PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS THANKSGIVING SPECIALS! Monday Being a Holiday, Don't Forget to Stock Up at These Prices Massett Cranberries Large OOn and firm, per lb " Hothouse Tomatoes OCTp 2 lbs. Malkln's Spinach 2 V4's Qg per tin Malkin Tornatoee 2'b 2 5 C una - , Libbys Ripe Olives 9Qp pcr9-.tin J'' Marsh's Grape Juice OZn L per pint Libby's Boyal Anne Cherries Qlp urx.s 2's. per tin Pea& Siae 4 "tdn per tin Del Monte Prunes dOX' 2-lto. pks Bulk Coconut 15C per lb Karo Syrup 8's AQt per tin The Economy Cash & Carry "Where Hollars Have More Cents" rhonc 3C3 319 Third Ave. Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert . Job in less time with less labor at less expense. A RAGING STORM. Uprooted trees, freezing coats of ice getting heavier on wires that bind us town to town. Then a snapa city cut off from communicationisolatedalone. Bitter weather almost impassable snows it's the lineman's job to bring relief. His tools must be right. But of even greater importance is his clothing. Warm it must be! It must not bind or impede his movements and it must be as sturdy as the man himself. ' POINTJOF -if Accurate meatirptnontc a JTAHFIELDJ" 5 r!LZS SUPERIORITY . 4 Always- wftT i rn I I - ...superb tailoring. :i y. ,v.t ; ,out perfect fit. wears them all. Exclusive easy.fitting Buttons that won't 2 closed crotch. pull off. Now that the rails are across the Kltsumkalum River, the big ballast pit near there can be tapped and the work will be speeded up. A memorial service will be con- Steel will touch tne three figure ducted in the Anglican Church to- mark on this end at the Grand ! night by Bishop F. H. DuVernet for Trunk Pacific Railway within the Harry Gilroy and Alexander Allen next two or three days, it is stated who were drowned last month in by Superintendent W. C. C. Mehan. shawaUaAs lake?, . y s "CATERPILLAR" POWER FOR PUSH, PULL OR PULLEY Compactly built climbs bills too steep for other power walks securely over soil far too soft and soggy for horses -turns on its own heel runs equipment i ff the belt -these are features that enable the "Caternillar" owner to do a better "Caterpillar" means POSITIVE POWER anytime an.ywher.e-for every job! miBaaaaafe-! I ; i myi I mr j.i ... NEWS OF THE MINES AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Payroll at Anyox Is Reduced Toric Holds Annual Meeting E. C. Pickett Sells Alice Arm Claims nutrit . On account of the drop in the price of capper, the GjtM1 by Consolidated Mining, Smelting & Power Co., operatipgj at Anyox ,and Allenby, has cut two hundred men on us payroll but there are still 650 employed. A statement issued by the company says that, after crediting precious metals and miscellaneous income and before depreciation and write-offs, its copper cost was 9.95 cents a pound in the second quarter of this year, 12.07 cents a pound in the first p i three months and an average of r OriHCr LOCcil 10.614 cents for the full year of 1929. Profit for September quarter was $172,017 as against 418,099 in the preceding quarter and $1,071,808 in the third quarter last year. The Toric Mines Co. Ltd., whose property at Alice Arm Is now In the hands of the Britannia Mining Co., held Its annual meeting this week in Vancouver. Final payment on the deal transferring the. Tiger group and the Rose Marie claim in the Alice Arm district adjoining the Toric mine from E. a Pickett to the Utility Mines No. 1 Co. has been made. The payment was $60,000 cash and 200,- 000 shares of stock in the company which will operate Uie property. 1 The ore Is principally silver. Read the Want Ads. today. "" s-: NsS y 114 linemen told us Comfort-fit was most important Rd, L.fe.l H ttood the rt'ictt of all Urti'" ,HM. HontH M W ilMenctltot inn, HijWit gwltty 100 lb'l vfl. btwtn Md lictvlc ' fan Red Lbtt ptr lull $4.50 Blu Ubtl per suit $5.50 perhaps -Jfaffis why you find more linemen morcoiitdOor men of all occupations wearing Stanfield's underwear than of any other kind. Soft warm durable, it brings Utmost comfort. ' Tailored to exact measurements it fits without cramping or bunching. And because it is unshrinkable, it keeps its fit throughout the entire long life of the garment. imiiPiiiiLB SOFT-WARM-DURABLE. A Q LtTV TO MeCT CVERV NEtD TMt ' tax