aondajTr December 1. 1030. mm ,B ' COAST y-fEAMsinrS 4k I Dizzy Headaches and Fainting Spells lira. Lloyd Babcock, Hartington, Ont., writes: "Some tlmo ago I wot til run down in health. I had diizy lieariaeheii, and suffered a great deal With fainting apella. I was advised t try Burdock Bloed Bitten and after taking two bottles I felt like a new person. "My husband was troubled with indigestion, after meals, and could get nothing to do him any rood until u 100& vl, f.r lln jat 51 r.ari. "!)r ijr Tl. T. MHbnrn Co, Ltd.. Toronto, Ont, Pinaud s Special Of er 50c Lilas de France Talcum Free with a '$1.00 Bottle of-Lilas de France Lotion 50c Liquid Brilliantine Free with a $1.35 Bottle of Eau de Quinine ones !M. yfw Pioneer Druggists Phones 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. THREE GRADUATE PHARMICISTS CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERATING (J. T. 1 20.000-TON floating dkydock Englr.een, Machinists, HoiJermakers, HIatksmlths, Pattern -.-vM&kers, Founders, Woodworkers; Etc. ' ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 TheFish which made Prince RupertFamous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED Prepared Daily By " Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. K. C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE SAILINGS FROM PRINCE II WERT To Ketchikan, Wrangell. Janeau. Skagway December 13, 27. To Vancouvet, Victoria, Seattle December 3, 17, January 1. ITiiioeaa Mary Iotc. Vantauwr, ad Vte- tortT every Friday. 10 iJjb. Agents For All Steamship Lines , . W c Orchard. Oeii. Am , art Air, Prince Katw. Wtorfcsl, UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED si-irMi uivti'k I'M't'llslON V.UIV.H on K.nle frni Nov 1?. 19 I" ''' - "Ml (IHv fliljl rr4pi k roperM w SlM. M tflme Urt f Of V.irtne. - I'AT.U.A KVT.ItY Tli:slV t.M P.M. nnivin Vancouver. viti uiin r.u, n."i- .ri . tAKi)i:x. Kvniv niiiiw miummit Arriving Vonoouver Bundnj mliHUght wproK. V willing to Port Slmpioli, Alio.- Arm. Anyox. Btwrt Hlvcr poUita. 8uiitay. 8:00 p.m. ''''ttnatlon regarding all tallii v- and ticket at UlNriS lil I'l KT .UIKNCV: See nd Awuif. !i EarlyAd.-Copy is appreciated Local Items Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Hcilbroner's store. G ILfArnott rctjif from Vail' died recently, the Catala. ned yesti lere his ANAIHAN National ofT.ra many luiurlra anj mm-fort a which aM plraaure to your trip South liy Steamer or Kat liy Train. Sailing from Prince IC n pert tm Vancouver, thence U Trt-Clty Service tu Victoria ami Seattle, Thuriwlaji 10.00 For Aiijoi ami Stewart, Wrtlneatlaya 4.00 p.m. ;f t Regular acrvlcra to North and South Queen Cbarltte UlanJa, Partleulara 'of jjll-InRa, ratra, etc., on rcuat. raiualrav rflniontoh, . nwlnta Kal PrSieA i-m-rv Monday, Weilneaday fend Saturday at 11.30 a.m. M. F. McNAlKiHTON ffelrirl r'Titr' Airnt IMnrr Ituirt. II. V. rday Ifither, He came norih oi Passengers debarking at Prince Rupert from the Catala yesterday included' G E, Watt, J. B. Lea, H. Ferguson and R. Wilson. 'Bi'6 Jtandallof the Consollda iea "Mining company's staff was here yesterday afternoon on the Catafa e'nroute to Stewart. Among, passengers returning to Stewart from the south yesterday on the Catala were E. O. Randall, James Shaw, B. Melville and Mrs C. Newell. Union Oil Co.s tanker Nnaeana. Capt. Powers, arrived in port at noon yesterday from Vancouvet and, after discharging a cargo of fuel for the company's local tanks, sailed,- pjn. for Alaska i-.iti H.A.