edrtfsday, June 18, 1930. THZ DAILT KZW3 PA02 nva 1 !EW FRUITS, VEGETABLES "rcsh PrdcIuc.Fcritured In Local Stores ; Wheat and Flour Prices Drop r srnable fruits and vegetables' ra tuw making their appearance t tores. The vegetables In- i li: new poiaiocs wmcn are sell-1 tor three pounds for 25c. Among I. jiiiiui sue suiiwuiieB, ensr-, ;nd plums. It will be some fi however, before the preserving is on. j. iie sirawaerry cann- itIckI will be determined by i output at Ttrrace. The first i i or berries should be arriving :irly In July. Wh 'Ut and flour prices show a a decline here. No. 1 hard i; it. flour Is selling at $2.50 per H ..:inds and No. 5 wheat at r , per hundred. F iiowinK are retail prices current horf today: Flour IF: i 40s. No. I hard wheat....2.50 ira-'ry Flour, 10 ids, .CO Lard Pure 25 I Com pound 25 Eirs l.r irosh pullets, dot .35 l.r fresh firsts, doz. 25 l.r frrsh extras, doz. , AO Lor (! new iaia, aoz. . .50 Mrats No. 1. lb .38c and .40 IFiwJ. For.? tng chicken, lb, ..... .45 Broilers .45 II. 'n'. sliced, first grade .55 3l;r- picnic, first grade JO rolls, lb 55 IBacon, side, sliced, best grade .60 IVi u, loin .45 ir .i i shoulder 35 p i .: dry salt .... 55 A : .lire bacon, lb. . 3oc to 50 I Vi u Uoulder 50 p k loin 45 IP li'S - 40 IBcnr i: it roast 22c to 25 IB. boiling 15c to 22 Be f biast. prime rib .. 55 : o. .shoulder 55 IL Be teak 35c to .45 CruD- 2 for . - 21 lLi.T.0. lee - .45 .an-b chops -. .40 y .n. shoulder 50 St x-d Uppers, lb. ...4L-"M5 k. pcrcu wnne saimon, id. . m IRoi noked saimon .43 ISnnd black cod, lb 20 a naaaies, id ax. hi 25 S .m r fresh spring .25 H: . fillets, lb 50' Skimps, lb 50 1 KVj - Aixmds, shelled Valeneias. .65 fC ; mla soft shelled walnuts 55 Wi.ls. broken shelled .40 Wa.rj'3. shelled halves - 50 iPc-auta .20 Fcrd- - Wheat. No. 5 and Bulkley v.i. icy i.ra Oj'- 255. Brna ,, 225 Short;. , 2.35 Middlings 2.75 Barley 2.30 L Mash 3.W Oyster shell 210 1 B, -1 scrap i Cfu nd oil cake 450 Fne oat chops . 1W Cn.. -lied oaU 2.ft F;m barley chop 2.40 Dried friilU t-fmon and orange peel ... .35 CUnk cooktqg figs, lb .18 .40 White ficra. lh .15 Currants, lb. . 20 apples, dried Peaches, peeled 25 ADrlcots. lh 25 Prunes, 00-100, 4 lb. 35 lJ-IO. DOX 1.95 Prunes. 60.70, lb. .15 Prunes. 30-40. lh. 20 tv-iporaiea pears, naives. id... m Vegetables ! Br. Field Rhubarb fl lbs. .25 tweet Potatoes 2 lbs. .15 P'-'Utoos. 6 lbs 25 Pntatoes. sack 3.75 w potatoes 3 ids. :h P:trslpv hnnrh . .10 R 'L house cucumbers, each.... 2m C ililornl.i rplrv KiA ' .30 fUtrllc. lmnnrtwl. ner lb -. .35 ' iibbage. California, lb, .10 Japanese Onions, 4 lbs 2b lJX' head lettuce JO W. torla Tomatoes, lb. .30 c 'irots, bunch, 10 E" ts, bunch 10 Grern Onions, bunch A A 'Paragus, lb -U , 25 Turnips, bunch....... 10 Hudishes. buficn" 05 r tullflower, B.C., head, 25c. to .35 Spinach, lb. 10 Green pease, lb 20 Turnips, 5 lbs 25 Apples Yellow Newtons, fancy $3.75 2 lbs 25 Fruit- Valencia oranges 35c to 1.00 lemons. Sunkise. doz 50 VVrst Indies, grapefruit, large tin au in . -UV.4l -......,. t.IV Cal. Grapefruit, each W&.&Jfc, CLASSIFIED THIS IS THE Holiday Resorts Lakelse Lodge New Lakelse Lodge on the shore of Lakelse Lake Is now open to guests. Fine Fly Fishing On the lake and river. Lithia Pool Springs (Largest in Canada) Good for rheumatism. Phone connecting with Terrace Fare from train to Lodge and return $250 Manager J. Rruce Johnstone Wonderful Tlell CJl'F.KN CIIAKMITTE ISLANDS The Home Farm Fine beach and meadows for Children's playgrounds. Salmon and Trout Fishing River and Sea Bathing Excellent Cuisine riutlf ran tie met at SltldrKatr or I'oit Clement. Wlrelrn fur Itehervatlom MADAME RAJAUT Furnished Cabins FOR RENT ON Lakelse Lake Shore Close in to new Lodge. Apply to MRS. SUSIK, Terrace, BJC. Graham Island Stages Operating lie! ween (ureu tiartottf I'll :uiil Port Clements Meet all' ,.. boats northbound at Queen t j- Aft nn Ir, rw portion to Intermediate polnU. K.