t I Toms rrow's Tides BALAGNO'S Six-Piece Orchestra Sat o December 6, 1930 mmln High 1.44 a.m. 18.9 it. SATURDAY EVENING 13.22 p.m. '22.6 ft. Low ... 8.13 a.m. 8.4 ft. Sunken Gardens e4 20.18 p.m. 2.1 ft. . 1 o Vol. XXI. NC TRACE F NARROW ESCAPE Stcond Avenue Family Forced Flee in Mint Attire From Early Morning Fire Mi C r.. to u;id Mrs. V. Redman and two luuahters were forced to flee to '.heir night: clothe TrofdHEelrp i. r u: 223 Second Avenue, to the I 3. C. Thomson's brokerage ' Lt 4:30 this morning when , use waS gutted by a fire . destroyed all the belongings family. Defective wiring is ' to have caused the fire ' had developed Into rather ;i! proportions before Mr. Mr- Redman were awakened. - Parker turned in the alarm, reached safety only by escap-ugh a window. Mrs. Redman :i:d cuts with broken glass uht burns. !." Redman is employed by Tony .in. ; house is owned by A. S. Lewis 'L. loss to the building Is un-! :od to be covered by Insurance. I Tuily is now staying with Mr. Mi v Lewis. WILL HAVE BEER VOTE Poll to be Held in Victoria As Well As In Five Southern Interior. Towns VICTORIA, Dec. 5 Victoria city . jto in a beer plebiscite along 11 five other points in the south- interior of the province. The lor the latter have been flx-f i r this month but the date on U Hie city will vote on beer by " Liss has not been yet fixed will probably be next month plane at close range. They found the Junkers plane to be in perfect con dltlon. Wasson and Walsh spent some time flying between Burke's plane and Wolf Lake but they found no trace of the missing man. Wasson will await further orders here before embarking upon any further search operations.. They had to mush 16 mites on snowshoes to reach Burke! plane from where they landed and lt took them a day and a half, at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The weather was very bad, they re port. Wasson now believes that Burke and his companions may have headed for Pelly Lake, possibly assisted by some Indians. Their only chance of getting supplies would be at an Isolated post kept there by Taylor and Drury. Wasson sent the following to AUin where Mrs. Burke "I landed on a lake 18 miles from Burke's plane. Walsh and myself snowshoed over to the plane and found the plane undamaged. No written note was left in the Burko plane but on a tree at their camp 50 yards from the plane we found this message carved: 'Left for Wolf Lake, October 17. Need food badly (Signed), Paddy, Bob, Emll'. "We could find no sign of any men between the plane and Wolf Lake. I also landed at an Indian jcamp 50 miles down Uie river from the Burke plane.sThe Indians reported that Burke had flown over their camp, looking for a landing on the lake but the lake was frozen at the time. There is four feet of snuw in the vicinity of Burke s plane." Things how look rather bad us Dorbrandt and Wasson saw no sign of life on Wolf Lake when searching a month ago. VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVER. Dec. 5: Wheat was quoted at 62 ftc on the local exchange today. Salvation Army Plans to Bring; Christmas Spirit to Many People The Salvation Army is starting its campaigner Christmas cheer to the needy in and around Prince v,,.. i k i. ir..v. oot'Q thn nro manv more nmling !,, this year than wri am 1 Wto a much larger number looning iyi w. dinner. Because of that he is asking for a generous response to his appeal. , . . . , Donations may be made in cash ar in goods of any oMtr kind, including groceries and provisions. Cash should 1 sent to the Daily News or to an y momlwr of the Army staff but goods should go to the Army headquarters. All donations will be acknowledged trough the Daily News columns. .. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDA DECEMBER 5; 1930 OUND OF CAPTAIN BUR CABINET RESIGNS Tardien Administration In France Quits After Adverse Vote 1 In Senate PARIS. Dec. 5: The Tardleu government resigned last night after it was defeated in the Senate 147 to 139 following a debate on the ministry's internal and financial policies. APPOINTMENT IS RESCINDED Dr. II. J. Nunn Is to Be New Medical Health Officer In Allm VICTORIA, Dec. 5: Reclssion of They had been away for seven days. I the appointment of Dr. 0. E. Ployart as meaicai neaun omcer ana mea-ical Inspector of schools for Atlin and district is announced in the British Columbia Gazette. The place will be filled by Dr. H. J. Nunn. B. T. Chappell General superintendent of C. N. R. for B.C . who paid visit to city thu week. Mayoralty Fight In Victoria City Experiments produi boxca; s" of aviation, plane to carry only, and capable Of resting oa land or sea. are under way at Glendale Calif Model shown here lives up to the expectations of builders. WASS0MS" REAL HERO Aubrey Roberts of Vancouver Pro ifi nee Writes? Absni Burke ' Search As more details are received from the north the conviction grows that Everett L. Wasson. Treadwell Yukon Exploration Co. pilot, has done some really stout flying in the course of his search for Capt. E. J. A. Burke and his missing companions, writes Aubrey F. Roberts, aviation editor of the Vancouver Province. In a recent letter to Hon. George Black, Speaker of the House of Commons, who Is now In Vancouver, Mr Livingston Wernecke, manager of the Treadwell Yukon Co., to whom is due a great deal of credit for the continued and. courageous search, explains that Wasson has been accompanied on, all hte recent 1 flights by Joe Walsh who Is known to men of the north as one of the most experienced woodsmen In the country. I "Should Wasson have trouble I would feel quite at ease, knowtng that eventually these two men will show up even though two or three months elapse from the tune they may last be seen," Mr. Wernecke wrote. "Their plane has been eom-Dletely equipped with provisions. rifles, ammunition, tents and other supplies." Wasson, who came from United States three years ago, is a natur allzed Canadian citizen, and has won vivruiuA, uec. o; jonn uean:concern more than a year ago, was nominated yesterday to contest Uie mayoralty against Mayor Herbert Anscomb. The nomination of Mr. Dean came as a surprise, an acclamation having been expected for Mayor Anscomb. . . SCOTTISH COAL STRIKE ENDED LONDON, Dec. 5: The strike in the Scottish coal fields called for December 1 was ended today w)ien a con- trance of Union delegates or-4- dered the men back to the pits next Monday. ! f .. FORTY-EIGHT AREv VICTIMS OF GAS NEAR LIEGE CITY f BRUSSELS, Belgium, Dec. 5: rrforty-eight persons, are dead In the vicinity of Ehgis near Liege apparently poisoned by a mysterious gas mixedwlth fog which swept over the region last night and today. IS FINED 25 FACE B. C. CHARGES Solloway and Mills to Be Prosecuted In This Provinte, Attorney-deneral Announces VICTORIA, Dec. 5: I. W. C. Solloway and Harvey Mills, partners in the stock brokerage firm of Sollo way. Mills & Co., Villi be placed on trial in British Columbia as soon as they can be brought together at Vancouver, lt was stated by Hon. R. II, Footey. attorney-general, last night. Both will fece charges of conspiracy to commit an indictable offence under the Criminal Code in respect to the BrlUsh Columbia trading of the firm. For theft of a esse qf yeast cakes from the Dominion Cafe. Insrald .v,. v,,f 0n vnvrm rwmiff- Christopherson was flrfed $5. with by his splendid flying since he be- Pn of 30 days' Imprisonment, by came chief pilot for the Treadwell Magistrate McClymont in city po- Dawson Creek Is Now On Map; New Peace River Town Will Completely Established Uy End of Month;. Be DAWSON CREEK, B.C., Dec. 5: Business houses of Dawson Creek are now practically all established in their new locations on the new Uwnslte layout occasioned by the coming of the railroad. The town, which will be end of steel In the B.O. Block lot a time next spring, will be completely established by the end of December. uce cuuit una illuming LONDON, Dec. 5: The Brl- tlsh government will send a formal protest to Moscow against a radio speech broad- cast from the Soviet capital, Rt. Hon. Arthur Henderson. Foreign Secretary, Informed the House of Commons. The speech, he said, was regarded as "inciting British workers to revolution" and was In direct violation of the antlTprepa- ganda agreement ' LOOKS FOR INDUSTRIES in. Not Wise to Talk Too Much About it 4 wm " r tih. rarwson, assBiaf.ronimei cial manager of Power Corporation of Canada, was In rather an optimistic mood yesterday afternoon when he addressed the Prince Ru pert Rotary Club at their regular weekly luncheon. He said it was a satisfaction to be able to come back with redeemed