Tomorrow's Tides ?. cases were set: -i i He Extension Oo. vs. A. R. : $90, E. F. Jones for plaln-. S. MeOttl for defendant. Rupert Toning Co. vs. H. J. ' et al, $54850, Williams it ' lor plaintiff, Patmore it lor defendant, adjourned to court. Moore vs. J. H. Thomas, $227, riis St Mancon for plaintiff, nt in person, adjourned un-"uiary court. 'i Salvage Co. vs. John.Oteen, V- iwm it Manson for plain-i udant In person, settled. Sheet Metal Works vs. A. n $87.7(1, W. E. Fisher for i Cowan it Cowan for de-' stands. ' McArthur vs Chatham Fishing St Packing Co.. $360. 3 l.iier for plaintiff, Patmore ; "ii for defendant, adjourn-: February court. ) noff vs. K. E. Verigln. $96. it Manson for plaintiff, " it Fulton for defendant. '.' Gregg vs. Oeorge J. $01. Pabaore it Fulton for it. Williams it Manson for am. adjourned to February implications for naturallsa-v i' recommended and one i urned untU tomorrow. CREASE IS PRESIDENT rrVTICTON. Dec. 1: Lindley r Victoria barrister, was elec- ident of the British Colum-' Conservative Association on ' i.iy. " .1 mite move to name the pro-' xmd to Alaska the Tolmie 11 '-iy was launched, the Asso- unanlmously endorsing the ! : jv project with the proposal tt: bear the Premier's name. Aged P loneer Of Wi nnipeg Masses Away Wi'MNlPEO. Dec. 1: Jerry Rob "" awed 88, one of Winnipeg's ''oted pioneers and Jnwtnes 11 Uicd today after a brief Illness BISHOP RIX HIT BY CAR ESSINGT0N OLD TIMER William Holland, Who DM at Weck'Knd, Had Live n Skeena River For It Years William Holland, aged 54 had been a cannery employee at Port Bsslngton for 27 years, died it 10 o'clock Saturday night in the Prince Rupert General Hospital where he had been a patient for some time. The late Mr. Holland, who was born in Cheshire, England, is survived by a widow at Port Bsslngton. He was well known In this city. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon with Rev. Canon W. F. Rushbrook officiating. POLICE COURT FINES LOWER During the month of November thlsear p4lce gourt ttofffiM $430 tut against V5 In Oil same month last year. So far this year, fines have aggregated $9,490.50 as against $0,698 in the first 11 months of im. Vancouver Wheat Vancouver. De. l -.-Wheat was quoted on the Heal twe todajr at SOfte. Swill) Believe It or not! Rainfall in Prince Rupert daring the month of November this vear. totaltinc 7.31 wide general coalfields strike at ! inches.' was less than half of the first threatened for today would be ! 15.78 inches which fell In the same averted. Unless a nation-wide strike i month last year. To date this year, develops, it is not believed that the j there has been an aggregate of Scottish miners will stay out long. I go .85 inches of precipitation re Is In Hospital Suffering From Broken Rib and Sbotk; ' "On'WSfy loCtfurcif Itt. ICev. G. A. Itlr. Bishep of Caledonia, is a patient in the I'rinre Rupert General Hospital suffering from a broken rib and shock as a result of being struck down by an automobile at 7:26 last evening as he was proceeding to evening servlee at St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral William White was the driver of the car a taxi which struek the bishop. The car had just turned off Mcltride Street and was proceeding east along Sixth Avenue. The bishop was walking in the opposite direction. White will be charged In city police court with driving to the common danger. Bishop Kix wax resting as comfortably as could be expected, it was reported today. corded as against 73.83 inches dur- ing the first 11 months of 1929. i 1 Sunchlne this year, totalling 1,- 194.74 hours to date is maintaining a slight lead over the first 11 months of 1929, the total for which ; was 1198 hours. In November this year there was a total of 34.4 hours , of sunhjneas catnpaxed with 525 j amirs w -wovem er, ivw. Following are details of November weather this years as announced this morning by R. O. Emmer-son, Digby Island, Dominion Precipitation. 