Aresqy] Saray fey We hurry axi--Phone 99 Dpen Day and Night New Management x. NO 245. Industrial Centres (Special to The News sia G. T.P moronto, October 21.-—The final from show that the Conservative party is left with but 26 iy the Proyineial Legislature out of a total membership Telexrephs.) returns ni lve 11. rhe returns received this morning are as follows: ConservaliveS see cee eee eee eee eee eee ee 26 Liberals ee ree eS es 28 nited Farmers Organigationn ...i..seeweees 42 vo, ) Syke nea. ae on PERE 12 oldiet Se eit eh dine ed's 6 Hb ORES 8 Oe i Jndependent Og ate tie s,s dine was o.8008 { Poubtt " Wek kk ow oO Ree ees hae i otal “i iif berals who have 30 members in the present legislature t held their ground, securing victory in 28 seats while rs boosted their membership from 2 to #2, and Labor es back with 12, some of which were notable victories. » Sault Ste. Marie, Premier Hearst was defeated by J. B. ‘ngham. Most of the Conservative ministers went down to vith Sir William Hearst. Hon. W. D. McPherson, pro- -ecretary, in Northwest Toronto; Hon. T. W. Garry, pro- a) treasurer, in South Renfrew; Hon. L. B. Lucas in Centre and Hon, H. FP. MeDiarmid in Elgin West, were all beaten. Dr. Cody, minister of education, was returned by acclama- Northeast Toronto, and Hon. A. E. Ross likewise was re- 44 without a contest in Kingston with Hon. George Henddy, siey of agriculture, and Hon, Howard Ferguson are sole sur- s of cabinet rank. is were elected in Windsor, North Grey, West Kent, nark, Niagara, Northumberland, North Oxford, East The I ui fare h | va. Prescott, Prinee Edward, Stormont, Sudbury, Renfrew, | h Bruce. Brockville, Durham, North Waterloo and Toronto. | took the rural constituencies and Labor won in the | ul centres, t is expected that Premier Hearst will tender his resignation » Lieutenant-Governor just as soon as he can straighten out fairs of his department. SIC LIBRARY ISDISCUSSED an Kirkpatrick Supported ayor and Alderman Perry In Her Suggestion. SS INQUEST TODAY Fractured Skull When Exam- ined by Doctor. last night's Council meeting Kirkpatrick brought up the ! getting a publie library le cily, She had been mak- The inquest on Hugh McKinnon night, was we ons ONTARIO GOES PRINCE RUPERT as PRINCE RUPERT, B.C, TI onservatives Disappear From Ontario Political Life As Effective Factor ‘tod Farmers Take Lead in Province with Liberals Second; Twelve Labor Members Returned for JESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1919, ily Netws Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper TA XI Phone 75 and 36 We Never Sleep PRINCE RUPERT AUTO 707 Second Avenue — SSS i DARING AUTO DRIVER MAKES RECORD | | DRY BY VOTE ON REFERENDUS Toronto Globe Estimates That ‘ There Will be Majority of 200,000. ‘Special vie u. TP teltegraphs | Toronto, Oct. 21.—The Prohi- bition referendum in the Ontario election shows that the couniry has gone dry. The Giobe esti- mates that the majority of ‘‘noes” in the referendum will aggregate 200,000 against the repeal of the Canada Temperance Act. | A few of the industrial centres | seem to have gone wet, but the rural districts all voted strongly dry. KING ELECTED TO PARLIAMENT | , Literal Party in House Before End of Week. |SIR HENRY DRAYTON 18 ALSO RETURNED (Special via 6.7. P. Telegraphs.) Ottawa, Oct. 24.—Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King has been elected | by acclamation in Prince Edward ‘Island and Sir Henry Drayton | was unopposed in Kingston. Both of these members will at once ENE SARTO am a } j | | } | ; (wo Urotiers, Gaston and Louis Chevrolet, warm rivais in the automo bile racing game, fought a great duel on the Sheepshead Bay in Long Island in a 150 mile race in which there were the unlucky number of thirteen starters. First it was Louis, then it was Gaston who led the field. At the end it was Gaston who flashed across the field a winner in his Frown tenac, and he succeeded in beating the record of 150 miles. way IS DEFECTIVE | Must be Again Submitted to the|So Says President of Mine Work- Electors, as Advertising Was Defective. MUNICIPAL INSPECTOR TURNS DOWN BOND ISSUE the chairman of the School, Board has received word from to the electors. For some time past the Muni- cipal Inspector has had the mat- ter under consideration and has expressed himself as opposed to a bond issue owing to the failure of the municipality to advertise the schedule of payments in con- nection with the bylaw. He has SCHOOL BYLAW AiUST MEET ALL Will Undertake Leadership of the (),.. Munitipal Inspector that he| J: tim L. Lewis, president of the refuses to pass the bond issue for |} ited Mine Worker's of America, the high school owing to defec-| announced that the strike would tive advertising and that the by-| not be rescinded unless the oper- iaw will have to be resubmitted! ators met all the demands, in- HARD WINTER LABOR DEMANDS ers on eve of Conference. ‘Special via G. T. P. Telegrapbs.) Washington, Oct. 21.