PAGE SIX IS 2 lift &7 TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA MIAMI Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City Phone 566 Rupert Motors Oarage and Service Station "" DODGE and ISANTAM AUSTIN Distributors FENDER AND BODY WORK A SPECIALTY gegB 1111 aem THE STUDIO LOWBOY Dr Alexander X-EAY SERVICE l'HONE 575 IIESNER BLOCK DEMIST COALf; Buy the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassldy-Wellington in any quantities. Also Uulkley Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 If you want anything, try a classified ad. General Electric Ltmboy $225X0 General Electric Highboy $275X0 General Electric Radio-Phonograph $397.50 General Electric Studio Lowboy $ 1 85X0 All prices compUu uich C.Q.E. Radiotront WILL there be a General Electric kadeoinymrhornc this Christmas? Will this marvelous product of General Dearie's "House of Magic" bring to you and yours the full beauty of Christmas music ... the promise of countless happy hours of entertainment during the New Year? Here b a gift that b worthy of its great name ..." General Electric" . worthy of the place of honor in your borne. Once you see it and hear k you will appreciate its remark' able Full Range Reception. RETURNS TO MONTREAL II. E. Pawson, assistant commer- I cial manager of the Power Corpor-1 ation of Canada, after having spent ' a few days here in connection with THE DAILY NEWS On Giritmas Morning GENERAL ELECTRIC'? RADIO , T Genera! Electric Radio ends forever the annoyance of overlapping stations It is so powerful that distant pro-crams come-in with volume ... so tenc-truc and vfvkl that you can readily imagine that the entertaining antes arc in your home. Choose from four beautiful models . . . priced as low as $185. Plan now to have a General Econc, Radio delivered the night before Christmas . . . convenient: terms will facilitate your purchase. GENERAL ELECTRIC FULL RANGE RADIO For Sale by Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited CjA NADIAN GENERAL E L E C T R I C WHAT INTEREST? DO YOU RECEIVE ON YOUK SAVINGS? 6 INTEREST, COMPOUND SEMI-ANNUALLY A lUte Compatible With Safety Is Paid By YORKSHIRE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION ' LOCAL AGENTS McCAFFERY, GIHIiONS & C0LLART, LTD. THIRD AVENUE TELEPHONE 11 C O I! RHJ36B t : LI M ITBD the official opening of the new lo cal hydro -electric power development, sailed last night on the as. Prince George for Vancouver en-route to his headquarters in MCvl. SOLD AT ALL GOVERNMENT LIQUOR. STORES This advertisement Is not published or displayed by tha Liquor Control Board or by the Government . of British Columbia. Another Appreciation Victor Radioi : Voiced By.P.LeRoss, Yard Foreman, at Pacific, B.C. MeRae Bros. Ltd, (Dear Sin: November 18. "The new Victor Radio received but evening to the "last word In radio.- it la certainly far beyond our expectation. We had most wonderful reception last night, and today have been getting countless stations. I hope you will sell many of then. Thanking: yon for kindles and courtesy." December 1 "The radio Is Just wonderful. We never fail to get programs, and all as clear as a belL It certainly gives us lots of pleasure." Victor Radios, both battery and electrical, give perfect satisfaction ALWAYS McRae Bros. Ltd. HARD TIMES DANCE HELD O. D. E. Affair Last Night In Aid of Christmas Itelicf Was Quite Successful j A very successful hard times ' dance was staged last night in the I. O. D. E. Hall by Queen Mary (Chapter. Imperial Order. Daughters of the Empire. There were about one hundred persons in attendance and the hall was crowded. Quite number of people came in appro prtate costume. The affair was in progress from 9 pjn. until 2 am. and fine music was provided by Mrs. J. S. Black's five-piece orchestra. A. E. Baiett- Jones was master of ceremonies. At midnight, delicious refreshment were served buffet style. Prises for the best hard times cos tumes were awarded to Mrs. H. L. Shadwell and C. J. Norrington. ThefebmmtUee in charge of the affair consisted of Mrs. C. E. Cullin, Mrs. James Simpson, Mrs. J. 8. Bod-die. Mrs. W. C. AspinalL Mrs. D. C. Stuart and Mrs. F. N. Oced. p. E. Cullin presided at the door. The proceeds, which were quite satisfactory, will be applied tol Christmas relief work. Presbyterian Church Women's Missionary Chrtstnenson. Society Officers On Wednesday evening the Worker's Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church elected the following officers for next year: President. Mrs. J. W. McKlnley. Vlee-preaiderit, Mrs. D. C. McRae. neeordinsr secretary. Mrs. J. Clark. Treasurer, Mrs. D. C. Stuart Welcome and welfare secretary. Mrs. F. Rice. O lad tidings secretary. Mrs. A social followed to which ail Presbyterians were invited. Rev Kennedy gave an Interesting talk on mission work. There were reci tations by Mrs. R. Cameron and Mrs. F. Rice, vocal solo by Mrs. W. W. C.' O'Neill, with Mrs. Black at trie piano: duet by Mrs. F. W. Hart and Mrs. W. D. Moxley, accompan led by Mrs. Black I vocal solo by Miss Beulah McKlnley, with Mrs. C. Oil ker at the piano. Oames, followed by refreshments, rounded out the eve ntng. William Leask, wiui his daugh tors, Rita and Hazel, left on the i Prince George last night for a hoi lday trip to Seattle. GOLF! GOLF! School Children SPECIAL PERIOD Saturday Morning 10 to 12 Saturday Evening Balagno's Six-Piece Orchestra Sunken Gardens Golf Course Corner Sixth 8t. ti Third Ave. Week-End Specials fswift's Picnic Ham Fresh stock, per lb Fine Navel Oranges 5 doz Malkln's Best Large Prunes 2'a, 2 pkgs. Red Arrow Soda Biscuits 2 PHI. - rrr. B. & K. Pastry Flour 10-lb. sack i Malkln's Best Custard Powder, 12-oz. tin CRISCO 3-lb tin Royal City Bean with Pork King Oscar Sardine per tin Holland Herrings per keg .: Wagstafrs Cut Mixed Peels 1-lb. pkg Malkln's Best Seedless Raisins 2 pkgs Shelled Walnuts Halls , 2 lbs Nabob Fancy Cleaned Currants, per pkg Argood Tomato Catmip 2's, 2 tins Comet Peas Size 4 per tin 25c 95c 55c 45C 50c 35c 85c 15c S1.50 35c 25c 75c 20c 55c 10c lAlberta Market P. GAMULA. Fifth Street Local People 'oprfetor Phone 20 Prize Winners AtSmithers In a recent hospital drawing at Smlthers, Prince Rupert people were among the prise winners as follows: II. R. HUL ease lighting naptha. H. C. De Wolf, sack of potatoes. Mrs. T. Preece, two chkkens. C. V. Evltt. 5-gallon cream can. Mrs. J. Preece, $15 accident Insur ance. Pete Salem, electric lamp. A. D. Gillies. oU painting. XMAS Specials SEEDED RAISINS 9 lbs. for CLEANED CURRANTS 7 lbs. for MIXED PEEL 4 lbs. for MIXED NUTS 4 lbs. for SHELLED WALNUTS per lb . 30c, 33c and (Fresh Stock) SHELLED ALMONDS per lb NEW STOCK DATES 13 lbs. for 95 c 95c 95c 95c ,40c 45c $1.00 GLAZED CHERRIES tZn per lb IOC CRANBERRIES per lb JAP ORANGES 2 boxes for 30c $1.95 FRESH ROAST PEANUTS OE 2 lbs. for tO CHRISTMAS CRACKERS. per box 25c S1.00 CHRISTMAS STOCKINGS- C each tn Peameal Back Bacon per lb 50c 40c Brookfleld Storage Extras in Car ton,, extra special AKn per doz tO th PRESH'STOCK Get Your Requirements Early The Economy Cash & Carry "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phone 3C0 319 Third Ave. TIIURS. & FRI. Two Shows 7 and r Richard Barthlemess IN in. The Dawn Patrel A Thrilling Drama of trt ltt In the Clouds A Fi.tu You"J Xerer Forg; t Novelty -Harpist Supr.-nr FOX NEWS Admission 'Hi Feature Starts at 7 : &. ) SATURDAY & MOND.U and Remember SATURDAY MATINEE at ) Gary Cooper in "The Tr & SATURDAY SPECIAL RY REQUEST Two Layer Devil Food Cake OU The Electric Hakcry FREE DELIVERY Third Avcf Thum b'.2 Order your Christmas C i-and Puddings now gaauauaiKiBLtsr : l THE CHIMES Of Our Wastmlnst. t am Clocks Bring B . "Memories of II'iic" The Chimes opera' fifteen minu' Buy one on our easy ' 1' Full Information at ' This plan places thl i ' clock within the re E Prices range from $35.00 to $65.00 J. H. Bulger OPTOMETRIST Cll Third Avenue W"t Phono 122 FREE! A guaranteed, hand enlargement from yi" snapshot or photo, t1' 25 to 50 lower priced 'M'1 competitors, Phone or wnt' V. B. Cornish, 411 7th Av . WESTERN SALES COMPAN P. O. Box 158 Centml i