Monday, March 17, 1930. "' ' ,ggg. DAILY NZTTO , ' HON .FRANK OLIVER REPLIES TU.IHMKI) OF TRADE URG. INO IJ.C. UNITY FOR , PEACE OUTLET CContlnued from page one) . crdtf tostr while the same putlet vf tmd give the remainder of the region a substantial advantage over Its present position as to a Pacific coast hauf. "No question of preference as between the Pacific ports of Vancouver and Prince Rupert came under consideration. I "In the nature of the case that could not be a matter of first concern to the nrnrinpcra n n . Il!!l hli. .kU. ill .. '- in r i win im i ri i j- rnc t a nranA ....vw ncic U1C 0UU- Ject of the story in the Toronto Star. No Reasonable Grounds "It does not appear to me, however, so far as port preference Is concerned, that Prince Rupert has' any reasonable grounds of objection to the Monkman Pass route, j "From the suggested Junction point of Hansard to Prince Rupert Is 513 rail miles. From Hansard to Vancouver (after the present detour to Red Pass Junction hM,btri cut-out by a direct connection from Tete Jaune Cache to Swift Creek) will be 610 miles, or nearly 100 miles further than to Prince Rupert In writing the story It did not seem to me to be necessary to call attention Jo, o obvious a fac "While it is true that, a MllrA-iH through the "Monkman Pass would not; be the ideal outlet for the country north of the Peace its construction would stimulate development in greater or lesser degree as rates were reduced througnoiu the whole Peace River region and thereby help to create a condition that would render economically practicable a route more convenient for the country north of the Peace. Routes and Limits "I assume that the Prince Rupert Board of Trade "Map British Columbia Alternative Routes. Peace RlVer District to Prince Rupert" which accompanied your letter, indicates- your preference as t& 'rail-roid route over that by way of ttie Monkmaft Pass. "One" route is by way of thPlne Piss to Fort Fraser on the National system and the other by way of tnp Peace Pom to Hazelton, also on thfc N&lotar$ttn: j- The Pine Pass route would not help the region north of the Peace anv more.' than would thn VtonV. man Pa&tjand would have length! of jnew construction of at least 300 J miles compared wlUfJSO by the MOnkraari Pass. tThe route through the Peace Pas (which would give the region north of the Peace a direct outlet) from a point north of the river from Pouce Coupe to Hacelton, would have 450 miles of new construction and could not be of direct benefit to the region south of the Peace without at least 100 miles additional construction from Pouce Coupe to the head of the canyon above Hudson's Hope with a bridge across the Peace. "So long as either of these routes Is treated as a first objective the cost of construction over that by way of Monkman Pass gives the In-j tercsts concerned in maintaining the Ions eaitbound haul amnle nr- , gument for at least Indefinite delay In "granting the relief so urgently needed if the Peace River region Is to continue its present rate of. development. "While it Is no part of the purpose of the writer to discuss the claims of the several seap'orts to Peace River trade It may fairly be pointed out that on its way to Has-clton the Peace River Pass route, as shown on the board of trade map, at a certain point is almost as near to Stewart, at the head of the Portland Canal, as It Is to Hazelton, which latter is 175 miles from Prince Rupert. 