rae tee Buildings are getting older and chimneys less Winter fires are being started. risk is increasing as winter approaches. value of buildings is high and steadily mounting as the cost of lumber and labor goes up. rates have not advanced. lower than formerly in this town. time to fully cover the value of your building, furniture or stock ‘with in- We write it. secure. think this is a good surance? The fire The Insurance They are materially Do you not H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. R- * New shipment of Dall Rea! } Hand Made Lace. Mrs. Harvey's. jopposite post office. 24 i : ' ; j EMPRESS __ TONIGHT Henry 2. Walthall | -In— * ‘Humdrum Brown’ Billy West “THE CHIEF COOK" Two-part Comedy and Pathe RBritish-Canadian Two Shows - \dmission Gazette 7.15 and 9 15 and 30 cents & atthe ~- 835 Second Ave. : Phone 557 Chitti ConCarne and Hot Tomales CHILLI PARLOUR Delivery Service Extra WESTHOLME ___ TONIGHT Special Production Sins of Ambition All Ster Cast Seven Parts ne Sala al One ree! Clover Comedy and Gaumont ( azette Admission, 35c and 15¢ Two Shows, 7:15 and 9. Anyone May Shop Anywhere He or she likes. but all the same it sometimes makes a difference where you £0 We have thought and “worked to accurately sup- ply your wants at every point of the jewelry busi hess. From collar buttons to diamonds we strive to make our store perfect, This is oue invitation to you to see it. We do not ask that you buy anything. You'll find pleasure in just seeing; and we in showing JOHN BULGER deweler The Store of Worth and Beauty. - vowe? DENTISTRY Don't neglect your Teeth One decayed or missing tooth lowers your efficiency DR. BAYNE Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Satur- day, 9 to 12 only. Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- / day, from 7 to 9. DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT For ’ Babe 5-foom steam heated modern house near drydock, $2,500, Term®. 4-fRoom house, 5, $1,760, Terms. i-foom house on Fifth Avenue in section 5, $1,600, Terme. 7th Avenue, Section 2 Lots, 6th Avenue, Section 5 $060 each, Terms. 2 Lots, 6th Avenue, Section 7, near drydock, §360 each, Termes. Lot 25, Block 29, Cash McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. Agents Phone 11 ° 3rd Avenue Insurance Heal kstate Kentals. Section 5, one at the Prinee Rupert Hotel. The Misses Scott returned to THE DABLY NEWS Extra Special ! 100 Boxes Choice Wealthy APPLES Unwrapped, 4 Ibs. tor 25c Per Box, $2.00 Rupert Table Supply Co. PHONES 211, 212 Rh. Seymour Wright returned from Usk last night Many new lines in men’s shoes, The Family Shoe Store. oe : 2S Mr. and Mrs. Peter Annance, of Stewart, are in the city. i e T. Dawe, of Port Essington, is the city on Saturday's steamer. New arrivals in Dorothy Dodd shoes for ladies. The Family shoe Store. tf Arrivals on last evening's train ay that yesterday's rainstorm Vas general between hére and Smithers, . . . In the police court this morn- ng, A. J. Forbes was fined ten ollars for being drunk and dis- rderly. F. W. Dowling, superintendent if Government Telegraphs, was a sassenger on this morning's east- ound train. Ladies’ gaiters just arrived. ‘amily Shoe Store. tf “eee Cee eee ee eee *" TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY * “ste eee eevee evneenenae ‘URNITURE FOR SALE and four- roomed modern flat for rent \p ply Westenhaver Brothers. eee ee eeeeseanes * * ™ TU SUBSCRIBERS * . o * * Subscribers to The News *® * are asked to pay the de- * * livery boys each month * * when they call, except # where payment has been * ~ «made for the year in ad- * * vane. The boys when *#* collecting carry official re- * * ceipts which should al- *® * ways be preserved. * cas **#e* eeseaeeene las an (dea = Mrs. H. J. Weather says that no milk she has tried gives such satisfaction in custards. You never mention custards and I like it better for custards She says “ than in any other ” thing | make. Thanks, Mrs. Weather. Pacific Milk Co. Limited FACTORY AT LADNER, B.C. — Phones 41 and Red 391 For Hire by the Hour, Day or Week Launch Alice B. Pienic and Fishing Parties Trips round Harbor J. MYHILL-JONES were w eure err ere~ ? For Comfort, Courtesy~ and Service go to The SAVOY HOTEL F,. T. | owness MANAGER t 2 eee re ee ee ee ~———@ { Local News Notes Oe ee rr ® \. J. Keich left for Seatth® last night. . > , i ©. BE. Bloomfield, of Sunnyside, | is in the eity. . . i, WH, Engley arrived from Alice | Arm last night. J. F. Brandt left on the edst.! bound tmain today. * . >. Olaf Hanson left for his camps up river this morning. > . * J. Anthony, of Terrace, on last evening's train. > 7 > correctly tuned. G. &, Phone Blue 389. if . . . Miss Ruby Taylor left for Haz- elton on this morning's train. arrived Pianos Walker . > ‘ For all Housebwold Furniture telephone 123—Barrie's Furmiture House. tf * >. , Mr. and Mrs. Fr Galloway of Nicho! arrived by last evening's train. . > * The Ladies Auxiliary of Seal, ove have postponed their bazaar | intil further notice. 