r &?r. baa 10 n 91 ? I PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS. HAS DEBUT fb'efeaied NewYorker in First Ca. GIANTS LOST Downed By Lowly Brooklyn 'Robins Athletics Win Over Boston NEW YORK, April 29: The American League leading Washington Senators defeated the cellar dwelling New York Yankees yesterday by the narrow margin of 6 to 5. The Philadelphia Athletics col lected four runs without maklne a hit in the ninth inning to defeat the Boston Red Sox, 5 to 4. In the National League, the New York Qiants lost their first game of the season when Brooklyn Robins made a three-run rally in the ninth; National League Brooklyn 7, New York 6. Boston 4, Philadelphia 7. St. Louis 8, Cincinnati 3. Pittsburg 4, Chicago 7. American League New York 5, Washington 0. Philadelphia 5, Boston 4. Chicago 9, Detroit 7. Cleveland 3, St. Louis 1. TEAM STANDINGS National League W. L. New York 7 1 PJtUburg . ....a ,2 fBoston .4 - 4 Chicago 7 7 St. Louk 6 7 -PhilarMpltta A 6 'Brooklyn 13 7 Cincuinati 2 8 American -League W. L. Washington .o 2 -Philadelphia i 4 biSt. Louisa L J16 5 Boston .4 7 Detroit .'4 9 New York .2 7 Pet. .875 ".200 .500 .500 .462 .400 .300 City Council Votes .273 Pet .818 .635 .000 .566 .515 2U 20$ 22Z -TSum For Repairing fc of Sports Grounds The city council last night adopted a report from the board ' of works recommending the expenditure of $S50 in improving the ball park at Acropolis Hill. The work is already under way in preparation for the season's sports. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL YESTERDAY'S SCORES English League, First Division Sheffield Wednesday 1, Birmingham 1. ..English League, Third Southern 'Norwich 1, Plymouth 2. English League, Third Northern Darlington 3, Crewe 0. PRINCE RUPERT irliHNALSIN DEFEATS ANYOX , IN BASKETBALL , ! ANYOX, April M: The' I third game of the series of four for the Northern Brlilsh Columbia championship gave prince Rupert an 18-point lead" ' with one more game to play. The score of last nicht crimp was Prince Rupert, 19; Anyox, ' 17. '4 ! B.C. GETS BIG EVEN T Olympic Swimming Trials to Be Staged in Vancouver and Victoria MONTREAL, AprU 9: At the aiuiual meeting of the 'Canadian Amateur Swimmiag'As-sooiaUon, it was decided hat the swimming trials for the 1932 Olympics should be held m Britbh Columbia divided between Vancouver and Victoria. The meeting also awarded the XM-yaids free-style race for men indoor and the 510-yard free-style men's indoor championship swims (o British Columbia. . BALL TEAM ON MAY 24 Playing of Double-Header Planned in Connection With EWcs Excursion Here on Holiday Uils advertisement is Tiot published or displayed by the Liquor 'Cofltfol Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia. ADMDfFON Miss Currie-Miss Thompson, Nor ringlon-Darton and Norring-ton-Miss Currie Winners at'Rupert Cast Miss Elizabeth Currie and Miss f Bessie Thompson were winners of - tne ladies' doubles,' C. J.sNorrineton and Shelf ord Darton the men's doubles and Miss Elizabeth Currie and C. J. Norrington the mixed doubles in the finals of RuDert East j United Church Badminton Club's ;city open tournament which were played last night. Miss Currie and Miss Thompson, won the ladies' doubles by beating Miss Laura Friaell and Miss Mary Astoria, 15-8. 15-11. Norrington and Darton cabtured the men's -doubles by defeating H. T. Cross and W. Cross. 15-8. 15-11. Norrington and Miss Currie were victors in the mixed doubles over A. Field and Miss Rosemary Win- slow, 15-11, 15-11. In an exhibition men's slneles. S. D. Johnston won 9-11, 11-10, 11-5 over Frank Russell. After the games, Rev. C. E. Motte presented the cuds to their win ners whom he congratulated on their prowess. C. J. Nofrintton also spoke briefly. Tasty refreshments were served with Mrs. B. G. Beale, Mrs. J. W. Moorehouse, Mrs. A. Gomez and, Mrs. C. E. Motte in charge. Sport Chat Although nothing has been published about, the matter for the last week or so, the project for thei establishment of a gymnasium in! There is to be an Elks' excursion !PrlnC RuPert. Mch was recently from Ketchikan to Prince Rupert I revlved the yro club- ls by np May 24, the feature of which will a baseball double-header, it was learned at last night's council meet ing when F. H. Stephens, exalted ruler of the local lodge, had a letter before the board