if. i WHEREVER FRESH MILK IS HARD TO GET... USE KLIM No matter how far from civilization you may wander . . . thoush miles may lie between you and the-nearest cow . . you can still have fresh, sweet milk for your cereals, for tea or coffee, or to drink. Just pack a few tins of Klim with your supplies. If you like milk, you'll like Klim forKlim IS milk, rich dairy milk, cream and all, reduced to a pow-dr that keepskirrfefiritely, and is easy to carry along. Let us send yofwj trial can of Kli for 10 cents and learn how simple, convenieatand thoroughly delicious it really is. CANADIAN MILK PRODUCTS LIMITED 115 Gcor3 Street Toronto COUPON Onadidfi Milk Products Limited, 115 George St, Toronto Please send oe free booklet "Camp Coo kins." Name Address..... Key No. 44. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND 1 SHIPYARD Ol'EUATINU (J. T. 1'. 20.000-TON FLOATING DHYDOCK Engineer. Machinists, Itoilermakers, Itlarksmilhs, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworker, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MAKINE AND COMMERCIAL WOKK PHONES 43 AND 385 PIsMHFNa EGG-Delivered. Ffr Ton'. . . .T. .S12.0 MINEHKAD EGG Delivered, Per Ton 12.50 RIINE1IEA1) LUMP Delivered, Per Ton . . . 13.50 FURNITURE and PIANO MOVING A Specialty HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 r KILN Dill El) SPRUCE, CEDAR AND HEMLOCK FINISH, CEILING, RUSTIC, MOULDINGS, ETC. I Specialties Edge GrairtlJoabCcdarCiln Dried Edge Grain JL luemlcElooring Spruce and Cylar.Sliiplip, Boards, Dimensions and Timbers. boUrs, Windows, Shinjles, Etc. Odd lols off-grade material at reduced prices. BIG BAY LUMBER CO., LTD. Lumber Manufacturers Prince Kupcrt, B.C. WINNIPEO, July 22: Whsat in - i Western grain growing areas Is HALIFAX, July 22 Sixty yean headed out and stands of straw are has passed sine the ss. City of uneven, while crop growth in nu- Boston left this port for England merous districts is very spotty. Hot with passengers, mails and cargo. weather, with damaging winds. The ship was never heard from have been experienced and hail, again, and to this day the story of which cut swaths In narrow strips, how she was lost remains a secret is reported from points throughout of the sea. In all probability the Saskatchewan and In some parts of hurricane arising a few days after Manitoba, according to the weekly the steamer sailed, accounted for report of the Canadian National her disappearance, but how long Railways. t she fought, the vicinity of her sur- In Manitoba the weather has render and other details of the dra-been warm and heavy rains fol- ma have never been teld. The lowed the intense heat, with the re- absence of any wreckage following suit that crop growth has been an exhaustive search made the phenomenal. Wheat and all coarse mystery more perplexing. Two pos-grains are now practically headed sible clues-to the tragedy were re-out and, along the Hartney subdi- ported, but the authenticity of ihe .se vision, barley cutting will com- could not be verified. mence about the end of the month. are first class and some of the fields Swan River Valley still has excel-j lent prospects and the general; ranis received in the province there : is every likelihood that the head; will fill normally and the berry har-1 vested will be plump. In Saskatchewan, hot weather, with drying winds, was experienced, j Along the Blenfat. Avonlea, Gravel-1 bourg, Central Butte, River Hurst I subdivision grain Is suffering from lack of moistuie. and if a paying crop Is to be harvested, more rain is required immediately. Disap-oointlng conditions exist between Melville and Waterous and, from Waterous west to Blggar, very little improvement is noted. Along the Yorkton. Rhein subdivisions crops, however, are excellent. Wheat Is headed out and rye is beginning to ripen and, with continuous good weather, the crop should be above average. Along the Dog aland, Unity subdivision, the period commenced :rith heavy rains followed by very hot weather which culminated In hall and in district along the same subdivisions a beneficial ram has improved crops which were nob devastated and already estimates of 75 of an average yield are being -nari Prinr Albert subdivision ideal weather conditions and esti mates are that wheat will yield a little better than 20 bushels per acre. North of Edmonton to Athabasca and In the Peace River country sun shiny days have dominated. Interspersed with light showers. Wheat stands are averaging about 25 to 30 Inches and heads are filling well. The price of finished cattle is strong, about SO cents per hundred. but the stock prices have reacted to slightly lower level. The hog market holds steady and the active demand for native lambs has strengthened the price paid for this class of stock. Sir Henry Thornton, president of the Canadian National Railways and his party, who . have been making the trip to Skagway on the steamer Prince Henry, will be back here from Alaska tomorrow morning and will proceed East on a special train which will leave about 10 a.m. COAL Buy the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassidy-Welllngton In any quantities. Also Bulkley Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND S58 It was at noon on Friday, January Haying Is rapidly nearlng comple-l mo ra M day g0 t0 Mx non ana mucn sweei crover that the j one veteran phrased It), the Neepawa subdivision Is being j of BJaton aM down harvested. Along the Roasburn, , harbor errroute to QUeenstown. In i Wakoha subdivisions, faU rye crops !adduon to a number from New; York, 41 cabin and ten steerage pas- i are Degxnrung to mm ana cumu: , vrv at w.iifcv ., , . . u v.w. - still reports crop conditions excel-1 herself. tent and, while hall struck Cud-worth, St. Brieux and Canword, the toss will not materially decrease the general outrun of the district. All rains are far ahead of last year. General rains through Central Mberta during last week have worked a marked Improvement In crops although there will be great variations in yields. Three Hills, Stet-Jer subdivision still needs more noisture. They are more fortunate , .ban many districts in the south- ;rn part of the province, as recent drought has materially cut the prospective yield to lower than av-rage. Along the VegrevtUe. Cam- rose Black Foot subdivision, weath er has. been very favorable and what crops that were slow and backwards have responded to the The. Intimation of Trouble The first intimation that all was not well with the City of Boston was published as follows under the head of "Disasters" in the British Colonist of Halifax. Feb. 16, 1870: "At last accounts the mail steamer City of Boston had not arrived In England. A cable telegram from Mr. Inman, dated Liverpool, Febra ary 15. says 'I have no fears for the City of Boston. She cannot get on with these strong east winds. The New York mail boat, due last Frl day, not yet reported.' " Some re-assurance was given on February 19 by a passenger who had come to Halifax on the last trip of the City of Boston from New York. The steamer's fan had broken on her voyage to New York and a new one had been Installed there. On the trip to Halifax he BE CONVINCED A Trial will convince you that our goods are of the highest quality at the lowest possible price. Butter. Hollybrook, Wood land and E.CD.. per lb. ... Malkin's Best Tea per lb Quaker Com Flakes per pkg. ........ Clothes Pegs 6 dot .. Shredded Wheat 2 pkg. Ivory FlakesSame as Lux per pkg. Shelled Walnuts Halves per lb Lemonsr-. i . ! . per da?. ,uu.:u... Shelled Almonds per lb. ..JU. Old Spuds Firm, uniform good as new ones, 12 lbs 40c 55c 10c 35c 25c 10c 45c 35c 55c 25c Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 417-423 5th Avenue East PHONE lb AND 81 A snapshot from Tok; sh wj .-. w-in- the Utot- l. Janan- for the ship, a pathetic incident was furnished In a false despatch: "City of Boston arrived Cork. All well." Church and fire bells began ringing all over Halifax, men and women Joyfully shook hands, and , U 4..UI1a, Tku, : ' miscs of N ippon fcumir. r styles. list included many leading business , - , men of Halifax who were going to 'nought he had heard this work The steamer City of Durham zlg-the Old Country to make their an- j loose. The fan was lost en route ; jagged the course between Cork and nual purchase of spring and sum-, England, he believed, and the ! Halifax, and the City of Antwerp mer goods. ' hip was miking a slow passage un- performed a similar service between Reports from the troopship Art sails against head winds. i Halifax and Cork, but no sign of Orontea, which survived the storms' As late as March 10 the City of tne missing ship or any wreckage encountered by the City of Boston. Boston was still believed to be mak- could be found, gave a good idea of the latter ships ; inn slow progress due to engine ,,,., experiences. The Orontes. carrying , troubls. but on April 8. according U On February 11. 1870. a boar the 16th Regiment, left here on j the British Colonist, the case was, hearing a message that the City of January 27, one day before the City acknowledged to be "all but hope- Boston was sinking, was found In .. - rv t ' ! Cornwall. On the night of Janu- 30. the O rentes ran Into a northeast Soon after anxiety was first felt ary 31. south of Sable Island, the gale, which steadily became worse, ending in a hurricane lasting five hours on the night of February 5. All the regimental horses on the ship were killed during the gale, and the ship was saved only by changing the position of the men. One writer later pointed out that the "dead" cargo of the City of Boston could not be shifted if the steamer developed a list, and that she had not been built property, as there were spaces of six feet between the deck houses and bulwarks, which would hold a great deal of water. When laid to. the ship would' take In water on one side, and then more on the other, before she could recover, "drown- master of the schooner Charles Tupper saw rockets shoot up three times from a steamer which shitted her position to all points of the :ompass. This steamer never was Identified. The weather at the time was "terrific." These two ic- illC CliUIC VI. WCM JUUIIOUV. iiiui X K it was learned that the shin had not i ports were alt that was efearilfe -rriH onH the mMu un n ' to shed light on the mystery of the canard. of the City of Boston. UNION New Summer GASOLINE MADE IN Il.C. '. Lt. . i H n n a j a -t a 4 r i CM'-1 pays. TuMay July , PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS caxaxMZBi'H.t'arD'-'B' ... "-4jJ RAIN HELPS MISSING R ii mon, Bi lues. SOME CROPS 60 YEARS In Some Paris of Prairies, However, This is the Sixtieth Anniversary Heat, Has Done Much Damage j of Sailing From Hai lax of III- fated City of Boston P B m m m u m m M ' M 5 0 tar s H n B W s a it, i 2 Irene Bordoni 'PARIS' With Jack Buchanan A real comedy-drama In fcclu color. Talking Sinjint, Daorit Olrls, Gowns and Itominti Cartoon "Karnival Kids Paramount Sound Nn Admission - r.ccii TELEPHONE SSI VALENTIN DAIRY FOE SKF.KNA BKAM) Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese rnr.su pastf.urizf.u miu AND CREAM DAILY Earl? Delivery Throughout LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 .artaife. Warehousing, ir.i Distributing. Team oi Motor Servlet Cost, Sand sod Grsrtl We Specialize In Plant tM fjet Furniture Movlni. the AC reading Lii POWERFUL SUSTAINED PULL npiIENcw Union Summer Gasoline glTcu steady, even power to keep your boat chugging along all day. It gives extra pulling power yhen you need it to buck u heavy tide rip or drivciinto a gale. ; Union Summer Gos i9 made from a perfected formula which delivers a sustained explosion during the full down-stroke of the piston. It is free from moisture and air. Hun alongside a Union Oil Company of Canada Ltd. marine service station and fill up with Union. You'll get friendly service. Union marine stations ulso carry aviation gasoline, dicscl and fuel oil products, kerosene, stove oil, lubricating oils and greases and other Union products. . i t, When ashore, stop your car at uny Illuc and White Union pump and ask for the New Summer Gasoline.