0 ID Harvard's Leviathan, with Varsity head coach, Chas. J. Whiteside, and Freshman Coach Bert Haines, instructing the crew as they pull up and down the Charles' river in the season's first workout Itinerant Pile Driver Discussed Omineca Riding Subject of Humorous Talk in Legislature Minister of Lands Burden said In the legislature last week, that A. M. Manson could better be employed explaining the 112 road gang which was employed in his riding in election times. A plledriver." said Mr. Burden, was almost worn out in IO IS 8! oo 'at r" peregrinations of the plledriver be had won out generally. Kcad advertisements daily to enable your dollar to do its full duty. ooooimoaGoooooooaaooooiwoooaow The first skecna River cannery crew of the season to come north TERRACE, March 17:The annual St Patrick's Dance was held under 'the auspices of the Boyjyears- Scout Association on Friday. The hall was decorated with large paper shamrocks and green and Yfhlte streamers. Tiny chamrocks were presented to everyone at the door. The Boy Scouts served supper at j midnight, after which the remaining four or five cakes were raffled 'to the highest bidders. During the evening, which proved very suc- travelling back and forth between cessful,, novelties were sold to the Omineca and in the services of the dancers. The sum of $60 was made. then member for Cariboo. In a very humorous way he told of the Returning to service after hav- been dock at Victoria for mg on dry tween these two ridings, but the member for Omineca, it appeared, epalr of damage sustained when she struck a rock near the mouth of Lynn Canal recently, CPU. steamer Princes Norah will be In port on , ,. . Wednesday morning northbound t, t, j, D. B. Finn, director of the Prince for Bi&y Prlnces3 Mary, Rupert Fisheries Experimental Sta-, Whlch took the last Skagway trip tlon, returned to the city at the end for the Norah, will return this week of the week from a trip to Vancou- to the Vancouver-Ocean Falls-ver on official duties. . Prince Rupert route. How much is a dollar ? 4...- A.-.. .WHAT your dollar is worth depends on you.5ToT T 'j i? TT day, a dollar will buy.a full one hundred cents' ' worth of merchandise or service. . The advertisements in this newspaper will tell you t ' where you can make your dollar do its full duty. "'",';" . They will tell you what a dollar will buy. They Will tell you, by name, those articles on which you can depend to give a dollar's worth of value for every dollar invested. The advertisements in this newspaper will give you a flew conception of values. They will demonstrate to you the qualities of any article in-which you may be interested and tell you where .you can buy it at a price you can afford to pay. . By reading the advertisements you will soon become familiar with the most desirable article of merchandise in all lines. You will learn to have the confidence in thenl that they deserve, and, when you buy, you can do so with full assurance that you are ' , .. getting one hundred cents' worth of value for, your dollar. -' Www sjm) (.tuui 1. 1 5 j ;.r- vtxf Kiiw $:. i mi NORTHERN B. C. NEWS f VANDERHOOF Ven. Archdeacon E. Uodson of : ver and Victoria, Mrs. John FaHdner of Fot Fra-scr died last Tuesday afternoon after a long Illness. Word has b4n received here that Miss Wlnnlfred Bond of the Flnmoore district who has been danEerouslv! .111. athe'.. .Vancouver traintaur .;or.,a.urse,.ji now mak ing satisfactory recovery. Plans are being made to erect a public hall in the Pralriedale district as the school house there Getting Up Nights Can Be Stopped often in 48 hours. If you are losing pep, health and strength from Getting Up Night. Backache, Bladder Weakness. Burning, Leg or Groin Pains, or Rheumatic Aches, why not try the Cystex 18 Hour Test? Oct Cystex (pronounced Slss-texl today at any drug store, for only 60c. Money back if you don't soon find pains gone, sleep fine, feel younger, stronger, and full of pep. JAM! JAM! A-l BRANDS, STOCK UP AT THESE PRICES Malkln's Jam All varieties, Hfln 4 lb. tins " Empress it Fraser Valley Jams 4 lb. tins' Malkln's Marmalade 4 lb. tins Ensign Marmalade 4 lb. tins :... Mrs. Haines' Marmalade 4 lb. tins Empress Jams 2 lb. tins Beekist Honey 5 lb. tins Empress Jelly Powders Per dozen 70c 55c 50c 65c 45c 85c 90c CANNED FRUITS AT LOWEST I I'KICES ORDER NOW AND GET YOUR ASSORTMENT Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 417-423 5th Avenue East PHONE 18 AND 81 P. 0. Box 675. i Is nnt. lfirwo pnnntrh to nrr.nmodato all the public functions which arc held. from Vancouver to make ready for ocean Falls, administrator of the!