-vAW, Decsmber 1, 1930, PAOB FTVa Classified Advertisement s. Business am Professional Mfen s Guide. Legal Notices A DAILY NEWS FOR SALE AD. WILL CONVERT THAT .... UNUSED PIECE OF FURNITURE .. . INTO CASH. TRY IT! --. -irnTr - .-, - mtmt-K-w ;-. 'i- - hwiiiiiii FOR SALE FOB SALE Halibut Boat "Cape ' swain," Apply E. Llpsett, Ltd. 283 FOR SALE Walnut Vlctrola with 100 records $75 cash. Phone Blue 195. 270 RACRIFICE of new Mink Stole. Wonderful Christmas Olft. Apply Dally News Office. tf FOR BALE 10 h.p. Imperial Engine. Can be seen on "Bonlto", Cow Bay, Price $400. 283 FOR 8ALE Large chest of draw-' crs white, five drawers, cedar. $8.00. Phone Red 513. 280 CHEAPEST White Newsprint Paper for wrapping or other purposes, may be bought ten cents a core us long as they last. Dally News. FOR RENT ROOM for Rent Phone 943. 279 FOR RENT Furnished Apartment. Phone 043. 28 1 FLAT FOR RENT Wallace Bloc Enquire store. tf MODERN House for rent. Apply !10 Sixth Avenue West. 27b FURNISHED Apartments for rent. Apply Mussallem Grocery, Phone 18 (tf) COMFORTABLE Rooms for rent. 1028 2nd Ave., Phone Blue 208. 202 FOR RENT Modern house, 5 rooms and bath. Apply Munro Bros. tf FOR RENT. Furnished apartments by day or week or month Phone Red 807. tf i uR RENT Room with board or batching. Heated rooms, 704 Me- Bride Street. tf -t'ttteHBNT"-airernwell tarntetad modern apartments. Palmer Apartments. Phone Red 444. t f To Rent Cosy Two & Three Roomed i 1 1 - ivpurinicuia Ftcf use of electric light and w isher Rentals $10 to $18 monthly DYKK APARTMENTS 3RD AVE. SITUATIONS VACANT r r.ERK8, Letter carrters. stenographers, customs examiners, etc., l onsUntly required by the Government. Write M.G.C. Civil Service School. 401 Ktnslncton Bldg., Winnipeg;. W WANTED WANTED Smart saleslady with knowledge of ladies' wear. Oood wages. Apply Box M Daily News. Ml PERSONAL I'ANADIAN CITIZEN Why not ;"t into the Canadian Civil Service? There it a wide range of positions open. Free information. The M.G.C. Civil Service Sthool; 401 eKneington Dldg., Winnipeg, tf FOUND BUNCH of keys was picked up between Prince Rupert Hotel and Post Office. Owner can get the same at Dally News Of flee by paying for this advertisement, tf BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room. Phone Blaek 707. tf ROOM and Board. Phone Red ltt. TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone ITf. Dry Birch, Cedar and Jack Pino. tf UED'8 TRAN8FER. Cartage and Furniture Movlnir. Thone 204. tf AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART We buy, wll or exchange any kind of furniture or household goods, musical Instruments, machinery, etc. General repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Black 120 and we will call. G. J. DAWES, Auctioneer., Federal Block. tf CIHROPRACTIC Sunshine and Red Ray Treatments Nervous, Female and Childrens' Diseases Specially Treated W. C. ASPINALL (Chiropractor) Phone Green Z41 6 & 7 Exchange Blk. (Opp. Orme's) SECOND-HAND DEALERS New and Second-Hand Goods nought, Sold. or Exchanged W. H. Montgomery 3rd Avenue Phone Blue 339 SALVAGE ANl TOWING "If It's on or under the water we do It" Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Ful'y Equipped for Diving and Oeneral Salvage Work Aeents for EASTIIOPE ENGINES Boats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire Bargains in Gas Engines Northern B.C. DktrlDutors Coolidge Propellers Sand and Oravel in any quantity, delivered anywhere by water Phone, Day or mght 564 P.O. Box 13C4 ATTRACTIVE SALE High Class Furniture & Household Effects At 1138 Second Avenue West Opposite McMordic Apis on Thursday, Dec. 4th Commencinglat 2t00 1M. riuruiK urapciruit iya- ; one-half miles west oi tne Arniston Grapefruit, each 10c to .1j Po'nt- Dund L , L . Take notice that The Canadian M Fish Bananas, 2 IDS ; m-; Co. Ltd, of Vancouver. B.C., oocu- lExtrafcted honey, per Jar 25 pHi')Fin i , lntnd PP,T Comb honey . 