-U. MfKKVIK - - Premier Hotel .. uren nsnoiif JITNEY SERVICE Between Port Clements and Queen Charlotte City. Mondays nd Saturday. Urs l"ort Clements. 8.30 a.m. quern Charlotte 1 30 p.m. I1ir SA euili. Hound trip SC. I,. IIYKOV, I'ort Clements C. M. BRYANT A. R. S. M. Enr. ASSAY OFFICE Results guaranteed and returned by next mall Stewart British Columbia Bananas, 2 lbs 5 Extracted honey, per jar Comb honey Dates, bulk, lb. Raisins, bulk, lb Almeria Gropes, lb Bine cherriee, lb Strawberrles, basket 20 Oantelopes, each 15c to 25 Watermelon lb. . 10c to .12 Plums, lb 20 Butter No. 1 creamery, lb .42Vi No. 2 creamery, 3 lbs. . . 1.15 i Cheese Camcmbert, 8-oz. pkg. , .65 Kraft Llmbcrger. Vis . . 35 Ontario solids . 25 New Zealand solids . 20 BRINGING UP vsBLul.,1 CtO-T RIO M09000 OM THE TQLB IM I l OONT OONT CB CVRS 81 oniric FlkJOia IT". T- . .,, -J 130 Irt'l FflMHi Scfvtet, m Crl ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR PAGE WJHCII MOST IjEOlfe E REpGAUE.agMLI QFTIUMAN BU WeSS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. FOR RENT HOUSE TO RENT at Terrace. Apply Phone Oreen 496, tf FOR RENT Five roomed flat, Wallace Block, Apply Store, tf FURNISHED Flat, 4 rooms and bath ' Phone 547. tf FOR RENT Bungalow on Fifth Avenue W., two bedrooms. Phone Red 390. 142 FOR RENT Furnished apartment by day, week or month. Phone Red 607. tf FOR faENT $5.00 a month putj i piano in your home. Walker's Music Store. FOR RENT Five roomed flat, va cant July 1. Summit Apartments. Phone Blue 345. tf FOR RENT Furnished modern five-roomed cottage, July and August. Phone evenings. Green 785. 147 FOR RENT Furnished 4 roomed cottage fully modern for July and August. Phone Red 168 evenings. 142 BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room. Phone Black 707. If AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART We buy, sell or exchange any kind of furniture or household goods, musical Instruments, machinery, etc. General repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Black 120 and we will call. G. J. DAWES, Auctioneer, Fiaeral BlocK tf - j Cameron's Transfer PHONE 177 Dry Birch, Jack-rine, Red Cedar, Yellow Cedar, Spruce, Balsam, Ice Delivered. Baggage Prices on Application GIVEN FREE During June Class Measuring Cup with every order for two Pie Fillers, Value $1.00. J. R. WATKINS' Made in Canada Products Phone Green 709 Local Agent 8. A. KEILBACK Smith & Mallet Block A. W. Edge Co. Wholesale & Retail Plate, Window and Ornamental Glass, Wallpaper, Wallfelts, Muresco Brushes, Taints, Varnishes, Oils, ralntcrs and Faperhangers' Supplies. Phone Red 53 P.O. Box 459 330 Second Ave, Prince Rupert FATHER OP THT LEFT DlNiTV' IT 1 COSKJEO THIW TO pEND IT Brkm riffMt WHO WHO ' lvri i f ill FOR SALE FOR SALE Slx-hole McClarey Range In good condition. Phbne Red 112. . y ... H6 FOR SALE Baby's Witker Push Cart; also Chair. Apply 134, Eighth Ave. YV. or Phone Black i 736. tf FOR SALE Large galvanized tank mitablo tank for stationary gaa engine, etc. Apply Daily News Office. tf FOR SALE New clinker built cedar rowboats $30 up. Lindsay's Boat Works, 842 Powell Street, Vancouver. tf FOR SALE Six-hole Premier Knight cook stove, excellent condition. Reasonable price. Phone Green 285t 14? - ! ' FOR SALE Dodge jle Lux Sedan, 1927 model. $550.00. Oldsrcoblle Touring Six, 192S model, $265.00. Phbne 45 or apply P.O. Box 483. 