v 1 . I Is. t ! I 4f DAILY NEWS PAGE BIX THE This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia, TEMPTAT Mood New A: gg, Mothers Jl Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. CONTINUES BARGAINS FOR THS BOYS' CAPS sh'uk's, tweeds & velours R Boys' Boys' Caps Caps in in assorted assorted 55 ti -a "R " Ti-mptation Sale Price BOYS' KNICKER PANTS Boys' Knicker Pants in all sizes, in tweed or serge Temptation QJo Sale Price 0 BOYS' CORDUROY PANTS Boys' Corduroy Pants in Troubadore high wiast, snap button, slant pockets 24-inch bottom. Tempta- WO WINDBREAKERS Boys' Windbreakers, in all shades. Tempta- Qo tion Sale Price ... The following lines in Boys' worsted and tv, ced suits make it inexcusable for any boyto bo without one III! Boys' Blue Serge Suits of exceptional qualitv, guaranteed fast dye. KIT. 17.45 BOYS' LONG PANT SUITS Boys' Long Pant Suits, in assorted shades, in pure wool tweeds. Temp- !SSale 8.95 OVERCOATS Boys' Winter Overcoats, smartly tailored in the latest style, the same as Dad s. Temptation Sale Price . . . $11.45 Alterations as usual no extra charge P.O. Box 667 Boy Scouts Arc Conducting Annual Prc-Christmas Work The Boy Scouts will open thelf toy repair shop this evening when1 they will start repairing the toys . . . At 1 1 I IU. .Y.1 I inai iiavc ut-vii Ktveii uiem. iiitsnv ! will be distributed at I time to those children who will most likely be missed by Santa Claus. . Olfts of toys, dolls, books, games, lisnoajjommerciai npuse-or uiij- hock came here a few years ago with a Dutch settlers' party for the Queen Charlotte Islands. est Colds Rub well over throat and chest w VapoRub ION Our annual Temptation Sale, which caused such a sensation last week, continues this week bigger and hotter than ever, with prices that simply will not brook opposition. Come and see for yourself and be convinced, BOYS' LECKIE BOOTS Boys' Leckie Red Stitch Boots, solid lcathor. Temptation SC Side Price . . . . BOYS' SWEATERS Boys' All Wool Sv eaters & Jerseys in all shades Temptation Qtf Sale Price f"u BOYS' UNDERWEAR Boys' St. Margarets Combination Underwear made in England, sizes 24 to 34 Temptation fit Sale Price .... Vl0 CHILDREN'S SUITS Ch1Idren's'Stf Margaret Cashmere Wool Suits, regular price, '$4.50. Temp- prkonSa,e... 31.95 Many other bargains which space docs not permit us to quote THE ACME IMPORTERS ALWAYS SELL GOOD CLOTHING The Acme Importers- - NO CHARGE ACCOUNTS NO C.O.U. TERMS, STRICTLY CASH Mail Orders Promptly Filled at These Prices Dry. 36V oz., $350 OM Tom, 02L. WUt) TOY REPAIR SHOP OPENS Badges Presented To Two Scouts M li.n.i , m.i. . ... Miller and Walter Smith , Itccognizcd 1' -ta . . At thi last cttnRJhe Thlrc rnnee itupert Troop Boy Scouts Patrol Leaders Victor Miller am Walter Smith were presented witl First Class badges and also wltl Christmas 1 arade ..A An Round cords. To ob tain these coveted badges, a scou' must nave passed tests lit 10 sub jects. There is only one other Scout I etc.. will be gratefully received j ln tne clty who nas won tnese bad aiinov o r t n r rnn ann xir ri 1 n is in the store lately occupied by Sellars Grocery, or at the Fire Hall. LEAVE HEItE TO TAKE RESIDENCE IN ROTTERDAM Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Oosthock sailed Friday night on the Cardena for Vancouver) where, after spending a few days, they will embark aboard the Hamburg-American Line mot-orship Portland and sail via the Panama Canal for Rotterdam, Holland, where Mr. Oosthosk has ac cepted .partnership In an ostab 1 $$mrar he h;fe beenScKeepejri WpiMlls Alver dflnJIMfcr house iiiiilriftOon. Mr.daM,rs. Oos ges and he is a member of thl; troop, Troop Leader Duncan Miller. ackache Leg Pains If Qettlnp Up NlghU, Itackiiche, frequont Jny call. riklni, Nerv-ouinrn. niieumntinm. Acidity. Llurn- In, flniantnr, Uladder Irrltntlon. or Kidney Wunlinria makes you feel tired, dcprcMed and dlneoti raged, trr me uynti x Tent, worm rail, atarie clrrulntlnu thru the (yitem In IS mlnutee. fruited by thousand!. Don't Kive up. Try tyix ipronounoea Nliatexl trvrtnv. under the Iron-PInd Uunrnntoe. lluit quickly itop thee condltlona I mi) rove restful eleen and rnerery, or money back. Only 75o at mi urun aiorea. , COAL Iluy the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassldy- Wellington In any nnantlties. Also Bulkley Valley Hay, Grain and Itobln Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 658 BAZAAR BY NORWEGIANS Affair Friday Night Was Very Suc cessful, Some $200 Belnf , ir Realized 1 The Hyggas bazaar put on Friday eventn in the Metronole Hall by the Ladies' Aid of Lief Erlkson So ciety was a very successful affair. There were about two hundred per