-.MoOalJum, new manager of the-local) branch of the Bank of Montreal, succeeding A. H. Carson j whoh't'ranWerred to Vancouyer as , anrrapecter, 'arrived in the city on yesterday afternoon's train from Prince George, accompanied oy Mrs. MacCallum. J. Cooper, who has been engaged as one' of the construction foremen for the Power Corporation of Canada in connection with the local hydro-electric development, left on today's train for London, Ontario. He will travel via Winnipeg and Chicago. , WHb a fair-sized list of passengers. Union steamer Catala Capt. James Flnckay. arrived in port at 4.45 yesterday afternoon from the south and sailed at 8 p. ra. for Anyox, Stewart and other northern points whence she will return here tomorrow morning and sail at 1 JO pin. for Vancouver and wayporU. , ,CAUNCE Ttrefnas-C?auaeebarn at Pincher Creefc, 1899, on asking Bassnett c o Fulton, Money Sc Clark, Barristers, Kamloopa, B.C., will hear of business which may be to his advantage. (284) Steam Baths 204 Sixth St. Phone Black 764 Opposite Princ" Rupert Hotel Ladies By Appointment Gents from 2 p.m. to 12 pjn. ALIKE p in LQWPRICES ALL GOODS Montreal Importers Selling Out at . lo) Below Wholesale Cost n Therei worqisome surprised people the last few days when theywent to the Montreal (Importers store and saw some of tho prices at which goods were sold. Owing to Mn Miller's illness he finds It necessary to clear out his goods at .almost any prices offered and he Is doing so, The new goods which have Just arrived are going with the rest at below maunfactur- ers prices. All of them are bargains such as Prince Rupert has never seen before. Mr. Miller' says that it is because of the low prices at which he offers the goods that he Is busy all' the time. He is selling his goods rapidly and his customers are the ones who are getting the benefit. Come and get your share of these big bar gains. Dinnerware. china, crockery, glassware. Hcilbroner's Store. Don't forget I.O.O.FV Bridge Whist and Darice1 Tuesday;' Dec. in Metropole Hill. 280 Ben Fergusorf 1 has taken' over Snedderi'S1 News ' Stand"1 cor. Mc- Bride and 3rd 'Ave. 292 i' Mr. ana Mrs. u. Kennedy returned home yesterday afternoon on the Catala from a trip south lie at the big dance tonight at Moose Hall. Dancing from 9 till 1. Tickets SOc. 281 Follow the big parade on Thurs day night to the Elks' Home. Box ing, singing, dancing and enter tainment of all description. Bigger and better than! 'ever. 280 Mr. said ' Mrs: Wallace D. Or chard will sail on the Princess Jforah Wednesday "afternoon for Vancouver. Mr: Orchard will be away for three or four weeks on annual vacation while Mrs. Or chard will probably4' be away for several months.' 11. E. Pawson, assistant com merclal manager of the Power Corporation of Canada, arrived in the city on yesterday afternoon's train from Montreal to attend the ceremonies in connection with the opening of the company's1 new Falls River plant here. FROM MOTHER OF EIGHTEEN Read How This Medicine Helps Her Cardrton, Albert- "I am nftv-eikt yeara old and the mother of etghbw living crulJrm.Wa live oa a farm and I aai a very heal-thy moUwr coa-aidVring tLat I have auck a big fanuty U work (or. Th druniat fimt told roe about Lydu K. Pink-ham's Vegetable Compound aad I have depended oa it (or manv veara. When I hati thia pirture takes, the photographer aa UUinc me about hit wife's ailinenU Mid after 1 told hiat about tho VegctabU Compound ha went to the drug itore and bought her two bottle. " Ma. Bbbtra Sailc aoi, Sa., Cartlaton. Ahrk "HUlLll B. C, PAYROLLS' Praise Grafefully Received tastes IB (or i jfWrOOTft, A patron living In Nelson requests , that we dfJ'tfot Use hefhame. WeJ .lai .iTl ril tHU. jII s,i-ii "rr llr IUU Ogieu AWmJ PAGE THREE today's train for Halifax where on December 8 he will sail on the Cunard liner Lancastrla for a holl-day trip to his native home in Mr. and Mrs. George Little of Terrace are visitors In the city, having arrived from the interior on yesterday afternoon's train. Accompanying them, are Mrs. J. B. Agar and Mrs. E. J. France. j Three or four arrests have been made by the city police of motor-, lsts on charges of not signalling at .Intersections. When Intending to, I round a corner, It Is not sufficient j tre police state, to merely open the i door. The arm signal must be given. ANNOUNCEMENTS - . i Royal Purple Bridge and Whist series, next game, December 1. Anglican W. A. Bazaar Dec. 2. United Church Bazaar Dec. 4. Hard time dance Queen Mary Chapter, I.O.D.E. Hall December 4. Elks' Smoker, Elks' Home Thursday. December. 