seeking permission to use the Acropolis Hill grounds for that purpose on Victoria Day. It is planned to have a return excursion from Prince Rupert to Ketchikan on July 4. Permission was granted the lodge to use the grounds provided that it co-operates with other sports organisations which might be desirous of using the grounds on the holiday. Mayor Orme stated that he understood the Fair Board was not Intending to put on a May 24 celebration this year. T. Kaye of the Union Co., is a passenger aboard the Catala today returning to Vancouver. ujcuus urau. necenuy. Dr. i. w. Kergin took the matter up with Y.M.C.A. officials in Toronto and has written to the club announcing that an organizing secretary of that organization may be expected in the city before long to make a survey of the situation. The announcement has been confirmed by other correspondence. Relieving local interests of much of the intricate organization work although it would still necessitate the required money being raised here, the entry of the Y.M.C.A. here appeals to many as the' ideal way of consummating this long wanted project. SERVUSWINS METROPOLITAN Highbury Second and Jugo Third In Race at Epsom Downs Yesterday EPSOM, England, April 29: Lord Derby's Servus won the Metronoll tan Stakes yesterday.. Highbury,.wkf 1 secoriu And -Jugo, third. Seventeen horses ran. Annual Dance of Knights Templar Enjoyable Affair Held Last Night in I,'0.D;E. Hall By Kincolith Preceptory The annual dance last night -In' the I.ODM. Hall of Kincolith Pro-; ,ceptory, Knights Templar, was tr well attended and very enjoyable ! affair. Music was by Mrs. Black's' I orchestra and dancing was in 'pro gress from 0 pjn. until 2 a.m. Jwlth, 4 H.. Munro as master of t)ejj- laniea. 'At mldrilcht delicious refresh- ments were served and, during the supper period, D. B. Finn sang vocal solos and William Beaumont played 'cello solos, both numbers being much enjoyed. The hall was tastefully decorated for the occasion. Father Chartiez, O.M.I., Roman Catholic priest at Anyox. is a vis itor in the city, having arrived on trjOr Catala .this m6rnlng from the sipelter tovn. ' . Last Night TORONTO. AprU 29-Kld Chocolate,.' Cuban featherweight, made his Canadian debut herclast night and gained a decision over Johny Erickson of New York in a ten round bout. TOWNSEND IS WINNER Took Decision From Al Gordon 'of Philadelphia ih'Bout Last Night VANCOUVER, Ajfrll 9. Billy Townsend of Yarietiuver took a 'close 10-rouiid decision from At Gordon, 'Philadelphia southpaw, 'in Monday night's main 'event here. Townsend, weighing, 111, had a six-pound advantage over Gordon who 'weighed In at 135. fin the preliminaries, Danny Pscoe of Victoria slugged his way -to a decision over George Ainsworth of Vancouver, and Albie Davies, also of Victoria, 'easily outboxed Jackie Knott of Vancouver. Tommy Loughran Loses Decision Ernie Schaaf. Boston Sailnr. U'nn Call Over Former Light Heavy Champ Last Night PHILADELPHIA. ADril 29-iErnIe oeuaai, uoston sailor boy, won a reierees decision from Tommy Loughran, former light heavyw weight .champion, in a ten-round bout here last night. LIGHTING OF STREETS Agreement Finally Reached tween City and Northern B. C. Power Co. Be- On recommendation of the util ities committee, the city council finally decided last night to enter into an agreement with the North ern British Columbia Power Co. for the Installation of 29 ornamental standards lighted with 300-watt lamps on streets in the downtown section wht -h now have those ru ral appearing and much-discussed festoon lights. The cost of the new street lighting system will be $1303 per year as against $1392 which is at present the charge. These figures will form the basis of the agreement with the newer com nan v for the new system. Should it be round necessary or desirable at a later date to put In lamps larger than 300-watt. the cost would be corresporidingly higher. It ls ex pected, however, that the 300-watt lamps will suffice. Thev will, at loast, be a great improvement oyer me present system tooth in ab- pearance and in illumination fti tensltv. fjn addition to havlnir th? advantage of costing loss. Aid. Pullen thought a very gorjd bargain had been struck. It should be remembered that this downtown section pf the city always had pild more than its share for street Illumination. The centre of the cfty was paying for the street llghtlrlj of the outskirts. Aid. Riidderham thought it wa very satisfactory that better lliti-.nlnatldn should be obtained foi less cost. He thought that the ;3do-watt lamps, running four or five to the block, should nrovidf. suffi. dent illumination. . PAKlfOT DISEASE , IN VANCOUVER, BiC . 