLAND This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. WRIGLEYS WRICLEY'S it good company on any trip It's delicious flavor adds test and enjoyment. The sugar supplies pep and entrjy when the dty seems lonfl In ihorilri-iood and good for you. Catholic Bazaar Nov. 6 and 7. 15a Regular monthly meetings of the Rupert East Ratepayers' Association have been cancelled for the summer months. Thomas Shackleton. Usk hotel proprietor, arrived In the city on today's train from the interior for a brief visit in town. W. J. Nelson, who is in the service of the Power Corporation of Canada, came into town from Tyee on today's train. il. O. Olsen, Smlthers manager of the Hanson Timber Si Lumber Co.. arrived in the city from the interior on today's train for a brief visit. John L. Kask, of the Interna tional Fisheries' Commission staff here returned to the city on the Prince George this morning after an aosence oi a eoupie oi wee in Seattle. 1 n Itoptfsr'BrbtB a 40 V USBASV n SMS J iVWUVlik TnVtnirnns f V a rKetii T)itf n Aea was merely of a routine nature ' Association Qcean Falls ijberai .ar-and there was no program. rived ln the clty on tne Prlnce . JGeorgB this morning from the The regular monthly buslnesffl jjML. O,of Hanson whom ne "WW SOtl Ofj. the , PriUCe JtUperaa-mafanW1 ,. MTent tnur nf m tulrwal heia'iJnlfflielCo: 'Wie madpre cofoKt noon toaam i 're sident C. RTOrkefMalf wJsflh the, chair and there was a good attendance of members. . ' 4 ; ANNOUNCEMENTS 4 Dry Dock Employee Picnic August 3 to Digby Island. Moose Basaar. Oatbber 16. 17. 3 MARRIAGE OF WHITE HORSE WHISKY "X TARRYING" is a term used IVJvby experts to describe the blending process through which "White Horse" gains its smoothness and mellownesi. Scotch Whiskey U the blending of malts and grain whisky. For "White Horse" only thdehoiceet' makes of Scotch Whisky are elected. These are matured for a long period in sherry wood expertly blended or "married' then aged, reblended and aged again. Every drop of "White Horse" must go through this long, deliberate process and the result), generously repays the effort. i - : liK- Horse Whisky r(i$ T. Ross Mackay is at present on a trip to the Wark Canal dsltrict. Bill Nohornlk, on a charge of A. R. Holtby returned to the city, drunkenness, Is coming before Ma- on todays train from a trip to the gistrate McClymont in city police Interior on railway duties.' i court this afternoon, I : . .? JI-. 'J-f"ir'-AJB. Phillips, not A. R. Phillips, The regul monthly modtln of 'sailed on the Prince Henry this the Prince Rupert Retail Clerks' morning' "for" a trip to' Vancouver. , Association, scheduled for last ' night, was postponed until later in William Brass sailed this morn-the month. 'Ing on the Prince Henry for Van- I couver where he is to have a new Reid McLennan, who has been artificial leg fitted. j taking law examinations-in the' south, returned toHhe city from Vancouver on the Prince , George this morning. CPJt. steamer Princess Louise, Cant. Arthur Slater, is due at 3.45 this afternoon from Skagway and , will sail at 5 o'clock for Vancouver and Victoria. See the solid gold watch in Cam eron's window. It is to be given to some subscriber to the Dally News ; in cuimecuou wiui ine present, suu-1 scrlptlon campaign. tf , Miss Winnie Dibb.ll. N, who has! been visiting for 'the past few weeks in Vancouver, returned to . 1 - . u T-) r. 1V.I. the city on the Prince George thl3 morning from the south Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Klrkpatrick of Vancouver were among the passengers returning south on the Prince Henry this morning after naving made the round trip to Skagway. Joseph Greer, who left Prince Rupert recently to engage in the men's furnishings business in Victoria, has formed a new company iinrior th narvio nf "Tn flrppr Limited." with capitalization of $25,000 and registered office at 637 m a. ni rl.iA.u I run oucti, vitwjiiu. The regular monthly dinner of the local branch, of the Professio nal Engineers' Association of Brl- jshfiCplumbia, -was held in the mmodore Cafe, last night. F. N. Good was in the chair and others ttreint were: F. D. Rice. Roger nton, L. H. Hln- tie. I Bert Phillips, secretary of the the Mutfcaiolahe riding. ii. i. AiaiajS'JB.n Vis ev, ttbtv tut three Irafs befl re returning to the smelter town. The B.C. Gazette announces that commencing June 16, Arthur Joseph Lancaster, provincial collector I here, shall be' deputy government agent, deputy commissioner of lands, deputy mining recorder, deputy register of vital statistics, registrar under the Marriage Act and deputy coroner during the absence of the Government Agent Rose Spit buoy and on Eatric Rock atinytlme. Iln Eddy Pass. Immediately the lights at Bon- Robert Lawson and Dick Lattie..llla I,land. nnd Qutterworth rocks Indians, who wert brought from are established application will be Por EeslnstOTU have. been commit-1 made to Lloyds to have insurant:. 