fnnday, February 3, 1030. The Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company of Canada, Ltd. Office, 8meltlng and Refining Department TRAIL, BRITISH COLUMBIA SMELTERS AND REFINERS I'urchascrs of Gold, Silver, Copper. Lead and Zinc Ores Producers of Gold, Silver, Copper, Pig Lead and Zinc TADANAC, TRAIL SPECIAL ! - Whale-Bone Brushes Excellent for Massaging the Scalp Values up to $2.25 Vhile they last $1.25 B C COAST STEAMSHIPS Fines illct yfie Pioneer Drifcists THIRD AVE. f SIXTH ST. TELEPHONE 8:6 20 Three Graduate Pharmacists UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Kalllit If mil 111m- IIiipeM I : VAMOIVrit VKTOIUA. Hwhiimmi IU. Ilutlal. (K-raii rail., Alert !!:. rlt . TiifMia. t:3U p.m. t ir VAM'llt KH. VII IOKU. llMlritiile. Alert Hay. He . IrMaf mlilnltl.l t if ALICE AltM. ANYOX. HTr.WAIlT, Num Ultrr. 11 rt HlmuMtu. Run- d.iy. S.Wi a m. 1 13 1nil Avenue K M SMITH Mml Prlnc Kinft. II C Tl niuh I'rken wild to lrtorla and Seattle .and bam re rheeked thn :i;:h to destination Special Round Trip Excursion Rates Will ne In Effect From DECEMBER 25 AND GOOD UNTIL MARCH 31 lor Further Information Enquire At Local Office -B. C. Coast Steamship Service SAILINGS FROM I'RINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan. Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway lecember 28. January 11. 25. To Vancouver. Victoria and Seattle Jan. 1. 15, 29. Princess Mary -Ocean Falls, etc., Vancouver and Victoria, every Friday. 10 p.m. Accnt Tor Ml Steamship Lines W I Orchard, General Agent, 3rd Ave., Prince Rupert, Phone 31 Canadian National Qfce Largcft Railway System in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailings from PRINCE KLTEUT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, and intermediate points, each Thursdar 10:00 p.m, I OK ANYOX and STEWART each Wednesday at 4 p.m. For NORTH and SOUTH OUL'EN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, fortnijhtly. IMssKNj.K TIUINN IX.WK I'KIMT HlTKHT MONDAY. WI.IIVKMDIY mil H ft Hill Y Ht ll:SQ a.m. lor l-ICINCt: i.Oltm:. i:nIOTON. WINNII'MI. nil IiiI llrtn OiMdii. VnHA Matr. AMCNCV AM. OCKAfC HTBAMHIIir :ity Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave- Prime Iluperl Phone if'" LUMBER lxG No. 1 Spruce Shiplnp $28.00 1x10 No. 1 Spruce Shiplap $2.()0 1x0 No. 2 Spruce Shiplap $20.00 1x10 No. 2 Spruce Shiplap -$22.00 2x4 and 2xG, 8 to 14', S4S, No 1 Common .... $26.00 2x4 and 2x6, 8 to 14', S4S, No. 2 Common. . . .$22.09 Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling and Finish, Mouldings Lath, Shingles, Doors, Windows, Etc. BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED . PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Sawmill and Head Office, Seal Cove, Telephone, 3G1 Retail Yard, Cow hny, Telephone 423 Vuion steamer Catala. Capt. A. L D'l'kson, arrived in port at 3:30 ' in tiny afternoon from the south 'Hi sailed at8n.m. fnr Anvu Hinw. U) I :mri nv.. . . uu ci iiiiririnrn nninu ' " Ul'c Mhn uin ..... i. U0' :"W morning and sail south at 0 1 :30 p.m. The vessel brought north a falr-slaed passenger list. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Dougherty re-turned to the city on the' Oatala yesterday afternoon from a trip to Vancouver. Local Items . Dentist, Dr. J. It. Gosse, Phone C8G. Moose dance Saturday .9 to , 12. Premier Orchestra. Admlsoion 50c. 50 Henry Thomson, father of Mrs. T. Oarley of Anyox, died last Thursday in Vancouver. The funeral took place today in Vancouver with Rev. Major C. .C. Owen officiating. Mr. and Mrs. R. Baxter, parents of Mrs. Thomas Rousay, whose aiuoana was Kinea nere in an ac- - j j accioent last weeK, arrived in tne city on the Catala yesterday after noon from Victoria. E. L. Perrin. cashier for the Gran- by Co. at Anyox, was a passenger aboard the Catala last evening re- j turning to the smelter town from, Vancouver, where he was called on account of the serious injury and. subsequent death of his mother. who was the victim recently of a A substantial reduction Is effective on round trip tickets via Canadian National Steamships Prince Rupert to Vancouver and Victoria Return fares from Anyox, Stewart and Ocean Falls to Prince Rupert are also reduced. Full particulars from City Ticket Office, Third Avenue, Phone 260. f22 Co re throats Quickly relieved by rubbing on ICRS VapoRub HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel IMIIH SKW M A N.