4. VANCOUVER, April 29-rSlx " persons, three In Biirnsby and three 'n New Westminster are suffering from Psittaco-' sis or Tarrbt Disease and health authorities df the low- er mainland arc eridcavour- lng to locate paroketts which are alleged to have been land- ed here recently from a ship from Yokohkma. ; TO talif: JUST think of it! You can buy a COM. today for the lowest price in )0 years! The same reliable C:C. 1 -j , iyv, that has made CCM. bicycles the overwhelming choice of riders all over Canada, The price has come down simply because more people are riding CCAIs than ever before. CCM. output has Increased so greatly that they can manufacture in bigger lots, which naturally V - ui maning each bicycle Your nearer f!rf :n . , William Thomas is Skipper arid Mc Gregor White Chief Engineer of Prince William Remember only a CCM. has thei six big features: 1. CCM. 20-year Nickel Plating. 2. CCM. Triplex Crank Hanger. 3. CCM. Improved Hercules Coaster Brikc. 4. Three Coats of CCM. Enamel baked on over a Coat of Rust-Proof, '3. Gibson Pedals (on most models), 6. Dunlop Tires. , . n j , m girc you me new iyju uual catalogue, or oYvancSm & Umited' Wc5ton (Onutio), Montreal, Uinmptg VVOT JO cycles also OOM-Joycycles for Children C. C. M. Bicycles are on sale at u w McRAE BROTHERS LIMITED, Prince Rupert A Complete Line 'of G. C. M. Bicycles on sale in Prince Rupert at TOM BALLINGER'S, 3rd Ave. OFFICERS 'FollOWlnc Will hfl th rv'Hnnl mil nf fleers-of the. n&v tMn n.in William which will Inaugurate local Dock. service out of here Thursday to the i Queen Charlotte Islands and Naas' and Skeena Rivers : Captain, William Thomas. Chief Officer. E. C. 8wank. Second Officer, B. Kenny. Chief Engineer, McGregor White. Purser, John Jenkins. Chief Steward. A. Brash. The Prince William will carry a rew of about U offlctirs and men. Federal Block Changes Handi ale of Well Known Building Re-poited,,ly9ilay th6ufh Not Officially Confirmed It ls reportod that the three-storey Federal Block nn Third Avenue near the earner of Third Street is being purchased by TJnn Brown, well known electrlda n. from Wro J. J. Dore of Victoria While no of- ti ncmi announcemrnt I v.w. Wu was available avauaoie SOFTBALL NEW BOAT SCHEDULE May 2 Roundhouse vs. Station. May 3 Dry Dock vs, Offices. Saturday 3 pjn. May ft Of flees vs. Roundhouse. May -9-tStatlOn vs. pry Dock. May 13-Offlcea-Vs. tntlfln. iiay ' i o Koundnouse vs. Dry May 20 Station vs. Roundhouse. way 23 Off ices vs. Dry Dock. May 27 Dry Dock vs. Station. May 30 Roundhouse va Offices. June 3 Officii vs. Station. June ft DryDdck vs. Roundhouse. June 10 station vs. Roundhouse. June 13 Dry bock vs. Offices. June 17 SkatliJ vs. Dry Dock. June 20 Roundhouse vs. Offices. Jluld 24 Roundhouse vs. Dry LDock. R June 27 Station vs. Offices. AH games will be played at 7 pjn. with 'exception 6f .the one scheduled May 3 which will be played at 3 pjn. Vancouver Wheat HI 'Maninth flh Jake say lar buying he could sec lip NOW he is !.:.: that's what n. optimistic. Jeke went out :in Upward Into n ,A drop of watrr f j Just hit him in He did not He could n'i But he wns - : To hit you w ' I Yoa may li V man who bo.iu'' because he .where he p.irki. Impetuni.;: v eyes, declares ;" clology. Jnkc told that wiir."t ' He not JmprMi 'u someone landed - .,. nnrt Un mni hlll.it f Of VANCOUVER, April 29 Wheat! black lor a m today at $1.04. An itching rash A blemished skin Eczema? jjsel ; cued the ej sun . the f mi list .. ...A I he r i petering out '!'!' Ma"' inftt Seem to w . . . .vncftf not even lain) t' ,aU a martyr. Will DDI) heal bve rnleht? Sometimes These arc MJnmi - today, It was understood that. fh' Mnm nfim it iihM inn : .f: ... .u. Tt movei'' deal was throueh ornearlv thrnucrv, tlio nokon completely and resinr t. : i .nt tD. i'The bullriln fj.n,u . ..." wiiootli. clear cklh. Hut the Imi-nln """V" """'"'. tto lUxluMli ' V 7 "-i 1lillcl'lnir. the Irritation, are .ootlied. ;t,mes t0 K,!, p tooled, Instantly. slon. 41 4