Tuesday April J PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS WHITE SUGAR 100-lb. sack WHITE SUGAR 50-lb. sack BROWN SUGAR 18-lb. sack FLOUR- 49-lb. sack All varieties, .45JA4! JAM lb. tins, each ... EVAPORATED MILK (PC Qff FRESH RHUBARB T3ie Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. 417 and 423 Fifth Ave. E. ! Twentieth Anniversary J of The Mussallem Grocery Company, Limited We commenced business in Prince Iluprrt in April, 1910, and consequently this marks our second decade. Wc wish to thank our many patrons for their valued support duiing these years, and, on this occasion wc will make great reductions for their benefit,' for one week only. $5 65 BRAID'S BLUE LABEL TEA 65 c BRAID S BEST COFFEE J2 gQg Q4 ft A FRESH GROUND COF- Q4 AC Ol.UU, FEE-3 lbs. for 65c 95r All brands, per case I 6 lbs. for v FRESH MEATS, VEGETABLES & FRUITS AT REDUCED PRICES Delivery free to all parts of the city rhoncs 18 and 84 Our Mechanical Department Has been placed in charge of Fernand Ilousell Mr. Rouscll has been 24 years in the automobile trade, has had charge of some of the largest shops In Canada, including: The Legare Auto &, Supplies Ltd., Montreal; Webbers Garage, Calgary; Pacific Nash Motors, San Francisco, UJS., and the past four years with Southard Motors, Vancouver. Realizing the pressing need for a man of this calibre in Prince Rupert and wishing to feel assured that bur patrons will get maximum service, has been the motive for placing Mr. Rousell in charge of our shop. " fc' w We solicit your patronage. " Our prices are competitive. ROSS & MOORE LIMITED Chevrolet and Buick Dealers DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD " Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. ritlNCE RUPERT, B.C. COAL! COAL! PEMBINA EGG Delivered, per ton $12.00 ALBERTA EGG Delivered, per ton 12.50 ALBERTA LUMP Delivered, per ton 13.50 Special Prices On Your Winter Supply ...WOOD JUST ARRIVED, NEW SHIPMENT OF BIRCH AND JACK PINK MILL ENDS Per load S1.50 BOX CUTTINGS Per load 3.50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 If you lose anything, advertise for it. Try a Daily News Want Ad. Of Interest to Gardeners Combining Vegetables and Flowers The combination vrge table and flower garden is becoming an inno vation of increasing popularity. The most practical application of it is on small places where garden space is limited. The garden space is used for the earliest vegtables which are replaced when they ar used by flowrs. The method is to plant al ternate rows of vegetables ana flowering annuals. Many of the an nuals desired cannot be sown as early as the vegetables, the zinnia being a case in point. Sow a row of zinnias between the rows of radishes and lettuce. The Jnnlas should not be sown until two weeks after the seeds of the jarliest vegetabl crop go in. By the to the beauty and color of the outdoor room. The sketch illustrates just such a plan. A small square space, such as is available on most board fence, garage or chicken the display of flowers seems to loom up from every angle. Where the gardener Is the owner of the property permanent screens for these Tinlovely objects can be provided by the use of Boston Ivy, Virginia Creeper. Dutchman's" Pipe; Clematis, Pariiculata, climbing roses and similar perennial vines. Some of these are self-supporting like the, Boston Ivy and one spec ies of Virginia Creeper. Others require wire or trellis work. Where a brick or stone wall Is to be cov- time the vgtables have been pulled the zinnias will be getting into their stride and by midsummer they will have fille dthe space where the radishes and lettuce grw. Rows of gladiolus bulbs may be planted in the same manner. It Is a simple matter to alternate rows of annuals and vegetables so that the vegetable garden of spring automatically transforms Itself into the flower garden of midsummer merely by pulling the vegetables to use as they mature. Verbenas, petunias, popples, California popples, in fact all of the common annuals, may be grown In this way, the vegetable garden becoming a cutting garden to furnish bouquets for the house. Another and even more practical method is to start seeds of the annuals In boxes and they can then, be transplanted into position as the vegetables are 'ermoved. Another combination system is that of using .he rows of vegetables as a tern-, porary border for the flower