Friday,, Decenbjr 5, 1920. L - "'" - - L THE DAILY NEWS lassitie i Advertisements. usiness and Professional Men s Guide. Legal Notices' A DAILY NEWS FOR SALE AD. WILL CONVERT THAT UNUSED PIECE OF FURNITURE INTO CASH. TRY IT! "Y , It - 1 N - V rr FOR SALE FOR SALE--Halibut Boat "Cape Swain," Apply E. Llpsett, Ltd. 283 SACRIFICE of new Mink Stole. Wonderful Christmas Gift. Apply Dally News Office. ;tf FOR SALE 16 h.p. Imperial Engine. Can be seen on "Bonlto", Cow Bay, Price $400. 239 CHEAPEST White Newsprint Paper for trapping or other purposes, may be -bought ten cents a core as long as they last. Daily News. . FOR RENT FLAT FOR RENT Wallace Bloc Enquire store. tf FURNISHED Apartments for rent Apply Mussallem Grocery, Phone 18. . (tf) FLAT for rent four rooms and bath, Sixth and Fulton. Phone 643. , ,tf FOR RBtTT-6-room house with both ,$n AUln Avenue. Phone BlacK487. 281 FOR RBNT Modern house, 3 rooms and bath. Apply Munro Bros. f FOR RENT Furnished apartments by day or week or month. Phone Red 607. if FOR RENT Room with board or batching. Heated' rooms, 704 Mc-Bride Street. tf FOR RENT Clean well furnished rao4cfp apartments. Palmer AparUnnts. Prion Red 444. t f To Rent Cosy Two & Three Roomed Apartments Freer use of electric light and washer Rentals $10 to $16 monthly DYF.U APARTMENTS 3RD AIT. SITUATIONS WANTED PROPERTY repairs. Plain furnl- ture made. J. Wtlkie, Phone j Black 703. 302 It., IMI Ull PRIVATE STENOGRAPHER Let me me write write and and address aaaress that mat letter letter from Santa Clause to you. Apply j 510 Sixth Avenue West. P.O. 300 BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room. Phone Black 707. ROOM and Board. Phone Red 129. tf TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Tmnsfer. Phone 177 Dry Birch, Cedar and Jack PlneJ u RED'S TRAN8FBR. Cartage and Furniture Moving. Phone 204. tf SAI.VACE AN1 TOWING "If It's on or under the water we do it-Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Ful'y Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work Arcnts for EASTHOrE ENGINES Boats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire Bargains In Gas Enrjnes Northern B.C. Distributors Coolldee Tropellcrs Sand and Orarel m any quantity, delivered anywhere by water rhone, Day or Night 561 PO. Itox 15M ft RPATt np niARRES The following Is the scale of charges made for readlnir sotlces: Marriage and Engagement announcements 22. name. Birth Notices 60c Funeral Notices SI. Cards of Thanks. $2. 4 7nn.1 PlAAra lfle Tier ! a HMVi a ivttvsh - - , . AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART I We buy, sell or exchange any kind of furniture or household goods, musical Instruments, machinery, etc. General repairs, crating, packing ahd : shipping. .Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone' Black 120 and we will call. G. J. DAWES, Auctioneer., Federal Block. tf SECOND-HAND UEALEHS New and Second-Hand Goods Bought, Sold or Exchanged W. H. Montgomery 3rd Avenue Phone Blue 339 CniROPRACTIC Sunshine and Red Ray Treatments Nervous, Female and Children' Diseases Specially Treated W. C. ASPINALL (Chiropractor) "f Phone Green 241 6 & 7 Exchange Blk. (Opp. Orme's) Indians Leave For Thutade Lake Rescue Definite word that three Indian guides and two dog teams left Takla Lake for Thutade Lake to bring out Pilot Rsl. Van Der Byl and Air Engineer T. H. Creasy of Vancouver, who have been marooned there since November 11, has been received by the authorities. Van Del Byl and Creccy were left at Thutade Lake when the plane in which they were flying to AUln from Vancouver was nearly frozen in. The plane was unable to take off with a heavy load and Pilot W. A. Joerss flew out alone, leaving the two men equipped with a food sup- ply for at least six week. The Indians left Takla with full equipment more than a-week. age. it is stated. .... T Wfflt6r 1 TID Un i . lelegraph Line Story Subject An article of exceptional Interest describing a winter trip over the SMOKER FOR CHEER FUND