Thursday. November 0, 1930 Tea is a minor expense why not drink the finest FREE! ALADA' 7 E A, Fresh from the gardens' Vitamins Indispensiblc For Health and Life PURETEST COD LIV ER OIL Ij (next to the sun) the most powerful source of Vitamins we know of. l'uretcst Cod Liver Oil is Vitamin tested. Twoi Sizes 50c and $1.00 Ormes IM. 7ta. Pioneer Drugtists Phones Rl & R2 Third Ave. & Sixth St. THREE GRADUATE PIIARMICISTS FREE! FREE! Hand Painted Enlargements T Iti'Dduce our work to local customers, until November 1. we nuki' a ua ran teed hand-painted enlargement from your own : ipsh t nr photograph, without charge. And supply frames for y-'it Pixnlings at 25 to 50 lower prices than prices quoted by v idr concerns. Before placing your order for enlargements- Consult Us P. O. BOX 158 Either phone or write We Will Call WESTERN SALES COMPANY CENTRAL HOTEL UNION STEAMSHIP JuIMITEU Mllins IriJ&i Ift lrt " lar V INtOtVtK, VKTOItlt, Iluteilafe. .Irt" lay. etc. lur V.lMOlW.u. VICTOKIA. H.ltrtlale, Alert llajr. He. . ITIdaj midnight In ALIlt AUM, ANYOX, MIXWAHT. Naaa Ither. I'ort Mmm-on, Sun- cr s oo p.m. l: J Zn& Airnur ' K. M. SMITH .Uent ITIiw RUcrt, H.C ugt tickets uid U Victoria and Seattle and batfagc cheeked Uirtufh to dratlnaUon. mm RAir.WAY :.rd. B. C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE WINTER EXCURSION FARES From Prince Rupert to Vancouver CM A fifi and Victoria, and Return OtUsUU Tickets on sale from 15th November to 28th February and good to return on or before 28th March Agents For All Steamship Lines Oeri Agent. 3rd Av.. Prin ce Rupert. Phone 31. thafs doubly rich A dout 87iof natural cow's milk Is water. .I Only 12J Is solid substance which Is food. In making St. Charles muk,wj. milk is removed. That makes St. Charles Milk more than twice n rich ns ordinnrv milk. And every drop ! clcmentsoumilkr Tua noaciN Co. LTU.rrt. A.!lomeTArctlaBUi,Vanwuvr chM.h. nip Bock. m.t,.tt ,.. nd w,si. Local items Wear a poppy on Tag Day. 261 i vfe!??" V registered optometrist at Hcilbroncr's store. Capt. J. McDonald and members of the crew of the Atlln Lake steam er Tutshl were passengers aboard the Princess Louise yesterday af ternoon going south for the winter. Tne nomes or most of them are In Vancouver or Victoria. Canadian Legion B.E.S.L. Arm-istice Day Banquet. Moose flail. 8 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 11. Tickets $1.50. Best yet don't miss this one. 201 Week-End Specials Mcintosh Red AppIasJL Household grade, box Evaporated Prunes--- 80-M, 25-lb. box 12 pint bottles .1 Swift Classic cWnMr 3 Una ' Poliflor Wax 1-lb. tin Alberta Market 1. (JAMUl.A. 1'rnpr'etor Fifth Street Phone 20 STEAMERS Jdutk TRAINS Wiereverjyou.ncedimilkt, Mhmmmmmrmfi better fill the ticcd. Sold In two handy 1 B sizes by all grocers. sn IMS, 4 Comet Brand Peas No. 6 tins j, Malklrfr Best Iloneyw-4-lb. tlnW .. Nabob Marmalade 2fc-lb. Jar Royal City Tomatoes 2 Vi's 3 tins Malkln's Best Teal-lb. pkg Malkln's Best Coffee 1-lb. can Reeedale Sliced Peaches 214's, 2 tins- Icing Sugar L. 9-th nlre, I m -w. iiv. Quaker Quick Oats "hi f-' r-m T Red Arrow Sod Biscuits 2 pkg. Nabob Baby Beets V per tin Felix Olnge: B4 -.JO lU.l?uj'"'1 .uU or lr., MoJwn rqull-1"" 10 OU n.nw to 1 liur-f hrnr 75 55c '75c 40c 50c 50c 50c 81.95 55c 20c 25c 45c 25c 1.45 25c 55c ttm. Vrtlr t. . tvt M.l.rl .nJ KrtrLU Un. Saturdayt 4 WI P-m- .kl ..' " paint. Vm.1 Mo s.,-rd.y National I - S t'aK Infor mtioo Irsm It. I'. MeNAUCIirON Dirt, raawarat Alt rriaca Rupert, U.O. W4M THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREB Dinnerware, china, crockery, glassware. Hcilbroner'i Store. L.O.B.A. Bazaar will be held In the Metropole Hall Nov. 8 from 3 to 0, also drawing for .dinner set. 201 Parade to cenotaph. Fail, In 7.30; p.irf.1 Tuesday, Nov. 