i I i ' i , if I ' i. . f - i L. 'PAGE FOTO t-i TTTF THATT.V NKW9 Monti let Your Local Merchant's Price Before Sending Your Money To FOR. FALL AND CHRISTMAS FESTIVITIES SAHARA DRY GINGER ALE A True Fruit Drink Unexcelled By Any on the Market Per Dozen, $1.50, Delivered it A Trial Order Will Convince You BEAVER BOTTLING WORKS Telephone 132 Prince Rupert, B.C. Mother Would I like your Photo for Christmas? Why, yes, your photograph as you are today would be my most treasured possession. Call in and see the BENSON'S STUDIO Mrs. Lamb, 1177 Ambrose Third Ave. W. Thone 426 Of Vital Importance The eyesight of the cloae worker is a matter of most vital Importance. A test by a qualified optician will give required information. A. E. IRELAND Optometrist 324 Third Ave. riione Red 700 for appointment Christmas Gifts Silk Underwear 95c 2 garments for House Dresses each 95c Hemstitching IDEAL GIFT SHOP J. A. mneon. 741 6th W. 328 Third Avenue West Phone Red 536 CHRISTMAS SHOPPING Cannot Begin Too Soon Do your's now at STEVE KING The 2st defense &$&insttheco7d LomelwyrAe m.. 11 fjrtestfueZ CAdCSSOf. Jbt, There's only one defense against the cold weather and that's the proper kind of coal. Buy a ton of coal from us and lire away at Old Man Winter. Ie'ir;qilt on the run: Order a m of tall tfeday and note the haste that we display. Philpott, Evitt & Company Ltd. Phone CIS Dally News "Want Ads" bring quick results. - v i : : i . PLANE IS SALVAGED Flectster Machine of Pacific International Airways Extricated From Ice In North The Fleetster Diane of the Pacini International Airways, which went ' tnrough shell Ice while taxiing on bawmlll Lake near Telegraph Creek last Wednesday afternoon when preparing to take off for Atlln and became partially submerged,, was extricated from the ice last evening, the Government Telegraphs report. The plane Is reported to be in fairly good condition despite Ite Immersion but rrtll have to be given a thorough overhaul before it will be In shape to fly again. It is understood that there is no I hope of salvaging a Falrchlld plane oi tne company which crashed Into la wooded hillside the same after-moon while also preparing to take off for Atlln. - ! The Fleeteter was successfullv raised by using pontoons made oi lorn and air-filled barrels under the ! forward part of .the ship, leaving only the wheels frozen In. After there had been sufficient frost, the wheels were chopped out of the Ice land changed to skis, j When Pilot E. L. Wasson returns .'from his search lor Capt. E. J. A. ! Burke, the Pacific International Airways plan on getting him to fly rrom Whttehorse to Telegraph Creek and bring In some equipment and parts to replace those damaged on the Fleetster. Pilot Harry Blunt, who was Injured in the Falrchlld crash, Is now much better and is said to be out of danger. The weather Is getting colder and. with 40 below temperature now in the Yukon, a severe cold snap is expected here. s Pilot Wasson has not yet returned to Whltehorse from his lnsnee- jtlon of the Burke plane and search 1 for its Decupants. Old Country Soccer j English League Second Division Bradford 4, Bverton 1. Burnley 1, Charlton Athletic 1. I Mlllwall 4. Plymouth 1. i Nottingham. Forest 1. West Brom-wlch Albion G. ' Oldham Athletic 3. Swansea Town I. Preeten Northend 4, .Bradford City a. Reading 4, Bristol City 1. . ' , Southampton 4, Barnsley 0. : Stoke City 3, Bury 1. j Tottenham Hotspurs S. Portvale 0. I Wolverhampton Wanderers 4. Cardiff City 1. FISH IS SHIPPED Season Is Opened On Great Lakes , and Movement Starts j I WINNIPEQ, Dec. 1: With the opening of the reason on the Oreat Lakes, the Canadian National Railways report the first cars of fish to be shipped from Port Arthur. Within the lost two days, seven cars have left the Lakehead. five to Manitoba points, one to MoosoJaw and another to Toronto. So fRMhtsSeason. there lmvobeen 7dtftrs of flan loaded In the Manitoba district while 105 cars have been reported from Prince Rupert. Mrs. C. Q. Barber left on thl; morninflB train for Edmonton where she will meet her husband, jCorp. c. B. Barber, provincial po lice, Wlin wnom She Will nrnrewl on a trip to their native home in I I surrey. England. They away for four months. hi Oiiisifc 1 H i 1 ii . . .. . . .. Free For b omeone Somewhere on this page, in two different advertisements will be found the names of two residents of this city. Examine the advertisements carefully and find the names. If the two persons whose names are in the advertisements will call at the Daily News Office they will be presented with a ticket to either the Capitol Theatre or two tickets for games at either of the golf courses, they to choose which one they desire. These tickets are FREE. TIE GAME IN HOCKEY New lork Americans and Detroit SPORT CHAT ' The final game of the Beach Pool Koom Handicap tournament was. rnti k,... The number of studenU registered at the University of Parks at the present time totals 06,980, an lncrea3t of MOO orer the preceding scholastic year. Had Hectic Two-All Draw . Matt 4 j Matt came Last Night ilpom behind to win by fifty-five ,, "T i points In a match of 360 points up NEW YORK. Dec. l:Tte New!xhe Blulard aUo golng York Americans had NaUonal a- rt rt A thh wintr Tne K,3f0r, Elk the Boiler Shop SSnU a.M I TCd , y a amaU margin, the Mine being into a two-all overtime draw when I .hfr. a 1o(1. Detroit scored a goal 30 seconds be-; JZ fore the close of the extra session. 