pledges. The new plant was a difficult piece of work, especially the transmission line at the Skeena crossing, which so far as they could ascertain was the second longest line of its kind in the ' world, the longest being across San ! Francisco Harbor. The cost of it' was approximately $200,000 and the rest of the plant cost two millions. I of that they would be working as co-partners wfth the people of Prince Rupert to try to increase the population of the city and thus increase the amount of power used. On a four per cent dividend basis, the securities qf the company were not marketable and would have to be held by Power Corporation as a low Income investment until conditions improved. Mr. Pawson then discussed the question of industries and was optimistic over the prospect of the possibility of something happening in the not far distant future. A pulp and paper plant was not a possi bility unUl the market for the pro duct improved. When that time ar PUICE FIVE CENTS AIR SERVICE OUT OF PRINCE RUPERT IS NOW ORGANIZED Missing Flyers Left Plane Six Days After Landing as Supply of Food Was Becoming Exhausted North Still Retains Mystery as to'Fatc of Trio Message Carved on Tree Last Tractf Outlook Not So Good Now WHITEHORSE, Dec. 5 "October 17. Leaving for Wolf Lake. In need of food badly." Such was the message v.t.ich was discovered carved in a tree near the stranded plane of Capt. E. J. A. Burke and two companions, who have been missing in the north country since October 11, by Pilot Everett L. Wasson and Joe Walsh, who returned Khere yesterday after Inspecting the To Produce Aviation "Boxcars" Northern B.C. Airways Is Incorporated With Head Office in City First Plane to Be Put in Service Soon Prominent Local Business Men Arc Interested in Project With Mayor Ornle Head Announcement is received from Victoria today of the incorporation of the Northern British Columbia Ainvays Ltd. with capitalization of $25,000 and head office in Prince Rupert. The company has been organized by Capt. Punnett of Victoria to establish a commercial air service out of Prince Rupert. Mayor C. H. Orme is president of the company and S. D. Johnston, secre tary. Directors include other prominent Prince Rupert business and professional men. Financing of the new concern, it is understood, has been practteally.eompleted. It is the intention of the new . I company to put a seaplane oonvert- '; ible for winter flying with skis into E. Pawson ODtimistic But Savs service out of Prince Runert verv soon, it is planned to maintain a year-round service and the one plane will be added to with other Imachlnes as sopi) as warranted. NO DANGER OF BUTTER GLUT HERE Reassuring Statement Is Made By Australian Trade Commissioner OTTAWA, Dec. 5: There is absolutely no danger that the Canadian market will be flooded with Australian butter, R. L. McGregor, trade commissioner for Australia, ntrt when nclrori tn rnmmpnf nn th iii me present time, Mr. fawson report that 2o.000.000 pounds of said, on the investment of two andbutter uiU exp0rted from the a quarter million they could only j commonwealth to Canada within a pay four per cent dividend. Because . fAU, mnnth. HAMILTON. Ont, Dec. 5: Hon. E. B. Rychman. minister of national revenue said here that he did not believe that Australia plan-ned to flood the Canadian market wth butter. le added: "We have an understanding -with Australia." COMPANY DID WELL MONTREAL, Dec. 5: Gross prof-Its of the Consolidated Mining it Smelting Co. for the year 1930 wers $7,060,000, lt was stated at a meet- rived there were great possibilities i inn of the board of directors here for this district. yesterday. British Liberals Have Made No Bargain With Labor Gov't But Do Not Want Baldwin In LONDON, Dec. 5: The wild horses of Wall Street hive dragged Great Britain over a rock road of f in-tniceIlklion, David. Lloyd George today told a council of his party. The mischief of Rt. Hon. Stanley Baldwin's United States debt settlement continues to spread, he said. "We are only beginning to realize what that terrible debt settlement means. That gold standard settlement was premature and ill thought out.tThe Liberal party hasfmade no deal to keep the Labor party in office but it has no-desire to see Rt. Hon. gtanley Baldwin become prime minister," Lloyd George said.