2b 'or ' th following described bulk, lb 2fc;f0rcfflUr pates, at . post planted on Raislnj, bulk, lb. .15 , North west corner of the most westerly Tokay Grapes, lb .25 ior tei whUf jHiand Oroup. thenct I .. . i south 10 chains: thence West 8 chairs: IT.. (Almonds, shelled I Valenclas...... .65 vauiuiuia sun siicuru wuiiiuu) -)J : Walnuts, broken shelled . .40 : Walnuts, shelled halves .50 1 Peanuts 15 ' Vegetables-Potatoes, netted Jems, 9 lbs. 25 I- A m sCK 4S)V Parsley, bunch . .10 Hothouse Cucumbers, each .... ,25 no B.C. Celery, ua neaa IS PumDkin Jb 10 Hubbard, squash, lb "7 Garlic, imported, per lb 40 Obbage, B.C .06 Onions, 6 lbs 2& rniifmio hri miiim hrt i Hothouse Tomatoes, ID , VI Brussels Sprouts M containing io acres, more or Artichokes, xxxx. doc 4:: SflWiE ANAnW fishino.. 00. ltd. Bulk, Turnips, 7 IDS .X1L . Iff o. wouana. .rtaeir; Vegetable marrow, each ispatM7fc m Green Onions, 3 bunshes .10 Bulk Turnips, 6 lbs. 35 Cauliflower. D.C., head .... X to .35 Green Peppers, lb 15 Parsnips, 4 lbs 26 Beets, lb - - 0o Flour Flour, 4s, No. 1 hard wheat . 2.00 Pastry Flour, 10 lbs .60 Lard- Pure Compound Eggs B.C. fresh pullets, do. .. 3D B.C. fresh first, dog .55 B.C. fresh extras, do 66 Local new laid, dos .tU Feod Wheat. No. 3 Alberta 2.25 No. 5. Alberta 2.10 Valley 2.T8 Oats 255 Bran - ShorU 2.35 Middlings 1 2.75 Tiarlev ... 2 JO Laying Mash . 3 JO UySter sneu Beef scrap 4-25 Ground oil cake . 450 Fine oat chops 3 65 Crushed oats 8.65 2.40 Efemon and orange peel 20 Blaek cooking figs, lb. .15 iQtren peel . M vvoite ligs, id 15 rinrrantaL lb. 50 H Z ' h 26 Jprteote, Jnmj ; J; f5 Prunes. 40-80, lb laVi Sweet Potatoes, 2 lbs 56 Sugar-- Yellow, 100 lbs 4.90 White, 100 lbs 5.40 nutter-No. 1 creamery, lb 48 -ngof !DrlXP 8-tube Kolster Radio In walnut cab, lnet Leather Upholstered Living Room Suite. Wicker Chairs. Morrte cnair, ureaKiwi oet. iuucipn.i d alanH rrun Prnnt HetttdT. giinmuis w r-- - , MeOlary Inge with rervolr t- : tachment, 2 Beds complete. Dres- sing Table. Card Table, Kitchen Cupboard, Lino Square. Linoleum and Miscellaneous articles. GEO. J. DAWES AUCTIONEER PHONE: HLACK 120 THE MARKET Following ,, , are retalr prices current . here today: Mcintosh Reds, extra fancy... box m, $3.10 i LAND ACT Cooking 6 Arjuias lb nl foreshore: S Commencing at a post planted at , fancy a ''"''ihighwater mark on Hie Eatt shore of r. nmHn 9P.n nundos 'Island oiuxMlte Oreen bland ',,,. ,. , HOUSenoia - Z.U'J YellOW Newton, fancy, box 3.00 . Stavman's MakUDS. box .... 3D0 Spltzenberg, fancy 3.00 Winter Bananas, iancy 2.75 IVllrtlnii. fnniv 3:15 Delicious, C. Grade 2.75,NOUce 31 roshore i Fruit i Range 8. Ooast Dtnrlrt, Land Re-! Valencia Oranges 40c to I 10 cording District of Prince Rupert, an t ,. otlnvit Ana m Lemons, BUnKltt, CI02 4U , Notice of Intention to apply to Lease Foreshore In Range 5, Coast District, Land Re- ! cording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on tne east snore 31 uunaas js- land opposite oreen island Lighthouse, Take notice that The Canadian Fttrj- J- P f SBS for a lease of the following described Lighthouse; thenoe Bast 5 chains; thenoe ; North 10 Chains: thence West 8 chains more or lam to high water mark; . containing S acres, more or less. Canadian mmra coltd Dated ecpt. eth. 1930. i ivn nx situate on tne wesx snore oi in mast weBtl5"ly vn,, uiana Group, 1 and I 10 rhitis; thence Bast fi .cKiSutlng" aeres. mere or less. the Canadian fishing co. ltd. per a. h. housm. Aent. Dated September sth, 1930. LAkl) ACT Nottee of Intention to apply to Lease roreenore T ruim B (Vwut nltrtt Ijinrt n. cording District of Prince Rupert, and Butiett Point on the South West Of Wales Island, Tkke noMee that The Canadian Flsh- ut Co. Jjtd, of Vwcouver. BjC. for a lease of the foUowin described foreshore: hSTS rwere Wales Island, thence West 8 chains: thence South 10 chains: thenoe Bast 10 umi actt Motto Sf tteeM to apply to Lease In Range 8, Coast District. Lanl