garden, ! their removal making way for later j planted bulbs or flowering plants. I Such a combination garden needs careful planning In order to provide j room to cultivate the vegetables and annuals in their early stages of growth. A row of zinnias should have at least six inches on either side for the smaller growing vege-. tables such as radishes and onlcn sets or spinach. An Outdoor living Room For the Garden Hobbyist Gardening is a hobby to many oeople. For them an outdoor living :oom devoted to growing Irises, Peonies or some favorite flower is a constant delight. Too often the garden hobbyist '.ays out his flower beds with-an eye h their usefulness but not their beauty of arrangement; design is sacrificed for convenience in cul ture. Now this need not be the case. A garden type of outdoor living room sides. On the opposite -side from the entrance place a seat or some feature of interest. Then plan a continuous border of flowers around the four sides, leaving the centre open for circulation. In this man-ner you create an outdoor living room which gives the garden hob Clean-Up Week Set Early May City to Start Good Work ny Improving Conditions on Own Premises On, recommendation of the board of works, the city council last night set the week of May 5-10 inclusive as annual clean-up week. I I Aid. Llnzey suggested that the part of town to the rear Canadian Laundry .be specially looked into. Aid. Pullen suggested that the city might clean up Its own property on Fraser Street. Aid. Pillsbury replied that the board of works was fully aware of the condition of its own premises on Fraser Street and intended starting off by cleaning up there. Twenty Years Ago In Prince Itupert April 29, 1910. The construction gang has arrived in Prince Rupert to start work on the building of the Orand Trunk Pacific telegraph lines out of Prince Rupert. A number of cases up for consideration of Judge F. McB. Young in County Court. SUNSET THOUGHTS FROM ACROPOLIS HILL. NEIL LANG 11. Q. Wells' Mr. Polly is the classic example of the man who loved sunsets, lie should have lived in Pilnce Rupert. I think for nowhere else Is the gracious pageant of sunset more beautifully staged than here. View the spectacle from the summit of Acropolis Hill to enjoy a soul ravishing experience that will live in memory as long as life lasts. When depressed or worried, when the world Is too much with us, conjure in memory a Prince Rupert sunset and you will find balm for your perplexed mind and troubled spirit. Again you will hear the sweet voice of Nature whisper, "Peace, peace," as when you first viewed the gloriqus sunset from this place. Come with me to Acropolis Hill and share this ineffable beauty. At our feet lies the pleasant town bathed in a refulgent glow. The still waters are incarnadined with the last crimson rays. The little Islands to the west and the larger bulk of the Tslmpsean Peninsula are blackly silhouetted against a background of crimson and gold. Every single tree almost, displays its own indl- bylst a wonderful opportunity to t yiduallty against that glowing cur- tuspiay n nowers weu ana a;taln. AU the weat and overhead is piace wnerc me wnoie family can a biaze of glory wnlch momentarily gather in outdoor enjoyment. Idimlavs everv ehanain shade. Where the space is large enough sweeping through burnished gold, ian be so planned that the hobby-, to permit the use of more flower brilliant orange and softest violet. 1st will still have plenty of bed .beds parallel to the borders, these So limpid and soft it is. so gentle,) space in which to grow his flow-'may ' be added, but in planning the '.ethereal, the whole western horizon ers. which in turn, would contribute outdoor room it Is desirable to have seems to float In a bewitching glow broad paths In the centre and ' of liquid color, plenty of room for a group of peo-1 Slowly, regally, majestically, the pie to get around easily. In other god of day drops from our sight words, avoid that "cluttered up" trailing his robes of glory as he any lot, may be enclosed by hedge ' appearance so frequently felt In passes from our view. The scene and shrub plantings. An entrance gardens where the beds are too grows In grandeur until it baffles may be planned on one or two large and too numerous. j mortal description. Only in awed 1 I silence can we stand and gaze feel hints For gardeners ing our evanescent human little