- "'J"'""1 !aUon. was thai of North Pacific in o 3 a. A. Illx on fj" thP SkPPna Rlnimh olson and A- Creighton has left from the south on which which arrived arrived - a trip to Enfland. nnid a vltit here " ' , , ""'Ui .. . for the Omlneca fields thp the rnmnsun camosun last , , week . on ecelestiastisnl , duties, i . mining . last nleht. Included In the nartv II. W. Harris, and' P"'ng new creeks and con-Mrs. was manager, A(ter slx yrarr rH-n m thh Harris and C. E, Avis, accoun- district. Sir John Pitfca of Stiiart "j11 work on "lr Present tant, and family. Aftn- leiylnp Lake lcU m Thm-sdav of last . holdmgs- here, the Camosun went In to North .k oek for fnP t b-, Fneland Englana- I Pacific to let the p?rtv off. un? Mrs. Owen Burdette left on 8a- S. W. roikef represented Van- wiT St. Pat's Dance ! At Terrace Was ! Great Success ' ' ' " Iderhoof at tbfc .l-nntial con- . il ivrnfon of the Aht Bo n Ch,,"h "'T " Uperln' of Trade of Antral Rrlthh Co-if"! f1 v.,,!. tendent is Mrs. A. J. Musgrove ,. wt jlumbla at f Terrace last week. Norman. . w.-.. The loal Board of Trade is i.f ,, -Hin i. seeking further improvements t ZIL'ZT' T.7- Vnnderhoof Blaclrwater road furnlf n "turn Mi f ' ana i"'ft . . . w . . 'payment for e over a term of 1 J en. 5" gUcan Church minister anno on -es J. M John4on has rttnrrH h will hold service every Wed- from a busins trio to Vancoa- erenmg. i TERRACE W. IL Owysr, district engineer, Ernest O. McCorkell of Telkw .Prince Rupert, wis in town from Landing paid a brief b.lnef Wednesday to Friday on official vlilt to town at the first of lst baslnca. week. M. J. Oriffln has been spending Mrs. 7. A. King, who has spent thD pact few weeks in Prinee Ru- a few days in town after havin? Ijpcrt, aortved home on last Wednes- spent the winter , on his trapllrw in the Finger Lake district. Elton Buck of Fort St. James si suffering from an attack of pneumonia. Joseph Murray is erecting a fireproof oil and gas building on Columbia Street East. temAbaW,pf(.jhP to&i crery for, P. Burns It .Co., ihikjitnm.fr. and Mrs. Anderson am f anally ar- Irved last week from Edmonton. day's train. Mrs. T. J. Kirkpatrkk returned from Prince Rupert, Saturday. Tom B. Marsh left Thursday for Prince Rupert. Mrs. J. B. Agar started early last week for Parksvflle, Vancouver Island, to visit hr mother. Mr. Agar accompanied her aa far as Prince Rupert and returned Saturday. The Mtases B. Debbie and Mil dred Clarke were in town Friday from Copper City. Half a doaen young folks from Usk came In on Friday for the St Patrick's dance. BURNS LAKE The Burns Lake Community Hall .Association, at Its annual meeting last week, elected officers as follows for the year: president, P. V. Tallon; vice-president, John J. McKenna; secretary. J Livesy; treasurer, Mrs. C. R. Mc-Leod; executive, Mrs. C. W. Carrier, Miss Dora Brunell and A. M Ruddy. A. M. Ruddy, after having served as president of the Association since Its Inception, de-declined to stand for re-election. People from throughout the Lakes District attended a party which was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, James Harrison on Ootsa Lake to' celebrate the birthday of the guest of honor. William Watson, who is now In his ninetieth year. The Burns Lake Football Club has elected officers for the year as follows: president. J. S. Brown; vice-president. Pete Sandnes; retary-treasurer, R. o. Ollara: trainer-manager, W. C. Carrier. The