(IB MWf Mmm llnit-d Rates NIKCIAI. M and CM Wait Irrr Hun Mrrin All llnalo and Up MONTHLY IUTBS JOHN FRY anil A. D-ONAL1) ITuprlrtwni PHONE 51 Central J. Watson, city: Charles Wilson, Sralthcrs; J. D. Jones. C. Hangland and Mrs Dyer. Terrace: O. FlaaUce, Balvus; Mick J. Coulter. Port Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water in all rooms A. J. PKUDHOMME. Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth 8ts. Savoy W. Gillespie, Miss T. Watson and I P. Voyer. Dlgby Island: R. Hamll- ton, city. New Royal Hotel J. Znrflll. Ioji. Till: HOTEL WOKTII WHILE Hot A Cold Water; Steam Ht T5c I'in DAY AND UP T'ir;li''i- SSI Koyal E. Warren. Dlgby Island: Walter H. Laurie. Vancouver; W. A. Saunders, C.N.R., B. 8. Stewart Smtthers. White Lunch Has Reopened UNOr.lt m MANAGEMENT rmiTiiiraiafflHaiBniiH TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIKY FOU S KEEN A BKAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese I'KESH l'ASTEl KIZEi) MILK AND CUFAM DAILY Earlv Delivery Throuiliout the City THE DAILY NEWS PAGE TIIREE . How well you look! " am vriting vou again la ezpreu mii tlnetr gratitude for the continued luectu I harm maintained through my daily dott of Kruerken. Only but met a man met tne (vha taw me a few numthi ago ichcn I mat crippled tcith rhntmatim). Hit finl remark teas hour well 1 looked. I replied, ' Yet, 1 hat only Krutchen SalU to thank.' lie taid he vat feeling tf colour ' and would ttart the Knu Then haml next day. I elwayt recommend limtchm Satu." Ji8- I'. W'ooiiek. Original UUv tutor lUfaUaa. KniKhcn 8aIU l obtainable at drug and department Horn lo Canada at 7te. a bottle. A battle oontalna enough to Uut (or 4 or 6 atiia good ticaltb tax tall-a-ceut a 47, bandit's attack In the southern city. "' w " I Just arrived S.K. Salvor with nowjfull cargo of Nanaimo Wellington Coal for Albert Phone 11C and 117. & MeCatfexy (tf) Mrs. F. P. Kenny, formerly of this city and now residing in New Westminster, was a recent bridge hostess in honor of Mrs. J. E. Mason of Stettler, Alt. The tea table was centred with a silver basket of daf- Howard D. Barrett, accompanied i fodlls and lighted by tall green hia wif and family, has arrived pers in .silver holders. Mrs. H. B in rhP rlr.v from Vancouver to as-! Thompson and Mrs. R. C. Onkels as- 'sume bis new duties here as chief I sisted the hostess at the tea hour clerk in the CNJt. superintendent's i i office. Prior to his departure from 1 Charles Wilson of Lake Kathlyn Vancouver, Mr. Barrett was pre- arrived In the city on yesterday sented with a gold watch by-hls fel- j afternoon's train for a brief visit, low employees there. He served 1 "turning to the Interior this morn-overseas, has been prominent in i lng. Mr. Wilson has now f llled the athletics, and was formerly sta- Booth Fisheries lee houses at lake tioned here in the railway service. , Kathlyn with lee three feet in ' thickness and has started filling of , " " " ! ice cutting contracts for the Cana dian National Railways. It is reported here, although un ifficially. that the twice-a-week boat sen-ice between here and Van -ouvor will be resumed by Canadian j ..tearr.eis Prince George and Prince I Charles will malnfein the service. I while the Prince" &u$erl, which has be on on the ruri all winter, will be I withdrawn to undergo annual over haul. I ANNOUNCBMRNTS 4 Lcif Krikaon February 7. Fishermen's Sootal Royal Purple bridge, whist and dance, Feb. 7, nw Home. Blks' ary 14. Masquerade Ball, Febru- Moose Lglon 45 Annual Novelty dance, Thursday, February 20. Players' Club staging the "The Patsy," Feb. 24 and 29 at Moose Hall. CX.UA. Sixth Annual Ball. Auditorium, Friday, February 28. I (15) Catholic Women's League Spring flu In Anrll 94 Let The Letters Come "11U1LI) b. cv p'!.e! 1 MWWI The letters on Pacific Milk as a food for Infants are coming in -plendidly but we want more. We would like to cover the experienee nd opinion of mothers In a rather broad way. so the more letters ve receive the better It will be. it you have not written, write to-1ay. There ar? ten prises as fol-'ows: 1st.