and the reflected heat of the wall ness and the immensity and ever-wlll not fade the bloom prema- lastlngness of the things of God. turely. only a sea bird, the epitome of , But even the person who ex- grace, wheels its way Into the very pects to move next year can pro- heart of that blase of glory in the vide lovely backgrounds by using west and a homeward bound troll-annuals such as Dollchos, Lablab Ing vessel passes, the soft chug, or Hvnrlnfh Kaon Rpnrlnt. Uimnpr Chug Of the motor SeemlntT not to If one cannotafford a spacious BeanjJ gwcet peas' Mornlng Glory break the holy stillness but rather pars mj provide a view irom au wild Hops or similar very rapid 10 inicnsny u. the windows, the next best thing Is a foliage, screen. It is surprising what one can do in the way of developing a view where lawts. and flower' gardens - lead up 10 irosc-covered trellises. Too often the average garden is spoiled by high growing things. These plants, some Tnc sun nw hidden from our of which will run twenty feet In a vlew and the purplish twilight sha-single dows Bather but still the season, are all fully descrl- pageant bed in the seed catalogues. For a laste- 81111 tne 8ea and tne sky Pre" standlng screen., such as Is neces- scnt to us c010 tnat the "tot's sary between two gardens, shrub- Palettacan never know. It is almost bery and evergreens can be used 100 ,mucn bea,uty or us- 11 tndu in the permanent affairs while the Y7 ' """'', meian- house which no matter how bright I renter can choose Mexican Run- cniy, nut yery akin to It. The sun- nowers, Cosmos, African Marl- T ttJC golds, arkspurs. Castor Oil Plants, nar"cula Jo to reply, too cramped house of the flesh Four o'Clocks. Dahlias or Holly- . . ,.,, . . . . ' One would fain linger In this hocks. This will glvelm, a screen h d t of from two seven and,a,hplf,,to discontent freU and jars-lU little reel appending upon wmcn.now 1U petty seems very far ers ' e ux' ' " ; away. One would always wish to live " on a hill-top thus where views of At the meeting of the city coun- the rising and setting sun over ell last night, on suggestion of placid waters would fill the soul and Alderman Macdqnald, It was de- the mind with a holy tranquility, elded to h6ld. regular monthly But such cannot be. Not always can meetings of the Joint committees we live amid the quiet and screnltv of the city council in . order that of the mountain tops. Our nlace is erca ana roses are usea it is wen tne aldermen may familiarize down there in the valley, down to place the trellis work about half themselves with the workings of there in the arena of the busy a foot In front of the wall. This -the committees of which they are haunts of men where, day by day will give the roses more- air clrcu- riot members and keep In touch deeds of unselfishness are perf orm-latlon, allow spraying all round j with all the city activities. cd and words of kindness are spok- Mon., Tues. & Wod. Two Shows 7 & 9 p.m. D JOHN D -In- ARRYMORE "General Crack All Talking One.of the best, and partly Technicolor Singing Novelty Paramount Sound News Admission 20c & 65c I M I B tUttl 1 1 f ID I C I B IWKllHTOIlKlIiai B IB m LOl'I'i-i I CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OI'EKATINti . T. I. 20.000-TON FLOATING DRYDOCK Engineers, Machinists, Koilerraalens niarksmlths, I'atttro Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our I'lant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 MORE VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY See the new Ford body lines and colors on view at our showrooms Dr Alexander PHONE Hi IIF.HNKII nl.OCB DENTIST The Canadian Car." S. E. PARKER LTD. l'KINCE KUPEKT, B.C. en, hard fights fought and won and hearts are purified in the fire of human effort and struggle. Oh, surely we shall not too unwillingly go down from the hill-top, but rather with the memory of this gracious sunset to cheer and inspire us go about our dally round and common task feeling that it has i i TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKKENA 1JKANP Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FUKSII.PASTVRIzr.U MR V feall) Dtlfver) Throuihot tiin nitr i j bn-nni uccu kuuu lor us gl and observed the beauty of it,, tp ting sun. , ... tf Such, then are our 'UK"" we stand awed into slK-nce. Royal the pageant ciosf. Lit by the last of the sun. Opal and nshes of roses. Clnammon, umber ;uid