I December 5, 930. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Ipr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup Pie Her Two Children Coughed Day And Night Mm. Fred. T. Kilneppel, E.E. No. 1, St Agatha, Ont, wrttet: "My two children were coughing, day and night, from a very nvere, whoopy cough. I tried every kind of medicine I could think of, but they got no relief. A friend told me I npuld try Dr. Wood's Norway Pjne Syrup, to J gft tw'0 bottle of it, and before they we rentjoil th ehiiann were rid of their eoughi. It ii a very-g mtdieine, aid I would not be without a bottle In the houne." Price B6c a bottle large familr site 65c; at all druggieti or dealer.) put up only by The T. MUbum Co Ltd, Toronto, Oat and s bpecia 1 Offer Iie Lilas de France Talcum Free with a $1.00 Bottle of Lilas de France Lofion Liquid Brilliantine Free with a $1.35 Bottle of Eau de Quinine rotes JLlcL Zrfw Pioneer DrugfisLs Phones n & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. THREE GRADUATE PHARMICISTS U ' liitfjlP "Tr A N" T0'K,CHT" Best ProctiraMe' iTlIE ORICINAL) Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT, BatttaJ uJ nanaaaaa1 W VaUa' CraM Saa. LaMad. QMU tmi UiM-ClnliMl 0Sm, DvlL 3 advtrtisenent is not published or delayed by the L.uur Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia mm v. r B. C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE WINTER EXCURSION FARES From Prime Rupert to Vancouver CM A A A and Victoria, and Return t?l.VIU Tickets on sale from 15th November to 2th Feb-ruary and good to return on or before 38th Starch Agents For All Steamship Lines Oca. Agent, 3rd Av. Prln i Rupert, Phone 31. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED M'lXIAL WIMKR EM'I BMOS l AIIEh n Kle Icom X. IS, - "rn limit Mur.li IS31) i. RUPERT TO VANCOUVER 8W.W RETURN M faim imr Mnrr Bupert ur Vancouver; m vi.a nmv Trr.iw. r.si. . Arv.vmt Vm vi r. vi.i O ii hOU.'ThurwIay Noon ippwi, ' Vl;il.s EVMIY IKIKW MIIIVIUMT iin!'u; Vani"iivr Sunday midnight pirox . , lo Port Simpoox Alue Arm. Anyew. Stewart Nau River peipu. buudajr. 8:00 p.m. i rmf4on regnrdnu: ni: sulllugt nd tussau t ' I 1(1 I'EKT AdKM l N on Avcnac, OUR 1'lMMW SW COAL IS IN A DRV SHED ti vou are luvlng coal look on the eeonomlcal side of life. If l';v ve roal, you are losing 10. So start today and burn dry coal and see what 10 means to you. 1 1 MI1INA EGG Delivered, lVr Ton $18.50 M lIEAD EGG Delivered, Per Ton MlVEIIEAD LUMP Delivered, Per Ton U.50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 5S0 SOMETHING NEW LADIES AND GENTS 'i-tinent new clothes for 'trntcr just to hand. iu:ility and latest " In and see us today, uicoiit complete and fln-days. Line, the Cutter "inK, pressing and alter-'"vtT any part of the city. TITW TATI HI? SPEEDITHEtf Is what you will enjoy In a comfortable roomy car, by callinE TAXI 25 Promptness, rellaWUty and courtesy is our motto. A trial will be appreciated. Phone 35. Matt Videck fiond Aw.- mWil1 l Local Items Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Ileilbroner's store. ' lOariaolan '"LegtBn -Xmats Tree. AU ex-aervice men have their child-re paioes, ..before 6th. 285 ttV.'1 " . I. Royal Purple tea, sale of home-coo Icing and novelties, Saturday, Dec. .6, in old "Louvre Store." NojLhlng over, $1 on novelty table. , , , . 284 East and. West Lutheran Aids sale tomorrjo ,fiifoBrnoqn in Met- ropole Hall, home-cooking anp fancy articles in aid of Tree in church and Seal Cove. 284 Basket social and -dance, auspices of Sons of Norway, aid of Christmas Fund in Metropole Hall, Friday, December 5, at 8J0. Ad mission 50c. Ladies bringing baskets free. Good music. 284 W. A. Found, deputy minister of fisheries, after having spent a couple of days here on official business, sailed on the Prince George last night for Vancouver. Nest Monday Mr. Found will hold a conference in Nanaimo with salmon fishermen of District No. 3. I Commandant William Kerr of jthe Salvation Army returned to 'the city 90 yesterday afternoon'a train from a two; weed's trip to the interior, ne visuea me corps ai Glen Vowell. Prince George and I other points and 'went as far east 1 as Edmonton where he met Col Peacock of Winnipeg, territorial secretary. Mussallem'i MEAT Market per lb. . .... 