14 for trial on Jail breaking I rates granted to ships using Hec-charges and.wllUhortly come be-te Straits. On this route 220 mile:; fore 'Jri&ge FMcB. Young In saved on tnc round trip for ves-Oountjr Ptouxt for election. A third coming to Prince Rupert from native John Wesley, nas been sen-1 1 " tt"u U,J "c tenerd to one .month's imprison- UV ot getting bearings and flnd-ment for Intoxication and an ad- ln& Dixon Entrance In bad wea-dlttonal two weeks for declining to ther Is obviated. .tell where he obtained the liquor.1 " HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel VMEK NEW MANAHE.MENT Steam Heated; Travellers' Simple taxinm; lint and Told Water r'rre l)ti Mert All Trains and IIOMlS Rates $1.00 and Up SPECIAL .MONTHLY KATES C.K. BIGGAKT Sc A. DONALD Proprietors PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel 1 Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water tn all rooms A. J. PKUnilO.MMK, Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth 8ts. New Royal Hotel 1. Tnrrlll. "rop THE HOTEL UOltTII WHILE Hit Si Cold Water; Stm Heat :5c PER DAY AND UP Trleplw tftl ' Royal .1 Brado. Porcher Island; Trttes. Falls River. tfi.'j Dinnerware, china, crockery, glassware. Ileilbroner's Store. Norwestern Alaska Tour Party Here FnrtyS,ixLChicas rePle in CrouP i men arrived loaay A Northwestern Alaska tour party, consisting of 46 persons from Chicago, passed through the city on the Pr)n(,p tnn,v the round trlp to skagwayi whence they wU, retum here next Monday morning and proceed east in special cars attached to the regular train. it is the first of three similar parties Which will be here during this . summer. Today's group . is in i charge of C. M. Brown of Chicago. Publicity Planned For Peace River At a meeting of the Peace River I committee in the mayor's room in the City Hall yesterday afternoon, Alderman Cpllart presiding, it was decided to take no action during the election campaign but to make preparations for a broadside as as after the end oi !Jn tthe month. The chairman will appoint a sub- 'committee to have charge of the publicity work then. THE WEATHER Prince Rupert Clear, calm. te?pe'ure- 50 Por); SimpsonClear, calm, 56. Terrace Clear, calm, 66. Rosswood Clear, calm, 54. Alyansh Clear, calm, 58. Alice Arm Clear, calm. 55. Anyox Clear, calm, 62. Stewart Clear, calm, 50. Hazelton Clear, calm, 60. Smlthers Clear, calm, 60. Burns Lake Clear, calm. Sixth Cabin Cloudy, calm. Atlin Clear, south wind, 52. Whltehorse Clear, calm, 60. Carmacks Clear, south wind, 64. Dawson Clear, calm, 64. Hanson Advised of Great Victory (Continued from pajre one) At Present only about five per cent, - oi snipping is equipped wun direction finding apparatus so that beacons would be of little use to them at present. FURS CONFISCATED Furs valued at $2,000 involved in the Porter-Stein Oame case were ordered confiscated by W. E. Col-lison. Justice of the peace, today. Health Authorities say the Fly is one of your WORST ENEMIES Get your Flit and the Special Flit 9 4p1bKj Sprayer Today 'wl-'j' LiVn l prl6l 1930 Suae. 1BC ti Act quickly for a cool clean modern kitchen For better meals prepared with less trouble Choose your Electric Range today and pay only down . . balance spread over two yearsi. f Sale Ends July 12th DO NOT delay Northern British Columbia Power Company, Ltd. PRINCE HUl'EUt, B.C. CAMI'AION CHAIRMEN PRINCE GEORGE, July 0: The Prince Oeorge Conservative Association has elected committee chairmen as follows In connection with the federal election campaign here: list and transportation. A. E. Sibley; publicity and entertainment. F. D. Taylor; finance, Dr. R. W. Alward. Flit iisuti only in this yeUoui can with the blcckband. til i