175 Miles Longer "That is, the rail haul through thVPeace Pass to Rupert would be approximately 175 miles further than to Stewart, with an approximately equal length of new construction. "Under such circumstances the people of Peace River would have no special reason for boosting for the line to Hazelton and Prince Rupert 'Instead of to Stewart. (V.WhIle;it Is of course the busing of, Prin.ce .Rupert to secure all possible advantages from new railway construction, to the exclusion of-rival ports, It Is equally the business of the people of Peace River to secure rail access to as many Pacific seaports as possible under as favorable conditions as possible. "One great advantage to them of the Monkman Pass route Is that It would give them access both to Prince Rupert and Vancouver on fairly equal terms, as the routes suggested on the board of trade map. would not." SILVERSIDES. BROS. Wallpapers Paints Window Glass Picture Frame Mouldings Third Avenue Phone 22 AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART. We buy, sell or exchange any kind of furniture or household goods, musical Instruments, machinery, etc. Oeneral repairs, Cratin?. mrHntr anH eVilnr4n ; . jrYOJiuuansnip guaranieea. just nnnla ion t , A-tiixa. iv UXIU WC Will cau. G. J. DAWES, AUCTIONEER Federal Block Steamship Movements For Vancouver- Sundays ss. P. Rupert 5:30 p.m. Tuesdays ss. Catala .. .1:30 p.m. Thursdays ss. P. George 10 pjn. Fridays ss. Prln. Mary 10 pjn. Fridays ss. Cardena :..JJidnlght Mar. 12 ss. Prln. Norah.. 5 p.m. Mar. 23 ss. Prln. Norah . 5 pin. From Vancouver-Sundays ss. Catala 4 pjn. Weds. ss. P. Rupert 10.30 ajn. Fridays ss. Cardena pjn. Fridays ss. Prln. Mary ....4 pjn. Sats. ss. P. Charles .10:30 a.m. Mar 8ss. Prin. Norah ajn. Mar. 19ss. Prln. Norah ajn. Mar. 29 ss. Prin. Norah ...'.....ajn. From Naas R. and Port Simpson , i uesaays ss. uaiaia ii:30 ajn. For Stewart and Anyox Sundays ss. Catala 8 pjn. Weds. ss. Prince Oeorge 4 pjn. SaUrf ss. Prince Rupert . ..4 pjn. From Ptewart and Anyox Tuesdays ss. Catala 11:30 ajn. Thurs. s. Prince George 8 pjn. Sundays ss. Pr. Rupert ....5 p.m. From Ocean Fall Weds. ss. P. George 10:30 pjn. Fridays ss. Prln. Mary 4 pjn. Fridays ss. Cardena ...pjn. Sats. ss.Pr. Charles ..10:30 ajn. For Ocean Falls- Sundays ss. P. Rupert 5:30 pjn. Tuesdays ss. Catala ....1.30 pjn. Thursdays ss. P. George 10 pjn. Fridays ss. Prin. Mary 10 p.m. For Queen Charlotte Islands-Mar. 8ss. Prince John 10. pjn. Mar. 22 ss. Prince John 10 pjn. From Queen Charlotte Islands- Mar. 6 ss. Prince John ajn. .Mar. CO ss. Prince John aw For Alaska ... Mar.. 19ss. Prln. Norah jun. Mar. 29 ss. Prln. Norah ....ajn. From Alaska-Mar. 12 sa. Princess Norah pan. ' Mar. 23ss. Prln. Norah ..pjrf. &N.R. TRAINS 'From East Sundays, Tuesdays, nnd Thnrsdavs. 