CWo BUrk, In Viefrie Form; ej2JJluT Llora from top position in the Pa-Ottawa th nelphia I Second Place in Jf I clflc Coast Hockey League standing Can Sectfen ffT ,Ln! night, defeating the Lion. 3-2. 'letjHng batsman of the season 1930 1 in thlrfl CHICAGO, Dec. : - Chicago JTv-wl r c 1he N Yott Yankees was Bltek Hawks regained wmnin, 5m lart night nVdefeated the with -379. In club batting k led with an average of the Jfew York Americana. It was with Cleveland, JHH. in second Hawks' sutOi victory in nt start. ; The winners scored two gamls in the j Pi0-first fire ciinuves of play. j At Mon'real. the Canadtens de-l Mfteen ptayers In the Americas fMted N- York Rangers in a League batted In 100 or more runs; heavy scoring game. The teams tws seasoa and Lou oenng. wnoi prince Bfcspert Raining, strong ended the first period tied at two-d the league in tnis departmem i southeast wind; barometer. 29 85; s4L The Canadiens took a four to with 174. eame within one of eou-. temperature, 44; sea moderate. tap lead at the end of the second, ailing his former world record of ; Triple bland Strong southeast T$B Rangers then tied it up early 175. AI Simmons. Jimmy Pox and wtrd: sea rough; stormy. Is the thl-d only to have Morens Babe Ruth drove in 185. 156, and Langara Island Raining, easter- sjst the winning goal a short time 193 runs respectively during th-' ly wind; sea smooth. later. Bill Cook was the scoring ace season. New York led the league . of the game with three goals. , for run getting with Cleveland inj At Ottawa, the Senators defeated second place. Philadelphia Quakers and stepped j Into second place tn the Canadian ; For pitching achievement. Lefty section of the league. j Orove of the Philadelphia Athle?ir Last night's scores: was the leader. Batters could score Chicago 4. New York Americans 2. but 3J0O runs per nine inning Oanadiens 5. Neve York Rangers 4. Ottawa 5 Phiiadelnhia 2. B HERBAL OINTMENT Hi MEDICINAL SOAP Auditorium GOLF COURSE Just the pe P an rn Joable eveatag. Clean, quiet, comfertaMe so round tags. AUDITORIUM GOLF COURSE L, J. MARREN Preprietor lfeSsalB game against his rooking sp- and elusive curve. Grove inci'J-r.' ally pitched the most games of an of the barters in the league th: year having appeared in fifr Adolph Liska of the Wash lngton Senator? is r itd the se ond best pitcher, having allow?-! only 3.28 runs per game. Th Washington pitching 5taff led ttr league, allowing on'y 3.96 runs per game. Philadelphia pit -hers were i second beat as a group, allowing 4.38 runs. The champion Athletics led th American League In fielding with the same average they attained last year. .976. Superior fielding was an important factor in the 'success of the champions during the season as well as in the World Secfca. High class fielding also played a large part In the success' oY the Washington team which ! finished, next to the Maekmen, :wlth the handsome average of 1. 974. Veteran Joe Judge, who finished his fifteenth season with Washington, was aO but perfect in the field, accepting 1.117 chances jtn 136 games, being charged with but two errors. ! Col. J. W. Nieholss of the Canadian Flh & Cold Storage Co. sailed on the Prince George last night , for a trip to Vancouver and else-! i where in the south. Are You a Judge of Wkisky Men have been known to think, and even heard to wy, that the whisky with a "kick" or a bite is stronger than the whisky without it. Itis seldom so, the "kick" if due to one fact anil one fid" only, which is the admixture of raw spirit to a blend. "WHITE HORSE" is a whisky without a bite or kick, and which fits perfectly each occasion and every mood. A more mellow, generous and delightful spirit than "WHITE HORSE" is not obtainable. vl Whisky DISTILLED, BLENDED AND BOTTLED IN SCOTLAND nhia advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of t t British Columbia, JLSzL' Peid McLennan mailed last night on the Prince Oeorgf for a trip to Vancouver and Victoria from tficAmos VAnJijPicfure . CheckindDoub!eChedc DUKE ELLINGTON and His Orchestra FOXTROT 22528 "HERE COMES8 THE SUN BERTL0WNjo'5 HOTEL BIUMOBE OUCH E5TEA FOX TROT 22541 WILLIE ECKSTEIN llTTLE WHITE LIES WARmeCS PENNSYLVAKIAfiS FOX TROT 22492 JOHNNY MARVIN VOCAL 22502 "SONG OF THE (SILVER DOLLAR BILLINGS-ROBISON DUCT V-40ZI4 At Any Victor Dealer! TIHUK lAkMnU MAiniME V-UMTAMII OF CANADA UMITED . MoaItmI wvmi McRae Bros. Records, Vlctrolas, Mlcrosynclironous Victor Radio Th? Vancouver Province has an editorial rtmllar to on recently published tn the Vancouver Sun urging more official precaution against such perilous air adven-jr(r at those embarked upon by PHot s. J. Burke