formation of a league to In clude teams representing Smlth- ers, Teikwa, Rose Lake, Burns Lake, Endako- and Vanderhoof Is mooted. A. M. Ruddy was at Terrace last week to attend the semi-annual convention of the Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia. Several local people have had to put off auto trips to Vancou ver as the thaw has put the road Jn bad shape for traffic. Georee E. Nellson made a 'trin In from the Bablne last week. He reported that all his stock had come through the winter well. The Topley Richfield Mining Co. has now given up Us option on the Boo Mountain property, Tnis leaves Topiey-Rlchfleld n company without a property. V. Schelderup left last week by motor for Victoria, accompanied by his son, Rojer. Mrs. Schelder up also went south by train. Tho id M Monday, March 17 f AGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS 1930 Cannery Crew For North Pacific Is First On Ground MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY TWO SHOWS 7 and 9 p.m. Ruth Chatterton In dam e X" One of the TEN BEST All-Talking Pictures Produced in 1929 All-Talking Comedy "Uubevillc" Paramount Sound News Admission, 20c and 65c St. Patrick's Concert. Moose Hull Tonight '""TiM'BMi-:TrrBrnraiff,vvjtl I7E HAVE recently completed arrangement ?f a long established and nationally knon . dian Investment Banking House which will vuv us to offer to our clients sound Canadian investim-i securities representing equities in leading and . m cesful Canadian public utility and industrial corporations. We invite your inquiries. S. D. JOHNSTON CO. LTD. 617 Second Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. Plum V CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OI'BHATINU H.-T. 1 20,000-TON FIXATING DltYDOtK Engineers, Machinists, Rollennakera, Hlsrksmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworker. Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kind of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 38S LUMBER 1x6 No. 1 Spruce Shiplap $23.00 1x10 No. 1 Spruce- Shlplap $25.00 lxG No. 2 Spruce Shiplap $20.00 1x10 No. 2 Spruce Shiplap $22.00 2x4 and 2x6, 8 to 14, SIS, No. 1 Common. . . $25.00 2x4 and 2x6, 8 to 14', S4S, No. 2 Common. . . $22.00 Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling and Finish, Mouldings Lath, Shingles. Doors, Windows, Etc. BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Sawmill and Head Office, Seal Cove, Telephone, 361 Retail Yard, Cow Hay, Telephone 423 family will take up residence for the" summer In Victoria while Mr. schelderup heads a survey party which will go into the Peace River country this season. The village commissioners have set the rate of taxation for this .year at ten mills. One haundrod, percent of the Assessed value of the land will be taxed and fifty percent of improvements. Concern is felt for John Nlch-leson, oldjtlme trapper and prospector of Wistaria, who has not been seen since Christmas. Police 'are investigating. A successful St. Patrick's tea and sale was held Saturday after noon by the Ladies' Aid of St. Paul's United Church. John Matheeon and Jacob Lund of Ootsa Lake last week sent ninety-eight head of sheep to New Westminster, it being the first shipment of live sheep ever to leave this district. The animals came through the winter in ex cellent shape and were u) condition. Oowans & Sons have r. v J a shipment of 120 head : m 1 grade sheep to be plucrci on ' owanbrac farm. Reference Book Is Interesting Canadian Newspaper Service IssuM Valuable Volume Containins Much Information d A book which may be value In other places tn; n nc-paper offices Is the third cd;u oi the Canadian Newspaper Si rv" reference book, a copy of wi,, " 13 been received at the Dally Nt ' . fice. The chief contents of tn' are biographical sketched f of the prominent people in H'' Pr"' fesslonal, industrial and life of Canada while then- .j othe,r features such as o i"'"Pu . list of the firms and meuibiM the various stock exchan' i' of boards of trade and chainbt's commerce, etc.