1 tf FOR SALE 6 room house with bath and pantry, 9th Avenue, West, near McBrlde Street. Easy terms. Price $1,350, terms. Apply 514 Seventh Avenue West. 144 FOR SALE Savage washing machine, Brunswick Gramophone, Singer Sewing Machine, Ivory Bedroom suite, Oak Dining Suite Range. Heater, Dresser, Bed, Linoleum Squares, etc. Bargains, good order, must be sold. Call evenings. 425 Dunsmulr Street, For Sale 5-roomed house, modern, furnished built last year, $2150 cash, The best buy in City. FOR CHARTER FOR Charter, 55 foot Fish Packer, 45 horse power. CO. P.p. Box '. I 831. LOST FOUND bunch of keys, seven on a ing. Apply Daily News. MacKenzie's FURNITURE Chesterfield Suites, Dining Suites, Bed Sprints and Mattress Kitchen Sets and Ranges Everything for the Window Carpets, Concolcum and Linoleum everything for the Home. Phone 775 DrivurselfTaxi Why not enjoy a nice drive this evening or tomorrow? If you cannot drive now, why not learn? There'll be a day when you'll wish you could. -, We will teach you. Our charges are reasonable. Walker Motor Co., Ltd. Distributors of CHRYSLER and PLYMOUTH CARS rxcsVr" AN' OBSAvCiS TVS PUT SOIlS ir4 AM RIHT pP TO SALE, FOR HELP WANTED WANTED -woman to take charge of home and care for family during mother's absence ' after June 17. Apply Immediately. Daily News. ,r ' ' ' ' f? ' 1931 DOMINION CENSUS Male and Female Clerks Wanted for! work at Ottawa, Get full particulars NOW from M.C.C. Civil Service School, 18 Mackle Block, Calgary. tf SITUATIONS WANTED STEADY local married man would like whole or part time position as caretaker or Janitor. Apply Dally News. tf SALVAGE ANH TOWING "If it's on or qndcr the water we do It." PACIFIC SALVAGE. CO. LIMITED Fully Equipped for Diving arid General Salvage Work. Boats and Scows of all descrip tions lor cnarter. Row Boats and Canoes for hire Bargains In Gas Engines. AUENTS FOR BASTHOPE ENGINES Northern B. C Distributors Coolldge PropePers Sand and Gravel; in any quantity, delivered anywhere by water, Phone. Day or N!nt 564 P. O. Box 1364 CHIROPRACTIC W. C. ASPINALL (Chiropractor) .6 & ? Exchange Blk. (Opp. Orme's) Sunshine and Red Ray Treatments Nervous, Female and Childrens' Diseases Specially Treated Phone Green 211 CHIROPRACTIC FOR COLDS Rheumatism, Toxemia, Back-aches consult R. E. Eyolfson, D.O, Ph. C. AT STEAM BATHS Opp. McCutcheon's Black 761 Phones Blue 803, Steam Baths and Massage 201 Sixth Street Opposite Prince Rupert Hotel Phone Black 761 Hunt's Furniture & Upholstry "The Store or Quality" Complete House Furnishings Terms Arranged G. M. HUNT Third Avenue, Phone llfd 637 MRS. JAMES CLARK Palmistry and Crystal Reading Horoscopes Written If Birth Date Given White House 225 Second Ave. Telephone 7(7 THOOiJHTFOU PNU Hrt ONE IN . , .- MIUJON- MAICE YOUR , WANTS KNOWN THROUGH DAILY RENT, LOST NOTICE Take Notice that I, W. Q. MeMrrU. of Vancouver.il C., Intend to apply tojof Vancouvtr, B.C. Intend to apply to the Commissioner or Lands for permU-, the Commissioner of Land for perml- Mon to prospect for eaeJ and petro-! letun orer the foUowlrxg described latcds, i situate In Qurep Charlotte Islands I District: Commencing at a port planted at the southfreat corner of Qeetion 31. Township 1; thence 80 chains cast; thence 80 chains north: theuc 80 ohiips west; thence 80 chains eputb, to point of ' commencement. w. a. MeMOjmis. ! Dated the lltli day of MVh. 1930. 