PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Our ur S oaie DEMAND JEWELLER "Rupert Brand" Kippers 'THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE KUPERT, B.C. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERATING G. T. P. 20,000-TON FLOATING DRYDOCK Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern Makers; Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle Ail Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 Early Ad. Copy is appreciated Values 'Are Attracting Many Shrewd Buyers YES, I AM SELLING EVERY ARTICLE IN THIS ENORMOUS STOCK AT DRASTICALLY REDUCED PRICES! If you do not take advantage of this special sale you will be the loser, as this is by no means a money-making event for Heilbroner. The startling values offered have delighted our numerous customers. This sale includes some surplus stock, also broken . lines from various departments. Worthy articles for your own use or for wedding gifts, bridge prizes, birthday, shower gifts and household necessities. Women who havq long wanted some special article and could not afford to pay the regular price will weir come this unusual opportunity to buy them at a greatly reduced price. In Our Basement Store you will find the best quality and latest designs in English dinnerware. Twenty.different designs to choose from, also green band vitrifed ware for restaurants and hotels. Extra Special GUARANTEED WATCHES Each UMBRELLAS-Up from MAX ...75c $1.00 HEILBRONER Canora Helped to Keep Fraser Open Car Ferry Built Here Did Service Down Coast Winter Minister's Work Annual Meeting of Hazelton ted Church Last Week Good The Canadian National car ferry Canora, built last year In the local drydock, has set a good record for winter navigation on the Fraser River in the course of her service between Port Mann and Vancouver Island. In spite of Ice, which stopped many vessels, she made her trips regularly each day and Is said to have been largely responsible for keeping the deep sea channel open. The ship, which Is double-ended with a rudder at each end, used her forward rudder as an ice cutter, the rudder being locked and shearing easily through the floes with the edge. UnL The annual meeting of the' Hazelton United Church was held in me vesiry oi ine cnurch last wed-1 on nesday evening. The minister, Rev. T. H. Wright, B.A., presided. A gratifying financial statement was read by the treasurer and reports of the various activities of church work showed that there had been con siderable Interest and success In the life of the church. , Rev. T. MW$ght. B.A., was thanked for'' his services during the year. A minute was also spread on MOTHERS HONORED Annual Banquet Is Held by byterian C G. I. T. Cinderella Dance Pres- The annual mother and daughter banquet of the Canadian Girls in Training of First Presbyterian Church was held last Friday night In the church and proved a most successful and delightful affair. There were fifty mothers and dauehters in attendance. The proceedings opened with the singing of "O Canada" and the blessing was asked by Rev. Thoma3 McConnell, pastor of the church. After fall justice had been done to fine meal, the purposes of the banquet were explained by Mrs. Jo-eph Greer, leader of the group. These purposes were, Mrs. Orecr aid, to commemorate the ten years' development and progress of the C.G.I.T. in British Columbia, to renew friendship with graduate girls md former leaders, and to win new friends and supporters for the movement. A recitation by Miss Adelia Thurber, "The Dawn of C. G. I. T.," followed. A complete history of the work ince the inception of the Canadian Oirls In Training organization was hen given by Mrs. Frank Rice, this oroving of much interest. The toast a "Our Mothers" was proposed by VIlss Muriel Vance, president of tb 'roup, and responded to by Mrs. L. I. Fuller. Miss Beulah McKlnley. ccompanled by Miss Aletta McKlnley, sang a vocal solo, and a toast to C.G.I.T. was proposed by Mrs.J.W McKlnley, Miss Margaret WMiscrof t responding. After a few remarks had been made by Rev. Mr. McConnell, the proceedings came to a close with the observing In the usual manner of the toast to the King. After the banquet a telegram of greeting was received from Miss Anne Fountain of Vancouver, pro vincial girls' work secretary for British Columbia. WasSuccessful ftood-Sizrd Crowd at Affair Sat urday Evening; Under Auspices of Moose Lodge f- The Cinderella Dance given or Saturday evening by the Jtloost Lodge was vefy successful. A good ized crowd was In attendance and had a Jolly time dancing to the strains of tuhesome music which was furnished by the Premier or chestra. B. J. Bacon was master of ceremonies and William B. McCallum presided at the door, other members of the committee in charge being Oscar Sather. Ted Rorvik, Andy McDonald and George Woh-lschlegal. The Moose are holding a series of Saturday evening Cinderella dances and they are becoming very popular. Silver Cup Future Will Be Discussed Annual Meeting of Ilazclton .Mining Company to be Held This Week It will be decided at the annual meeting In Vancouver this week of jthe Silver Cup Mining Co. whether an offer from the Oold Prospects Ltd. for the company's holding near Hazelton will in the property Much Appreciated HhnHH thorized pin or whether the au capital will be Increased from $375,000 to $750,000. It is stated that G. L. Krtst and associates have made overtures for purchase of the mine and the question will also be discussed at the meeting which will be held Wednesday. THE WEATHER Port Simpson Southeast cloudy, 40. Terrace Rain, calm, 36. wind, Rosewood Snow, southeast wind, 34. ' Aiyansh Snow, calm, 32. Hazelton cloudyy, calm, 30. Smlthers Cloudy, calm, 23. Burns lairo nioudv. wlndv. the records expressing apprecla-jmlld. tlon of Mrs. Wright's work and ' VanderhoofSnowlng, calm, 22. that of the Ladles' Aid for the' Eighth Cabin Snowing, calm, valuable services rendered to all Whltehorse Part cloudy, south branches of work during 1929. 1 wind, 26. The Presbytery will be held In ' Carmacks-FOggy. calm. 12b. Prince Rupert on February 0 and Stewart River Cloudy, north 7 and John Newlck was appointed wind, 35b. Lay Representative. ' Dawson Part cloudy, calm, 30b. Bronchial Cold Left Her With A Dry, Hacking Cough Mrs. J. Fcarman, Selkirk, Ont., writei: "Early last winter I suffered from a severe bronchial cold that left me with a provoking, dry, hacking cough. "After being bothered, both day and night, with it for aome time I had a friend recommend Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup which I tried with wonderful result!, and now it U the only remedy I erer dm for eolda, "I hare also twed Milbarn'a Ilfart and Nerve Fills with wonderful remits," "Dr. Wood's" i 35c. a bottle; large family aire 60e.; at all druggist and dealers; put up only by The T Uilbuin Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont SHIPMENTS OF LUMBER Belnr; Made A rain to Prairies From Sawmills of Frince George District Lumber is beginning to more out again from yards of the mills along to? line of the Canadian Nattooa' hallways east of Prince George but the price Is still low and will prob lfcly remain so for some time. The 3'utlook for 1930 is so uncertain that it is probable the output for the coming year will be much lower Uian that cf 1929. However, if there 3houId be a good crop on the prairies, it Is possible there may be a revival in the lumber trade dur ing the latter part of the year. Mill- men have some comfort, neverthe less. In the assurance that there will be no advance In government royal ties during the next five years. Thomas Roiisav Is Laid To Rest Victim of Last Week's Aeei.lcnt Buried Under I Ragles' Lodge Auspices There was a vtrv large attend ance yesterday afternoon at the funeral of the late Thomas H. Rou- say, the chapel of the B. C. Undertakers being filled to overflowing i or tne service, me lunerai was under toe auspices of Uie Eagles bodge) of which deceased was member, and Rev. Alfred Wilson pastor of First United Church, of ficiated. In his address. Mr. Wilson spoke words of respect for deceased and sympathy for the surviving mem 'jers of the family. W. Vaughan Da vies presided at the organ and hymns were "Abide With Me" and 'Lead Kindly Light." A long concourse followed the cor tege to its last resting place In Fair-view cemetery. The Eagles' burial service was used at the graveside with Thomas Clough, worthy p res- dent, and L. Brewerton, chaplain. officiating. The "Last Post" was sounded over the grave by Bugler William Ranee, deceased having been an ex-service man. Pallbearers were Lee Den, Norman McLeod and James Brown, representing the Eagles' Lodge, and W. A. Pllford, Harry Hayes and James Murray, representing the Canadian Longshoremen's Association. There were quite a number of floral offerings. Among those sending flowers were Mr. and Mrs. Arney and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Allen and family, Mr. and Mn Jr. Qullck, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Phlllipson, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Denning, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hardy, Mr. and Mrs. J. Keays, Mr. and Mrs. James Parks,, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. G. Barber, Mr. and Mrs. W. Ranee, Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith, Mr. Valetnine, Mazie Bros., 76 Taxi, Eagles' Lodge, Can. Long-ihoremen's Association, Prince Rupert Crlbbage League. United States Consul G. C. Woodward, who has been visiting for the past several weeks in Seattle, returned to the city from the south on the Catala yesterday afternoon. GLYCERIN MIXTURE STOPSCONSTIPATION The simple mixture of glroerln, buckthorn bark. Milne, etc. (Adlerlka) acta Mi BOTH upper and lower bowel Mid relieve constipation In TWO boural Bring out old waste, matter you sever tfeouftot wa in roar system. Dant waste time with ptUt or know tea which cletm only PART of the bowels, but let Adlerlka give stomach and bowela a REAL cleaning and toe how good you Ui. Omee, Ltd., drug. 7 rA- 'Monday, F:bna lft MONDAY, TUESIiAT I AND WEDNESDAY TWO SHOWS 7 and 9 p.m. TALKING PICTURES Evelyn IJrcnt and Jack Oakic in a Wonderful Comedy "Fast Company" IT'S FAST, FUNNY AND FRISKY COMEDY, DAD'S DAY- NOVELTY, SHIP AHOY PARAMOUNT SOUND NEWS Admission, 20c and 65c COAL! COAL! PEMBINA EGG Delivered, per ton s&on ALBERTA EGG Delivered, per ton 12. , ALBERTA LUMP Delivered, per ton . . 13.5a Special Prices On Your Winter Supply WOOD JUST AIlKIVI'l). NEW SHIPMENT OF MUCH AND JAHK FINE MILL ENDS Per load SUti BOX CUTTINGS Per load r 3.50 HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 589 PHONE 5S0 the carreadmow '6 S miii sjjtt: tor siraimci Equip your car now with a set of Royal Cords or Royal Masters. . . . and enjoy a season's motoring free from trouble or worry. Come jn and see us about prices and let us tell v. J at the same time about our weekly inspection service. DOMINION ROYAL CORDS and ROYAL MASTERS S. E. Parker, Ltd. Phone S3 FORD DEALERS 3rd Ave. A Real Bargain , Alexander DOLLAR SODA BISCUITS is. Per box 65c HUNZ TOMATO KETCHUP O OUU C p ' -3 bottles for HEINZ PORK St BEANS 3 Uns for CLARK'S PORK St BEANS 3s. 3 tins for TILLSON QUAKER ROLL OATS 3 pkts. for 85c I 85c ODCl HAPPY VALE SOUR MIXED rflp PICKLES QU. Per Jar UU HAPPY VALE SWEET CHOW QU. Per Jar STROH'S MALT 8YRUP-24s. Per tin 60c 95c Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 417-123 5th Avenue East PHONE 18 AM) 81 P. O. Box 675. SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO ORDER Cutting, Wnrkmnnxhlp and Style All Guaranteed SUITS STEAM CLEANED AW PRESSED We Deliver to Any Pari of lh City. Ling, the Tailor Phone C49 rsjcQ FIIONE S73 BERNEH BLOCK DENTIST COAL Buy the real Coal -our fa-rnoas Edson and Cassia-Wellington In any quantities-Also Uulklcy Vallc Hr Oraln and Robin Hool Hoar. Prince Rupcrl Feei Co PHONES 58 AND w S. D. Johnston Co., Ltd. Correspondents For MILLER. COlTKT& CO., LIMITED For the benefit of j vesting public. Minor, t Co.. Ltd.. publish a ; 1 monthly market rcp ' ' 1 lng with mining, oil .';' dustrlal stocks, vi" 11 h'f available at our office j!" 1st and 15th of every m 't1" We offer prompt ur.d able service In tho t-x- ""J of orders to buy or "" 'V stocks on tho Vancotnvi gary and Toronto ExctwnH S.D.JohflstonCo.Lli 610 2nd ATenuc Phone Prinrn ItunerL IM"