—On the to the meeting. SS = PRICE FIVE CENTS —_ a — STREETS 15 CONSIDERED City Cowncil at Meeting Last Night Receives Report of Utilities Commissioner The matter of improved light- ing for Third and Second Avenues came up again at last nights council meeting. The report «f ‘the superintendent of utilities to he utilities committee was neal It was moved by \id. Perry and seconded by Ald, hirkpatriek that the Retail Mer- chants’ Association be communi - cated with, giving them the figures on a new system for their consideration and co-operatio 1 and also that the mayor appoint @ man to canvass the down-tow.: property owners andn get theii; fecling on the matter. This resolution was carried unani- mously. Two Plans. In the report of the utilities iti ON FISHERMAN ‘arcs; the one ~ my a issue and the bylaw will have to leader and the other as Minister >, voted on again in its corrected Body of Mugh McKinnon Had) the fisherman who died Sunday commenced at tt! take their seats in the House 0! ).. gnally refused to pass the Steamer Fails to Land i of Finanee in the Borden Govern- | gonm_ Supplies. } The bylaw as advertised ment. has not been passed by the city’ Opposition sympathizers have solicitor. been awaiting the return of Mr. Parents of children in the city | ‘ing with a great deal of interest... ncider it is most unfortunate He should assume The actual lead-|1).¢ this delay should have oc- ership of the party before the end curred as the new building is of the week, replacing Mr. Me- badly needed. There are already Kenzie, who has been undertaking i; two temporary rooms in use as the duties since the death of Sir school rooms, one in a store build- Special via 6. 7. P. Telegrapbs.) seattle, Oct. 21.- famine. Howard B. Ames, firm, states, Food and Fuel Famine Likely if Nome, Alaska, s facing a winter food and fuel member of the Nome Mercantile He reported that if} other departments. the liner Victoria which leaves on the last trip,this week should be | unable to land supplies, the little} a far more “have to pay the piper.” Ald. Rochester saw the neces- sity of better lighting, but thought the expense was big. He felt eather inclined to inerease the number of ares under the pnes- ent system and suggested that the a| profits from one department ge towards making up the deficit in Sewers Needed. Ald. Perry said that there was important and im- |mediate question which the city should be thinking of spending ‘ial subjeets could also be +4 nguities about this on her ‘el k : | - , slock this morning. John Con-!' Wilfrid Laurier i 7 t trip south and had found @ 0108 . ° line on Seeond Avenue and the town would suffer for $250 a vear a library of way Was coroner and the follow- | . FI — other in the basement of the 1 would suffer. oe ere e tied on the jury: i ‘ ae a fahen '* | ae books, with a» complete} ‘TS ers empanne| 4x: V GHTS |/Methodist Church, Other rooms ke as often as every oan Geo, A, Bryant foreman . Geo, | SE ERAL | will have to be opened long be-| PRINCE GEORGE hs.could be obtained. Books H. Arnold, H, E. Ross, F. M. Cros~| BY PROMINENT PUGS ifore the new building ean be | by, Wm. Geldbloom and Fred. | ready. | Wm. F. 'Prites, of this city, re- 1 | Gilbuly. e Dr. Gade was the only witness) | heard this morning. He testified | nayor and Ald. Perry were! that he had made a hurried ex. | amination of the body and found much in favor of something | Mrs, Kirkpatrick I that the skull had been fractured) ,¢ philadelphia in matter up agaia | °"4 a mark was left which might | bout here. heard from Mias| ave been made by a fall on a Jersey City, Oct. 24. Stewart, of Victoria, who jg) rock or with a sharp instrument.| wijis, the negro heavywelg e library commission. i It was believed that the man had | New Orleans, outfought Joe Jean Hied if desired, IN UNITED STATES A librarian | have to be supplied and the s paid by the publie. ten-round e kind ing the she has . zs pi i been using liquor and possibly} nette, the local negro heavyweight | had had a fall on the slippery} jy an eight-round bout, H PRIC streets, accounting for the wound.| — Ri}] Brennan of Chicago, weigh - | | ‘The inquest was adjourned ti!’ | ing 196 pounds, gave Dan O'Dowd this afternoon at 2:30, when his| o¢ Boston, 171 pounds a bad beat STILL HIGHER: ov eee and the landlord of | ing in another eight rounds. | the shack, where he died, are to | |be heard. Interment is to take | SETTLEMENT MADE | (Special via G. T. P. Telegraphs. ) Le y Pittsburg, Oct. 214.