Very Successful Affair Staged Last Night By Elks' Lodge To aid the Christmas Cheer fund, v... T 4.nnA m vWt to Norway uk theextended cessful smoker night In lodge home. A large crowd was in attendance and a very satisfactory amount was realized. Featuring the evening's program was a card of exhibition boxing bouts all of which were keenly contested. The card was as follows: Marvin Rowe vs. Dynamite Eck- ert, flyweights. Benny Wendle vs. Billy Bagahaw, junior welterweights. Nina Gurvich vs. G. Holm, welter weight. . Dido Gurvich vs. AfRsLflt heavy- iv.. . . k . .. ... a. - l j i.UHLRjm Jl aii ine Doxers aonaijy u-mv W toe TW- In a novelty bout, BMple'was successful In retotauttss barrel boxing title after a httt fight with SUl'Lamble. Roi Barnes refereed all bouts. Associated with Mr. Barnes in staging the boxing card was 8tan Moran. A good program of entertainment Included monologues and Jokes by M. J. Dougherty; sorlgs by the Harmony Herd; vocal duets by Johnson Smith and Joe Scott: fine banjo and guitar selections and songs by Bert Ryan and Billy Baynes; saxophone solos by Fred Kennedy ; selections by Charlie Balagno's or chestra: step dancing bj asm Joy and J. Leigh; club swtngmgby Fred Stephens, and Russian aance oy Jimmy Andrews and Paul Armour, Bert Mortan3rasTO8teml:cere-monies. J. J. Mulligan presided at the door. The raffle of a $10 and a $6 gold plee resulted in Tom Sharkey and Joe Brown being the respective win ners. CiPit. steamer Princess Mary Capt. S. K. Gray, arrived in port at 2 o'clock this afternoon from Vancouver via Ocean Falls and other points and will sail at 10 o'clock soul Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert December 5, 1910 The Salvation Army Citadel here was formally opened yesterday by William Manson M.P.P. who used a Mayor Fred Stork and Aid. F. H. Mobley. representing the city. Ma Jor and Mrs. Morris are the officers u v-"'. lice court charged with fighting While engaged in their duties in the dead of night, they started to ex change blows on Blghth Avenue Magistrate Cans has overruled Chief of Police McCarvell and has ordered that Neil Mackay, a local wuwi ww ""' out. had a right to stay in city po lice court and record the proceed Inai McCarvell charted that Mac ....... i u...w - have Deen regaroea as coniraenwai nnnnM.tlnn .nh th "hlaplc1 : " .. handing" of AW V. W. Smith. : FATHER Yukon, Telegraph trail north of silver key in ntngtng wwe me aoors. Haselton and Klsplox appears in ;, All the pastors of the city were pre-the current number of the Cana- tent at the ceremony as well as dlan Geographical Journal. The ! article was written by Diamond 1 JJennesa who made a trip through inai country in reuruujy, ivi wiui Antru Beaton, well known old! timer of the north, as his guide. , Two city scavengers appeared be-There are profuse Illustrations fore Magistrate Carts in city po- which are quite as interesting as j the reading matter itself. ADVERTISING COPY . MUST BE IN EARLY Copy for dlipiay advenise- w, .hmiM be in the hands ' of the printers not later than . . tr, nnhii. cation. This is necessary to en- tawe able best PH"U positions to be se- curea. T Ma44444t4444 BRINGING UP I M -i -WOOCHT I THE OPeRA. IT evening at the home of Mrs. Hans Underdahl. Beach Pta with Mrs. Iluseby and Miss Lillian Ivarson as hostesses. There was an op ening solo by Mrs. J. H. Hanson ' anil Srrlnt.nrp ronrtinir anri nravnr I as then conducted by Rev. J. H. Hanson. Community stngtn: of hymns followed fend an address psasiBtven by Paitl 01sea qci Mar- na. Mary and LafaTpufTjiere was then another dut by Mrs. Han son and Mr. Olsen and the pastor made suitable remarks. The closing item was a hymn sung by the au dlence. -Delicious refresh menu were ser ved and the proceedings came to a close") with a social hour. There was a large attendance. ort a . Is Presented But Will Not Be Made Public Until I Next Session ot- Legislature, Premier Tolmie States Mr. Justice W. A. Macdonald has placed the report of his