sons in attendance and in the neighborhood of $200 was realfeed. A dance for which accordion music as furnished by Oscar Glske (en led to further enliven the evening's proceedings. After Mrs. J. Moen, on behalf of he Ladles' Club, had bade welcome to all present the proceedings were formally opened by the vice-presi dent of the Lief Erlkson Society. Karl Dybhavn, who made suitable remarks. The Varden Singers nave two excellent numbers "The First Song I Ever Heard" and "Sunset." Later the Varden Singers gave 'two more numbers. Meantime, the ladles had been very busy selling cnances on mc affles and did very well. The result of the drawing was as follows: Cushion, donated bv Mrs. II Han sen, won by Erling Wick, No. 8. Pillowslips, donated by Mrs. O. Terstad. won by BJaim Raold, No. 00. Embroidered dresser set. donated y Mrs. N. Ntlsen, won by Nils Oun-dtton. No. 32. o-lio-iins. donated by Mrs. K. Llndseth, won by Nils Johnsen, No. Centre piece, donated by Mrs. J. lcn, won by Agnes Sooba, No. 21. Tea cloth, donated by Mrs. II. :rikson, won by Mrs. Hanson, No. 44. Cushion, donated by Mrs. J. John- en, won by N. atorsetn, wo. 11. Runner and cushion, donated by Irs. O. Bendickaon, won by Harold und, No. 127. t Embroidered dining set, donated iy Mrs. O. Jorgenaon, won by II. .eland. No. 77. After the drawing. B. M. Simpson xpressed appreciation for the sup- on that had beer, given the draw-ngs. He also thanked those who tad taken part In the program. The fact that the Moose Lodge lad put off a whist drive and dance tad also helped In making the af fair successful, It was acknowledg- d. All the ladies of the Lief Erlkson Society helped to make the affair successful. TAKES LOAD OF SALMON SOUTH The Booth Fisheries fishing chooner Commonwealth, Capt. O. M. Bergman, arrived in port at 2 clock Friday afternoon from Se ttle and. after loading 62.000 lounds of frocen salmon from the anadlan Fish it Cold Storage. illed that evening on her return to leattle with the fish. Progressive mcrcnanis advcrtlst Weekly Special . j What About Your Bread Business? Jread Raisin, Drown and ncn White, 3 loaves for u, 3utter Hollybrook, Wood- OOK CfTp land, 2 lbs. for Sunnybrook Q4 "J tZ 3 lbs. for t?X.AtJ Soda Biscuits Large pkts. En 3 for "" Arrowroot Biscuits OAs per 1-lb. pkg UVV, 3weet Mixed Discults ftPn per lb "V' Sunklst Orange Q4 A A 3 dozen for Vv Jap Oranges Q4 Ar per bundle vx.tts Dananas lAo ' ' '" TlUo 3 lbs for Vegetable Combination 0 lb. Cab- bage, 8 lbs. Turnips', 0 lbs. Carrots, 4 lbs. Beets, 4 lbs Onions A ? 0 All for Fresh Fruit and Vegetables at Lowest Trices. Arriving Kvcry Iloat. Mussallem Grocery Co. I.fmUwl 417-423 FIFTH AVKNUU EAST EKMJfl ft 9 A Silent Partner -1 SAT. and M0N, TWO SHOWS 7 and 9 p.m. ROBERT MONTGOMERY & DOROTHY JQRDAX jjj In The All Talking, Singing Rolf Romance P! y w -w r w w m t m 11 n v. tH uvfvu i " v u Ull S HE TAUGHT HEIt GOLF SHE TAUGHT HIM Loy. jjj Comedy 'Tost Mortems" "Cockeyed News," Starring Eddie Cani 3 SATUUDAY MATINEE at 2:30150 & 40c Feature Starts at i m 3 TUES. and WEI). HEBE DANIELS In "LAWFUL LARCENY TpAKB a iflent putne lato yoor business One able and willing to stand bj 70a snd fours when necessity arises. One that will give you a certain fixed sum at a specified time or bring you a regular income when you ire no longer able to earn or provide for those 70a love wbea you are no longer with them. Life Assurance will do all this for you and more. Get dttaih front jomr ntarttt Sun Lift Rcprtunlatlrt. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL S. J. JAB0UR NORTHERN B. C. REPRESENTATIVE FOR A1 F HOUSE 0 rooms and bath. - v 1 V1V UIIjLi Uoni not te, heated, cone nice fenced in garden with concrete walks CQ KHfl Oft Jt5,DUU.VU A real bargain HOUSE 4 rooms and bath, sewer connection, double corner. Fifth A,ve. W.. partly furnished $1,500.00 HOUSE 7 rooms, fully modern, Fifth Ave. Qt 000 Oft Terms to arrange OSeUUU.VU McCAFFERY. GIRBONS & COLLART, LTD. I Third Ave. Mutual Life of Canada rhor.iH Chevrolet Prices R educed Reductions $60.00 to $80.00 NEW LUWEK I'KICLS EFFECTIVE AT OX- E THE I'lltST SEDAN SOLI) Under the New Prices w v special attraction, a set of new chains, a radi .11 "' rvanfirntlno Ait.l.frH7r nnrl rnr fnllv rritirli 1 1 ! . use. Licensed, and Heglstcred. This Is exeep- 2"f 000GO llonallv outstandlnff vnlm PriM xyXW . KAIEN MOTORS LTD. CIIEVUOLET and I1UICIC DEAI.EItS Trlcnhonc 52 rrlnn: Knu'rt. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND UI'EltATlNH (i. T. 1. 20.000.TON FLOATING IMtYlMH Knglrieers, Machinists, Ilbllermakers, IHacksmllhs, l'attern Makers Founders, Woodworkers, YAc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385