133 i.. . i ' j . NOTMT Take notice tha,t I. II. P. Imnard. of Portland. Ore., Intend to ajplir to the CanimisloreT of Iab4s for permission to prospect far coal and petroleum oer the following described lands, situate in Queen Charlotte IsHnds District: Commencing at t post planted at Mm northwest garner of Section is, Ttnrt ship 2; thence (M 80 chains: then south 80 chains: tbeaoe west 80 chains: thence north 80 chains to point of commencement. W. O. MCMOHKIb. Agent i Dated the 11th da; of March, 1830. ISO NOTICE Take notice that I. H. P. Leonard. of Portland, Ore, Intend to apply to the Commlsstorier of lapd toe permis sion to prospect for coal and petro leum over the following described lands, situate In Queen C9arUitte Islands District: Commencing at a post planted at the northeast corner of Section 14. Town ship 2: thence west 80 chains: thence south BQ GtalM: tbenos east 80 ttoaln: thence north 80 chains to point or corqmeocemeat. W. a. McMOFlRIS. Agent. Dated the Uth day of March. 1930. 138 NOTirn Take notice that I. H. F. teon&rd. of Portland. Ore., Intend to apply to the Commissioner of Lands for permission to prospeet for coal artd petroleum over the following described lands. situate In Queen Charlotte Island. District: flnmiinfntnr at & nmt alAttteri th southeast corner of Section 38 Township 2: thence west 80 chains; thence north 80 chains: t be tic eswt 80 chains: .thence sodth 80 Xbatna to point of I commencrment. Vf. O. MsMOnfU6. Agent Dated the 11th day of March. 1IS0. 138 NOTICE Take net Ice that I, II. F. IHisrd, crrort!Bd. Ore, Intend to apply o the Commissioner of Lands for permission to erospeot for coal and tx-tro- J leum over the following described lands. aituaw in uurcn unjmoiw? isianos District: Commencing at a poet planted at the southwest corner of section 24. Town- ship 3: thence east 80 chains; thence north 80 chains: thence west 80 chains, thence south 80 chains to p -Int of commencement. W. Q. McMORRIS. Agent Dated the Uth day of March. 1930. 133 i .nil-nullum iniii LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, ana Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano ana Furniture Moving. COAL Buy the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassidy-Welllngton in any quantities. Also Bulkley Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Hour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND S58 ' WZK 0 U' I IT & FOUND NOTICE Take Notice that I. W. a. McMorrlA, lon to prospeet for coal and petro kum over the following described lands, rntnuii In Queen Charlotte Islands Phitrlct: Cqminencij cine at a post planted at the. southeast heast rgraf of Section 38. Town-i thin 9' lhnfj AA rhfllnji wpitt! thne R(1v .h.ln. On Mkaln. 1 theBCe 80 chains south, to point of eommenccmenC 1 w. a. McMonms.' Dated the Uth day of March, 1030. . 133 i Silversides Bros. WALLPAPERS PAINTS Window Glass Picture Frtme Mouldings THIRD AVENUE - PHONE 22 Attention! TRADERS AND TRAPPERS. Ship all your furs to The Arctic Fur Co, where you will get full market value. Don't forget the address ARCTIC FUR CO. Prince Rupert, B.C. Dr Alexander X-RAV SERVICE ' PHONE 575 BESNER BLOCK DENTIST TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA BRANT) Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City Correspondents MILLER, COURT & CO. LTD. Stocks, Bonds, Industrial Securities Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent INSURANCE NO ONE EXPECTS No one expects a fire. But fires come. Insure. No one expects sudden loss of property. But property is destroyed and financial Joss and ruin often follow. Insure. Just because you do not ex pect misfortune Insure. : We can give you all forms of Property Protection Policies. S.D. Johns ton Co. Ltd. 617 2nd Avenue Phone 130 Prince Rupert B.C. By George McManus the. i t i hoodoo m frr IfJNT AD. COLUMNS M