Recording DUtrlgt of Prlne Rupert, and situate on Zayaa island of West ahor. line. I and one-quarter miles south of the north wt. rorrter of the Island. I rig Co. Uii.. tr Vancouver, B.C.. occupation FM Plloken Intends to apply for a Iseve of the following described foreshore: . Commencing at a post planted 1 an-i one-quarter mites south of the North west cornet of Zayas Island: tneese North eatt W chain-, thenoe West 6 chains: theiio South west 10 ehaiiu: thence Isst 6 chains and oaitalniBR s acres, more or less. THE CANADIAN FI8HINO CO. LTD Dated Sept. 4th. tS0 per A. H. Holland. Agent Land aci Notice of Intention to apply to Lease Foreshore . la Range S, Coast DHtrlct, Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on the West shore of Dundas Island, fc mites South east of the most est fly of the 'White Island Oroup. Tak notice that Th Canadian Fishing Oo. Ltd, of Vaneourtr. B.C. ooau-pation Fish Paoksrs Intends to apply for a teas of the following described foreshor: Commencing At a poet planted at th wuth entrance to Bay lying about mllAa amith Af th nuwt WAlrh of the White island Oroup: therm cs,inr tbene South as: 10 ehaint; thenoe North east 6 etialn And contalalns 6 aeraa. mora or leas TUB SMNABfAN FMHINO CO. tTD per A, IL Holland. Agent. Dated Sept. 1st. 1W, " U.M ACT Notiee Of IntilpsV to apply to Lease In Ranee 8. CCXaH' District. Land It cordlnc Dlatr(Jbf Prmce Rupert, anl attMsht on Uf south west shore of 1 lands. Thkt notice that The Oanadlan matt ing Co. LM.. of Vancouver, B.C., ooeu-oatlon Fish Packers inland to appl fur a !se ot the ti lowing deecrlbe foreshow: Commencing at a ppst planted on the South West shore of Wales Island, appeal b the Proctor Islandst thonn Wast 10 chain; thenoe North 10 chains thonce East 6 chains more or leas to hlth water mate: thenoe eVvutr east .t. wasfeft. .., 4.K JTIV aUUUal UtaW Whan UflaUJL HNIII III ocmmenoeoient and containing B acres mora or lem THE CANADIAN FleiUNn CO. LTD. per A. II. Holland. Agent Dated Sept. 1st. 1930 LAND ACT: Notice of Intention to apply to Lease Foreshore In Range 8, Coast Dtvtrlet, Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and Ituate on the South end of Hayacaek Nnd. Take notice that The Canadian Flab-Ins Co. Ltd.. of Vancouver, B.C.. occu pation Flab Packers intend to apply tor a lease of the following described "foreshore: ' Commencing at a post planted at the south-east corner of Haystack Island; thence South S hatns; thence West 10 chains; thence North S chains, more or less to high water mark; thence South- easterly, following high water mark to log o acres, more or less. THE CANADIAN FI3HINO CO. LTD, per A. H. Holland, Agent. Lrted Bept. 7th, 1930. LAND ACT Foreshore In Casslar District Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, anj situate "" Take notice that The Canadian Fish w inn Oo I.tH of Vancouver. B.C.. occu pation Fish Packers Intends to apply ; for a lease of the snowing foreshore: : Commencing at a post planted at i the North west corner post of Lot 628 Casslar. thence 1 chain West to high water mark; thence South 10 chains: thenoe Bast 10 chains; thence North 3 chains more or less, to high water mark; thence North westerly along high water mark to point of commencement: and eoatainlng 8 acres, more or less. THE CANADIAN FISHING: CO. LTD. per A. K. Holland, Agent. Dated Sept. Sth, 1830. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Leate Foreshore In Casslar District Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on Des Fish Bav on Portland Canal. Take notice that The Canadian Fishing Oo. Ltd, of Vancouver, B.C, occupation Ftob Packers Intends to apply for a lease or the following described foreshore: Commencing at a post planted at at the South west corner of Lot 627 Csstlar District: thence West fi chains; thenoe North 10 chains: thence Ess. 5 chains more or less to high water oitk; thence South westerly following high water mark to point of commencement; nd containing 3 acres, more or leas. THE CANADIAN riSHINO CO. LTD. per A. H. Itolland. Agent. Dated Sept. Sth, 1B30. UKn ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Lean- Foreshore In lis nee B. Coast Dlttrtct. Land Re cording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on the North end of Haystack Island. Take notice that The Canadian Fish tng .Co. Ltd. of Vancouver. BuC occu-Mn--FUhPaeJCers tntiends to apply ror a lease of the following descrtbeil foreshore: Commenelng at a post planted St a cement monument oh the North-west corner of Haystack I (land; thenoe north 5 chains: thence East 10 chains; thence South B chains, more or less to high water mark; thence south-westerly, following high water mark, to point of commencement, and containing S acres, j mere or lest, THE CANADIAN FISHING CO. LTD. per A. It. Holland. Agen Dated Sept 7th. J930. J LAND ACT Notiee of Intention to apply to Let Foreshore In Range S, Ooast District, Land Recording District of Prlne Rupert, and situate on an unnamed Island lying one mile North of Haystsek Island. Take notiee that The Oanadlan Fulling Oo. Ltd.. of Vancouver, B.C, occupation Fish Packers Intends to apply for a leas of the following dssctlled foreshore: Commencing at a post planted on an unnamed Island approximately one-iuarter of a mUe North and one-half of a mil West of Lot 6933 a S CoMt thenoe West 6 chalni; thence South 19 chains: thence East 8 chains more or less to shore line: thence North westerly long high wster mark to point of commencement and containing 6 acre, mere or less. THE CAN AD! IN FISlnNO CO. LTD. per A It. Holland, Agent. Dated Sept. 4th 1930. tJtN'll Af.T Notice of Intention to apply to Lease Foreshore In Rang 8. Coast DliUlct. Land R cordlnc District of Prince Rupert, tntf situate on Zayas Island, one-quarter 'J a mile North east oi to nouin avr corner. Tako notice that The Canadian Plan lag Oo. Ltd. ef Vancouver. B.C , occupation Fish Packer intends to apply tor a lease ot the following described foreshore: Ooaunfnelng at a post planted one-quarter of mile North east of th South oast corner or Zavas IsUht; tHaiM Nath Mil ID ghln: thenc finitth Jaavr JL Hs.Im' IKmim AAlith Wf i " w - 1 10 chains; tfcence North wt 8 chain THE CMNADUN FWIUNO CO. LTD ' per A. H IlolUnd. Agent, Dated Set. lit, 1WO. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GEO ROE SKIDOFF DECEASED ALIAS BORYS 8KIZAK ALIAS JURKO 6KI-ZAK ALIAS JURKO 8KIDIFF. NOTICE Is hereby given that all per sons having claims against the above named late oi Ancnorage. Territory ot Alaska, United States of America, and formerly of the City of Prince Rupert, in the province or British Columbia. Canada, who died at Anchorage aforementioned on the Sth day of February 1929, are required to send particulars thereof, duly vertlfled, to the undersigned on or before the Sth day of January, 1931, after which date It will proceed to distribute the assets of the. Deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which it shall then have had notice. DATED at Vancouver. B.C.. this 17th day of November. AD. 1930. MONTREAL TRUST COMPANY. ' B14 Pender Street West. Vancouver. B.C. Administrator of the Istate of the above-mentioned George Skldoff. Deceased within the Province of British Columbia. d3-10-17, " jfj THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITIM COLUMBIA IN PK01I.ITE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HENRT MANUEL RICHARDSON. Ifsed. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIYEN that all creditors and other persons having any claims or demands against the estau of Henry Manuel Richardson, Testator, late of Prince Rupert. In the County of Prince Rupert, Deeeased. who died on the 2nd day of August 19S0 and whose will was proved in the Prince Rupert Registry of the Suoreme Oo tr ot British Columbia on th 23rd day of October l30 by Alex etracnan or Prince Rupert. B.C.. Laundry Manager, the only Executor therein named who bad not renounced, are hereby required to send particulars in writing of their claims and demands to us the under-1 signed solicitors for the said Executor on or before the 31st day of January 1S31 at the under-mentioned sddresi after which date the said Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Henry Manuel Richardson deceased . amongst the parties entitled thereto ', having regard oniy to tne claims ua: demand of which he shall then have) bad notice and the said Executor wUl not be liable for the assets of th de-, ceased, or any part thereof, ao-dtetrtbu- i ted to any person or persons of whose ' claims and demands he shall not then! have had notice. . DATED this 1st day ot November, 1830. WILLIAMS. MAN BON. OQS)ftXB St TAilAJK ' Besner Block. Print Rupert, B.C. Botlcitors for the Executor, Alex Btraehan. KKEEN'A LAND nCrORIIINO DISTRICT Take notice that the British Colum bia Fishing it Packing Company, Ltd. of Vancouver. B.C., occupation, im packers, intends to apply ror a leas M th following described foreshore, situate on Naas Harbour, frontier e LotH, Range S. Ooast District: Commencing v a post planted on the east tide ofNasa Harbour, thence west IB ahals. mere or lets, to the opposite short: tbeao southerly, essteriy. and northerly, tol-lowing high water mark, to th point of commencement, and containing twenty- five acre, more or less. Dated 9th August. 1930. j. h. Bushneu. Agent BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHING A PACKINQ OO . LTD LAND ACT , Notice of Intention to apply for Lease Land In th 8tlkln Land Recording District of Casslar District, and situate about three miles and one-half south of Tulsequab Post Office on Taku River Take notice that I. George Robbln" Ot Tulsequah, B.C occupation bookkeeper Intends to apply tor a lease r the following described lands: Oommrneln at a post planted rn bank of slough then south SO chains: thence east 40 aba Ins; theno north f ebalm: thence west 40 chains, anrt containing J JO acres, ntor or lee. 1 aaoHo ROUB1N-Dsted August 96. 1990 LAND ACT Nolle of Intention to Apply to Lea-' In the Btlkia Land Recording DM-1 trtet of Casslar District, and tttun: about three mUes and one-half south TuUequah Post Office on Taku River Take notice that I. William Strong Of Tulsequah. DC. occupation moroh- ant. Intends to analr for a Isaae of the following described land: oommeneing at a post pwnvea ou Of 4)ftOUoflV. inno tsftaffsOt soutn su 01X1 41 . . . . . .""""L, . and containing 830 acres, asore or Ija . 1(1ILUAM 8X80X0 , . . Dated August 36. 190. TYPEWRITERS No other value ran approach the special REBUILT UNDERWOOD S75.00 Very easy terms All other makes from $18.00 - SUNDSTRAND A 1)01X0 MACIIINEH United Typewriter Co. Ltd. VANCOUVER, B.C Ray Oil Burner SAFE SILENT ECONOMICAL See me now WALTER LONG WILL- Heating Engineer Phone 584 P. O. Box 730 Singer Sewing Machines On Easy Monthly Payments As low as $3.00 per month Cheaper to ouy than rent All makes of machines repaired. McRAE UROS. LTD. Phone 566 Rupert Motors Garage and Service Station DODGE and BANTAM AUSTIN Distributors FENDER AND BODY WORK A SPECIALTY Nelson's Beauty Parlor Groguignole Permanent Wave Guaranteed $7.50 Skilled artists in all branches of beauty culture 211 Third Street Phone Blue 5Cl Wood and Coal Cheer upl The best was coming. Now It's Here Try our new coal Just arrived CASEY'S CARTAGE & FUEL CO.' Telephone 303 AIRS. JAMES CLARK 'Palmistry and Crystal Heading While House 235 Second Ave. Telephone ?C7 NEON ELECTKIC SIGNS TUBE SILVEIJSIDES BUOS. I.oeal Aceney a N. It. TRAINS A Pram But SuncUyts Tuesdays .ind Thursdavs. 3:30 p.m. , For Sag t Monday. Wednesdays ind M,u " Baturdayi. u,w" 11:30 ajn. , BRINGING UpTaTHER I " By George JlkMvm ilrwrwar! I' lllillll irufsissai'ni I hsr) fK) 1 11 j 1 ' A Dy News want-ad wHI 17 UJU I 111 tfi1"""" 1 1 v.j frr bring results. raMsasaWaaBSBWSBWa. -BHaW- Ha.