PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS PRINGER CL Come "SBaaagauMaxatwt wi ins mWfVi' Kmarm. uu u FOR YOU! PROSPERITY Through YORKSHIRE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION 6 on Deposits, Compound Interest A KATE OF INTF.KEST COMPATIBLE WITH SAFETY McCAFFERY, GIHHONS & COLLART, LTD. TIHKI) AVENUE TELEPHONE 11 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooQooooooooooaooooooaoo Want Ads Lot Them lie Your llrokcr anil Selling in Ruying Somebody Is waiting to buy that house or bedroom set, or coat you have to sell. Somebody Is waiting to sell that oar, or typewriter, or whatever else it is you are In the market for. Get the habit of shopping,, through the Want Ads. You'll find undieamed of bargain undreamed of opportunities. Do your shopping through these columns and sec how profitable and pleasant It is. HEAD and USE UPERT DAILY I ASSIFIED ADS Phone 98 "If it's fully told it's quickly sold" NEWS oa0DOoooooocu3Ooooaoooooooaooaoooooooci0aoooiODuuDoooo Do you read the classified advertisements? Early Recent Wedding of Local Peoph Details of Nuptials of Miss Edith Lcck'and John Johanscn A very pretty wedding was solemnized on Monday evening, November 17, at 7:30 p.m. at the Salvation Army Citadel No. 1 In Vancouver, I when Commandant Ollllngham I united in marriage Miss Edith Josephine, second daughter of the late Mrs. Martha Leek, to John Johan-sen, both of Prince Rupert. Olven in marriage by her brother, Everett Leek, the bride looked charming In a gown of Ivory satin, fashioned on long graceful lines while her veil of Drussels net lace was held In place by a bandeau of orange blossoms. She carried a bouquet of Ophelia roses, orange blos-jsoms, pink carnations and maiden jhair fern. ! As matron of honor, Miss Mary Scott chose a gown of shell pink tflat "cl-epe, 'fashlofwd -wltrfa-high jwalstllneand long .flared iktrt. She carried a bouquet of pink carna tions, white chrysanthemums and maiden hair fern. Hoss Scott supported the groom. jji Following the ceremony a recep tion was held at the home of Mr. ancWMrs. titfia & ott. 274 ElthvoMue.iere the he piny recelvM tWlr friends. hdt. M; Maude Scott presided at the urns, while Miss Evelyn Ross, Mrs. Albert Chedd and Miss Grace Scott assisted in serving. Mr. and Mrs. Johansen left for Victoria to spend their honeymoon. The bride chose for travelling a navy flat crepe dress, a brown coat trimmed with muskrat fur, and a brown felt hat to match. Spectacular Bargains Continue to Appear at the Acme Importers Annual Temptation Sale. A friendly store for thrifty people. Men's Shirts O Ladies' Silk Hose f A Wide RanRC of Men's & & M. JLCASLO Ladies' Silk andWool Hose, Broadcloth Shirts in fancy new shipment just arrived and plain colors with at- Pure Wool Guaranteed Fast Dye all shades and sizes. Temp-tuclied collars. Temptation Navy Blue 18-oz. Serge Suits. tation Sale Q-i OCS $1.65 524.95 Price.2Pr.for910 3.00 2 for with each one of these suits we will M TTnJoiirno. ' give purchaser a Hat, Free! "leil S Unaerwear Men's Underwear Men's Windsor Underwear, MEN'S SHOES natu, lor, 2 piece and n 1 1 i n i j ii tt Stanfields' Red Label Un- combinations, pood weight derwcar, two pieces or Men's High Grade Boots and Shoes for city wear. Temptation combinations. Temptation Black or Brown Goodyear welted, Sale Q4 Off Sale GO Off in all sizes. Temptation CO Qff Price ?Xet7J Price tpd.OD Sale Price QO.VO Mens Hose mews caps Mens Trousers , , Men's Caps, all shades and sizes. , , MSf? St ?J,ar?aJet ,r TT Hosef Temptation QCp Men s Trousers m pure wool Silk and Wool, fancy and gaje prce VO Bannockburns, all sizes, plain. Temptation Sale lines up to $G.00. Tempta- Price O-j ff tion Sale -J QA Off 2 pair for ... . V111" ALL HATS AT 25 DISCOUNT Price T.. POeJ Watch our