Face Powders 50c. An assortment of odd lines regularly priced at 5i,c to $1.50 including Gay Paree, Roger & Ual-lc: Pubarry, Mavis and Piver Powders, in all shades and odors. i b.c coast steamships U&I CAFE 0n.MF.ULY Till" WHITE LUNCH Is Now Open I'ndcr new management. HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel m:r nmv man mik.mknt iRi llrit.-rt. Traveller' Sample R m- IM ano VoM WlHrr "w Una Metl, ,l Train, antl Hates $1.00 and Up M'MIAI, MONTHLY UATr.f. C IUIKIOAUT & A. DONALD PrP'lelnr PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Rupert's leading fam-c I : ;trl- Hot and cold water w U rooms. A- J. I'RUDHOMME. rriin. L.':: Of Fraser and Fifth StS. SaTy r. , y- r anningham. Port Easing-' Mt A. Falrbalrn, Smith- New Royal Hotel T, Jirelll. irop. I"1 "01 HOKTII WIIIIiB in Water; 8tam Heat 7 PER DAY AND UP i, Tlephni tl Knvol -ulle. Rainbow Lake; J nipn E. Ranrien nnH T. ;'- ii:n. n Charlotte Islands. ofl"' Ne,w "Vant Ads" bring faults. H!T art ruL ZTfic Pioneer Drjtrfisls Phones 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. Three Graduate Pharmacists UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Mailing (runt lYIiir Rupert r N "OITVBR. VICTORIA. ButedHe. Ari Iiy, tc Tattdftt s -in nn tn, ",ntAy AVOX. 8TMVAUT. Ku. Htirt Tl"if! MmJSS. Hhb. r s'lMrsON nd WAIJ38 18!,vr) Ihurvmy pjn IIS !nd Urnue K M SMITH Mrnt Prlnee Kttnert. II C VrUIh.yrk.:1 "0Ui t0 V,rlor" tai"nl.e?if(i thmmh to dellntloi B. C. Coast Steamship Service SAILINGS FROM ruiNCE RUPERT To Ketchikan. Wrans-ell Juneau. Stairway July 7, 11, 11, 18, 21. 23, 28. To Vancouver. Victoria. Sent tie-July 5, 9. 12, 1C, 19, 21, M, 30. Princess Mary--Ocean Falls, etc, Vancouver and vitiuiu. every rrraay, iu pjn Agents For All Steamship Lines W C Orchard. General A sent, 3rd Ave. I'rince Rupert, l'hoi. j DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers "THIS DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD " Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PIUNCE HUPEKT. B.C. No adulterants 100 per cent pure Anleuer-Duch Darlcy-Malt Syrup ijcirr OR DARK RICH IN BODY NOT BITTER I SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO ORDER Cutting, Workmanship anil Style All Guaranteed SUITS STEAM CLEANED AND 1'ItESSED We Deliver to any Tart of the City i Ling, the Tailor I'honc CIS Local Items i Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Ileilbroner's store. Liberal workers will please turn out this evening at Committee Rooms. t( The city council at its meeting last night decided to give the hospital the same water rate this year M last. , Regular monthly dinners of the Prthce Rupert Shrine Club have Ween cancelled for the months of July and August. Mr. and Mrs. R. E Walker sailed j on the Prince Charles last evening i to make the round trip to Stewart Anyox and Maesett Inlet polns. Dr. Joseph T. Mandy, resident mining engineer, sailed on the ss Prince Charles last evening for a trip to Stewart on official duties. Mrs. Alfred Wilson and child sailed on the Prince Charles last evening to make the round trip to 8tewart, Anyox and Maseett Inlet points. Rev. J. R. FrtueU, formerly pastor of First Presbyterian Church here, is supplying the pulpit of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church in Vancouver during the absence of Rev. Dr. MacBeth in Manitoba. Fred Scadden sails this afternoon on the Catala for Bella Bella enroute to Drlad Island where he has the contract for the paintmit of the new lighthouse building which Is being built by Mitchell & Corrie. D. O. MeNaughton. father of R. F. MeNaughton; Miss Jean Mc Naughton, his sister, and Miss Ja- ' net MeNaughton, his aunt, have arrived in the city from Sarnla. Ontario, for a visit of several weeks. Dr. A. J. Oilchrtst of Montreal a member of the medical depart ment of the Canadian National Railway, arrived in the city y ester tfay from the Bast and will join the party of Sir Henry Thornton here tomorrow. Mrs. F: Dodsworth arrived In the city on the Catala today from Anyox and will sail on the Princess Alice tomorrow afternoon for Vancouver enroute to Montreal where she will embark for a visit to her home in Liverpool, England. According to word which has Hist been recehrod in the city. Billy Puller, a pupil of Miss Swana iOlafson. was successful in pa Ming primary theoretical