Tomorrow Tides Thursday, June IP '930 High 7.29 V3 ft 20.08 j. Low . .. 1.26 ajn. 13.28 pjr Vol XXI., No. 142. v v '' VANCOUVER. June 18: Hon. R. B. Bennett, Conservative leader, charged that al-thouEfh the world had nassed through a period of unpre cedented industrial expansion, the Liberal government's policy had not made for a betterment of condj ions .along this lino in Canada. Canada todav was in a difficult con-' yT" i" n a UlllUll, mi: UCllllCkl. ucuaicu, il-.j.. j t Wltn courage anu luruiuue Mr. Bennett dealt with the of his Winninec speech with "The Conservative party wants a greater Empire," the Opposition leader said, "but not by granting preference to states within the Empire 1 not founded on mutual trade i y i cements. MUNN IS NOMINEE Former M. L. A. to Contest North Vancouver Fed cral Scat NORTH VANCOUVER. June 18: A. E. Munn, timber operator of Lil- leoet and former M. L. A. for that constituency, was the unanimous choioe of Vancouver North Liberals as candidate at the forthcoming federal election, at a convention last night. Major General A. D. McRae. member in the last parliament, ent. the Conservative candidate for North Vancouver. FISH SALES Summary American 61,500 pounds, 13.Cc and 7c and 18.8c and,8c Canadian 15JD00 pougs, 14.5c and Gc. to I5.ic and 7c. 'VI I'.-. American Doric; 41,000. Booth, 13.Cc and 7c. Slrius, 10,500, AUin, 16.8c and 8c. j Canadian Canuck. 6.000. left for Vancouver. Tramp, 2,500, Cold Storage. 145c kind 6c. Relief, 8,000, Pacific, 15.1c and 7c. H. and R., 1,500, AUln, 15c and Ccj Minnie V 3.000. Cold Storage, 145c and 7c. t t Against the Locust tribe of the Bedouin, who are enlisted Speaking here last night, d; w'i,- n uui 11c ouiu niaw uit ytuK. ..u t, vuum ouve wic wmiuj. criticism by Premier King ' respect to British preference. FATHER in IS HELD of in Connection With Death of Son Who Was Killed By Stick at Comox VICTORIA. June 18: An Inquest into the death of Thomas Patrick Guthrie, aged 16, who died in the Comox Hospital on Sunday, disclosed that he died following a blew wiui a iiu nia wv. Hugh Patrick Guthrie, is being !a.tuC,!rten.ay- ;The ,ather -JPi Emitted throwinc the is!,tlck stick whleh which ,truek struek his hIg son. n. Alex Finnle of Stewart & Mob-ley, who has been on a trip to the interior, returned to the city on today's train. DRY NOMINATED BURICAKD RIDING -A. T VANCOUVER; w.lune -18:- Pmhihitimiu... nnn- nrv deelded to take a hand in the federal election campaign in Burrard riding where straight Conservative and Liberal can- didates have already been no- mlnated. The Prohibitionists I decided at a meeting yesterday , to nomlnate.E. A. Appleby as a candidate for the scat. f ! JUNE 18, 1939 PANIC RULES TODAY AT ROYAL ASCOT LIGHTNING KILLS ONE Throngs of People At Race Meet Arc Terror Stricken Bookie Loses Life Society Women, Caught In Rush, Is Trampled Underfoot ASCOT, England. June 18: Panic swept through throngs of fa- hjonable persons at the Royal As- "t race meeting today when a ter-t ifir" electrical storm broke over the i nclosures and a bolt of lightning tilled Walter Bolbein, well known n rth of England bookmaker in Tattersal's betting ring, only a few . irds away from the box occupied by the King and Queen, the Prince ! Walts, and royal guests. Socu-ty women were caught in : : in' rush for shelter when the deluge o r t ended and were thrown on to 'i muddy field and trampled un-tiwt. Their hats knocked off 'i i their parasols lost, some of the v. 'turn arrived at the stands wtth- :a their iterais wiUsbtHiU jfK in the mm or torn irom their The meet was postponed for the The Royal Hunt race had Just fc nn run. J. De war's "The Madsab" v n Grand Idol was second and J iiihearted, third. Twenty-two f!A.a ran. TEXAS HAS BIGFL00D Six Persons Reported Dead and Much of State Is Under Water GALVESTON. Texas, June 18: Much of the interior of this state ; under water as a result of the most severe floods that have been known In many years. AtTexarkana mx person are reported to have been drowned. The floods have been caused by n avy downpours of rain during the Tust few days. One Liberal, Two Conservatives and Six Independents So Far In News Campaign; Room For More campaign so far there are nino en-f In the Daily News ... ...usii. ,.! ora Conservatives, one Liberal and (IttFlt.