VALUE AT EVERY PICE Ouanntecd tonL-WPtoWt? r Doctor Given New Fellowship Word has reached the city that Dr. John A. West, already a Fellow of the Royal College of -Surgeons (Edinburgh), has been offered and accepted a fellowship in the newly chartered Royal College uf Physicians and Surgeons in Canada As only a limited number of doctors are being awarded the fellowship without examination, Dr. West's many friends here will be glad to hear that1 he lias received it. Dr. West, who practised here for several yean, is now located in Vancouver where he is specializing in surgery. Services In Hospital Are Now Assigned The following churches have been appointed to take charge of Sunday services in the Prince Rupert General Hospital for the rest of this month: ,Nov. 9 First United (piurch. m HWBt. Peter's (Beat Covet Anglican Church. NerfesM St. Paul's Lutheran CfiujcK. November 30 Salvation Army. Rupert Bast United Church had the sendee last Sunday. Rev. Dr. F. W. Dafoe has been appointed by the Association to officiate at the funeral of strangers dying during the month. Co re throats Quickly relieved by rubbing on VICKS V a poRuh BUSH'S Grocerteria Wild nse Pastry Jlour Wb. sacks Pftik Salmorv 1-lb. Un' 1,. -a.. uraD Meab- Macaroni Ready cut 1-lb. pkt Sour Mixed Picklea quart sealers Sweet veet Chow, Chow, Pickl Picklia 35c 10c p.C. Granulated Sugar PCp 10-lh 10-lb. BAtk sack OOlx Empreas Spices per Un Fry's Oecoa Vi-lb. Un Prunt-- Mb. packet Heinz Tonuito Oatiup Pr bottle Garden nm Mm 4 2 f&r Bogle Brand Lobster Ws per Un 10c 25c 30c 25c 25c 20c 35c 25c 10c 45c Kfin quart sealers, ?f V V Clark's. TomA Qm-,-, , , . A e n 3 tlnslor MOK Mcintosh Red Applor Household pack box .. S1.75 Other Specials on Display in the Store. Come in and sec Bush's Grocerteria Phone 211 Thursday. November g WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY i Two Shows 7 & 9 P m MARIE DRESSLEU ! and POLLY MORAN I in "Caught Short" POSITIVELY Going Out of. Business MR. MILLER IS k SICK MAN and is Selling at LESS THAN MANUFACTURERS' PRICES Reg. $3.75 Men s Heavy Ribbed All-wool Combination Close Out Price Reg. to $6.00 Women's Rain Coats assorted shades and materials. Close Out Price Reg. to $i.00 Women's Fine Wool Sweater Coats Monarch Knit assorted shades. Close Out I'rjpe Reg. $4.50 Women's Rubber Boots, Blonde mid Black with fur collar, full length. Close Out Priee Reg. to $9.00 Men's Master Mechanic Mackinaw Coau Ciose Out Price Same in Boys' Mackinaw Coats, Reg. $5.&5 Close Out Price 10-4 Flannelette Blankets, grey with blue 4f pink border. Close Out Price x i. Reg. to $3.25 Women's Oils Rubber Boots , Close Out Price Reg. $8.50 Men's Miner aftd Goodrich fc-Itlth Rubber Boots. Close Oat Prices , Reg. $2.50 Children's Rubber Boots, slses 7 to 104 Close Out Price .' $2.25 $2.45 82.45 S2.il5 $5.95 Reg. $3.95 Men's Pure Wool Flannel Shirts, assorted (JO f" shades. Great West Garment make. Close Oat Vriv." Reg $1.75 Men's Wool Mixed Shirts Q :'n Close Out Price Ot Reg. $2.50 Men's Dress Shirts, fine quality, wonderful assortment to choose from. Close Out Priee .... S1.75 S2.45 S5.45 1.75 75c Reg to $2.35 Men's Heavy Ribbed Pure Wool Urfcter- Ci A wear. Red and Blue Label. Close Out Priee ?' Other Bargains loo numerous to mention, but wl) eh must positively be closed out at a sacrifice MONTREAL IMPORTERS MEEKER BLOCK Look for the Big Yellow Signs BONUSES OR BUYERS Everyone agrees that it would be a 1"in thing to induce some large industry i build a .plant ia . British Columbia ' Bome communities would be willinr to bonus such an undertaking, give it a free site, or exempt it from local taxes. But it is not bonuses that make an industry successful . . . it's buyers Why not support the industries that are already here and give them a chance to help you pay the taxes Ittsijikpn B. C. inducts ovjery time yon MnmkiP a tyurahAse and ydu will be doing your share. B. C. PRODUCTS BUREAU of the VANCOUVER IJOAU1) OF TUAD, 1 7.'K!TJU" i.'AasMsi "ran i I i i i A KIH-TICKLING ALL TALKING COMEDY j COMEDY "OH, DARLING" "HODGE I'ODttr 3 SONG NOVELTY KUDEE VALEE in "The Stein Sonj, B , - g ADMISSION 20c and 65c Feature Starts at 7 iu nt I 2 Thursday Matinee at 2:30 15c and 40c Feature Sin m i S FRIDAY & SATURDAY "THE IlORDER LEGIOJV !