.PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, November j. 1(3) Covered With Boils apd wreaths sold on Poppy . Tag ment for disabled ex-service men shop for disabled ex-service men ternoon for a brief trip 0t on Arms, Back and Keck The Letter Box t Bay. - . throughout the whole year. operated by The Red Cross Society on official duties. In Canada. They are bought by the local Misg Margaret Iliggins, Dyment, If you will beood enough ,to allow branches of .our organization, Wear a poppy on Tag Day and Ont , writes: "I covered me the sp'neo I would like to was with through our Provincial Commands help keep the shop open. Travel to work in loi!s on my arms, face and neck. I Blvo your readers a short explanation. comfort usod planters and other remedies with POri'V TAG DAV and any surplus from the sales on SECRETARY, no remits. My attention was drawn A' Poppy Day is used as a local fund to Branch1 No. 27, Canadian Legion, TAXI PHONE to Rurdock uiuod Bitters, to I de These popples ;ind wreaths are provide assistance to the needy and B.E.S.L. 32 rided to gtt. a battle. The reeidts 1 caiwr, umu r News: distressed In this city and district. TAXI CALLS: weref-Mtofelkus, in ho tira M fluently been asked Wadhrasal,v ctorteL ..B.CL and ; Thp Victoria Red Crass Workshop Corp. CarrjrfR.Q.Bj, salted :. From.a.m, to 9 am my skia M tfcartf j rtcerning the- poppies .Will riepeiye special .tUntlon ever. ' ' . . "VX ' IT .m - - Pir l t !! dnir and snrl itnrM; man uf Mtttvt, fr lb r rut ' 81 01 y yrti dnl? T br Th. T. Milium Co.. Ltd.. Toronto. OnL - , The Daily News - 1'IUNCE KUPEKT HK1TISH COLUMBIA PubllAhW Kvtagr Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Frinqe Hupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor ' SUBSCRIPTION BATES By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Em-pi re and I J tilted States, paid in advance, per year COO By mail to All other countries, per year 7.50 By mail to all parts of Noithern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period 3.00 Legal notices, each insertion, per agate iine t 15 I DAILY EDITION LIlL'UlbtllVeS. MAY DIVERT P.O. E. Thursday, Nov. 6 1930 UNITED STATES ELECTION The returns from th United State elections seem to indicate thflt th rtntinrrv in fnwiincr no-nincr rho nnrtv which is in power there. Republicans lost out considerably I although not sufficient to put them in a minority. This election is in lice with other elections in other coun- j .tries which in time of stress have turned against the gov-1 ernment, clutching at any straw to try to save themselves I . ' . 1.1 r L.LI '.. - ! 1 1 i ' t n ' i.z ju me uncqioiuriaoie position in wnicn tney nave iounci J. W. deB. Farria declared at Nnrth V.nnrnnvpr tVmf it was the known policy of the C. P. R., if it should take over the B. G. E., to divert it to the main line at Ashcrof t and not build into North Vancouver as originally planned. ! As the Daily News has pointed out before, there is a I possibility of the Peace River outlet emerging on to the ! main line of the C. N. R. at such a point as would make it j possible to connect up with the P. G. E. going into Vn- couver by way.of Ashcroft and the C. P. R. main line. This! is not at all certain. It is at best a roundabout route and I one that would not commend itself as a main grain outlet.! nut ratner as a means or connecting the southern part of the province with the north. We still maintain that the reasonable policy would be: ior ine iwo railways to unite on making one northern port for interior ahinmenta and wp HpHpvp tMa nnvtliom- nnvt would be Prince Rupert. That this has been under serious consideration, we know, and there seems to be no good; anu suuicient reason why this should not be brought about. MAY BE AN ELECTION When it was stated in this paper last summer that there wouia imeiy oe a provincial election next year, the announcement was greeted with smiles or scoffs. Now it is bemir taken more seriously. It seems verv nvnhnhlu tw there may be an appeal to the country in the near future.- TVln t u 1 ."in 1 i icouii ux me cicuiiuu ystemuy win nave an enect on the decision of the government. Other by-elections which are likely to take place will be still more important. If the uuvciiiiiicui actio itsseii secure anu nas a real issue to place before the electors it is likely to take a chance on a general emcuon oeiorc tne ena oi tne year l)6l. Ml Cup of OVML very y helps yow keep tla """U iff it!' way Bovril Isixilds Strength without Sat Rentals, Properties For Sale STOCKS AND BONDS WE JNSURB EVER YTI I IN O Life, Fire, Automobile, Accident and Sickness, Liability, and Plate Glass. AO.ENTS YORKSHIRE 8AVINOS & LOAN ASSOCIATION McCAFFERY, GIUHONS &. COLLART, LTD. THIRD AVENUE . TELEPHONE 11 THIRD VICTOR RADIO R-15 RECORDINC? nCORDINO $185.00 Compitte with turn. iRADjp HOME- ELECrROLA RE-57 J397.JO VICTOR RADIO R.JJ 1247.50 tolh (mplnt uf(tb lubtt WITH the two greatest successes of the present radio season already achieved . . . already acclaimed . . . Victor Dealers now announce their third big piece of radio news a new Victor Radio so inexpensive that anyorWWn own it ... afford it! ViS5&has constitioed thls 'third sensational marvel to sfiTidafds Ihaafds . . . . . . its:jOjghest designedtb mecuyour mosf "critical cJciTwIj. Screen-grid operation . . ,,fpur circuits '. newjmrnproved spedkex. C,t,andQncre-suiting Viftor Tope are all offered to you. for.He first time at the unheard of price of $183, complete with tubes ready to play. The cabinet ... so different, you must see it to realize alt its advantages. Small . . , compact . . . liglit and easily moved about . . . exquisitely designed and handsomely finished . . . true Victor beauty in every line". The new, inexpensive model, Victor's third big triumph of the new season, is protected by the famous Victor trademark "His Master's Voice" your greatest assurance of permanent satisfaction. See yxjur nearest Yjtor dealer, today. He will arrange to. deliver Victor Radio R-15 ... . or any other new Victor model ... on convenient terms. which places Victor Radio and the Famous Victor Tone within reach of ever if one - imagine! A'y)i cA Real VICTOR I FOR ONLY il STH GREAT NEW E TOR RADIO ACHIEVEMENT RADIO 5 op COMPLETE WITH TUBES IT T SCREEN GRID! COMPLETELY NEW 4-CIRCUIT TUNED RADIO FREQUENCY! VICTOR TONE-AT A PRICE NEVER , BEFORE POSSIBLE! IheRJifteen I ictor Radio VICTOR TALKING MACHINE COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED -MONTREAL pe-63 ,,NOW ON DISPLAY AT ALL VICTOR DEALERS 15333 Micro-Synchronous Victor Radio imigimmaicroiiaiCTiwBiim McRae Bros. Ltd. Orthophonic Victrolas and Records c.mtm&.mM.MMXMXM'WMX.m KB " l"n hM'Ivv'b-'i-'b i. ' "in'ii "'""'''.l.B,,BI,iiiiBI.ifiBl.ltiiBI,i,B1,1B1KB,3;H IBS