13 inches. Sunshine, 34.4 hours. OCMtast daily rainfall, &i on November 14. Maitknum temperature, 54 on November 1, 4 and 7. Minimum temperature, 26 on November 13. Mean temperature, 42. Highest barometer reading at sea level, 30.61 on November 23. Lowest barometer reading at sea level, 36.81 on November IS. Chief Electrical Engineer Is Here II. Walker of C. N. R. Spending) lew Days Here on Official Business M. talker, chief electrical engineer of the Canadian National Railways, arrived on Sunday's train rwho 1 00 ' f lc,al busmeM-Mr- Walker, ac companied Dy iiu wiie, intends to remain In the city until Wednesday 1 when they will leave on the Prince Oeorge for Anyox and Stewart, then south to Vancouver and back to Toronto for the holidays. Mr. Walker is the son of the late Sir Edmund Walker president of the Canadian Bank of Commerce. He Is a cousin of Mrs. J. E. Boullllone. whose husband is In the service of the Power Corporation of Canada here. for Pilot Renahan, missing aviator, and his two companions, Frank Hatcher, mechanic, and Sam Clerf, guide. Both shores of Portland Canal as well as many other waters were explored but without trace. Two United States Navy planes, also operating out of here, report no success In the search. GOLF! GOLF! Tu- Member 2, 1930 High -10.18 a.m. 19.2 It. 633) 0 -5- 22.56 17.0 (22 pm. rt ivtf : Low V59 a.m. 8.5 ft a Sunken Gardens p. 55 pjn. 7.5 ft V r- NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER tfsi V ' "VXT.. NO. 2. . PRINGE RUPERT. R.fL MONDAY: . hF,rRMRP!P 11 QSfl . " J z- --.xz7 j K.-,uwwiaaeBa., sjithik jctji vtia S . MAI AVERT A GENERAL COAL STRIKE NEW POWER DEVELOPMENT HERE IS OFFICIALLY OPENED Scottish Dispute Is Still Unsettled But Walk Out in Other Fields May Not Ensue It Is Now Believed Conciliation Board Adjourns Today After Meeting With No Success In Deliberations Between Owners and WorkersTrouble May Not Last Long GLASGOW, Scotland, Dec. 1: The conciliation board, v, ' : ti met today in an effort to effect an adjustment be-'::: Scottish mine owners and coal miners who have 1 v ork, adiourned this afternoon without a settlement t r : reached. Ninety thousand Scottish miners failed to up at the pits today. Degpite the situation in the 3cottlsh coalfield, British author COURT IN SESSION Cases Set and Naturalization Applications Heard Today By Judge Young V, r : y Court was in regular session before Judge F. y "ung this morning for set-: ases, granting of naturall- ities today had hope that a nation- LEATHER I IMPROVED Less Haiti and More Sun In Prince Rupert This Year Than Last Frail Craft to Take Long Journey flBSj 9wsjjjsS 4ssssttsslltt Three Brooklyn men recently sta it-d for Bermuaa in 3l-foot non-slnkable lifeboat, equipped with - ill and 25 horsepower motor, from New York They are Capt O ilenberg, W Lake. Capt. Barth. DRY SQUAD , 'IS ACTIVE Dozen Premises in Nelson Raided; New Denver, Kaslo, Rossland Also Visited NELSON, Dec. 1: Six places of business, three hotels and three stores were raided by the provincial police late Saturday night. Evidence of alleged Infractions of the Government Liquor Act have been reported at all places visited. Similar raids have been made recently at New Denver, Kaslo and Rossland. rtr4P4 KETCHIKAN SEARCH ' IS UNSUCCESSFUL KETCHIKAN. Dec. 1: The ! coastguard cutter Cygan re-1 turned here yesterday after i weeks of unsuccessful search CAPITALIST HAS PASSED Alfred C. Flumerfelt. Long Prominent In Affairs of Province, Succumbs to Peritonitis VICTORIA. Dec. 1: Alfred C. Flumerfelt, Victoria capitalist, president of the Pacific Coast Terminal Co. and director of the Consolidated Mining it Smelting Co.. died Saturday evening from peritonitis. He was 74 years of age and was born In Markham, Ont. The funeral will be held on REVENUE IS DOWN Customs and Excise Collections: Continue Decrease From Last i Year Last Month Lijht ; Customs and exeJee collections at the port of Prince Rupert for the month of November this year fell off to $6,808.96 as against $17,896.0$ in the same month of 1929. So far this year revenue from this source has amounted to but $186,854.92 as compared with $279,278.01 In the first 11 months of 1929. CitizensInvitedtiQiwem0j)y The official switching on of the first ornamental street lighting standard in Prince Rupert will take place at the corner of Third Avenue and Sixth Street at 7:30 o'clock tonight The ceremony will be performed by the Mayoress, Mrs. C. H. Orme. The Northern British Columbia Power Co. extends a cordial invitation to all citizens to attend. Important Episode In Development of City Is Being Carried Out Mayor C. Jl. Orme Officially Switches On New Electrical Energy Which Is Expected to Mean a Great Deal to Prince Rupert An event of nutRtn I development of Prince Rupert is being enacted today at . J alls River where Mayor C. H. Orme is this afternoon of-! gcially turning on the new power development of the ; Power Corporation of Canada. It is anticipated that it will be the first step in an era of industrial expansion which l the city has long hoped for but which has been delayed throueh lack Of adeouate rvropr riovolnn. ment. The ceremony Is being witnessed by a large party of leading citizens of Prince Rupert including Mayor C. H. Orme, members of the city council and Chamber of Com merce and leaders in the business! w pmieasiomu me oi tne city. The party left here at 9 o'clock this morning on a SDectal train for Haysport whence they proceeded by gasboats across the Skeena River and up the Ecstall River to Falls TO HELP FARMERS LSeed Cleaning and Dairy Demon stration Car to Tour Saskatchewan WINNIPEG. Dec. 1: The Sasknt- chewan field cronj branch and dairy branch of the Department of A I 1. ... Agncuwure nBJicunure, co-operaUng co-operaung witt witn the River. Following th tr,. nf . lluneM-rtto f.-4.'tuinacUan NathmaltRalhvayS, win switching on of the new power took place. The party is due to return to the city at 7:30 this evening and the switching on of the new ornamental street lighting system will then take place with Mrs. C. H. Orme, wife of the mayor, officiat ing. H. E. Pawson. assistant commer- ;clal manager of the Power Oorpor- ation of Canada, is representing the parent company at the official op-, en ing proceedings. I rv.i. . . . - - . . . . . a ii to aiMriinnni, lurfi. J. J. inline operate a seed cleaning and dairy demonstration movement over Ca nadian National lines in Saskatche wan commencing today and closing January 30. The train consists of two demonstration cars, one lecture coach and a staff car and will op erate for the entire two months with the exception of 10 days during the Christmas season. It Is the in tention of the field crons branch tn demonstrate, at some 45 points of call, seed cleaning machinery of various types, showing results which are to be ITT obtained from Irm these ef- ef! wife of the general manager of the1"" "I?6 Northern Northern British British Columbia Columbia Power Pnr i j flclent. a,d m the Preparation of Co., is entertaining at an afternoon tea to mark socially the official op ening of the new power development. j This evening, a dance Is being j given by the Moose Lodge to cele- brate the occasion, i Full reports of the power opening ; proceedings will be given tomorrow in a special 18-page issue of the Dally News which will alscc Include many special articles wlthi profuse Illustrations as well as the ordinary news features of the day. LANDED IN VANCOUVER Phlnney and Dunlap Return Safely to Jerieho Beach Air Base 1 VANCOUVER, Dec. 1. Flight Lieutenant Phlnney and Flying Officer Dunlap landed here Saturday afternoon after an absence of three weeks conducting a search out of Prince Rupert for Pilot Robin Renahan. missing commercial aviator, and two companions. They had spent Friday night at Comox, being unable to come In here on account of fog. Their p lanes re to be equipped for winter flying in the event of being dispatched to AUln to aid In the search for Capt E. J. A. Burke and his companions. FOUGHT FOR LAB0RITES WASHINGTON, Dec. 1: Mary (Mother) Jones, miltant crusader for righto of the laboring man, died last nlgkk She was over one hundred years of age. grain for seed and commercial pur poses. Special emphasis wMl be given to the preparaUon of exhibit material for the seed grain shows, this feature being of vital importance at this time In view of the approaching World's Grain Show at Regina in 1932. The Dominion seed branch is cooperating and a representative of that body will accompany the train to discuss seed grades. The dairy branch, under the direction of Percy Reed, dairy commissioner for Sas katchewan, will have a special section devoted to the Interests of the Industry dealing with the production and marketing of dairy SHOT DEAD BY FRIEND Another Fatal Huntinr Acrldent on Vancouver Island Is Recorded VICTORIA, Dec. 1: Another fatal accident was added to the list of Vancouver Island hunting tragedies when Elmer paxtton, aged 19, while hunting an Coldstream Mountain, was mistaken for a deer by his boy friend, Reginald Crouch, aged 17. and sht and kltjed. i .i.t 1 , AGItEE TO SEPARATE BURMA FROM INDIA : LONDON, Dec. M: The round table conference today agreed in principle to the se- pa ration of Burma from India and set up a special committee to discuss the details of the proposal. , i Ju ti 1 Si