ju1y 22, 1030. hi:'- THE VAJL? KZW3 page nva THE MARKET lrt Lllowtn toda.v are retan . prices current CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUND JHIS IS TIIE PAGE Hiqn MOST PEOPL E READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS" INTEREST TO YOUPjG AND OLD. , 4 fdfiheat L NO. JW 2.40 !) a rtnk easaaaaaaaassaai if i iCO- i tirsts. !i extras. M". . .. ,,,! mm. id. - ViT' Men-- pr the East IMeor$f- ::.31Z- 55; pullets. doJ .35 doz. doz. ,y i;ud. doz slipllcd Valenclas...... , (,n shelled-walnuts broken shelled . !K Ued halves ... meat 0 ftIlu ,u,Ik,cJ M .h hell . oil cake chops 1 (HltS . : . V Ch(?P fcrtcd fruits : it ooKine tigs, lb. :nm neel :i.:e?i. id - I c Rhubarb ... :. Bimii.h lb. .. ... .:oc new. 11 lbs. bunch i v cucumbers, : y head . ported, per lb : alifornla. lb. Wiuge. lb. m ions. 4 lbs. . .1 ifttuce .. .. , "matoas, lb. . .i bunches r ' u . tns. 3 bun 55 .40 ; 2.75 2.55 25 2.35 2.75 i 250 3.G0 2.10' 455! 401 2.65 0 55 .15 40 .15 50 ..56 reeled 55 it) JO tar. uu iuu, mi. jo 0' 1-V3 (in 70, lb. .15 3H-40. lb 50 jpri ,.ri : pears, naivea, id. ... m . : i.nuoarp ........ u ids. .zo r a toes 2 lbs. .Jo . 5 lbs. 551 50 40 1 each' pft' i(hes 40 56 .. 56 j . 40 bunches 55 bunches 10 " B.C., head, 25c. to 55 ..ch. lb. . 10 lb. 10 Mail Schedule I" Wednesday and Satt- J150 am. ' Thursday and f - 12 noon m the East xi cpt Tuesday 1250 pjn. r Vancouver ' v 3 pjn. - 250 pjn. 'I' Miuy 4 pin. : 3 pjn. -r --U.-W. V 4 nm 6 pjn. rm Vancouver 11 Anvox and Strunrt "l1 v 7 pja. 150 pjn. rm Anvox and Stewart Tl" 1150 ajn. ' 1: 'V 10.30 ftjnJ " 1 ' .' 6 pjn. ,r Wales Island and "ft Simpson 1 " l. V "m HViIes Island "4 Port Simpson ' l lV n.m. Queen Charlottesl. v 7 nm fom (jueen Charlottes ,n"r''Uy nm. ""Alaska Mill! vs and Fridnvs nm """Alaska Wodnf (lys and Saturdays, p.m. - Trp Si ALE OF CHARGES Thrt frM 1 . . pjn. B . ""uwing is me scaie i h L uni),..,. urwB mado tor reading r"fre and ana cr, Engagement I ; nnoUnnement " 12. I Mame B'rtn Notices 60c. L I-ul Notices $1. I' lllrl m --u.i ui i names, sz. h '""Mtl Flowers 10c per Holiday Resorts RAINBOW TROUT .50 Are plentiful this eeaon tn the Stuart iue uwu-jct. trie y take eltbor Hy or i Pwo In this wkk virgin country there .C5 rf Wntomws of iuUbb of waterways In Mid atream with many pleaaaut 40 J tn4 v""1 Mf' unentered by 'in i ttMU really good ao- ,S teJ? pwktod and modern .15 i oroplg equlpim-m to obtainable, man ' toting tithing trifa. , AMbr taiportatu attraction there " r was u we top of Mount niu wnwn a wonoertui picture ta,eeH miles of lake and wood In very direction. AWy to CK.it. U lur,la IhI-c, or by wire or letter Fort Kr iimn. .c. am--Je at Lakelse Lodge New Lakelse Lodge on the shore of Lakelse Lake Is now open to guests. Fine Fly Fishin? On the lake and river. Lithia Pool Springs (Largest In Canada) Good for rheumatism. Phone connecting with Terrace Fare from train to Lodge and return $2.50 Manager J. Bruce Johnstone Wonderful TIell Hi:i;n cn.titi.oTrK iklamh Jhe Home Farm fFinebeach and -meadows for ! Children's playgrounds. SahndB and Trout Fishing rtlver and Sea Bathing Excellent Cuisine Inrtle win be met at Kkldete or I'ort Clemen! v tVirrlrM fur ' Keeratlon -WM ADAMG 41AJAU1V. Furnished Cabins Lai m JIENT ON else Lake Shore Close in to new Lodge, Apply to MRS, SUSIE, Terrace, B.C. ' Graham Island Stages Operating llHarrn ()uren Tharlotte City and I'ort elements Meets all boat northbound at Queen Charlotte City Pare UM, and In proportion to Intermediate points. It. O. MrKENZIK - - Premier llolel (Jureu t Uarlotle City. B.C. 