advertisement for our offering of Xma s goods to appear soon at Temptation Sale prices Many other bargains which space docs not permit us to quote THE ACME IMPORTERS ALWAYS SELL GOOD CLOTHING The Acme Importers a Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. P.O. Box 667 NO CHARGE ACCOUNTS NO C.O.D. TERMS, STRICTLY CASH Mail Orders Promptly Filled at These Prices ELECTED BY ACCLAMATION William Tobcy to Keprcscnt Skcena In Boys' Parliament William Tobey, eldest son of W. 1 matlon to represent Skeeha constl- tuency at the ,ElshtU B. Parliament, acrtilngJo?w received from h C. Boys' ord Just eadquaf ters through the local district returning officer, Earl Darrle. The Parliament convenes In the Parliament Buildings In Victoria during the last four days of the this highly respected Boys' Parlia ment which differs from the regu lar people's parliament In that there is no nagging blocking opposition and no party system. All 74fWet riK'mbep?wk together Jfpr tj f bridal MfodM m provljlce 5ft large. al Mffl. mam lrTlhe political life of the country have watched these Boys' Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Esselmont passed through here yesterday on' , the Catala returning home after honeymoon spent in the. south. Mrs. Esselmont was formerly Miss Muriel Crawford. Mrs. W. H. Burnett has gone to Prince Rupert to spend the winter : with her son, Donald. ! Many friends of Mrs. Oratg will be pleased to hear that ah is much improved In health and she will soon be able to be out again. -! m . . i 1 t. returned home tram a vim in the ! south. I Harold Crawford of Vancouver, ho Is visiting his fatter. P. W. Crawford, relieving station agent at Usk, was a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. McLeod. : Captain J. D. Colthurst Intends to spend two weeks at Lakelse Lake. C. M. McKlnnon of Vanarsdol was a week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. McLeod. Mrs. McKlnnon, who is visitlnR in California intends to spnnd Christmas there with her daughter. Weekly Special H. Tobey, has been elected by accla- G vwvnin? MnvttV l.Vtl? CHRISTMAS MAKINGS Seedless Raisins 9 lbs. for Cleaned Currants Q "f (Si 7 lbs. for year, when members from every Mixed Peel constituency In the province Willi A Ua for deliberate thoughtfully and earn-! estly on the questions affecting thejMixcd Nuts welfare of Boys' Work in general.! 4 lbs. for " " " ' " After electing their premier andL. ,, , , , cabinet ministers, the members ' olieiietl AimonUS themselves carry on the work of the 2 lbs. for session as tried arid trusted ser-, , . vants of thp vartnn Tnl nnrt Trnll i OIIUHUU YV U1I1U18 Ranger organizations throughout the province. Thero Is no better training for the future leaders of the country than that obtained In 3 lbs. for . . . Dates, fresh stock, 11 lbs. Glace Cherries 2 lbs. for . . . $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 Minced Meat, Rolled CUer, Extracts, llaklnt Powder, Crrttalllicd Vine AppIc'Clkcrlles, Manhinallow, and all Chmtirias Supplies at reduced prices. Parliaments with keen Interest and ... have lent them their support. Comc and kk our requirements. I Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 417-423 FIFTH AVENUE EAST "Avoid that Intuit shadow." says Frances Dec Tight), as she sizes up Mathilriv Cummont. d rtny recent film production at Hollywood. Mathilde weighs 375 pounds and Frances just 109. NORTHERN B. C. NEWS TERRACE NEWHAZELTON Instead of $20,000 as was origin ally supposed, it It now believed' here that Mrs. John Newtek of. Hazelton will receive $50,000 for' Mrs. George Little, who has spent j having held a first ticket In the Ca- j the last month In Beattle, Tacoma , and Vancouver, returned last Wed-; nesday. nadian Legion Sweepstake on the recent Manchester Handicap horse