0 PACHTTOUR A NEW STANDARD OF 'PERFECTION '. DINNER WAS SUCCESSFUL The social hall of First Presbyterian Church wat. crowded last night for a congregational dinner which was put on by the Ladies' Aid. The attendance was so large that extra tables had to be provided. The whole affaff was a irreat success, A large number of old timers were in evidence, their ranks being added to by Concentrated Bee in flavour in coolness -in real downrigl enjoyment; that one. has uw eveiy,nght.to expect in a cigarette, . 1 Try DixieCnada's pleas1ure'iw -lM ' ' smoke and experience the utmpst1-in smoking pleasure , rolled richt rso they smoke right Virginias at r-rr their best. the presence of Mi . ana Mrs. G W. Morrow and Mr. and Mrs. J...A. Kirkpatrick now of Vancouver. J. W. "McKinley presided and THE BETTER--J2IG AjRET. T E SAVE, THE VALUABLE P pftt R HANDS Misses Beatrice Berner and Jean Ritchie, and vocal solo by J. A. Teng: 'Mrs: H. C. Fraser was piano accompanist. oeneral conveners were Mrs. J sneakers of the evenine were the Ul Simnson and Mrs. J. W. McKin pastor. Rev. J. Kennedy, and A. M; ley and those assisting Included Manson K.C. A program was pro- Mrs. Thomas McMeekln, Mrs. W. eeeded with after full Justiee-hed Robinson, Mrs. W. Fidler, Mrs. Jas. been done to a snlendid- dinner Clark. Mrs. W. W. C. O'Neill. Mrs. TOread. The program included naAk Berner, Miss Shlela Stuart, Miss piano solo by Miss Maizie Macdoiva jlelen Walker, Miss Cathie Mussal-ald: vocal solo by Miss Betty Wood; lem and Miss Beulah McKinley. recitation by Miss Marcel Jabour; James Simpson presided at the vocal solo by C. C. Kennedy: vocal , door. solo by Miss Olive Munro: vocal solo j by Miss Bcntrice Berrer: vocal soloi Dally Seta "Want Ads" bring by Alex Clapperton; piano duet by quick, results. The Great Strength Builder Always kp a bottle of BOVRIL M the house It is so useful when nourishment is needed in a hurry. A cup of Bovril is always a splendid pick-me-up and a quick restorative in convalescence. ; The conpehtfatdn' goddness of prirriaSgfifi ' it is a wonderfOl'stitnulant with; no harmful reaction and soon rebuilds your strength. Mixed with cream cheese or scrambled egg it makes a delicious sandwich paste for bridge parties and afternoon teas: and puts real beef strength into soups and gravies. Prtprhm: Doril I imited, Park Ave., Montreal. SmUs Agmtt i HuoM F. Ritchie lc Co. Ltd., Toronto. BOVRIL THE STRENGTH BUILDER THE DAILY NEWS Thurauuy. w. TELLS OF ' OLD LAND CARD PARTY ' BY TOC H IpA Very interesting talk was given- Ai ths honirof Mr: and Mrs. J. D. maninjEs 01 tne rr-ince tiuperi uyro . Allen, SlxtK 'Avenue Bast, a suc- uiud, at tneir montmy open mn- cessful bridge and whist party and cheon In the Commodore Cafe yes terdftv. by Rev. Alfred Wilson, pas- dances was held last evening ln'or- der to- raise funds for Toe H new humorously at some times and ser-' uart,ers on Ful,ton In the I louslif on other occasions, described i k"c"lu,es "inneny occupiea Dy me fome of his exoeriences on a recent ' Pentecostal Mission. trip to England. In opening his- re- j There were eleven tables of cards marks, Mr. Wilson mentioned the i and prize winners were: value- of travel and' cited some oil Bridge Ladles' first. Miss De- the benefits to be derived there- j ianev: second. Mrs. P. H. Llnwv! from- consolation. Miss D. Morlrson: While any observations that men's first, Robert Miller: second, might have been made during, so .Iaclt Wrathall; consolation, Wll-short a stay