II Arri) 29, 1930. KODAK TIME IS HERE V .-arry a fuljline of Brownies and Kodaks )v i s to suit every purse from the Brownie tt Cine Kodak and Films to fit them all. Dally Photo Finishing Service 7?w. Pioneer Drucotss HDAVL OSIXln ST. TELEPHONIC 8?6 20C Three Graduate Pharmacists UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Hn!Ufic f rwn Mure Rupert ' " VER, VICTORIA. Butedalt-. Alert Bay. etc Tuenday 330 Dm 'l.J?- VICTOUU. Ilutedule. Alert B. c.. Fd .M..h7 I ;, A i; ARM. AMIJX, HTr.tVAUT, Ka. K4er. Vim Miiuio-T Cu. cjjy S-W o.ro. I vtPSON Dd WAUE8 ISLAND. IhUMday pjn Mi V .-tnie K M SMITH trrnt Irinr RiiDert It f B. C. Coast Steamship Service SAILINGS FROMTRLNCE RUPERT To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway pril 9, 19. 30. To Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle-April 2. 13. 23. Princess Mary Ocean Falls, etc, Vancouver and vitunu. every rTicay, w pjn AcenU For All Steamship Lines f Orrhard, Grneral Agent, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert. Phone 31 an ad ian National nc Lnrpcst JUiilwav ovStem in America XmiSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE . irom PRINCE RLTERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, jl and intermediate, point. Thursday & Sunday 10 p.m. and STEWART each Wednesday & Saturday at 4 pjn. lU'I and SOITII QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, Wed-- at 10 p.m. ' NJU VER POINTS. Mondays. 8 ajn, effective May 5. s HIVER POINTS, Tuesdays, 8 a.m., effecUve May 6. P SSNGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT ;'Vi WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 11:30 ajn. for i CEORGE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all points East- i. ada, United States. Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines i Kft OHire, 528 Third Ave., Prince Rupert Phone 260 GARDEN SUPPLIES : KES, SPADES. WIIEE L-BAUKOUS, GAKDEN SEEDS I'OKKS, TKOWLS, SHEARS. I HID O 1 Specialties kdge Grain Roat Cedar. Kiln Dried Edge Grain Hemlock Flooring r ui an d CMar Shiplap, Boards, Dimeiylons and Tleilrs Etc. ( Jd lots off-grade material at reduced prices. 7Jm iKli I)2!IED SPRUCE, CEDAR AND HEMLOCK I II, CEILING, RUSTIC, MOULDINGS, ETC. BIG BAY LUMBER CO., LTD. trufacturers Prince Kupert, D.C. pily New$ Want Ads. bring quick Results I Local Items Dentist, Dr. 686. GIRLS! J. R. Gosse, Phone Accounts for the two weeks ending April 24 totalling $8,208.22 were passed for payment by the city council last night. The city council last night took up further business In connection with the .proposed building or a road down the east side of Hays Creek to connect the new fisher- : men's floats with Sixth Avenue. . Big: Dance given by the grain-boat steamship "Itoxen" Wednesday evening, in Moose Hall from 9 to 1. Music by Premier Orchestra. Admission, Gents 75c. Ladies 25c. Everybody welcome. 99 Aid. P. H. Linsey asked the city council last night if something! could not be down about the condition of a piece of sidewalk on Pulton Stmt near Sixth Avenue which, every time it rained, became flooded. He suggested that the Board of Works put in necessary drains! Gtty Engineer P. N. Good stated that it had been drained off i only three or four months ago but had filled up again. "Then I would suggest that you give us a ferry," responded Aid. Linzey, always Galvanized Iron, Pipe Fittings, Belting, Etc. Pull line of- new and used Oalv and Black Pipe and Fitting: new Rubber Belt. I to lS-)nch: also Pyramid Hair Belt, lst English make, very duraM: new Corrugated Iron. 6. a and 10 tt ihMti, alwayi In (toek; tuad flat Oalv Sheets. SS-lneb By 10 ft. Fall stew of Steel Split Pulleys: Potato and Oram Sacks: Barbed Wire; W.r I Hope; Canvas: Doers; Windows; Roof-! lug Nt; Garden and Air How: Boom i Chains; Merchandise and equipment I of ail descriptions. Enquiries solicited. 1SS PowsU St. Vancouver, B.C. a c. Ji'Mv co. Tel) him Drivurself Taxi Walker Motor Co Ltd. Distributors of CHRYSLER and PLYMOUTH CARS COMMODORE CAFE The latest thing in lunch counters just installed. Delicious Waffles Served by means of very latest Equipment Business Men's Lunches a Specialty Get the Commodore Habit TrlOMPSON HARDWARE Co. Ltd. I hotel arrivals Central Hotel IMlMt NEW MANAClF.MtNT Strum llrnt-O: Traiellrn' Sample l(nom; I lot and Cold Mater Free llu Mirtv All Tralni and Kates $1.04 and Up M'LCIAL MOMIILV RATI.S C. it. BIGGAKT & A. DONALD I'roprletora PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water in all rooms A. J, ritUDHOMME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sts. Savoy Clarence Letnes, Big Falls. New Royal Hotel J. Zarrltl, "rp. TIIK IIOTPI. MOKTII WHILE Hot to Cold Water; Steam Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP THrltoH(i 2X1 Royal A. Anderson. Iver Robertson and F. Skellum. city. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE STOP CONSTIPATION AT MSTART You May Pay If You Don't When you realize that about 90'-! of all slclcn&s begins with constipation, you tfXm't want to take chances. If you hafe the symptoms bad breath, coated tongue, always tired put a stop to them now I But do it the natural way. Not with, pills and drugi' which give but temporary relief find must be taken in increasing doses. Eat Kellogg's ALL-BRAN an appetizing deliciously flavored cereal,. Kellogp's ALL-BRAN sweeps the system clean of wastes and Impurities Its. action is natural; 'the roughage carries with it the poisons which clog your system. In addition, ALL-BRAN is rich in iron. Scientific research shows that nearly all this iron goes into the blood, making it give the rich glow of healthy color. Youll like ALL-BEAN. Ready-to-eat with milk or cream fruits or honey added. Physicians recommend it. And we guarantee it to relieve both temporary and recurring constipation. Two tablet poon-f uls daily -with every meal, in recurring cases. Start nowj Today. Kellogg's ALL-BRAN is sold by all grocers in the red-and-green package. Served in hotels, restaurants and dining-cars. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. I 1 ALL-BRAN Boxing May 2. -Benny Wendle vs. Henry Deeth, Exhibition Building. 101 Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Heilbroner's Store, (tf) fry Mlnehead egg coal for kitchen use. Clean and hot. Phone 771 tf ngs with us Helgerson. iloose members take no-Ice. This week's lodge neetlng is cancelled. It For higher prices and prompt returns ship; jyour raw furs to T. ' Prinjf George, B.C. tf Th'tlHfternoon's train, due from the East at 3.30, was reported this morning to be on time. The case of Matt Videck, charg ed with selling liquor, was adjourned until tomorrow on coming up in city police court this morning. E. F. Jones, city solicitor. Is prosecuting and Milton Gonzales is acting as defence counseL Walter Overend will sail on the Princess Alice tomorrow morning for Stikine to take over his duties there for the summer as Canadian customs officer. Mrs. Overend will not be going north this year. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morris returned to the city on the Catala this morntng after having made the round trip to Anyox and Stewart. Mr. Morris had charge of the body of Nels Fagerlle, brother of Mrs. John Dybhavn of this city. who died suddenly last Saturday night at Stewart. ; ' 7 ., . ,6 On recommendation or the f Empress Social Club Gym n from! to 8 pja. The public is cordially ' n i. o4 , n, respecUvely. the city council last ...-vU vw .night ordered paid a sum of $119.- m,i t, . 52 to the Northern B. C. Power Co. jvuae x.. wnwiui a a passenger aboard the Catala today bound from Anyox to Vancouver where she will take up future residence. A communication from A. G. Stewart, city clerk of Vernon, read at last night's ooun.il meeting, stated that the Uneence fee for hawkers and peddlcn In that i 'or work on the fire alarm system i at Seal Cove and items of $3326 and M94.66 for work done on the rock crusher at various dates. Cer tain adjustments were made in the accounts by the superintendent of utilities and the city engineer. Miss M West had a letter before I. vr ,k. a i the cttv council last ntaht sueeest- bUCLb! blKLb!i,, f J a .r .ivt'ng that the city might consider- Ur. ,h., h.i. ,ri . mnnthn This information wnx' "b'v lmoroye tht appearance t.'L iA.v aouaht from Vrnon ftairaalt at Prt of town by Cutting long here recently. It hafl been said ""uc "u "lMlM"u" a"u that the licence fee at Vernon W Doar.aA on Mc" was $300 but this statement, has been found to have been lncor rect. . Mooseheart Ladle? Children's Masquerade May 2. Children and pec ta tors 2c Ridley Hone Basaac May 8. Moose Minstrel ShoMay G&7. Oyro Heedown FridaySlay 9. Andltortna. t Lelf Qrlekson Independence Day Jamjuet MJty 16. Eagles' Smoker. Mr 19. Eks' dance May 23, Elks" Home. " ' ' . 1 (IWVI KVMIAT API'KflVCn CHICKS TIIE IIHST COM.MEJtCI.VL IIATCIIEHV utKler DomlnK.n QvernnMtot approval ; policy In Brltlab Columbia. Every bird 1 IndlvtduaUy Inapectrd by Domh on iQovwotcnt Inapectom. Oertirted BOP. .flock with raart of breading, prrt... - tlon and vitality. We offer White Wwi-I dctte chicks frc-m the hlght R.OJ I Dock Of Canada. Barred H, u::.c. I fully barred, pens contalnltif berrn 2'Jft-badd by male from dam 250- SM. Rhode Island lied hens ir. m 2211. 270. headed by Bur!v- JK9-2W) malm. .White Leehrrnr. hr: i frm haaded by B. C. University males frw.11 1 40-300 dams. Hatchtrv 1, regularly in. spected and every xaultary prcra'utton !n dlMM prewBtlon. "See our local afent Jack Slvi. he will glv yuu .nip particulars " We ofrer no prerrftutas tout quality chicks. Prices are reasonable tot this high-grade stock dt our pamph-1 let. it's enough to tell you everything I Eaectrtc Hatchery. 37M) Pruwa Edward1 St.. Vancouver. I BEAVER WANTED q b , We have a big order for beaver pelts and also fer fox, otter, mink, marten and fish- We are satisfied to pay highest price as our customers must have the furs. Send them to the OLD RELIABLE W. Goldbloom RHH 3frnt. rmnvv1. Darripru "-hUsh were being developed In that part of the city Miss West considered a credit to their owners and she thought the city should f w IN THE SALVATION ARMY SELF DENIAL EFFORT May 1st to llth Building a better world ;darkencd homes again radiating happiness; wrong doers reformed; the abject, the outcast raised from the gloom which engulfs them. Hundreds of thousands of voluntary Salvationists are building a better world for you and yours. The Army most earnestly appeals for your support to the Self Denial Appeal. Its work at home and throujhout the Empire depends upon the success of this effort. It depends on you. GIVE LIBERALLY Mrs.A.Couture and her daughter Miss Rose Couture will sail Thurs day night on the Prince George for a trip to ancouver. R. Bcssant of Premier will be a passenger aboard the ss. Prlnco George Thursday night bound for a rtip to the Old Country. J. G. Johns will sail on the ss. Prince William Thursday night to make the round trip to the Queen Charlotte Islands on business. Ernest Wilding will sail on the maiden trip of the new steamer Prince William Thiirsrtnv nlaht in Charlotte Islands. permission py tne crty council last freighter Watco arrived In port at 850 this morning from Vancouver! and, after discharging a parcel of i powder for the interior, sailed. about noon for the Queen Char lotte Islands. The new CPJt. steamer Prince William, Capt. William Thomas, had another run around the harbor this morning while compasses were being adjusted. The vessel is practically reardy to .sail Thurs- i - ., v,, i j... iu .u- j. a discussion relating to peddlers " - " ' " .wm u m8Ul uie wianas on ne. , r : naj. MnJ DAAn . 1 J . . . , , , , maiaen voyage out 01 nere in local ; service. George Pearson, who is visiting in the city for a few days follow-1 ing his arrival, from Vancouver, where he received treatment for! do its share in the improvement an injured leg. will sail by the ss. of the general appearance of the Prince Georee tomorrow afternoon ANNOUNCEMENTS town. The matter was referred to on his return to Anyox where he " lithe Parks Board for recommenda- is manager of the drug department tkm. of the Granby Store. Anglican W'A. Spring Sale, May 1 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY LOST Leather covered Cigarette Lighter. Please return to Daily News. 102 FOR SALE Five roomed House, partly furnished, 931 Comox Ave. Terras. Phone 131. 104 FOR RENT Four roomed house with bath. Westriew. Phone Blue 232. 102 WANTED Smart Boy with some experience in store. Apply Box 18, Dally News. 102 make the round trip to the Queen ine. aivaiion Aimy Eiven night to hold a tag day on May 17 Rev. Manley F. Ebv. United Pn ine closing aay or the annual clergyman at Port Simpson, is a SeU campaign. passenger aboard the Catala today I bound for Vancouver where he will w- Robertson, Alice Arm pro-attend the forthcoming provincial spector, arrived In the city on the conference. icataia tnis morning irom the north and will sail tomorrow Provincial Constable William morning on the Princess Alice for Smith of Anyox arrived In the city Taku R,ver country. on the Catala this morning from . the smelter town. He will return north tomorrow afternoon on the Prince George. Frank Waterhouse motorshin IIIIIIIIIilHIIIIIIIlllIIIlII Sets the standard for every home use Anhenser-Bosth i Budweiser Barley-Malt Syrup LIGHT OR DARK RIOI IN BODY NOT BITTER 1 m Shot from Guns 125 million food cells exploded That's what makes Puffed Grains crisp . . . delicious . . . virtually as nourishing as hot cooked cereals YOU may have wondered why Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice are so light and crunchy.., so mckingly good to cat. Here's the secret. They are made by an utterly different process from all other readVto-cat cereals. Grains of wheat and rice are sealed in bronze guns. The guru are revolved in fiery ovens. In this terrific heat the natural grain moisture in each tiny food all expands into steam. When the guns are fired, 125 million explosions occur in each grain. Every tiny food cell is completely broken up. (Just as it would be from long hours of cooking.) Hence every particle of food is completely digestible. This is why Puffed Wheir. and Puffed Rice are rated is virtually as nouriiriine as hot cooked cereals. i When these grains come forth in showers from the guns, they've been puffed to 8 times normal size. They're crisp, fragile, crunchy . . . deliriously good to cat. They taste like sweet new nutmcats; Like fresh buttered popcorn. You'll say you never before dreamed that wheat and rice could be so melting good to cat. Don't neglect to give your family this more delicious . . . more richly nourishing cereal. Order Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice from vour eroeer todi. QUAKER PUFFED WHEAT AND PUFFED RICE 1