PAGE TWO DALLY EDITION The Daily Nevvs IMtl.VCE KUTEKT - BRITISH COLUJIBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. P. PULLEN Managing-Editor BAZAAR SUBSCniPTION kAtkr Bjnnaii to all otUr pans or British Columbia, the Biitiih Km- .pire and United States, paid in advance, per year ....' 6.00 By mail to all other countries, per year ..' .. 7.60 By mail to all parts of Noitbern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period 3.00 Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line . ... .15 Transient advertising on front page, per inch 2.80 Local readers, per insertion, per line .23 Transient display advertising, per Inch,, per Insertion 1.40 Classified advertising, per Insertion, per word 02 Or four months for 1.00 j For leaser period, paid In advance, per month .50, Otfy delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, Daid In advance $5.00 ; Contract ratei on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone 93 Editor and Reporters Telephone 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Annual Christmas Sale By United Church Ladies' Aid Yesterday Outstanding. Affair The annual Christmas bazaar of the Ladies' Aid of First United Church, bead yesterday afternoon in the crunch parlors, was one of the most successful affairs of its kind which has been held here this season. All afternoon large crowds of ladles were in attendance and the affair had not been long in progress until practically all of the many articles which were offered had been solfl. The tea room, however, continued to do a very large basjpess and there was a delightful nunlcal program for the entertainment of the callers. The decorations in red and green were as attractive as have ever been Friday, Dec. 5, 130 ' seen at any bazaar in. Prince Re- pert. There were streamers and flowers in these colors while on the platform wai a large and gaily de-wrffted Christmas tree with electric ' Illumination. On the tea tables were i vases of chrysanthemums. The decorations bad been arranged by Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cornish, Mrs. Frank , Vtckers and Miss Isabel Haddock, j Mrs. Frank Vickers. president of the Lalfies' Aid. and Mrs. Alfred WUsort wife of the pastor, received the gtteets. In charge of the various departments of the affair were the foUowtag ladies: Tea. Room Mrs. James Krikev-sky, Mrs. G. V. Wilkinson and Mrs. Walter Thompson; pouring, Mrs. W. H. Kergto, Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. Geo. Ed gee urn be and Miss E. M. Barle; serving, Mrs. James H. Thompson, Mrs. E3met Thompson, Mrs. W. B. Cornish. Miss Sharpe, Miss Edith Miller and Miss Dorothy Styles: cashier, Mrs. T. J. Shenton. Fancy Work Mrs J. J Payne, Mrs Hugh Killin and Mrs. D. San- terbane. Plata Sewing Mrs. Thomas Sfl- PHYSICIAN GAVE ALL-BRAN CREDIT Effective reHeflgiv&i'by a simple remedy In aao Imtme M be kaoctai doira e uut JJ&W htmrm mi ol irHoi smV ifakm." writs a cfeim tH TanMuCacada. "Havfaf-lfcrA a vijTkl. htIi,w!oi tomi n lie tnl wwiawiua torn auV itt appear-tact. Proa tui mHrim nnM In, I mmtt mi obuin nrf Mil t tM K4W, ALL-BRAN, Tk aaaajawMliaiaJi' ihKllwt, 14 k-oai tatt oa. dona ) cattr CMnrmi-xrnor. ALL-BRX krM aw is Ik if vt mnHWs. ImjmA I ans ttow rr M ran of afr, ay pfcrddaa tS aM Uut I mtr made the letiewi of a Many people bo wfffr from con-tttsatitn during the enforced inactivity feBawtng fltoes, or niiile esgased In sedentary work and study, would find npM and permanent relief in the regular use of KeHoss'i ALL-BRAN. Made in London, Canada, ALL-BRAN Improved in Texture and Tast versides, Mrs. Lane; Styles and Mrs. P. C. Miller. Baby Booth Mrs. D. R. Barclay and Mrs. N. Thomas. Home Cooking Mrs. J. S. Irvine