as he had made in the' i, Ti.rmor- tneiess, impressed with the lm proved. standard of living there and. the greatly increased sobriety of the people-. During his stay in, England., Mr. Wilson visited a number o churches especially in the rural districts. He mentioned the valuable pat the churches were playing hi the national fabric of the coun try. Mc WJIsnn also gave his hearers , a brief but interesting description i of. his. Impressions of the great Bri- ; Ush dirigible R-100 which he saw j at St. Hubert. Quebec, while- a dam- j agea im was. Demg repaired louow ptiae, Robert For the first time . . . ; TWO Great1 Ir- vine. After cards, refreshments were served! and dancing followed. The ladles' committee in charge of refreshments consisted of Mr. E: W. Tuckn, Mr. J. D. Allen and Mrs. Thomas Andrews. MOOSE MEETING LAST EVENING ' After the regular meeting of the Moose Lodge last night refisstrh- ing- the balloon's westward crossing ; ments were served and a social hour of the- Atlantic Ocean. ; enjoyed with D. C. Schubert, dlcta- At the conclusion of his address, 1 tor, presiding. There were remarks' Mr. Wilson was heartily thanked on : by four candidates who had been behalf, of the club i by C. A. Kirken-; talUated and a brief musical pro-dall, the president, who was In the, incjyd lin and piano ' John and Wil-Edward Guests at the luncheon Included ;oeb Campbell Llpsett, Ray Worlock and '. llUn-Beaumont and vocal solo by Me. Erickson. J- A- Tn, accompanied by WIMiam L, W.. "Waugh was the winner of , Beaumont, the luncheon raffle. ; There was a large attendance, j RadioTrirampiis - inONE set The General j&lectric Outstanding among modern radio achevttnmtsate the Supcr-Hcterodync circuit and Scrctn-CrTa KSaip-trons. Now, for the first timeJn the history of tadifa,' these two great developmenu have been conibMed In the new General Electric Radio. The rewtc SPull Range Sensitivity . . . Full Range SeUctivitr ... and Full Range Tone. General Electric Radio will bring in low-powered or distant stations that the ordinary set cannot reach . . . that is Full Range Stnsitivity. Stations only one line apart on the dial do not overlap . . . every line on the k dial marks a different station ... that is Full Range P bclectivtiy. Those subtle overtones which constitute . the true beauty'of music are preserved and reproduced ... that is Full Range Tone. a IA2 J10 Name.. Aborsm.. Makes tastier Oheusc of St. Charles unsweetened, evaporat-ed rvliljc gives you old. fashioned cream cooking at the cost of milk. BecauseSt.CharlesMilk is double rich in cream,, undiluted it gives that subtle cobked-with-crcam flavor to every dish it enriches. May we send you out new St. Charles Recipe Book? Please use the coupon. Tmc Bowsm Co. LiMiTrr,Dfpt. A. I lomer ArcaJ Oldf ., Vancouver 7mm nd m, tne, St, ChttUt Rtclpt Bock, lUuitutl in Mlort am eonUlning nitj 300 It1td ncipn m ... I- . sl-b Visit the- nearest dealer ... see thfj crowning achievement of twenty million dollars spen radio mearch ... har,4t melodtoul tone . . . and lrn how easy it ii to own any model on convenient terms. General Electric Lowboy $225.00 GcncratjElcctric Highboy , $275.00 General Electric UaJloThono graph. .. $3970 TttncJ Radio Frcqncncy Set General Electric Studio Lowboy $185.00 All rleei rmff re with C.O.E. Kadiotrotu FULL RANGE RADIO For sale by NORTHERN BRIT 1SH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY, LTD. CM 'clA K.A D I A N GENERAL E t v n ' T R j c CO.. 4't I MjTEj!