and Pilot Rena-han which, in at least one ease, are believed to have proven fatal. of matters for the welfare of the Association. These matters will be further discussed at the annual i meeting of the 'Association next month. A social hour followed the business session, delicious refresh ments being served by the hostess. nignt on the Prince Oeorge for a trip to Vancouver. Information is wanted regardlnx present whereabouts of Joe Webster (Indian) operating gaeboat "Klncome III." trolling licence No.i M6. Length of boat 38 feet, beam; 8 feet. Hull painted green and cabin grey, powered with 8 h.p. Frisco Standard. KindAy communicate with Indian Of flea, Prince Rupert. B.C. 284 B. T. Chapped, general superin-; tendent. Canadian National Rati-ovafinn Armv ways Vancouver; S Morrison. dls- allUll mill trict engineer, and C. J. Quantlc, uperlntendent of motive power and fqulpment, left yesterday afternoon for the Interior after hav-intr pent a couple of days in the city on Inspection duties. They wore accompanied up the line by W it. Jobey, divisional superin tentlent. A The executive of the Prince Rupert Pioneers' Association met on Tea and Sale Home League Is Holdinr. Affair This Afternoon In Citadel Concert Tonlthi j The Salvation Army ,k Horn! League is holdings tea and sale of homo cooking at the Citadel this afternoon. The affair Is In general charee of Mrs. William Kerr while Tu- iay night at the home of Mr. other ladles taking part are: and Mrs. F. W. Hart. Sixth Av- Home Cooking Mrs. Henry enue West, to deal with a numberjsmlth. Sewing Mrs. Wardroper and Mrs. Alexcec. Tea Tables Mrs. Carr, Mrs. Barker and Miss Dolly Smith. Cashier Capt. E. Warren. The procefdlngj will come to a close with a concert Uils evening. f ri j-lI! 1 nmnrj S, Mil eai I r. HitKWsViflT hJ? ml lllll TBI? DAILY NEWS fV.dav eaob roua ' T - BUCKAROOS 6z SPORT NEWS TAKE LEAD 1 1. i! . rl 11 . uiu. yuu evei wi&ii lui a viidiigc ui j. jiats 4 f 7 fa ;! It XT? nr.-.U) 1.1 it ' 'J X 1 HAWKS WIN ?P0RTCHAT Vancouver Lions Dislodged From -".Pacifie Oast Hockey Suprem- -acv Last Night PORTLAND. Dec. 5: Id a last burst of the Portland ! power, Official records which have Just petted, th Bucks scored two goals late in the period to settle the Issue. Portland and Vancouver are now tied for first place. The Weather www n-dm--i'r I TATA -v4- choice absolutely Free read on Extra Special For Sat. and Mon. SUITS Jlen's lS-oz. Bine Serge Suits Guaranteed fast dye. Temptation Sale Price $24 95 Overcoats Dressy Navy Chinchillas In Guards and half-belted models, art Eilk lined, all sizes. Xeciptalion Sale Price &1 & qK el r FREE HATS! Buy either the Suit oi- the Overcoat, and we w ill you a high grade hat a s lutely free. Ifuv both ani b- two hats. The Acme Importers Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. P.O. Box 667 NO CHARGE ACCOUNTS NO C.O.D. TERMS, STRICTLY CASH was a passenger aboard the Prince ' Oeorge last evening bound for Vancouver whence he will proceed Mail Orders Promptly Filled at These Prices ai rmiMi ibiiii iss sasE" LOCL NEWS ITEMS Mrs. P. p. Smith, wife of a local, Fresh killed Birikley Valley chlo-police officer, sailed last night on ken and turkey at Ftiaaall'i Mar-the Prince Oeora for a trip to ket. (J5) Vancouver. ; '- Mr. and Mrs. David Mulcare f Howard D. Barrett. ehll Clark to gUwart were paatengars aboard the division superintendent of the I the Prince Oeorge last evening go-Canadian National Railway, sailed ing through to Vancouver wh. no? last night on the Prince Oeorge for they will proceed on a trip ti a holiday trip to Vancouver. Montreal, travelling via Grand North D(lkoU- arKl Chic- Harry Fowler, skipper of the Al-i' ice Arm-Anyox ferry boat Awake, Sister M. Catherine of the Ro man Catholic Indian Industrial school at Lejae armed in the city . Z vo nr, nlmh th yesterday af. Nan retanla tor a visit to his native !icr.. - in England. sPnFlisar'SSjlCE I Mr. and Mrs John Durie of An- Stores oi yox were passengers aboard th open until in . i U Prince CiMirv lojit fvnlnu ootn ine from Dr .'. 1 UI thrniifh In Vancouver whnrj thv mas Eve. It l.AS tt , -- . .. vl artil nmMl m m. Lrfn to U'lnnl. the Prince RUDC" Jfc 1 peg. ; ant's Association, - el HOC SPECIAL e. 1 SCOTCH WHISKV Bottled in scou"", guaranteed over twelve years average age. H B C RUM A public favorit. for cent uric i and ertr caut of ill uniform Wk UixUrd of " nd itrBth. A reputation jalnoJ hr yean of eoItitt(y'B, i. a guaranty of o Q-lly of all H BC',M,, BW wnMSP 'SBBBUSII SI BBBT SBOT t SBSST M i-? "T I I w W This advertisement is not published or display j v v Controi Board or by the Oovernmenv f.BrUColumbla,