and Mrs. W. T. Kerftn. Novelties Mrs. George McAfee and Mrs. Helen Mac fie. Candy Miss Barrfe. Mrs. J. D. Fraser and Mrs. George Clcconne. The afternoon's musical program, ararnged by Mrs. Alfred Wilson. Included vocal solos by Misses "Dor-othyTraser and Betty tiamerbn, ac- THE DAILY NEWS Friday Ds NORTHERN B. C. NEWS I M I rA. .,j THERS ! PRINCE GEORGE At a meeting of the Smlthers Chamber of Commerce this week a communication was read from an experienced creamery man who signified his willingness to nter this district with a plant for the manufacture of butter and cheese. Considerable information which was sought' will be supplied by the chamber. T. 3; Jenkins has been moved from here to. Prince Rupert in the 'service of the Canadian National Railways. H. McLean and George Kling have been transferred to Kamloops. KeBo?g'$ ALL-BRAN is guaranteed Practically all of Smlthers at- u. conquer constipation. Eat not lesi tended the funeral which toqk place ffackraoic ReBosrS all bran b Louis DeVoin, pioneer resident of drKriaus wfrh honey and milk or cream. Said at aft irocen the district, who died last Saturday The funeral was under the auspices of Omtoeca Lodge A. F. & A. M., of which the late Mr. DeVoin was a member. I If freff rey, both of Francois Lake.Sf-ere married recently at Burns Lake by Rev. E. s. Fleming. The couple wlA take up residence at Francois Lake. BxeeptionaBy mild weather has prevailed in the Bulkley VaBey during thepast week. Several gardeners report flowers starting to bud again. WUSain Cummin, who has resided m the district for some fifteen years, died In Smlthers Hospital last Saturday from injuries sustained- in an aeeident on the Jack Price farm at Barrett. He fell from the roof of a shed on which he was working. Deceased, who was 74 years of age, is survived by a son at Montrose, Pennsylvania. companied by Mrs. J. S. Black, and t piano solos by Aichie JXWp&SssxdP- PoweU's HtfrieinrJudy," with There was also acceptable enter- imo pounds of milk and 78.4 butter-tainment with a Victor radio instru- fat. led the cows of the Bulkley Val-ment loaned for the occasion by , ley Cow Testing Association in No-McRae Bros. Ltd vember. - 'vS V SillS I I : feVSarfJ 1 1UVV I 1 Karl Fredericks, charged with the murder of two companions, Herman Peters and Max WestphaL at Trem-bleur Lake in June lost, will have his preliminary hearing before Stipendiary Magistrate Mllbum of Prince George next Tuesday. Indirect relief work offered by the provincial government in the Fort George district consists largely of brushing out existing highways and the clearing of right-of-ways for contemplated highways. Weather here during the past, week has been unsettled with snow. Temperatures have been seldom below freezing point and then only slightly below. Many applications have been received by the local school board for tV position of principal of the Tigh School made vacant by the resignation of A. D. NoMe. The beard Is now in correspondence with : two of the applicants and K is expected that the appointment will be made at the next meeting of the board. The city of Prince George Is now (expending between 1900 and $1000 I per week on direct and indirect re lief. Oliver Krog. Gisconae middleweight It making quite a hit In boxing circles in Vancouver and has i been taking heavyweights as well as middleweighta. Among his victims have been Aady Wilson, Jim O'Neill. Jim Paul and Lou Brown. An order has been made by Mr. Tusttee D. A. McDonald in Supreme Court presuming the death of George Weston, a trapper, who disappeared in this district in May, 1923 and has not been seen since. The officers of the Prince George Ski and Toboggan Club have decided to