25c T-Bone Roast Beef Off o 11, it$. ) IV. Rump Roaat Beef $1 Sirloin S$ak- fa a . h 4JW. . jpv Frying Chicken 'SPA cavil Shoulder Roast Pot $4 5 lbs. V-8- Loin Pork per lb. Leg of Pork per lb Fresh Side Pork 3 lbs, SOc SOc SOc MussaUem'Meat Market Phonps 18 & 81 41? rff th Ave.:L. TRIP WINTER fACES PRINCE RUPERT ' to YANCOUVER VICTORIA ,j!icludingll and Vwlk. TklrU oa ! bp t Feb. 2(lh. 1911. Kelura limit March Slat. For Infurutaliott rail or writ H. K. McNAl'CIITOM, U.r.A. rrineo Raprrt B.C. Canadian Blafiffieial i Fraser Ladies' Rayon Silk Bloomers A wonder-rt f ul quality of silk non-rip scams in small, j I! I 1 1 1 1 f ' medium aiiu large siac aiiu Miauirs ui Powder Blue, Peach, Mauve, O pair Champagne, French Beige KAYSER HOSE SPECIAL, for 3 Specials in Ladies' Princess Slips Sha-, dow proof with built up shoulder, sha- dow proof with opera top, and lace trimmed slips, assorted shades, each Kayser Hose, sold the world over. Np better"taose to be found. Don't miss the opportunity tdbuy a pairflj for one Dollar, Saturday. Semi-service weight, fullP fashioned. Slendo heel style. All popular shades. Per pair Ladies' Rayon Silk Nightgowns Tailored and lace trimmed styles, assorted shades, individually boxed, sizes, small, medium, large, each . Ladies' Silk and Wool Hose Assorted' shades, all sizes, every pair perfect. A wonderful buy at 1 pair m for Ladies' Rayon Silk Vest and Bloomer Sets. Lacert trimmed in sizes, small, medium, large. An extra J) good quality silk, beautifully made and finished. . Individually ianypd. Vest and Bloomer set . . Gift Towel Sets-In various styles andl' JfcolSfTngs, beaumull packed. An ideal ? Kgin, ior .... Soxed HandkerchiefsA wonderful var-. iety, quality and prices that will aston- ish you, 2 boxes for v 3 boxes for HOTEL ARRIVALS Central HoteL wimUfatrrt, Trttellrri' (mev ucunui lot ana 101a-, imirr , lffi MfN All Tralnafand 1 Rates $1.00 and Up el'tXML MONTIIIV KATES C.R. RIGGART & A. DONALD nirlrturi PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Rupen's leading family hotel. Hot .ind cold water in all roonu A. J. PRUnilOMME. Prop. Cor. of Fraser ind Fifth ts. New Royal Hotel I. arrlll, ''rofi. THE IIOT1X UOKTH HIIILB-Hot & Cold Water: Sttam Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP Telephone t81 Boston Grill Large Cabaret SPECIAL DINNERS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday Night, 9 to 12" Dance Hall for Hire , Accomodation for Private Parties rhone 457 Prlnc5yRunrt rr. i it JsaaBmamammm & 1 1 1 1 1 1 Dinnerware, china, crockery, tlassware. Ileilbroner's Store. Billiards tonight gion vs. Grotto. ctuNce Canabian Lc- Thomas Caurfce. ootn at Pincher vF iif0IM&mB uastnett cio mmpmiaym CUrk. Barristers, tiamiocpsru.u. wui near 01 bun-neas which may be to bis advantage. (384) , .41 ANNOUNCEMENTS High School Concert, pee. 11. Moose Dance December IS. Royal Purple Bridge and Whist series, next gams, Deoapher IS. Operetta "The Knahsnted Palace." Booth M em orisij School, Dec id and 17. f Moose Christmas TrM i Wl4rti unve ana uunce, uecmoer iu. Canadian Legion BJ3.L. Christ mas Tree December 20. Moose Christma? Tj ee Dec. 21. 'BaagaaM-aHaMsMBfeSjl Baptist Chrlsynas Tree Decem- ber 23. ' Sons of Norway Christmas Tree December 26. Lief Erickson Christmas Gathering December 26, Moose Hall. Moose Legion dance New Year's Eve. Presbyterian Burns' Banquet on January 23. Pay HHRa nes MtfTiB -a r in i a i i UULLAK MI SATURDAY Six tables displaying seasonable gifts at one dollar. You will be surprised to sec what one dollar can buy on Dollar Day. Our Dollar Day has been a big success all through the year. We arc prepared to make Saturday, the last Dollar Day of the year, a profitable day for you and a record day for ourselves. Men's and Boys' Furnishings MEN'S SILK and WOOL SOCKS (h We have received another shipment of 50 dozen in all the newest designs andT shades. They are known as run of the mill. Values 75c to $1.50 pair paty Dollar Day price for Boys' Pure Wool Sweaters Assorted?) ' shades, polo collars, contrast trim, sizes' 22 to 28, each Boys' Tweed and Serge Knicker Pants' bxtra good quality, sizes three to nine years, pair Men's Silk Ties 25 dozen to choose fromV in all the newest patterns, every tie worth $1.50. Dollar Day, each Men's and Boys' Solid Leather Belts In dividually boxed, assorted colors with ... initial buckles, each Men's Scarfs Pure wool taffeta Scotch made, also pure silk polka-dot scarfs, each Boys' and Youths' Broadcloth Shirts In V v hite blue and tan, sizes 12 to 14, reg. . $1.50 quality, for . I Opening Announcement, Sat. Dec. C Rupert Fish and Chip Shop SPECIALIZING IN'FISII & CHIPS (Old Country Style) From 12 noon unUl midnight. Parties, etc-, catered for at reasonable price. Eat More Fish and Support Home Industries a One trial and you will become -a steady customer 201 THIRD AVENUE R. R. STRACHAN, PROPRIETOR Telephone Black 936 The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous, "Rupert Brand" SMOKED Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. f '