3.30 n.m. For East Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, 11.30. FOR RENT Modern hpuse, five-rooms and bath. Munro Bros, tf FOR RENT Modern 4-roomcdflat Bank Block. Apply Westenhaver Bros. - u FOR RENT $5.00 a month puts a piano in your home. Walker's Music Store. FOR RENT Furnished nnnrt- ments 2, 4, and 5 rooms. Apply Mussallem Grocery. tf FOR RENT Fully modern furn ished six-roomed house, 90 Hays Cove Circle. Apply 333 Fifth East, Phone 370. tf WANTED WANTED Experienced saleslady Who understands shoe business Must have city references. Good salary to right person. Apply Box 8. Dally News. tf SITUATIONS WANTED WOMAN wants work. Phone 19. 63 -i. SITUATIONS WANTED THOROUGHLY experienced Men's Clothing and Furnishing Salesman, good window trimmer, at present employed in Vancouver, desires to become connected with reliable firm in Prince Ru pert. Best references. For further particulars address letter, Clolh? ing Salesman, c!o General Deuvi ery, Vancouver, B.C. 66 LOST Tiil Sundays ss. Catala SXmTZ- 8 nm ?f Keys left In door Post Office box;-NotlfyBox a Dally News. 67 BE INDEPENDENT OF DULL DAYS KEEP WELL! Have a Sun Bath at Home t yitra-Violet SUN RAY t ' Lamps froin $65 up. INFRA-RED LAMPS FROM $12.50 All Information From CARROLL ELECTRIC CO. 525 Dunsmulr St, Vancouver, B. C. BRINGING UP FATHER VS'j MFt'b CVtATTER OOR MEW HOMt l COMPt-ETH NjoVv- VT' nvl BERrHCT RUKJMiMG ORDER MAVtl VOO COME AnIO 'SEE 03- WILL MOV5 INJ M&XT W&EV w 7 f'K-c FOR SALE Ross Si Moore Ltd. - moe ma' (MSSIHD ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUND " ,V1"1"1 MUM, rK0'LE BEC..E SST,"' BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. FOR SALE cheap, Gerhard Heintz- man Cabinet Grand Piano. Phone Blue 406. tf t FOR SALE Household furniture. Apply R. E. Allen. 133 Fourth Avenue East. Phone Blue 406. tf FOR SALE Victor Credenza Pho nograph, electrically oDerated Apply evenings. G. w. Dunn, 132 Fifth Ave. E. . 65 FOR SALE One 1929 model Chev rolet. Real bargain. Phone 52. FOR SALE Household Furniture Including child's playhouse, 5x4 feet and buggy. 313 Seventh Ave. East. Phone Red 496. tf FOR RENT 4-roomed House, Fourth Ave. West $20.00 per month ' M. M. STEPHENS & CO., LTD? Rentals Loans Real Estate, BOARD AND ROOM BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and room. Phone 707. - 1 BOATBUILDERS Black tf KIY nOATBTJlLDERS. COW BAY P. O. Box 749 Phone Red 415 RADIO REPAIRS All makes of Radios repaired and serviced by iSN.liyALKEIi-6, yjdrs ;) y i aim mmmm - ' ""Tne (j3iore of jQunfy" Cotnpiete llouse Furnishings Terdu Arranged t?.ii. nuNT w 3 Third Avenue, Phone Red 637 ELITE nEATTTV PAT?r.nHLATKWtnL :rir a rArWrrV -'iVVtJiatlS&' ,""SHA.'"; Mrs. Sutherland WmWmfl EMENTSHSTAGE marcelllnc. marcelling, finger tnoer ani andfo.vMf,, V:Mscfcl. all .A-tsOKI'slu'J 'hnntX rtrtrfhtiAirnrt ExDert water waving. Face massaae and scaip treatments. Phone 499 TnE ELECTRIC BAKERY "The Store That Quality Builtr EAT ELECTRIC BREAD The Best There Is! P. O. BOX 416 PHONE 667 flneen, Charlotte City to convey passengers to port Clements, and uvst u W a U4 1 Clements to receive passengers for vjueen unanoite city. : Fare $"5 0(1 nnrt In nrnnnrflnn Intermediate points. R. G. McKENZIE PREMIER HOTEL QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY. B.C. LAND ACT Notice nf Intention to Apply to Lnnia Lund In Prln. Run.rf rjmi .Mnin. DUtrlct of OrltMi Columbia, and alt uat on ttu North hanV nt h I River, 30 chtlna Northwest of th mo-atn or th , Little Beaver River In the Kltmimkaium Valley, East or illnce Rupert, B.C. Take notice that Joseph Hart of Aberdeen, Washington. bccunstlon. miner, Intends to apply for a lese or purchase of the following deserled lands: chalru dUtent nd In a Northwtrly MMwivu iiuuj b,u znouin ox me iJUItf Beaver River in the KiUumkalum VftUr? thnfv NnrtK nn ,,..