'V TlSi.; -iy 1150 tun. I nl'iV pjn.i - 8 ajruj liiV 11 SO am I JITNEY SERVICE Between Port Clements and Queen Charlotte City. Mondays nd Saturday. Iute Port t'lements. SJO a.m. Queen Charlotte I.SA p.m. lare S earn. Hound trip SC. L. llVMIV. I'ort ClewenU meats at s pm. nrsmlars FOR RENT FURNISHED Flat, 4 rooms and bath Phone 547, tf PLAT for Rent. Furniture for sale. ' Phone 301. tf 1 i i ROOM for Rent. Apply over Good Eats Cafe or Phone 301, tf FOR RENT Furnished apartment by day, week or month, Phono Red 607. tf FOR RENT $5.00 a month put3 piano In your home. Walker's Music Store. FOR RENT Five roomed flat, vacant July 1. Summit Apartments. Phone Blue 345. tf BOARD AND ROOM BOARD 707. and Room. Phone Black if BOARD residence, 'week or 'month, for terms apply The Inlander, Phone 137. lm-15 AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART We buy, srll or exchange any kind of furniture or household goods, musical instruments, machinery, etc. General repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Black 120 and we will call. G. J. DAWES, Auctioneer Federal Block. tf SECOND-HAND DEALERS New and Second-Hand Goods Bought, Sold or Exchanged STEAM BATHS I 204 Cth Street Phone Black 764 j Opposite Prince Rupert Hotel Ladles from 2 pjn. to 9 pjn. Genu, from ... 10 ajn. to 10 pm. "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT" NOTICE Or APPLICATION FOIt lll'.EK mcixe NCmOC 16 HGHEBT OIVBN that, on the Slat day of August neat, the undersigned intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board far a IKwnse in respect of pramtses being part at the buUdlng known as Bml Oae Hotel, situate at the Oily of Prttww Bupeft. tn the Province of BrtUifc Oorttmbia. upon the lands described as all that portion of Waterfront Block "t" Bay of Prince Rupert. City of lTtnoe Rupert. Province of British Columbia. Map OM. Prince Rupert Land Registration District, and being more particularly described as fallows: f "CotaoMSKing at a point whleh ties 'in s straight line bearing north 0 i dag., a ft. 8 Ins. East a distance of : 717 Jo fret from the centre of droit !aa shown on said Plan Ml. Sect km 7, o. - p T" : C.,:lhen south e oeg- 6 rt., aa us mat btacre X 1 aXl OerVlCe , distance of eo feet to a point, thence . a . , f north .MM. 14 ft., 931ns. Bast a dts- Ulieert UnarlOtte IS. tanot of ICO feet to a point, then " I north S oca Utt Xins. West a dsv ". , . . tanaeoxeoft to a paint, thenar South Beds Oars asset sll boau at " ! aides Mft . S8 Ins. West a stanot of Ctemsnu and at Queen Charlotte city. te the patai of ooauneotw- - Mn. Start flWaaMMts evetV ZTZ- Tuesday and Thursday leaving ng Q Q 0 0. Italea 4)rtii CharMIe lf o ion - Dated Hh Is sand day of July. MSO (ietuenU S4.Se nrt return or tire verao. H. A. DOD6. Iiiternirillsle xi". UK', a mile. , ApplteajBt Bide In comfort, it cons no wwi. i ,, Phone I short. 1 long. Wire or phone - our ir esiwe. espHtM. Proereasive mercnanta advertise KiiMltNIi NTEVKNH Proprietor BRINGING UP FATHER FOR SALE FOR SALE Modern house cash or terms. Apply 225 Sixth Avenue West. . tf FOR .BALE Motor boat and dingy. $200. Apply Caretaker, Prince Rupert Yacht Club. 172 FOR SALE Baby's Wicker Push Cart; also Chair. Apply 134, Eighth Ave. W. or Phone Black 736. tf FOR SALE Three-room cabin furnished and lot. $400 cash. Apply 1, Blggar Place, Phone Green 718. 