1 At the end of the third period, the score was one-all. Approximately 3000 women are studying medicine in Germany. Ouch! T .Offer n I At. laaat nno - aMJ wua lUHTt Win O V 4 W 41IIU SVUIIUl "UL-k'nf saying, as Jim Landos, world's wrestling champion, gets a pet hold on him In a New York gymnasium. Hockey Scores SATURDAY National League New York Rangers 6, Philadelphia Toronto 4. Detroit 2. Canadians 3, Boston 3. Chicago 3. Ottawa 0. Bladder Weakness , If Oettlnr Hp Nlht, Bekehe. frequent d.iy calls. Leg- llni. Ncrv-oui)'. IUi.-um itli.ni. Ai Idlly. llurn-ing, I UniartlnK, Uladdur Irritation, or Kidney WenkneaH makw you frl I tlrd, dpr-n.l and discouraged, trjr tho Cyatex Tvat. Worka faat, atarta drcuUtlrut thru the lytltm In IS minutes. I'ralaed by thouaand. Don't Jive up. Try Cyatez (pronounced la-t"i) today, under the Jron-Cliid QuaMntee. Must qulokly atop thea . conditions, Imarora raatful v and cnenry, or mono back. Only T6c at 11 drug stores. .IKAIOflRY - shooting i : Frascr Valley Alan Fires at Girl and I I Then Takes Ills Own Life j ABBOTSFORD, Dec. 1:-Paul! " is desd and! Therlsa Cush, 10, is in a serious con-duntn . j a leoult of shooting, allegedly caused by Jealousy, at the home of Robert D. Bell, farmer at Claybum. near here, yesterday. The girl was shot with a rifle bullet, first allegedly by Knookham throuah a glass door as she was In the front room of the house. Kn,oek-ham then shot himself through the head. Thi bullet entered the girl's body near the heart. ' Among the paesengers northbound fn the (fetal yesterday war 1 . -rifl ' li : The Daily Newa can be pur- chased atr- Post Office News Stand, 325 Granville 8t Vancouver. Karl Anderson. Prince George, B.C. 8mlthers Drug Store, Smith- ers, B.C R. W. Riley, Terrace, B.C. General Store, Anyox. . . . Beautiful Kahdblocked Bedspread nuu 4 nui.ii tvvcino, uuHtniiieea raSl COlor.s I made in India. Special, each $4i93 DAMASK TABLE COVERS For Breakfast, Luncheon or Bridge Parties , , nA ...111 .. -1. U1 1 . uuu wui uLrw urnbn, uuijj, jjcei or oe marrerl b n " dishes. Your choice of many designs nt. eari. 2,5 j Rarrio'c H Atomic Third Ave. & First St. LEMON PIES and Whipped Cream GOODS On Sale Each and Kvery Wednesday lie fore Noon At The Electric Hakcry Wc Deliver Phone W7 BUILDING STILL UP. Building permits issued in the elty of Prince Rupert during the month of November this year totalled only 18400 in value as compared with $7,44133 in the same month' last year. So far this year building permits granted here this year repre-1 rau a mhbi VB1UC OI SlM,in4.Sj as against m.TWM m the first 11 months of IMS. Following were the permits issMd In November, 1080: Miss West, .Fourth Avenue Kast. repair foundation, $280. H. Wright. Seventh Avenue, addition to residence. $300. O. FetftMQn. RiShth Avenue East. alterations, $108. D. Moore, Fourth Avenue West. move garage, $100. H. Hanson, Bightfa Ave. eaW repair foundation, $150. M. T. Lee. Sixth Avenue West, repair foundation. $UK). Empress Hotel, Third Avenue West, alterations, $180. J. Basso. Ninth A venae Wesx repair foundation, $100. J. Belanger. Ninth Avenue West erect residence, $400. J. Byolfson. Water Street, erect residence, tuoo. William T cites, wall known Cook, whe ras been recently employed a. Falls River by the Power Corpora tion of Canada, left on today's train for hi home in Campbell - ton. New Brunswick, where he wil! pay a holiday visit. m mo rreeze Is Much Cheaper Than a New Radiator Antl Freeie Is cold weather In surance for your motor and radiator We have a full line, including Prcslonc, Uador Glycerine and Alcohol Overhaul Your Old i Tire Chains And anticipate your needs in this line while our stock Is complete Cold Weather Makes hard starting. Why not install a new battery now? OUR PRICK IS RIGHT 11-Platc Battery . .$10.00 13-PIatc Battery . .$12.00 S.E. PARKER LTD. PIIONF, 83 FORI) DEALERS & uuiiMiing$ T':l"8hmn'l Auditorium GOLF COURS JlMt the nine. v ,u r-e- is el . iovshle v.nln ...., , rt. ,, ,n I fomforta-ilc surroasdinn J AT'niTORIIM GOLF C'Ol'ILSE L. J. MAKK) N Pro-riftel COAL Kuv tin- rc ) i it-tit b (rain an Uo.iij: l!:inrl ''met Kw! feG Hl 1 s Avnsw A Kua';ii. enlartrpr' snapshn' 25 to ;Vi eompctl: ROWE'S Sheet Metal Work ove nf- t .J' aa.L PISu- l'l ItaJllnii I'm ts 1411 THIItl) Wi1 Vft'l Office! til Wo --C The Red Shop CANDIES In Box.-- rsiii er Btfi Box. a Tabid sTATinsERY iwi r and,nk!lt $40 BI-h'K ft'1--1 . Phone Elect? a Tlating s,tVlR in noi" ... tMrt'ilrt Manila- tai " Jew I" . rhir. 3M Sixth rtf 1 Mall orti- i promi 'ft- v .1)11. IHH;r 1 DICKS1 1 Bye, Ear. K U1.J ...i.l AtSt-Elnu..- Byes T: