paob foto , - , , - SENATORS ARCADIA LEADNQW; YACHT IN Went to Top in American Leajue-.Mrs. Hard wkk's.l 88-Footer Is Lars-By Wianlnc Biihth Straight est rrivat: Vessel to Msit Tort Oame Yesterday WASHEK1TON. July 81 Wash National League B, at Louis S. New York IS, FbOadelpbte 12. American League Waalltngtop S, Boston 1. St. Lewis , Ckvetaad 1. Detroit-, Chteege 2-8. FOOTBALL POSTPONED HAMILTON, Jh 1 Mike Smith. is. a new Canadian, was la the local Jail yard this So Far: This Season The handsome 188-foot Owing to the rain, last night's ,1a wast-and mosfranirrwrtteus prl- Stsmrt ShieM footteQ fixture be, vate yaoht te veU hce so far this twee, the Regiment and Frtnae-jyeafc The vessel aarftts a erew of Revert Athletic peaei. Club was post-i 33 and Hie skipper is Oapt Lewis 'Evans. Big American .aUcMake , Special Call The Pacifte Coast Steamship Co.'s Mk liner Dorothy Alexander wH mate a special call here next Tuesday morning with a party of 11 Boston people headed by Mr. and Mrs. Ieprfi Hornbjower who have been making a trip to Alaska and who vriP preaeed eastfroBi here in a$et)4VWt&M to the regu- lMrttt naming Park before proceeding on their-se-torn to Boston. MURDERER IS HANGED Mike Smith Paid Tenalty at Ham ilten Teday For Killing John Iwatttf, Aged Merchant Trade With Mother Country Is Vital (continued from pace ) hibiting immigration to Canada until such time as all the people in the Dominion who were willing were able to get work. He reiterated his former statement that the Dominion government stood ready to assist the provinces which found unemployment too great for them to cope with k 1 4 L. . iTje panyi ... at Jaaaer ' iltuviMtwa hum e wuwnj i 1 1 J T- T" 1 -.1 l . i muu tuw roce ntvtsr w on- tish Columbia, the Premier said that another thing remained to be done in connection with the western provinces. He proposed, to suggest to his colleagues in the cabinet that the government take up im- mediately the question of including within the provincial boundaries. "My own opinion," declared Mr. King, "is that these weetero pro--vtnees shovkl streteh right up to the Arctic Ocean. Thus we would be rolling beck the map of Canada to the region of the northern lights." An overflow meeting was neees rajptec fox the murder of John j sary, so great were the numbers of IWMkteV aed aerehant whose j people who deetred to hear the home he attempted te rob. Premier. 8 did at all Government Liquor -Stores This advertisement Is not published, or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Fourth of July Was Big Bay Hyder, Alaska j STEWART. July 8: The Fourth ;f July was a big day in Hyder, almost the whole district taking a diesel holiday and spending it in the Al- tofts Senators went into first powered yaem Arcadia, with the asfcan. town. Children's and adult's pteee- ta the AJerfcp League a a owner.. Mm. Hard wick of Brookline, sports were the order of the day, remit of their eighth straight vie- rMass., and pty of eight friends with a baseball game between Stew-tWitei. beattr Boston RedJ OR board; dropped anchor on the, art and Hyder capping the after-San; while PWladetpWa AthJestes jeb side of Prince Rupert harbor noon's events. Incidentally Hyder were Idle. Detroit Tigers and Chi-; not far from Wolf Island at 6 o'clock won, seven runs to five, oago White Sox split honors te a! evening in the course of a In the evening everyone turned double-header. iletsmely cruise up the coast. They oat for the big dance In Pioneer In fee National League, the New , will spend until tomorrow after- Hall and enjoyed themselves until Yost GiaaU and PhtlMsfrMa en. QMO here before continuing the after three in the moraine of the gaged, in a staggag match with voyage which is planned to end at following day. Mask: was, supplied the (Hants getting the margin. Yesterday's scores: f&Eagway. !by the Stewart orchestra. The Arcadia spent but winter in) I - Miami Fla and divine: the nasi, TENNIS POSTPONED QAcako-I, tX Cincinnati Cincinnati 4. 4. I month steamed through Panama BsMta 1, Brooklyn 2. roanal te Vancouver where Mrs. On account of the Tain, contin Hard wick and her nartv were nick- nation last night of the men's fed up. On conclusion' of the Alaska doubles in the cttr tennis cbam- voyage, Mrs. Hardwick Is planning to go to Cocas Island on the Equator. The Arcadia, whose home port is 1 Boston, derives her power from two ! 800. b,iu diesel eastnea. She- is the plansmps was lurther postponed As weather seems to be mere pro mising, it is possible that seme if not all of the events may be played off today. DUAL CHAMPION Andre Gobert, French athlete, boasts the distinction of having ' won the amateur championship of I France at both tennis and golf. FUR BUYERS WEREHNED Herbert Porter and D. R. Stein Each Pay S58 For Baying Skins Out of Season On charges of having purchased fur in a, desed season. Herbert Por ter and D. R. Stein, Vancouver fur buyers, were each fined $50 last night in provincial police court by W. E. Collison, justice of the peace, After referring to the restoring of Latter a two-day bearing. Applica tion will be made tomorrow for confiscation of approximately $2,001 worth of fur involved in the case. Potter and Stein were arrestee hsre several weeks ago. They claimed that