-S Ul VYMltll VYIU civ- m, t m n. f, Bedouin Roll call in war on locust Yancouyer c Stocks (Oourteqr S. D. J&nanQ Oo. ) Big Missouri. 41, 44. Cork Province. 1'4. nil. George Copper. 1.06. nil. Oeorgia River, SV4, 54. Ooleonda, 66, 76. Grandview, 5ty, bVt-Kootertay Florence, nil. 1k. L. Si L, 1V4. nU. Lucky Jim, 2, nlL Mohawk. 1. 1. Morton Wooteey, nil, 44. Marmot Metals, nil, 1. Noble Five, nfl, 8. Oregon Copper, ail, 104. Pend Oreille. 1.10. 156. Premier, 86, 92. Porter-Idaho.' 12. nil Silverado, 18. 16. Snowflake, 6, 7. Topiey RfchfieM. 14. nL Oeorge Enterprise, all, 6. Oils A. P. Consolidated. 80. 88. Oalment, 1.0. 1.06. Dalhousie, 1.01. 1-Home. 4J0. AX. FreehoM, 22. 28. Mercury, 28. 30. Merland. 13, 14. United, 32, 34. , i . i. i:,,irtrr mir nt town SO six independents, me iiDerai : ;r" there is not at present one candiatw ' "P" ' Liberal cause in the city. This seems like letting it go by default and should be remeoiea. Owing to the small number of candidates and the fac work, there is still that most of them are not doing much . candi an excellent opportunity for one or two more Nc dates are entered at points along the railway none at of the candidates have done Anyox or Ocean Falls. Several .scarcely anything yet and none have done about : entering because Some backward people are have felt that others more i able than t?J likely win. That is an exploded fallacy. TheK fireat on into it j)ortunity for anyone who will enter now and go "ThfeSnts so far are Miss Connie ThgIig dent. Miss Nancy Howard, ConSoIndSSi. en lndep Thomas, and Ju McKinley, Mary Robertson f dents, Miss May Murray, Conservative, ivo Stewart, Liberal, and James Bromner, Independent others who entered have withdrawn. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, KING REPLIES TO BENNETT Tribesmen Battle . 3 v Che k-up uf men provided by each Bennett Defends His Policy of British Preference; Says Government Hurt Industries Scourge in the fight against the scourge. PROBE IS STILL ON Vancouver . Sewer Depart - ment Short; Ireland Re fuses Admission VANCOUVER. June 18: Oeorge Ireland discharged city relief ,. .urJ:rr.rH,,T uum uit ucparunenio trust ac- ui. . r"' l"r XTS?? chins, relief dpnartmpnt nrrniin. tant. chief among checks issued by Ireland J1" the, accounts were several payable to a local i stock brokerage firm with whom he operated a margin account. Shortage of approximately $1,000 the account of the city sewers department has been disclosed by the city auditors, Mayor W. II. Malkin announced last night. The amount the dlscrepencles revealed is only approximate and the auditors are proceeding with the work. British and Americans Are Ahead In Golf nv r a tftp Pn,,.j T,. 1B- . . ' ,Jmrv r th , and Bobby Jones ,.ttr."a and Macdonald a . B.iea In the first round of the British open golf championship today with scores of 70. Boy Drowned In Vancouver VANCOUVER. June 18: Billy McKenzlc, aged seven, was drown- J J tPMMllVt tin.. MI.Ut He VP from a beam on the plies ,under Wlnter arden PavUion- BIG LEAGUE SCORES National League Pittsburgh 4; Phllapelphia 5. Cincinnati 4-5; Boston 5-11. American League New York 17, Cleveland 2. Boston 8, Chicago 5. Washington 9. St. Louis .12. Prime Minister Brings Up New Matters During Address at Peterboro Asks Conservative Leader Why He Did Not Bring Up Waterways In House Says Five Cents No Ground For Quarrel PETERBOROUGH. Ont.. 1 l l re i oroKen oy rremier iving at here last night The St. Lawrence waterways, employment and the "five-cent speech" all found a place in the pronouncement of the Prime Minister which was listened to by a large audience both ies. With respect to the St Lawrence waterways, Mr. King suggested that the time might not be far distant when problems which