race. Mrs. John Newtek, who Is a popular old timer, is receiving the congratulations of many friends on her good fortune. Miss RalphenTwrinch It. N. has resigned from the staff of the Smlthers Hospital and will return to her home in Hazelton at the end ! j of this month for a holiday before work. Capt. Mortimer, Indian Agent, visited Topley at the first of the week to make arrangements for getting In a supply of lumber for the Dabine Indians before the winter freese-up.' Antonio Sartori made a visit to Prince Rupert at the end of last week and was- favorably Impressed with that city. Having secured a position as re lief teacher at Prince Rupert, Miss Alice Ptllabury Is resigning as teacher of New Hazelton school, effective the end of this year. A successful sale of novelties, home cooking and candles was held by the Womartfl Auxiliary last week In the Anglican Parish Hall. A fish pond and Christmas trec.for chlU dren were features of the'event. Richard Tomltnson of Cedarvale was a visitor In Hazelton last week. The Canadian National Railways are erecting a new depot Tind section houee at Cedarvale to replace the building which was burned down some months ago. W. Stoynoff. section foreman at Dorreen. Is a patient in the Hazelton Hospital suffering from the ef fects of a shoulder badly Injured while he was working. Mrs. Lund of Vancouver, after visiting here for a few weeks, left here this week for her home In Vancouver, accompanied by her son who ! a member of the Royal Bank staff at Haielton. To date six carloads of steel have arrived for the new Hagwllgct bridge. All the timber Is on the ground and the cable stretching will be completed by December 8. PRINCE GEORGE The city council has agreed to light the new toboggan slide here free of charge. After preparing the site, the local club stll lhas a small surplus with which It will buy toboggans. It Is hoped that the facilities will become free to the public next year. The city council has decided to procetu wijn ine making of a new Monday. D SAT. and MO.N. Two show, 7 ani , Lupe Velez In - THE STORM With I'AULCAVAYUGH WM. BOYD An all talking thnlli r of r woman and two mm. , bound In a Ionnl lut,,, Comedy "BIRD IN IIANjj Screen Song "GLOW W0I;M Admission . :o ;ir. ; Feature Starts at J 111 m l ,0 TUES. and WED. -CM of the Golden HVr HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel tINMK NKW M.lYUil.'t; r Xlram llrnlrd. Tr.ixf 'n Knoini; lint and I ..Id t'rrv Hut MrrU til Tu'"-IWmii Kales $1.00 and lp PKCIt MONTHLY II m i - a it. isicr. AKT & ,v i)o.n ui ltWlftf- PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince RuperVs it lly hotel. Hot atm In all roonu a. J. ruuniiMMi: Cor. of Fraser tiui Savoy J. O. Sutherland am oho, Massett; A. W.u' Valpy, D. Robertson don, city; T. WaUi. IP. Nager, Amesbury Itoyal Mr. and Mrs. W and Mrs. William II Port Bafftngtoe; Win. and A. Duthte, city Jack Lawloi, Ben C! n Samuel, Tyee; A. i Nit.; A. E.Lear ; . Hogan and Oordcu ! River; 0. E. Watt V Montgomery, rrin u Trip. New Royal Hotel I. Zarrlll. Irn. THE HOTEL WOKTH VilUX Hot ft Ool4 Wtr 75c PER HAY AND IT Trlrr-hoti :m II : Boston Gri;l Larje Cabar . SPECIAL DINNl I' ' Thursdays and SaturJr DANCING Every Saturday Nistit, " to t? Dance Hall for Hi Accomodation for Tin vto Partl-s II riwini. 4S7 winter road on Fii giving a new direct Prince George aftir Prince I.c ' ' iiy irom me aired' vby brld the Piiv md tic, cutting are I elng fin'anced undn iloyment relief schen E. H. Burden ha summer In the Peurc ! He says that Poucc t Its owrc-rnthntjr-by ,hl month and, that th route u lavored in m outlet to the Paclfii River farmers, Mr. B-are holding their wl prices. Jf On Monday of thi moose actually venm" town. They travelled 1 Hay don's garden, takn fence as they went, lin ed In a southerly dlricti 'M