'Uat Canadian' 'Legion Club rooms, Third Arenue.- All interested " please attend. 261 N. L. Freeman, local representative of the International Fisheries Commission, returned to the:lty on the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon from a brief trip to Juneau on official business, .-..' ANNOUNCEMENTS 4,4. 4. 4.4. Moose Whist Drive and Danes November 7. -, Armistice Day Banquet, Tuesday Nov. 11. "Amy From Arjzona," First United Church, Nov. 12 and 13. Eagles' Whist Drive and Dance November 12. . UuperUEast United Church Ba aaar, Nwcmber 13. Gyro Hocdown November 14. Royal Purple Bridge and - Whist series, next game, November 17. Presbyterian Bazaar Nov. 20. Anglican W. A, Bazaar Dec. 2. United Church Bazaar Dec, 4. 4 . Hard time dance Queen Mary Chapter. I.OD.E. Hall December 4. Quality Table Needs aT -FOR- THANKSGIVING I At Reduced Prices Quality Mincemeat 2 lbs i Pumpkin Royial "City No. tins, 2 (br Finnan HaddieChoice Fillets, per lhA' Pink Salmon Extra Choice per Mb. tin . Layer Table Figs California Fancy, per lb. 31uepolnt Oysters per tin : Picnic Hams-j-Average 5 lbs. each, per lb. , Sweet Peas Selve No. 5 per tin Soap Chips Quick Naptha per pkg booking Figs Choice Black per lb Seedless Raisins Australian, per lb Tllleon's Health Bran per pkg Toilet Rolls 9 for Sunnybrpok Butter- per 3-lb. brick 3 for Table Grapes Tokays per lb .. Cooking Apples 5 lbjs Fresh Bunch Carrots per bunch Fresh Bunch Beets 2 bunches Massett Cranberries per lb. 31c 25c 25c 10c 20c 38c 23c 10c 15c 9c 11c 12c Combination Special 1 2-lb. tin Waffle Syrup 1 pkg. Aunt Jemima Pancake e-r Buckwheat Flour OUl, CQp The 2 for 32c $1.08 FRUITS and VEGETABLES California Orapef ruit 25c 18c 25c 5c 15c f 2f&,MM25.C HjajfB9PWil20c per , 25c Watts Grocery Quality Right Prices Hight 1'IIONE 55 PHONE 56 m As long as there are boy8 there will be scampering muddy feet and ratinu toys; there will be things spilled during meals and play. So do the only logical thing put easy-to-clean Congolcum Gold Seal Hugs on all your floors. It takes but a minute to wipeup dust, stains and mud from Congoleum's waterproof, sanitary surface. With' Congolrum floors your lxwse will be brifiliter, cheerier, lotelier. For the new CoogolcuDi Gold Seal Rugs ore the creations of the orM leading ruj designers. JVIarrrlous pattern and thrilling color combinations that do not take second place to the moat expeuaire rugs you can buy. Congoleum Cold Seal Hugs lieauliful, durable, flat-lying can he purchased at trifling coat at all good house-furnishings stores. See them, v hen neat you go ahopping. (ONGOLEU Ieal Rugs FLUUR ( WWWl Unrivalled for Bread 1 LIGHT CAKES that keep moist for days are obtained by using 1 tablespoon less per cup of Purity if your recipe calta for ordinary pastry or soft wheat ilour. Tha Braekman-Krr Milling Umlttd At all Principal B.Crinta MI LADY BEAUTY mm Offers an attracttvc nrice on TEUMANENT WAVtS IUNGLETTE Oil . NESTLE WAVE For $6.00 From October 15 to October 31 See us and get free advice before having your Permanent Wave. Telephone 05 . Li M goibjmV V. COLD SEAL ill ti unstvno auumajl) Wl MIWIMMTUI Tn rmn atwar litmitlf tk Mrbcf lktr. It fuwun Ibat th rg wilt firm MlWartta la erwj r fKl-w jmmt Maejt back. Ceanlatan Canaa IbmiH. Patrick Street. Montreal 3700 . Pat mA mm. wikout cHt or obliration. a caw rr latest rattcra booklet cntiUtd "Erlhtea itht Your Horn at little Eipeme." Nme Addreia. . . . Clt uteris DEMAND .Pro.. GET IT AT A. MacKenzie's Furniture k First Clate 'Dried Cod-Fish Just Arrived Try my Crisp Delicate FUtbreatl and you will become my steady customer. Nothing can beat it! JACK SELYIG "Rupert Brand" "THE DAIMTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD. Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PHINCE KUPEKT, B.C.