enquiry isto the dismissal of Norman A. Watt as government agent here in the hands of the government, Victoria dispatches to Vancouver papers state. The report will not be made public until it has been presented to the House at the next session of the legislature. Premier Tolmie states. land act ..... , .y a . . amice ui iotpsoo to ppit-w urw Fareeiters In Range 8, Oo&st IXatrltt, Lani Recording DlrtrlK of Prtece Rupert, and situate on Zayas Island ot West shore ttta, 1 and one-quarter mOj south of the north west earner or the Island. Take notice that The Oanailaa FHh-mg Co Ltd, of Vancouver, B.C. oocit-natloa Pish Packers Intends to apply lor a leane or the Milowng deaorlbed roreahore:-- Osmaaencing at a post planted 1 an1 oee-ajwarter rMSea south ot the North west cornci of - Zayas Itianl: thence Nortlt at id enawa; uteno west s thence South west 10 etoalru; I Cast 8 ehalna and coatainles St um, more or lea. THE CANADIAN 1Mlt,..M FISHINO CO. lTO LTD, Dated soot 4th, iseo. per A. H. Holland, Agent OOK1T THIKIK O0(LU EVER OKlDERtTAMO LOCAL ITEMS Mrs. D. Lidstone sailed last night on the Prince George for Vancouver. Mrs. John Ivarson is expected 1 home Sunday or Tuesday from an .Elmer Nelson, represneting Inter-Mountain Building and Loan Association of Canada, returned yesterday afternoon from a business visit to Smlthers. Lionel Richardson. Vancouver insurance adjuster, who has been visiting the city on official business, will sail by the Cardena tonight on his return south. steamer Prince William, William Thomas, In the ree- of a resular vovaae to the dueeh Charlotte Islands, was re ported this afternoon to be' Moral-'' bound at Rose Spit. West End Ladies' Aid Has Meeting The West End Ladles' Aid Of St. -.ul's Lnth,nn Church met MlZL Xt t v omYift4tv T UKG THh,T MOSlC T Ti sWi II.-1 ; : 1 I NOTICE TO CREDITORS . , IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP OEOROE SKIDOFP DECEASED ALIAS BORYS 8KIZAK ALIAS JURKO 6KI- ZAK ALIAS JURKO SKIDIFF. NOTICE l hereby given that all per- sons having cUlma agalnat the above i named late of Anchorage. Territory of i Alaska, United State of America, and formerly of the. City of Prince Rupert in the Province of British Columbia. Canada, who died at Anchorage aforementioned on the Stb day of February 1929. are required to send particulars thereof, duly vert 1 fled, to the undersigned on or before the 5th day of Jan nary. 1931. after which date it inn proceed to distribute the assets of the Desed among the persons entitled hereto, having regard only to the. claims of which it shall then have had notice. DATED at Vancouver. SC.. this 17th day of November, A X- 1930. MONTREAL TRUST COMPANY. 814 Pender Street West, Vancouver, B.C. Administrator of the Estate of the above-mentioned George Bkldoff. Deceased within the Province of British Columbia. n26. 62-10-17. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE JJf THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OF HBNUY MANUEL RICHAKU9UN, Deceased. KOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all cydlttirs and other persons having any claims or demands isalnst the estate of Henry Maoutl Richardson. Testator, late of Prince Rupert, In the County of Prince Rupert. Deceased, who died on the 2nd dsv of Aurust 1930 and I whose will was proved in the Prince October mo by Alex straehan cf Rupert, B.C.. Laundry Manager, the only Executor therein named who had not renounced, are hereby required to send particulars In writing ot their claims and demands to us the under signed solicitors for the said Executor on or before the 31st day of January 1091 . , .i.AA.MntU4 after which dtte the said Executor wQl proceed to distribute the assets or the aid Henry Manuel Richardson deceased amongst tne parties entitled tnerero having regard only to the claims and demand of which he shall then have bad notice and the said Executor wUl not be liable tor the assets ef the deceased, or say tart thereof, so distributed to any person or persons of whose claims and demand! be shaU not then have had notice. DATED this 1st day ot Kovemoer. 