—Jack Perry | of Pittsburg won over Joe W alsh | Harry | ’ night's council ht of j had taken up the matter of secur-| would lthe use of horses for eity work.| held here on the 22nd inst. There He had reeeived a very good offer|is only one criminal case up for» rently purchased the Endako Inn jat FEndako ¢ as reopened » WR... itera eee’ PURCHASE TRACTOR | Mayor adtetis toneed Monday jfrom a trip to Vancouver in con- last | neetion with the city’s bond issue. he} tte also attended the Conservative Convention, ing a tractor for the city whieh | e+e ° entirely eliminate Supreme Court sittings will be The mayor announced at meeting that almost from a firm that had just got out/hearing, when some Chinamen a new machine, They offered to|will be brought up for theft. send a tractor on approval free Catches Sold at 20c. Yeuter- Pace tomorrow al 2 o'clock under ithe auspices of the Deep ° Which is on e Mill H bape Fishenmen’s Union, who are lool Than Previous Day. i OF PARTNERSHIP a of eharge and guaranteed that} A Christian Endeavour Society lence the city got it here they | has been organized here in con- | would want to keep it.* The ma-|mection with the Presbyterian ehine is 8 feet long, can turn in Chureh, The following officers its own length and weighing only two tons is easier on the streets were elected: Hon, President, Rev. Wm. Graham; President, Mr. tennett; Vice-President, Mr. Part- : | ing after arrangements and seek- | eS Were higher as " sh w ce rela.| In the case of Harry * ligher still at this| ine to get in touch with his rela-| rd nl igs i 2 | anar t ae { g Fish Exchange, the! tives. Bernard Paulsen | en sf partnership and ace ie catches ‘ pé } _ | fore Judge Young 'n | Court this morning the defendent scarlet undertook to pay €362.50 and take | over all assets of the partnership. Myers Vs dissolution ounting b¢ the County NOTICE TO UNIONS aney, 30.000 ) Fisheries Ison \bs., sold to at 19.96 and 16c, being Owing to there 11,000 jp | . i , he Carpen- al s.; Rennell,| fever cases in town, the Garp . eatiefactoryeto both id paneer, 1,000 Ibs,, gold ters’ Hall has been handed over This aoee — a ia made | Orage at 20e, and 16c, | to the City Medical authorities by | parsics, © ine cana to be paid| *, B00 ped gs to this effect PD) 1lmon and 100/| the Trades and Labor Council to} ‘ident, 1,300 ped and! be used as an isolation hospital | by each. or Patmore appeared f hite ue at 16 + to the Royal Fish. | Until such time as it is no longer) L. Ww. -c and W.-K. Williams & “* for reds and 4e for| necessary for this purpose, the Mr. mee as Trades and Labor Council meet | for Mr. Paulsen for ay ings and other local union meet at. it. hina’ Gewenges, - Af] ines con be held in the city ball.|. @ ©. Undertaker, Phone Tie | than horses and wagon. The weight is distributed evenly over five planks, The cost is $2,500. After a little discussion whieh further brought out its advan- tages, it was moved by Ald, CaBey, seconded by Ald. Barrie, that the machine be sent for on trial and purchased if satisfactory. ridge: Sevretary-Treasurer, Miss Anna Murray: Pianist, Miss Bileen Rolston. ET PAINTERS An open meeting of Painters Union No, 734 will be held in the — City Hall Thursday, October Ww. J. Pitman announces 4/23, at 8 p.m. All painters in specially selected carload of|the city ane cordially invited to pianos and player pianos, whic! will arrive dineet from the fac- tory early in November. Wait for attend. 246 Ladvemith Coal. The best. Prince 2) |Pupert Coal Company, Phone 15. money on—-that was the sewerage system. He q#pressed fears that under present conditions there was always the danger of a very serious epidemic breakjng out. The mayor, in speaking again, said that” street improvements and ornamental lighting were two points that had made some of the southern cities almost bankrupt. They had been enthused by pros- perity and had plunged too deeply. He stated that during his trip to Victoria he had found that there were only six municipalities in the province that had been financ- ing legally. The others had been using their sinking funds to liquidate indebtedness brought about by such extraordinary ex- penditure. Both Ald. Kirkpatrick and Ald. Casey expressed themselves as favoring better lighting, but ways and means were the vexed ques- tion. Nobody felt like going ahead with it unless the people expressed themselves in favor of it, Knights of Pythias, Attention! The unveiling of Honor Roll and supper to returned brothers will take place on Monday evening, October 27, at 8 o'clock. All Knights and wives, Pythian Sis- ters and visiting Knights are cor- diaily invited. Those who wish to attend, please notify at once, .J, 8, Carmichael, K. R, & 8., or Mrs, George Leek, 246 a | i¢ ts ? Poa.