-. Westerly 80 chains; thence Southerly SO chains; thence Easterly 80 chalai and containing 1280 acres, more or less. juoLra hart. JOHN B. COUTURE, Ajent. Dated January 4. 1930. -THAMK 5000NJS 'THC HOO$6" 19 nrJltHE.O AK' ANOWB WHO "bAYJ tT'Tj CUCT TO BJUO A, HCXJ-ie CERTAIIMUf MEVE.R, KO ess $ IMS lull Frslnrt Sink, tm Grttt Briuut ri(DU rtxntd . SALVAGE ANH TOWING "If It's on or under the water we , do It." PApiFjq SALVAGE CO. . .. ., ..LIMITED Fully Equipped for Dfvta2;,!a'nd uenerai salvage Work. v m.. uvav,,u- Hons for Charter. Row Boats and Canoes for hire Bargains in Gas Engines. AGENTS FOR EASTHOPE ENGINES Northern B. C. Distributors Coolldge Propellers Sand and Gravel, In any quantity, delivered anywhere by water. Phone, Day or NUM 564 P. O. pox 1564 CniROPRACTIC STEAM BATHS and SUNSHINE for RHEUMATISM, NEURITIS, COLDS and Nervous Conditions Consultation, Free R. E. EYOLFSON. D.C. 204 6th Street Black 746 Phone Red 585 YV. C. ASPINALL, D.C. 6 and 7 Exchange Block Sunshine and Red Ray Treatment (Nervous Deseases a specialty) Green 211. Phones Black 283 CLEARING & GRADING Concrete Foundations Tunnels anu shaf8 In difficult ground a specialty. NELS ROKKJAR. CENTRAL HOTEL PHOTO FINISHING For Fine Photo Work Quick Returns Careful Finishing WRATIIALL'S PHOTO FINISHINGS 332 Third Avenue WE FRAME PICTURES TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR S KEEN A BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO ORDER Cultlnjr, Workmanship and Style All Guaranteed 5UITS STEAM CLEANED AND PRESSED, We Deliver to Any; Part of the Ling, the TailorJ Phone 49: New Laid Eggs For Sale .,' GuarariteetJ not over 48 hours old. Express charges paid any place from Rupert to Burns Lake. In 12 or 30 dozen crates at 55c per dozen. . Cash with order. Phone or write. MRS. C. A. CHAPMAN SMITHERS, B.C. MOTHER JP1T CAME ROM TWBHOOaG AMO EvEHY THiMC 13 O-K- tSOT TUE water. oowT TME FOR.Nl ACE lb OOT OF OROER VWp'THERE'b V UiAW IN THB ROOF AMO POOR WltsOOW5 AR6 SR.OKE4 TWE PHONE WONTT 5E iM POR, TwomomTHj. THE UliHTb DOM T I WftV J WOS.K THE PROMT OOOR DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. riUNCE HUPERT, B.C. See thebeautif ul new Ford bodies at our showrooms Now on display " The Canadian Car." S. E. PARKER LTD. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. MI LADY BEAUTY SHOP " Expert hair .cutting by Miss O. Rutherford. Expert, marcelling:, finger waving,' by Miss Grant. ' Permanent ' waving a ' specialty by Mrs. Allen. Your Patronage Will Receive Our Careful Attention PHONE 655 HalHd ( X Dr Alexander X STOP' I'vE PHONE S7S BESKER BLOCK DENTIST By George McManus ill r nil 3n 1 MAKE YOURWANTS KNOWN .THROUGH DAILY NEWS WANT AD. COLUMNS i i i . , . . ,- , j WORKINGMEN FISHERMEN Before buying work clothes and underwear, see our stock and prices. MONTREAL IMPORTERS Third Avenue FOR RENT FOR RENT Flat in Wallace Block. Apply store. tf 'I 4 i . m 4