244) Mrs. R. W. Grieve will receive at 236 3rd Ave. West on the third | Puesday of each month. * > . Among the orporated during last week was Che North Point Mining Co., Ltd., apitalized at $50,000. The following have arrived in rince Rupert from Ketchikan: Mr. and Mrs. F. Massey, William Linton and John T. Reid * > . new eompantes in- On a recent timber cruising trip. 1 the interior R. E. Allen, chief orester, shot a moose’ which lressed nearly 600 pounds . > . ; Thos, Brennan, accused under he Dead Beat Act of obtaining | fraudulently, was dis- nissed in the police court this! norning. i neals Registered at the Hotel Prince | upert are the following Usk ar- ivals: J. Willman, manager of he Kleanza Mining Co.; E. Barge | nd P. Brien. . . . ! Mrs. J. Cullens, wife of the “tewart newspaper man, is at the lotel Prince Rupert. She ar ived on Saturday morning, ac- ompanied by her little child. * . + | W. J. Wakefield arrived from) relkwa on last evening's freight rain with a fine pair of teaming) iorses which he bought at the lub of the Bulkley Valley. . . . | W. J. Pitman announces a) pecially selected carload of | ianes and player pianos, whic from the fac- Wait for} i vill arrive dinect | i ; | 1 ory early in November. Ke 24¢ > . Mrs. D, J. Hancock, “i by her little daughter and) con, afrived from Aliee Arm on} the Prince Rupert last night. She | as brought the little boy here for) nedical attention. accompan- In contradiction of the umors going about Vancouver that the Spanish influenza “was breaking out again, Dr. Underhill, the city physician, stated that there were no cases and only two suspects up to Thursday last. > > . ; A number of ladies are required | to assist the Navy League and the Daughters of the Empire in mak- ing the street collection on Tues- day morning. Those willing to assist please report at the Red Gross hut at ten o'clock. it . * . George Morrow returned to his home in Vancouver last night af- ter spending a few days in the city on business for the National Biseuit Company of Vancouver, of which he is a director. Mr. and Mrs. Morrow, who are real pio neers of Prince Rupert, will cele brate the 25th anniversary of their wedding in a few days. Their son, Rupert, was the finst white child born in Prince ) Buapert. Spirelia Black 257, LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. In Queen Charlotte islands Land District, Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Port Clements, Graham Island TAKE NOTICE that we, the Graham Is land Spruce & Cedar Co., Limited, of Port Clements, occupation lumbermen, intend to apply for permission to lease the fol lowing deseribed lands Commencing at 4 post planted at the many Corsetiere. Phen ed h True peace-ting econom ee unlight $ ooap It is impossible to buy a pur Sunlight. Therefore it is really 4 soap you can buy. The purer i soap—the less you need for th better the work done. Truly—it is a real economy to Soap for the wash and about the hoy Insist on getting the Soap you ask for— LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO — al SCHOO! DAYS : ARE HERE: Be Prepared! RELIABLE SCHOOL SHOES Buy them from th: FAMILY SHOE STORE GEO. HILL E. R. TABRUM The Practical Shoemen Phone 357 FIT, STYLE AND QUALITY GURANTEED. — Ormes Limited We have a Kodak to suit your special requirements Full range-from Vest Pocket to !’ Everything in Kodak Supplies queers ee em - y size. LA ard $ . P.O. Box 1680 Phones 62 and 200 Siore 3rd Avenue end 6th Stree’ fe (o pox 1638 Georgetown Lumber, PHONES 130 gt 423. Largest Assortment of Lumber FISH BOXES 4 SPEC SPRUCE FIR Consult Us. in Central B. 0 JALTY CEDAR a i N.W. corner of Block 53, townsite of Port Ciements; thenre N. 70 deg Ww 540 ft: thence south 33 deg. W 455 ft.; thence south 237,77 ft.; thence east 472.05 ft thence following the shore line in a north Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 easterly direction to .the point of eom me “ ement and containing 7.1 acres, more y less GRAHAM oa Ane ppeuce & CEDAR CO IMITED Grandview Hotel l Ll pouting ; nue East FIRST AVENUE h Ave eur Dryle aatl Dated August ‘ih Now Open Week phone Rooms bb Week or Month 3 ft sen ee hove 577 1919