examinations 'of the Toronto Conservatory of Music with first class honors. At the city eounett meeting last night Aid. S. D. Maedonald con gratulated the Board of Works and city enalneer on having rebuilt the handball court which was now being used a good deal. It was al ready proving an asset to the boys of ttte neighborhood. Richmond E. Mortimer, who has been spending a holiday- here visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Mortimer, Fifth Avenue East, sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver enroute to Nakuap where he will resume his duties In the service .of the Canadian Bank of Commerce. J. W. deB. Farris. K.C.. and T. D. PattuUo, provincial leader and M. L.A. for Prince Rupert, will sail on the Catala this afternoon for Ocean Falls whre they will hold a campaign meeting tomorrow night on behalf of Olof Hanson, Liberal candidate for Skeena in the forthcoming federal election. They will be accompanied from here to the paper town by Bert Phillips, Secretary jof .the Lib era! Association there, who has bern In this district for the past few days. T Dr Alexander X-RAY SERVICE PHONE 575 BESNER BLOCK DENTIST THE DAILY NEWS Bad Indigestion and Constipation Disappear Quick "FRUIT-A-TiVES" Now Her Only Doctor "Suffered trrrtbb wttH Indication nd c-.twMpntlon. couldn't eat. A friend adrlsed 'Frult-a-tlve' and m von fin and well. They arc rov. doctor when 111 " Leonle f-arsdls. Mont Carmd. P. Q. IMUn from thwiaand ay chronic eonctlpatlcn and liver trouble ended overnight with "Frhit-a-tlvea." Sour stomach, bUlouxnesa, heartburn, t&js blnatlm; rtnlMi like magic. Bladder M kidney lite, pain In back go la 34' hritri. Nerve quiet, aound i-leep at once. Rheumat'-m. neuralgia, Mvrltta atek bdelvi disappear In a Jiffy. Complexion clean quick. Famous Oanadlan doctor'a discovery.' Ten or nature ' 'greatest reme-(Ma octntolrtd In bandy little tablet. Amazing quick retult. 0t "Fnm-a-MreS" from druggta today. Fel great tomorrow. Dlnnenvare. china, crockery, glassware. Ileilbroner's Store . A son was born here recently to Mr. and Mrs. Thor Hermann, C. W. Homer, provincial assessor sailed on the Prlnee Charles last evening for a trip to Anyox on official business. Sergeant Andrew Falrbalrn, provincial police, left by today's train on his return to Smithers after a brief visit in the city. Jack Frew and H. Hill sailed on the Prince Charles last evening to maice the round trip to Stewart, Anyox and Maseett Inlet points. Moose Take notice, to- i morrow njght'p meetln is cancelled. 153 Rev. and Mrs. H D. Ranns of Humbolt. Saskatchewan, will pass through Prince Rupert this week enroute to their home on the prairies after a visit in 'Vancouver. Miss Mary Maefle beauty speci alist, withes' to1nfornv'her custo mers that she will be absent from the city on a three weeks' vacation after July 26. 170 Mrs. Olof Hanson sailed on the Prince Rupert yesterday afternoon on the Prince Rupert for a brief trip to Ocean Falls. She expects to return to the city on the ss. Prince George tomorrow morning. The eighth local Improvement bylaws providing for paving downtown sidewalks with bltullthlc sur face on ereoaoted timber base were reconsidered and finally passed by the city council at its meeting last night. Miss Marlorie BeU was an lnfor mal tea hostess at the Hotel Geo gia In honor of Miss Marguerite Wilkinson whose marriage to Dr. H. J. Hoeklra of Prince George will be an event of July 23. Van oouver Province. . Inspector William Spiller. provincial police, sailed on the Prince Rupert yesterday afternoon for a brief trip to Ocean Falls on official business. He expects to return to the cRy on the Prlnee George tomorrow morning. C. N. R. steamer Prince John.l Oapt. Dan McKlnnon, arrived In nort at 6.30 last evening from Vancouver via the south end of th Queen Charlotte Islands and sailed at 2 o'clock this afternoon for Vancouver via toglewood and Alert Bay. On Wednesday a'temonn .Tnlv 23, at 3 o'clock, in the I.O.D.E Hall, a tea will be given In the in terests of the Liberal Candidate Mrs. Paul Smith of Vancouver will address the meeting. Every lady in Prince Rupert is cordially Invited to attend. 