KZXPSfiE CUBES In Tins of 4 and 10 Cubes Sunken Gardens Golf Course iarB:iDiaiBtaiin:iiiiKiAi Avoid Eyestrain Eyestrain leads to serious complications with the eyes. Check It NOW with the right glasses. We are prepared to grind Just the correct lenses for every need. J. H. Bulger OPTOMETRIST Cll Third Avenue West Phone 122 B;cii:Bx:uB;Kixi:K!i:n;iai:!n:!i:ta:ai 102 Jewellery Manufactured or Repaired Plating Work Done LEO CONTOLI 320 Sixth St. Mail Orders The Regal Shop We carry a complete line of Academy Vellum, Stationery & Papeteries, Artcraft Crepe Paper British manufacture, for all kinds of decorating. Candies and Tobaccos MR. & MRS. JOHN McRAE 300 Block, Third Avenue Phone - Red 442 TELEPHONE 657 . VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City Manufacturer Has Reported Car Load of High-Grade, Furniture To have been shipped to G. M. HUNT Third Ave. W. WAIT FOR IT and BUY FOR LESS SPORT CHAT LOCAL ITEMS Man in the Moon I'M willing to bet a dollar of the best money I ever earned that I can beat any of those aldermen who opened the new courses, either at the Sunken Garden or the Auditorium. Anyone wishing to take this up, please leave the dollar wtyft;the Daily News., , Next week we plan to sample our first turkey of the season and our twenty-fifth pumpkin pie. You will notice from this that we are addicted to piety. . One advantage in belonging to the masses is that we are the people the politicians always pretend to try to please. But they often don't. Thank Heaven I belong. To the masses, loved to all. We might be of the classes, But haven't got the gall. ' Certiorari proceedings In Supreme Court in Vancouver having been successful, appeals in County Court by D. R. Stein and Herbert Porter, fur dealers,- for the return of pelts seized In recently held Game Act proceedings here have been withdrawn. Auditorium GOLF COURSE NOW OPEN! Just the place to pass an enjoyable evening. Clean, quiet, comfortable surroundings. Now Open AUDITORIUM (StiLF COURSE L. J. MARREN Proprietor DR. HUGH L. DICKEY SPECIALIST Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat At St. Elmo Hotel Eyes Tested For Glasses Mrs. E. Dunwoddy, who has been visiting here foi the past month, sailed by the Prince George yesterday afternoon on her return to' her home in Anyox. W. O. Harold of the ONJt. city- ticket office staff wfltjgil on the Prince George tonight for a holiday trip to Vancouver,, Seattle awl elsewhere in the south. Local Boy Scouts hope to ob; tain a vacant store soon for their' toy. repair shop. Meanwhile, old! toys may be left at the Fire Hall Dolls are particularly scarce. There was no luncheon of the Rotary Club today, but. instead there wfO' be a dinner dance tonight when the members wtil entertain their wives and lady friends. ;s . . i Ralph Nelson and A me Overland, for drunkenness, were each fined $9fr. with option; jf Uiirty aayr imprisonment. DyraiagTsxraie MeClymoirt in eHy police court this morning.' ) A. E. key, storekeeper'' it the Premier mine, who has been on a . business f trip to Vancouver, was a' passengers board the Prince George ! yesterday,.; afternoon returning north. - Mrs. Goldstein, Miss Goldstein and little Master Robert' Goldstein, i . . . ... i-jii i. memoers 01 me weji anwsn juneau family, were passengers' aboard 'the Princess Louise yesterday a f ternpon ; 1 I ' rm m f T douuq 101 oan r rancueo. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Mcpherson will sail tonight on the Prince George for Victoria. Mr. McPherson ' has been transferred from here to! the Capital as manager of the Home Oil Distributors Ltd. Rt. Rev. Peter Rowe, Bishop of Alaska and well known as the Apostle of the North" was a pas senger aboard the Princes Louise yesterday afternoon bound for Vic toria to pay a visit with his family. Capt William Strong, well known iaitu Kiver mercnani ana ir&na-1 portation man, and his brother-in-law, George Robblns, were passengers bound for Vaneirtver on the Princess Louise yesterday There were a total of 111 passengers aboard the steamer Princess Louise which was in port yesterday afternoon bound from Skagway to Vancouver. Of these, 11 disembarked here. It will be the last south bound passengers list of any size from Alaska and Yukon this season. Mr. and Mrs. F. Russell, who have been visiting for the past few weeks in the city with Mr. and Mrs. William Barton, will sail on the Princess Mary tomorrow night for Vancouver whence they will proceed to Montreal and embark for their home in London, England. The case in whleh the Empress Social Club is charged with belnz the keeper of a public gaming house has been adjourned until tomorrow fefternomi ,at 2.30. Ten men whn iprp tatan frtithp raid afeXslmilarlyr reffiavrled jB'charges oi oeing inmates oi a gaming house. A man from Juneau arrived In the city on the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon seeking work. He had onlv $2.50 in his Dockets, having: ' spent most all he had In paying his fare here. As the Immigration auth-! orltles did not think his chances of obtaining work here were very good, it was decided to hold the man for deportation back to the States. 