furs came from Union Bay and, therefore, were not out of sea-eon. The court, however, .ruled otherwise. Staff Sergeant Alex Mc Neill prosecuted the case and Milton Gonzales was defence counsel. PHILADELPHIA PARTY IS OUT TO GET SPECIMEN (Continued from uage onei Mr. Drinker, "even mosquito have a special commission to col lect as many different types o mosquitoes as possible, giving sue: LdeteU as their stinge and their af ter effect. The islands contain 11' different kinds ef birds and therr may be more," he said, "and man' of these cannot be found in an other part ef the world. For in stance, a very Interesting specimen Is the Queen. Charlotte Jay, foun" only on the islands, and a common song sparrow which has long wing feathers, one of nature's provis slons to the bird, living as it does in a very moist climate. In addition to getting seecAroens of birds." continued Mr. Drinker, "we a taking 18,000 feet of motion pic ture film and we will spend r l whole we-k taking pictures of them In their natural background Then there is a small black bear I found on the islands wtfush we I hope to get a specimen of," said i Mr. Drinker. "It is like an ordlnar black bear, but is. very small even 'when full grown." The party will remain on the Is lands until August 22, accordlnr I to Mr. Drlnkw. From there four members of the expedition will mroceed to Summit Lakp near ; Prince George on the northern line I I of the C.N.B . and from there star i on a 550 mile canoe trip up th-' j Peace River In an attempt to get ! i a specimen of the mountain sheep : ; found only in that- region. Edward. Woolman and Frank W I Wood, the other two members of the expedition will arrive in Winnipeg on July 9,,arrlving at Jasper on July 11. Bert F. Smith, assistant manager of the Premier (Sold Mining Co., is a passenger aboard the Qa- VISITORS; Committee of City Council to Have . $har$e of Plans to l'elcoroe IX S. Naval Men At the city council meeting last night on motion of Alderman Pul-len, a eomraittee consisting of Aldermen Pill?; bury, Macdonald. Brown and Linzey was appointed to arrange for the entertainment of the officers and men from the United States destroyer flotilla. This committee met later and made tentative plans to put on one or two baseball matches and, a dance at the exhibttioif. building. The boats j are being communicated with and J when they are heard from definite ; arrangements will be made. Handball Court May Be Rebuilt ! When it was proposed at the city council meeting last night so vote' small sum cf money for the en tertainment of the visiting United States destroyer crews. Alderman Macdonajo drew attention to the fact that there was money that could be voted yet he cgnld not get very small sum for the rebuilding 3f a handball court for the- ate of the lade of the city. After seme discussion of a light nature the matter was referred to the engineer for further report, the understanding being that if the xist is not too high the court will x replaced. rmaiiER at ciiiuwack o lay m the tact that the Corner-; atlves had made a political issue ut of the budget. It therefore be-ame eseeatial that the volee of the )eojB?e on' the govemmerit's ttscat j proposals should be obtained. i The scene from the platform vhere the Prime Minister stood to j llscuss the great issues of the campaign was an impressive one. Bt-r.tric hgheB were strung across the treet while floodlights were diree-ced at the platform. From his place a the flag decorated stand, the Prime Minister looked down on ihousands of upturned faces. Welcoming banners and flags greeted Ms eyes. m m. ) afl lOfir? I - 25 I v wants. POKER HANDS IN E V E It THE WEATHER Prince Rupert Part cloud. calm; temperature. 50. John Henry Mears, veteran globe trotter, with tin motor of the Lockheed Vega aeroplane in whlh he will attempt to make a new round-the-world speed recovd (Ml Kvce ill ' "Twaav THE DAILY NEWS. ENTERTAIN i MS b I AN ADDED PLEASURE ft SmokeDixie-the Pleaure smoke- made only to add pleasure to life's other pleasures -to lend the comfort and relaxation of a perfect cigarette following a good dinner. Soothing, cool, fragrant-mild, yet with just enough "body" to give that satisfaction every cigarette smoker Try Dixie -the mellow fragrance of selecled Virginia leaf will delight you -the. natural, mild flavour makes an instant bit with those that smoke for pleasure. The BETTER CIGARETTE 1' A C K, A ( I Deservedly Popular The name 'Black. & While on a bottle of whisky i as sbiolute a guarsntae as the hiR-mark on silver It assures thaj subtla ditterence tn flavour and quality which distinguishes this whisky from all others. It gusr ants thai only tha finest materials have been used end that always everywhere the quality is the BLACK & WHITE" SCOTCH WHISKY "4H jBJ DI5TILLED' BLENDED AND BOTTLED IN SCOTLAHPjM MWm1BB tWBBPKt ThIs advertisement Is not published or displayed ty HjBBpP Bj Liquor Control Board or by the "vermnen? of wSbjjffl i ZAM-BUK I P I. 4L.JL , I coD) ON CHEST H Children of St. Anne's school InterestedJn lifeboat station at Tot- tala this.aflemoon "Wind"; frtrmr "tfnham town hall during' reeJiUeiAuarllfebdaiay jppreal Stewart fo" Vancouver. f throughout areatef tontfon. If you lose anything try a classified ad. I