170 J. L. McCoy, has arrived hero from Vancouver to Join the staff of the Government Telegraphs for the next few months; while J. D. Lawrence, local manager, 1? relieving at Atlln. During Mr. Lawrence's absence. D. C. Sthubcrt has assumed his duties. Union steamer Catala, Capt. A. E. Dickson, returned to port at 2.20 this afternoon from Anyox, Stewart and other northern points and will sail, at 3.30 p!m. for Vancouver and waypointi. The vessel was delayed In arriving from the north on arcount of unfavorable tides in the Nuas River. ,, ft These Strange Guns of Peace explode wheat and rice Giving Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice the rich nourish ment of hot cooked cereals FLAVORY! Crunchj! Meltingly good to cat. That's Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice Grains . . . "grains shot from guns" I Choice, plump grains of wheat and rice are actually scaled in shining bronze guns. Then the guns are revolved in fiery ovens to develop ail the natural rich grain flavor. When the guns are fired, 125 million explosions occur in every grain. This breaks open every one of the millions of tiny food cells. The grains become as completely digestible as though they had been cooked for hours. That's wby Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice arc rated "virtually as nourishing as hot cooked cereals." And these dainty nuggets of nourishment have all the rich flavor of new nut-meats. All the buttery crispness of fresh toast. You never tasted grain foods in a more enticing form. Serve with fruit and cream for-breakfast. As an easily digestible luncheon dish for children. Crisp in butter to make a delicious new kind of popcorn. Order Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice from your grocer today. The Quaker Oats Company. ' 1 5758 QUAKER PUFFED WHEAT AND PUFFED RICE TOUR PARTIES COMING HERE Large Groups From Cincinnati and r Chicago Are Due in Prince Rupert Tomarrow Two tour parties from the East ern States will be here tomorrow en route to Alaska. A Miss Hardlsty narty of 30 persons from Cincinnati will arrive here by train and embark aboard the steamer Prince George to make the trip to Skagway and thence to Vancouver. This is the sixth successive season In which Miss Hardlsty has been here with a party. A Northwestern Alaska tour party of 40 persons from Chicago will arrive on the Prince George from Vancouver and continue through to Skagway, disembarking here next Monday morning from the steamer and proceeding east in special cars attached to the regular train. A. J. Curzon sailed last evening on the Prince Charles for a business trip to Massett. F. D. Mathers, district manager for the B. C, Packers, sailed yester day afternoon on the Prince Rupert for a brief trip to Vancouver on company business. J PAGE THRE? . r Baseball tonight at 6.45 prompt. Elks.'Vs. Centrals. "What is elegance and dignity today will look like a carnival garment to-morrow." Paul Polret. Get the Ad. reading habit. It ways. ANNOUNCEMENTS 4-4- - ' s Dry Dock Employees Picnic Au gust 3 to Tugwell Island. Moose Bazaar, October 16, 17. OOOOOOOOOOOOC-OOOOOOOJQOOOCHjaOOaOOOOOOOOOOCHlOOOOOOOCfOO-OOOOOOODOOOOCW -riCHX!OOOOOaOOO0O0OO OOOOOOOOOC-OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 1 , What part of your newspaper is of I: most interest to you? THE front page? The society page? Sports? Woman's page? Financial? Editorial? Cartoons? There is a part of nearly every page that is practical, helpful, full of newsthe advertising. Do you interest yourself in reading it? You should. Here is news of immediate value to you. Comforts necessities luxuries merchandise every bit of which gives you a dollar's worth of value for every dollar you spend. In the advertisements is information of practical worth. Reputable merchants bring wares for your inspection that are soundly made and of known, proved value. The statements they make they are willing to sign knowing that standing in the community, and business prestige is at stake. It pays to read advertisements. For, in this part of y6uE nowspapcr, you can find where your money can be spent to best advantage. A very material aid in bettering your evcry-day life. A way of lengthening your pocket book. Get Ihc habit of reading the advertisements in this paper, and taking advantage of the help they bring you. i van. jaiPi?M BQOooMooaooooaooaooooooooaoaaoacoooooooaaoooooaaa0oooooaooooooaoooaooaoaoooooo poQQaopooQOoo0OPQQODoo00jacHMcoaeorto i 1