53 PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS Thursdu a.V, No, Added Flavour and Richness Sor "LeSt-overs" School Children's Special Period Saturday Morning From 10 to 12 Golf's Fairyland For Your Thanksgiving Dinner a Choice Bulkley Valley Turkey Will en'ure the utmost enjoyment. We have only a limited supply, so would advise you to make your selection at the earttet date possible. Bulkley Market Sll Third Ave. Phone 178 Cast Is Chosen For Church Play Number of Clever Amateurs Have Charge of Event Final rehearsals for "Amy From Arizona" are In fall swing at First United Church. The cast is well chosen find the play has been Judged the best yet staged by this ever popular company of amateurs. It is full of real humor and will be a laugh from start to finish. The cast follows: Lester Heminway ..... . Earl Barrie Dick Morrow Bruce Stevens Hoskins Robert Irvine Sidney, Squeers Jack Sinclair Mrs. Squeers Miss E. M. Earl Amy Clayton Miss E. Patmore Gertie Malloy Miss V. Krikevsky Laurette Heminway. Miss C. Irvine Cora Miss E. Orassie SOMETHING NEW FOR LADIES AND GENTS Large assortment new clothes for autumn and winter just to hand. All finest Quality and latest pat terns. Come in and see us today, i Suit or overcoat complete and finished in three days. Ling, the Cutter Steam cleaning, pressing and altering. We deliver any part of the city. LING THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. Phone 649 Albert, King of the Belgians, has i just left the Dolomite district in the Italian Alps, after several weeks of rttplrre-sportsy leaving-behind Mm" records of mountain cllmbine eqWlid' "by few In any of the crowned heads In history. Albert, his guides, brothers Silvio, Mario and Agostmi, ascended six or more cloud-piercing peaks -Brenta Summit, East Brants Wall, Lower Castle, Refuge Cross, Lower Brenta and Low Tawer. During the climb of Brcnta's Summit, which is 11,000 feet high, King Albert performed an heroic feat for which he has re ceived the sincere thanks of his! guides, IAs he stood on a rock jutting from a perpendicular side of the j mountain one of his guides shouted to Mm that the rock was giving way. Albert moved quickly to another rock but with great presence )of mind continued to support the tumbling rock with his breast and hands, lest it should fall on the guides below. Only when the guides had moved out of the way did Albert release the rock which plunged like a projectile Into the valley below. King Albert, who stayed at f rento incognito as Dr. Redy deported with the statement, "I am sorry my age has not permitted me to profit to the utmost from possibilities offered by my incomparable guides." England Wins In F.ootball Took Scotland's Measure By Score of Seven to Three In Inter-League Match Yesterday LONDON, Nov. 6: England defeated Scotland In an inter-league soccer match yesterday by a score of'seven to three. This afternoon's train, due from the East at 3.30. was reported tbJJ morning to be on time. J F. Qorrall, CNH. fireman, will sail on the Prince George tonight for a trip to Vancouver. Alex Murray and Malcolm Mc-Lepd of ,the local elevator staff will sail on the Prince George tonight for Vancouver. , O. Eldhammer of the C. N. R. bridges and building department service will sail on the ss. Prince George tonight for a trip to Seattle. The Cpunty Court case of Pacl-! flc Salvage Co. vs. John Olsen has been settled and paid, It was announced this morning by counsel concerned. i A NEW STANDARD OF PERFECTION IS VAST COUNTRY "No person but one who has been there can realize the immensity of the country around Atlln of how easy it Is to get lost there," said Judge F. McB. Young this morning in commenting upon the disappearance of Pilot E. J. A Burke. "It is so vast (hat it seems almost like a whole world itself. And at this time of year it is absolutely barren." Judge Young lived for several years at A Um after he was first appointed Judge of this county. He fears that Burke may have tried to land on the ice of one of the lakes and that he and hts machine might have gone through ice too thin to support the weight of the plane. HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel t'XIIKtt XtW MAX.MIRMF.NT Sleam Heated; Traveller' Sample Koonii: lint and Cold Water Tree Bu Meet 411 Train and IUmIp Rates $1.00 ami Up sremt. monthly hate C. R. RKJOART & A. pONALD Proprietors PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot .ind cold water in all roonu A. J. PRUDIIOMME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser tjid Fifth Sts. New Royal Hotel I. Zarelll, Prop. THE HOTEL MOUTH WHILE Hot it Cold Water; 8 team Meat 75c PER DAY AND UP Trlejihoiie tSI Boston firilf Large Cabaret SPECIAL DINNERS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday Night, 9 to 18 Dance Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private Parties ' Phone 457 Prince Rupert A new pleasure for all smokers in Dixie you'll find the utmost in mpkjng joy and the perfect blend pf choice Virginia tobaccos. Smooth mild fragrant Virginias at their best they're rolled right so they smoke right Try Dixie, Canada's pleasure smoke. 89 5 THE BETTER CIGARETTE Catholic Bazaar Has Fine Start There was a very large attendance at the Catholic bazaar both yesterday afternoon and evening and the affair gives premise of being quite as large a success as Usual. The official opening took place last night with Mayor C. H. Onne presiding. , Weather is better this afternoon than It was yesterday and another large turn-out Is expected today. Tonight the proceedings will clow 20 for 25c 12 " 15c and in tint of 50 SAVE THE VALUABLE POKER HANDS with the conducing ' 'he drl tags and a dance I : s furnished L". .'i.afBil no's orchestra. Among thos .:x l 'nimM wmr not iw :,: '1 'day are Misses J-..:. Rewrit Cajnnbell a' ! .! and Mrs P. 1 M ' candy table. Mi.s- ' ; ' Donald Is general Junlrr League bi "' , C. X. R. TRAINS init ThnrwiRV.s 3 3" l ' Star mt--Mnniia.' W -&5S ind Saturday 11 30 ora. IIENNESSY BRANDY IS A SAFE STIMULANT IN ALL EMERGENCIES. KEEP IT HANDY) HENNES SY BOTTLED AT COGNAC, FRANCE J This advertisement is not published or displayed by Liquor Control Board or by the Government- of lirltish Columbia.