delayed the construction of the waterway might be cleared away. Mr. ntn-o nett was criticizing the government for inaction on the question, Mr. King said. He was asking why something had not been done. "I might say to Mr. Benentt: why havent you said something about this in Parliament? You are given to silence on many matters," remarked the Premier. Referring to Premier Howard Ferguson's statement that he would use all the force on the Ontario government against him (King) or account of the "five-cent speech; the Prime Minister asked the aud- j lence to listen to figures which he was about to quote and "then ask yourself if a five-cent piece is ground for a quarrel between the irnwmmnti " Mr Iflns tViri r,tv- Reeded to enumerate sums which! lha ..111 that Mt..tnt I since taking office, had paid to the province of Ontario in subsidies running into millions of dollars. WHEAT DOWN AGAIN Vancouver, June i8:-The .price 01 nf -.u-,,. wneai ieu fii hark. oacK ntran again to- tn. !day on the local exchange, the days quotation being ooc. Vol. 1 BOSTON GRILL LARGE CAIUKET Gpecli! Dinnert Thursday and Saturday! Dancing Every Saturday Night, 9 to It . Dance Hall or Hire Accommodations tor Private Parties PHONE 457 PRICE FIVE CENTS June 18: New prnnnrl wask; I . . nis second campaign meetinrr inside and outside the Armor Taking Charge of Transmission Line Construction Here A. C. Cooper of London, Ont, arrived in the city from Tyee on today's train. Mr. Conner Is hpr tn charge oX transmission line construction in Prince Rupert for Power corporation of Canada, BIG ADVERTISING CONTRACT SIGNED BY FISH CANNERS SEATTLE, June 18: A mil- lion dollar contract for news- paper advertising for the asso- elated salmon packers was signed yesterday by A. W. Wit- ting, president of the North- west Salmon Canners' Asso- claUon. The contract will ex- tend over a period of three years. No. 7 The Political Corner Wednesday, June 18 Mr. Brady's Inaccuracies Mr. Brady at his recent meeting here stated that the Conservatives originated the British Preference. This is not true. Mr. Brady should consult his Canadian History before making such foolish statement. Imperial Preference was first Introduced by Sir Wilfrid Laurler in the Fielding Tariff of 1897 and Sir Charles Tupper, then leader of the Tory Party said of it: I SAY THAT A DEEPER WRONG WAS NEVER INFLICTED UPON CANADA." Mr. Brady said the preference now given by Mackenzie King to Great Britain was of no material advantage to the Old Country; that it was emasculated; and in belittling the policy he merely echoed the statements of his leader, Mr. Bennett Now who is the best Judge of the importance of this policy to England, the Conservatives in Canada who for party advantage decry it or the Conservatives of the Old Country? In order that Mr. Brady may be- better informed and so that he may not make the same mistake again before his audiences we commend the following extracts taken from the English newspapers: The Dally Express Conservatives-May 2, 1930; "The Dunning budget constitutes the greatest advance in Im-"perial relations we have seen since the war." The London Times Conservative May 6, 1930; 'The advantages offered by Canada to British industry are "offered without any bargaining or corresponding concessions, "and the spirit which prompted them will be appreciated as "much as their actual economic effect in helping British trade "at a time when help is badly needed." The Morning Post Conservative May 12, 1930; "The Dominion of Canada has taken another step along the "line of their traditional policy of giving preference to Imperial trade, and since changes in the tnff cannot fall to bene "fit the Mother Country our first impulse is to express the "graUtude which we are certain the British public feels." The above is the answer of the English people. The electors will take their choice of these opinions as to the substantial advantages to England of the Mackenzie King preferential tariff policy; The London Times or James C. Brady.