--125 Cash. Ind. 110 Cash. 3rd. Full Case Padftc Milk. Ithr-ij Case Facille MUk. For the next she beat letters chosen 1 dozen cans each. ; Address: 1 PACIFIC MILK Factory nt Aliliotsfonl. II.C. . Glasses fitted by registered on tomctrist at Ileilbroner's Store, (tf)' -r- R. F. McNaughton, C.N.R. district passenger agent, left on this morning's train for Edmonton to attend a meeting of traffic department Mrs. Alonzo Haines and family left on today's train for Saskatoon, where they vill take up residence, joining Mr. Haines, who has been transferred to that city from here as chief clerk to the superintendent of the Canadian National Railways. The remains of the late O. A. Taylor, formerly of Port Essington, are expected to arrive on the Prince Rupert Wednesday morning from Vancouver for Interment here under Masonic auspices. The widow, it is expected, will accompany the body north. Five new members were received at the evening service yesterday in First Baptist Church. A com munion service was conducted by the pastor, Rev. Dr. F. W. Dafoe. There was a vocal solo. "Beautiful Garden of Prayer," by Melvin R. Dafoe and W. Vaughah Davies presided at the organ. A heavy gale swept over Prince Rupert this morning, lashing, the harbor to white caps and rolling heavy breakers on the other side of the bay. As far as can be learned, there was little serious damage as a result of the blow. The canopy of a tailors' delivery car on Second Avenue was blown off. Mayor C. H. Orme icturned to the city on the Catala yesterday afternoon from a' ten-day trip to Victoria, where he took certain matters dp with the provlncls.1 authorities on behalf of the city council. Hi3 Worship will submit a re: ort on his mission to the coun.il at its regular fortnightly meeting tonight, it is expected. He would r.iake no tafrment this morning j -ther than that he considered his trip had been quite successful. Getting Up Nights National Coast Steamships next can Be Stonned often in 48 hours month. It is understood that the n Vou are losln nen. health and "trcngth from Getting Up Nights. Backache Madder Weakness, Burning Lr or Groin Pains, or Rheumatic Aches, why not try the Cystex 48 Hour Test? Get Cyitex (pronounced iss-tex todav at any drug store, for only 60c. Money back If you don't soon find nains Tone, sleep fine, feel younger. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY LOST Boston Bull Pup. Marking-white on chest, face and back ! neck. Brindle color. Apply 131 Messenger office. 3U See the news of the advertisements. Half- 1 the stores in ANNUAL SKI TOURNAMENT Official British Columbia championship ski contests at the third annual tournament of the Omineca Ski Club Burns Lake, Feb. 11, 12, 13, 14, 1930 Under the distinguished patronage of the Honorable the Lieutenant-Governor of British Columbia. Excursion Rates On All Canadian National Lines. Good From Feb. 8 to 19. I MM a fijTne Gin of Quality h,,,J, that haa enjoyed rT finest Vi WW a world wide UONDONDRYgiJ f years. JOSEPH t JOHN VICKERS CO LW. -L1 ' ' 1 tOXDOW I75Q tCLNP J S This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. 1 KfUfi w A few lines are nearly sold out, but there are still plenty of 1 bargains and everything is useful. Some people say they could have saved $100.00 if they had been starting housekeeping now. $1.00 BROWN BETTY ff An TEAPOTS $2.25 OUIJA BOARD CA Sale price $1.40 ENAMEL PAIL JAp I v Sale price 35c BABY CUPS AND fl ap SAUCERS lut 7-PIECE GLASS FRUIT Qffp SETS FRYING PANS All sizes HALF PRICE Beautiful English China Vases, Bowls, Bon Bon Dishes, etc.; Be-low Half Price. These Cannot Be Repeated.