4. v High School Concert, Dec. 11, ?JWftteiY' orner JeHflftShe: Operetta 'The Enchanted Pdi-'Viler when Pacific Milk is . used. Particularly is this so on salad dressings and custards." Stronger commendations than this 'scarcely can be given. PACIFIC MILK Faciory at Ahboisford, ll.C. "lOflf", B.C. Owned and Controlled" Moose Christmas Tree Whist Drive and Dance, December 19. Canadian Legion B.KSX. Tree December 20. Sons of Norway Christmas Tree December 20. Lief Erickson Christmas Gathering December 26, Moose Hall. 7m Perils of Old Pepyj" Liring in the nth ttntury was dangerous (hww torn Ih. faiwow. 41 i lamiMl Pmrt (X Sept. 19, 1662 At night I walked with three or four to guard me it being a joy to my heart . . . that people should of themselves provide this for me. I hear this walk is dangerous by night. (TJ May 11, 166 J On foot, I was set upon by a great dog who got hold of my garters and might have done me hurt, but Lord! to see what a maxt I was that, having a sword about ( me, I never thought to use it. CC June 30, 1664 Walked back all alone. Saw a man that had a cudgel in his hand and though he told me he labored in the King's Yard, and many other good arguments that be is an honest man, yet, God forgive me, I did doubt he might knock'me on the bead with his club. fX July 11, 1664 About 11 o'clock, knowing what money I have in the house and hearing a noise, I begin to sweat worse and worse till I melted almost to water. Then I understood it was only a dog! "Long talking with my wife,"wrote Pepys on one occasion. "What she shoald do if I should by accident diet" Living in the 20tb ttntury it mere dangerous: True, its perils are different twit transport air flight machinery the pace that kills! But Pepys couldn't insure his life YOU can SEE A SUN LIFE MAN A. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA S. J. JABOUR NORTHERN B. C. REPRESENTATIVE Retail Merchants' Association banquet in Boston Hall Tuesday 6.30 pjn. Important business. 283 A lecture will be given by Rev. Mott In Lutheran Church this evening at 7.30 on "Luther" about 75 slides will be shown. 230 O. McKenzie of Anyox left on The Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company of Canada, Ltd. Office, Smelting and Refining Department TRAHj, BRITISH COLUMBIA SMELTERS AND REFINERS Purchasers of Gold, Silver, Copper, Lead and Zinc Ores Producers of Gold, Silver, Copper, Pis Lead and Zinc TADANAC, TRAIL OUR SPEED WITH SAFETY Is what you will enjoy in a comfortable roomy car, by calling TAXI 25 Promptness, reliability and courtesy Is our motto. A irlal will be appreciated. Phone 25. Matt Videck Ambulance and Taxi Service COAL IS IN A DRY SHED When you are buying coal look on the economical side of life. If you buy wet' coal, you arc losing 10. So start today and lurn dry coal and see what 10 means to you. PEMUlNA EGG Delivered, Per Ton StWO MINKIIEAD EGG Delivered, Per Ton' tM MINE1IEAD LUMP Delivered, Per Ton 13J9 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 5S0 TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FltESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City Dr Alexander X-RAY SERVICE PHONE 373 BESNER BLOCK DENTIST SOMETHMBW FOR LADIES AND GENTS Large assortment new clothes for autumn and winter Just to hand. All finest quality and latest patterns. Come In and see us today. Suit or overcoat complete and finished in three days. Lin;, the Cutter Steam cleaning, pre.ssine uirl altir-lng. We deliver any part of the city. LING - THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. Phone 819