170 FOR SALE 4 splendid lots 84x106 Sixth Avenue, Section 7. One splendid lot 25x100. 5th Avenue West near McBride. Estate must be closed. What offers? Snap. G. P. Tinker & Co. Ltd. tf FOR SALE An 8-roomed house with 6 bedrooms, in live town and doing good rijg. . Owner may have same -by ealline at Daily W. C. ASPINALL (Chiropractor) 6 & 7-Exchange BIk. (Opp. Orme's) Sunshine and Red Ray Treatments Nervous, Female and Childrens' Diseases Specially Treated Phone Green 541 Hunt's Furniture & Upholstry The Store of Quality" Complete House Furnishings Terms Arranged G. M. HUNT ' Third Avenue. Phone Red 637 LAMI KEOfSlHY ACT NOTICE Re: OertlftoaW of itie No. 1U44 C. to Part Ten (10) acres of Lot 83, Rang? I. Coast District. WHBBUWB satisfactory afoot of low of the shove Certificate of Title issued la the mum of Grand Trunk Lumber Oomaarqr limited has fewR- filed in this orfloa.. notice la linshg given that I shall at the aspiration of one month ETi. isle of beer bv the on. or bv ' F?" L LP""?!,0i CM. at am returning from Mrt OU- r v,"'" " r the open Tetti. bottle for for eonaumnUon consumption on the " I ' SE?r:,T, in nu lieu of the ssld last Certificate Unless In the meantime valid oojtetlou Is made to me In wrltli: . Prince Rupert, June, 1990. 'w J18 ins. Dated at the Land Registry Office. B.C.. this 17th day of A. THOMPSON. Detntty Hegittrar WANTED To rent 4 or 5 room house, give location and partlc- . UUJUU, I FOR SALE Large gniranteed tank ! your personal needs. suitable tank for stationary gas , MRS. ISABELLA PETERS engine, etc. Apply Daily News Resident Corsetiere Phone- Red Office. tf: FOR SALE New elinker built ce-,dar rowboats $30 up. Lindsay's Boat Works, 842 Powell Street, Vancouver. tf senger closed Pontlac car. Excellent condition. Cash $375 or terms $395. Phone Blue 406. 171 SITUATIONS WANTED STEADY local married man would like whole or part time position as caretaker or lanitor. Apply Daily News. CU WANTED Spirella Service Drivurself Taxi evening or tomorrow? wish you could. We will teach you. are reasonable.. Walker Motor Co., Ltd. Distributors of boarding house business. Ill-health ! undersigned, and endorsed "Tender ' compels owner to sell for $110050, cash as going concern 16 boarders. ; nmm (daylight wunc). TueMiay. July M. L STEPHENS & Co. LTD. FOUND W. H. Montgomery FOUND Wedding 3rd Avenue Phone. Blue 339; ii, lOHV. lor the repairs to the wnan. at Queti Charlotte City, 8keena District. BiC. Plana and form of oontract' can be seen and apeclflcatioru and forma of tender obtained at thU Department, at the offices of the District Engineer, Post Office Building, Victoria. B.Cu Victoria BuUdera XaeBaofe 3809 Prior Street. Vtetorl. B.C. irtd The Building auu wews Npw n1trj oince and ana panng murine for ior this I OBBmtucxiao Industrie .mcdkicb. H Hatin street, vanouver. B.C.. advertltment , also at the Pft Offices. Prrnee Rapert. CHIROPRACTIC B.C.: Port Olementa, B.C. and qoeen ciiarkitte, B.C. Tenders will not be considered unless made on printed forms supplied by tti Department and in aoooraaace wun conditions contained therein. Each tender must be accompanied tor an accepted cheque on a chartered banK payaDM to tne oroer us toe uuner ui PuMlc SALVAGE AND TOWING 01 J X) oilversides Bros. "If it's on or under the water we ' WALLPAPERS - PAINTS . ! Window Glass Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Picture