19S0. . ,. r t - WILLIAMS, MANSON, OONZAXES S TAYLOR Beener Block. Prince Rupert, BE, Solicitors for the Executor, Alex Straehan. v LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Lease Foreshore In Range 8, Coast District, Land Recording District ot .Prince Rupert, and situate on an unnamed Island lying one mile North ot Hayatack Island. Take notice that The Canadian Fishing Oo. Ltd.. ot Vancouver. BC occupation Fish Packers Intends to apply for a lease ot the following deacrUcd foreshore: Commencing at a post planted on n unnamed Island approximately one-quarter of a mile North and -one-half Of a mile West of Lot 0922 R. 8 Coast. thence West chains; thence South 19 chains: thence East 8 chains more or less to shore line; thence North westerly along high water mark to point ot sommenceoient and containing o acre m?re or leas. THE CANADIAN FISHINO CO. LTD. per A H. Holland, Agent. Dated Sept. 4th. 1930. i.Avn act Notice of Intention to apply to Lease, Foreshore k In Range 8, Coast DUtrlct, Land Re- iaertteg District of Prince .Rupert, anfl fftmre ui Zsyas Island, one-quarter cf a mne noun eaat or tne oouuj ran corner. Take notice that The Canadian Fish ing Oo. Ltd. ot Vancouver, B.C. occu pallon FUh Packers Intends to apply for a lease ot the following describe foreshore: Commencing at a post planted one- quarter of a mile North esn oi tne South east corner of Zayas Island: thence North east 10 chains: thence South east 8 chalna; thence south weal 10 chains; thence North wet 8 chains and containing 8 acres, more or less. THE CANADIAN FISHINO CO. LTD www a ij was ratlin awnL Dated 6ept r lit. IM0. Get the Aa. reading nablt. It pays. i m htko OlO VOU S KEEN' A LAND RECORD INO DISTRICT . . ...v. ... . " w ... j of Vancouver. B.C. occupation, flab packer. intend to apply for a lase at foliowl dtrltiS f ohorV. MtU- ate on Naas Harbour, fronting on Lot 3. Range 6 coart District: Commencing poet pUnted on the east side of Naas Harbour, thence west 15 chains, more or tne opooslte shore: thence southerly, easterly, and northerly, fol lowing high water mark, to the point oi commencement, and containing twenty-five acres, more or less. Dated 9th August, 1930. J. H. BushneU. Agent BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHINO As PACKINa CO, LTD LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Leae Foreshore In Casslar District Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on Dog Plan Bay on Portland canal Take notice that The Canadian Plan-lm Co. Ltd. of Vancouver. B.C. oecu patlon Flan Packers tnteads to a) or a lease of the following described foreshore: Commencing at a post planted at at tbs South west oomer of Lot 627 Cas'lar District; thence West S chain; IthencM North 10 chains; thence Basr I chains more ot less to high water; mark; thence South westerly following ; high water mark to point ot commence ment; and containing S acres, more or lees. THE CANADIAN FISHINO CO. LTD. per A. H. Holland. Agent. Dated Sept. flth, 1930. LAND ACT Notice ot Intention to apply to Lease Pores here In Range 8, Coast Dtttrtct, Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at BaKlett Point on the South West of Wales Island. Take notice that The Canadian Fishing Co. Ltd.. of VAnoouver. DC, occupation Flab Packers Intends to apply for a lease of the following described foreshore: Commencing at a post planted at Bartlett Point, on South West shore it Wales Island, thence West S chains: thence South 10 chains; thence East 1C chains to high water mark; tbenre north westerly foUowing hicn water mark, and containing 10 acres, more it the Canadian nsHiNo co. ltd. per A. H. Holland. Agent uateo sept. Tin, L.4ND ACT Notice ot Intention to apply to le rsreahore In Raaee 8. Coast umrtrt. Land Re cording District ot Prince Rupert, and situate on tne west wore oi ine moat westerly of White Island Droop. 