make a bid for the Western TI yoa oa m . Il Word , .. V bant, II... - . . . pooi si mxU v. lorwofk It tui idoubU i.,,. . m amrrectrd of trjtbrn mtii . .. plampWeaemCaiudiMhid,, ,J "" V boon tool Wrn ( . , j m ioJjt heTafpopiJ,pvti j(t Ask your Dealer! ILtf WORMjjIBOOTS Canada ski championship meet Patterson in thf -which was scheduled to take place next month at Grouse Mountain next February j but which will probably not be heM ' Mr, v. E. Jeffr there owing to the collapse of the beauty parlor : Second Narrows bridge in Vancou- to premises i : ver harbor. .office on Goon;- 1 - . 4 R. T. Johnson has been appointed Basketball i u returning officer f jr the by-eiedena auccess and mi, .. In Fort George to fill the vacancy George this wn, caused by the resignation of Hon. F. being in operatim P. Burden to tatoe the post of Agent i General in London. The Conserva- Just before h tire nontinating convention will be Prince Rupert ' bel don December 17 but no date 1 has been transfi r. r has yet been set for the Liberal 'the Dank of Mi convention. Scouts honoreo F who has been art.v The provincial department of with their orean. :. public works has decided to proceed ! of the Soauts c -with the erection of a bridge across , sented Mr. Mac :: the Oarrin Canyon on the Ness ! me set of brush Lake road and quotations are now -being called for the supply of pil- J B. Lambert ing and timber. member of th- ireek aldermanir i The Griffith Billiard Parlor team forthcoming mini is now leading the local Billiard .here. League wtth a handy margin over' the four other teams in the league. c. N. R. TRAINS former! Aid. J. H Johnson, a From East-S .r mayor, has definitely announced and Thursdays 3 20 (.that he will be a candidate for the For Bast- Mel)'' chief magistracy against Mayor and Saturdays. V Z1) t - III 1 1 1 H Hi We have to raise $5,000.00 in 30 days and are forced to stage the most sensational Shoe Sale ever offered to the citizens of Prince Rupert and district. Our entire stock consists only of the finest quality Footwear, expressly made for us by Canada's best Shoe manufacturers, which, in itself is the best possible guarantee of. Quality LADIES' SHOES LADIES' PATENT SLIPPERS Ladies' l-strap Black Patent Slippers Cuban heels, good selection, to clear at LADIES' OXFORDS Ladies' Brown Calf Oxfords Cuban and MacFarlane and Murray . Qfi) tZ made, xnld sizes, to dear at V & LADIES' kil) PUMPS I Good Selection of Ladles Patent and Kid Pumps to clear at . UDIESVStlPPERS London Lady 2-strap Satin Slippers to clear $3.95 low heels $1.95 $4.45 $1.45 All lines of Children's Shoes at greatly reduced prices All Our Stock is Included In Thi& Sale All our stock Is included in this, sale and in many lines prices are cut to a fraction of cost. NO CREDIT - N0C.0.D. CASH ONLY g SPECIAL-SPECIAL ASTORIA SHOES Men's Astoria Shoes-rCanada's finest shoes, all lines in i black and brown calf, Standard price $11.00 420 Iff I sale price $0.1 D Same in Oxford - jy gg ' RICHMOND SHOES Jlen's Richmond Shoes In black and brown boots, in all lines. Standard price $9.50 Qfj sale price V a v Same in Oxford 36 95 MEN'S & BOYS' SHOES SISMAN'S BOYS' SHOES Sisman's Boys' Shoos Black with fibre Q9 soles. Size 1 to 6. at Youth's, 11 to 13 at $2.45 BOYS' STERLING SHOES Sterling Shoes for Boys In all sizes 9 Q'? Sizes 1 to 5. Reg. value $1.75, for tf.JJtf Youth's, sizes 11 to 18H 3 25 CALF BOOTS Men's Brown Calf Boots to clear WORK BOOTS Men's Work Boots Sisman's make with 2Q 45 Panco soles and heels, sale price tjjtmw BLACK OXFORD Men's Black Oxford Reg $0.00, all sizes ' 3.95 j M. MacARTHUI P. 0. Box 556 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone Black W f . J lMMtMiM(M(MMaMafss