Frame Mouldings Fully Equipped for Diving and xiIIRD AVENUE - PHONE 22 General Salvage Work , . -, ., . . Boats and Scows of all descrip-' 1 tions for Charter C. M. BRYANT Row Boats and Canoe for Hire x g M Eng Bargains in Gas Engines Agents for EASTH0PE ENGINES AQQAV OFPIPF Northern B.C. Distributors JrlOuri I Uli ILL Coolidge Propellers Results guaranteed and re-Sand and Gravel m any quantity. turned by next mail, delivered anywhere by water . Phone, Day oi :,;Ut 564 Stewart British Columbia J P.O. Box 154 PHOTO FINISHING I BT5Tt n experts Dry Birch. Jack-Pine, Red Send your Film and Photo Work rvrt-ir Cedar, ''TpIIaw lJow Perlar cedar, hpruce. !nnire To wrathaii Photo tiiitehinn Prinf itupert. n.f. y TpwBalsam, Quality Guaranteed. Prloe. ice Dclffered. Baggage Raaaonable ! ,, 1 1 Prices on Application Photo Finishing " . Any size roll developed with six p VfJ ,1 prints, 30c. Extra prints each 4c J, J, natKUlS Enlargements made of your negatives 5x7 30c 8x10 43c. iade in Canada Larger sizes made if wanted. 0jucjg i Extra copies of enlargements made of your old photos. Photos Pnone Creen 709 For Partlcu- of groups, children and passport ar f our Special Summer photos In your own home. Offer. $2.00 Value for $150. I Prices Reasonable John Sunderwood, 424 8th Ave W S. A. KEILBACK I , lm-Jn 21 ' Smith & Mallet Block BEFORE BUYING A VACUUM CLEANER See the Air-Way Sanitary System. It is more than a Vacuum Cleaner at McKenzie's Furniture Thone 775; works, equal to 10 per cent, of ! 6lOOOOOOMfroveHl) be amount of the tender. Bondi of the Dominion of Canada or bonds of the j Canadian National Hallway company : wUl also be accepted as seeurrtf. of bonds and a cheque U required to make up an odd amount. Note. Blue prints oan be obtained st this Department by depositing an accepted cheque for tbe sum of 110.00. ua rable to the order of the UlnMer of Public Works, whleh will . be returned. if the intending bidder submit a regular bid. By order. N. DESJARDINS, Becretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa. June 80. 1B30 1 69 EXTENSION OF TIME Notice is hereby given that the time for the receipt of tenders for the wharf Improvements at Stewart. B.C, Is osUnded te Wednesday, duly M. nootvh WKler N. DBBJABDINK8. Secretary. ON.R. TRAINS From East Dally, except Tuesday, 12.30 noon. For East Dally, except Sunday, 1 p.m. A.W?EdgeCo. Wholesale & Retail Plate, Window and Ornamental Glass, Wallpaper, Wallf elts, IWuresco Brushes, Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Painters' and Paperhangers' Supplies. Phone Bed 53 P.O. Box 459 I 0' f 330 Second Ave Prince Rupert Want Ads Let Them Be Your Broker in Buying and Selling Somebody to waiting to buy that house or bedroom set, or coat you have to sell. Somebody is waiting to sell that car, or typewriter, or whatever else it Is you are in the market for. Get the habit of shopping through the Want Ada. Youll find undi earned of bargainsundreamed of opportunities. Do your shopping ' through these rolumh and see how profitable and ;-. pleasant It is. READ and USE .? PRINCE RUPERT DAILY NEWS 1 1 CLASSIFIED ADS Phone 98 "If it's fully toldit's quickly sold" By George McManus " H I I I f -Trv1E& " I BUT WOZNT f . ,1 H r THAT OFFlCC ucy yni .1 flBil MOW NVVOY ) , :. m "I QOY WlUl. DHIVB I r-vT Z-7Lr m$M MUST i TBULVOU NOT VWOHKlM'-MR U-VJ-.J MAKE YOUR WANTS KNOWN THROUGH DAILY NEWS WANT AD. COLUMNS d al H y ,1 1 BP."