1 and one-halt mUes west of the Arnlston Point. Dundu Island. Take notice that The Canadian Flaa In? Co. Ltd, of Vancouver. BC, occupation Fish Packers Intends to apply for a lease of the following described foreshore: Commenclns at a post planted on North west corner of the most westerly of the White Wand oreup. thenci south 10 chalna. thence West 8 chalna. tbence North 10 chalna; thence East f chalna and containing 8 acres, more or less. THE CANADIAN F.SH1NO CO. LTD. per A. H. Holland, Asent. Dated September 6th. 19S0. LAND ACT Notice ot Intention to apply to Leaar roreenore In Range 8, Coast District. Land Re J5iT MrtTpZ nurZ and SJJf Nr situate on the North end of r Hayatack .tk u'anl- KKJOW , THNT tl TMAT 1K1 -THE THiRO , W ii I 4 ! I IWll -Jr IjMOi Istn Etalio eWstik ta., Ortal BrHala nt19rMnK Singer Sewing " Machines On Easy Monthly Payment! As low as $3.00 per month Cheaper to uuy than rent All makes of machines re paired. McRAE BROS. LTD. Nelson's Beauty Parlor Croguignole Permanent Wave Guaranteed $7.50 Skilled artists in all branches of beauty culture 811 Third Street Phone Blue 561 Wood and Coal Cheer up! The best was coming. ' Now It's Here Try our new coal Just arrived CASEY'S CARTAGE & FUEL CO. i Telephone 303 ' , KIRS. JAMES CLARK Palmistry and 'Crystal Reading White House 225 Second Ave. Telephone 167 1931 Wallpapers Now in stock SllVERSIDES BROS. Third Avenue LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to tease Foreshore In Range 8. Coast District, Land Re- cording District of Prince Rupert, and situate . " on the East shore ot Dundaa Is. , T -,,,.,, I -r.v. .Ml.. Ail Th namillin Wlah. I ,Per ner A H f:,iu,lBa Hollaed Agenfc Aenfc. LAND AC1 . j Notice of Intention to apply to Lease ' ' Foreshore In Range 8, Coast District, LandRe-cording District of Prince Rupert, and l situate on the West abort of Dundaa ' Island, t miles South raat of the most . westerly d the White Island Group. i North west 10 chains; thence South west o ciains; inence aouin ess: tu chalna: thence North east 8 chains and containing 5 acres, more or less. THE CANADIAN FISHINO CO. LTD. per A. H. Holland. Agent. Dated Sept. 1st. 1S30. liC oviwTrtBC ' 18 O IAd-. i Vancouver. B.C, occu-JES" lrttoo oecu- pl7iLJ ZZil Ptcm Flah Packers Intends to apply W?.!o?1t& th toU0W,n a"cn lr?t?v t. t!l rnda, Island oppwite Oreen Wand llZXZ: iLi V?l Ughthouse: tbence East S chains; thenoe Jth : le'to h2' N 10 chains: thence West S chains JLv J,, m. or i-t.Jf. fl? m to high water mark; J?ilf itn ZL.JZ.Sll ""rt Point of commencement and commencement, and containing 8 acres. i oentaUUll,5 lcre,. more "r lea, mere or ies. n,NAnI.u rraimtn CO. LTii THE CANADIAN ITSHINO OO. LTD. xr A. H. HoOaad. Agent. tND ACT .. Notice ot Intention to apply' to Lease Foreshore In Range 8, Coast Dlitrlet. Land RO cording DUtrlct of Prince aupcrt. and situate on the -South end of Haystack "If'tnd. Take notice that The Canadian Flab- Take notice that The c.-nadiau nan-lng Co. Ltd, of Vancouver, B.C.. occu- log Co. Ltd. of Vancouver. B.C., occupation FUh Packer Intends to apply , patlon Fish Pa:kers Intends to apply tor a lease of tLe following descrlbM for a lease of the following dtacrlbel foreshore: foreshore: Commencing at a post planted at the I Commencing at a post planted at the south-east corner ot Haystack Island: outh entrance to a Bay lying about J thence South 8 halns; thenee West 10 1 mUes south east of the ravtt westerly chains; tbence North 8 chains, mere -r of the White Island Qroup: thfnce leas to high water mark; thence South- easterly, following high water mark to point of commencement, and containing S acres, more or lass. THE CANADIAN FISHINO CO. LTD. per A. H. Holland, Agent. Lated Sept. 7th. 1930. TYPEWRITERS, No other value ran approach' the special REBUILT UNDERWOOD S $75.00 Very ay terms All other makes from 113.00 , BL'NUSTRAXn ADDING MACHINES United Typewriter Co. Ltd. VANCOUVER. BC By George MeManus Ar4' M THE FOURTH tKCT - THE HOOUO HCsNe OSSO DHOT REA1, POlOMl UP f ' - it I I!