For . lesser period, paid In advance, per month . .!. !. .50 City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, -paid in d&r&titt? $3.'0O' Transient advertising on front page, per inch 2.80 Local readers, per insertion, per line , 25 Transient display advertising, per Inch, per insertion 1.40 Classified advertising, per Insertion, per word ....,. .02 Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line ; IP Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor and Reporters' Telepnone 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION i iRUPERT" WELL OFF iti'Ulii -.ill' 'I-.. Wednesday, June 11, 1930. FINANCIAL NEWSPAPERS Yery often financial newspapers are quoted as being accurate and influenzal and something for the dailies to emulate. Among h$ge the Financial Post of Toronto has often been mentioned. Yet in the most recent number of that publication we find information give'n in regard to Prince Rupert which seems to indicate that it has not yet heard that Prince Rupert has sold its power plant, and that a hig new hydro-electric plant is being built here by the Power Corporation of Canada. The Financial Post states that the city owns its own electric light and power, telephone and water systems. THE WATT CASE It seems a pity that there should have been so much delay J in connection with the investigation into the Norman Watt dismissal. The greater the delay trie more difficult it will be to get at the truth. It seems hardly fair to Mr. Watt or the people of the province to.Jiave so many months intervene between the' dismissal. and the inauirv into the richt or wrong of it. Assumjpg that, the provincial government was right in the steps they took, what possible objection could there have been to opening the inquiry, sav last fall. Even since the session of the legislature when the promise was made that there would be an inquiry, there has been time for a dozen inquiries. The result is that people ar6 be ginning xo wonaer wnytne aiay. Many Prince Rupert people do not realize how well off me ciiy is touay compared wun many otner places, industries here are keeping going well. There is a steady payroll in the city and if it yere not for outsiders coming in there would be plenty of employment for everybody. Business houses are doing fairly well, in many cases just as well as in past seasons. When anyone feels inclined to kick at conditions it might be well to remember that in almost any other part of Canada conditions are not as good as they are here. GRAIN ELEVATOR AND POOL Now that the wheat situation seems to be easing up and no action is being taken by the Wheat Pool to utilize the elevator at Prince Rupert, it will bo well to consider whether it might not be the bestpolicy to tryto secure tho cancellation of 'tMlbol's leasplt looks as if the pool is simply tying up tKeUjCal elevat o keep s'pmeone else f ron using it. ' j If the local house is to be filled but once in a season t can't be much worse ,pf f if it should be idle altogether. At any rate Prince Rupert should jiot lie down and be trample;d on just to suit the conveniences of the big grain monopoly, even though it be a co-operative organization. We have hesitatejfto say anything which might hamper the pool when it waajn a difficult position, but now seems to be the time for pltgn speaking. The average man is one who feels himself a little a Dove tne average.- CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND ya- mi, ':ih'-i SHIPYARD OPERATING G. T. P. 20,000-TON FLOATING DKYDOCK Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, blacksmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodwork, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant U Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK THONES 43 AND 385 , GREETED ! TONIPEG ' If. il II. '' go aboard the French Line ss. Wln- hipg, which is making Its Initial trip to Canadian waters. Premier John Bracken reported a splendid trip quid said he was proud that this party was being honored in receiving an invitation to welcome the ss. Winnipeg on her first trip to the Pacific Coast. "This new ship of the French Line will carry the great name of Winnipeg from the Pacific Coast of Canada to the shores of France and' we are all proud that we represent our great city on this trip." On arrival in Vancouver on Saturday morning the party immediately travelled to Seattle and boarded the ss. Winnipeg shortly after noon. The steamer sailed during the latter part of the afternopn for Victoria, arriving on Sunday morning. During the day the offl- rclal ceremony of welcome took place and Mayor Webb, who has been appointed an honorary anp-tain of the steamship, presented Captain H. Cockerlll with a sterling silver shield bearing the coat of arms of the city of Winnipeg and also a silk Union Jack. The party returned to Vancouver Monday and at noon were guests of the publicity bureau at luncheon. In the evening the entire party were guests of Mayor Malkin at dinner. Included In the party was A. A. Tlsdale, general manager of the western region, Canadian Naj tlonal Railways and Robert Creel man. passenger traffic manager. The Letter Box THE CONSERVATIVE DISPLAY WINDOW, On the occasion of the coming election it has been discovered by the leader of the Conservative party that It has become necessary to change his enUre display. In the good and happier days gone by they had on display a wonderful array of Canadian manufactured articles as they would be under the fostering protection ofVa high tariff. As a background, ant as an added attraction there was an abundant supply of nice new crisp greenbacks loaned on interest by the beneficiaries of that high tariff. Along with that they used with good effect on all occasions the good old Union Jack for the purpose bf covering up all defects in the On the occasion of the last gen eral election, by way of contrast they portrayed the Liberal display. A crowded window of smuggled prison made garments infected with every germ of disease known to the medical profession and be side It to soften the distress of the unfortunates doomed to wear the hideous garments there were trunks full of narcotics also smug-t gled into our country with the knowledge and connivance of the wicked government; It will be re membered that same government was returned. On this occasion the well stocked warehouse of the Liberals contains all varieties of Canadian manufac tured goods sufficiently protected. The flag too, taken" from the Con-rervatives because of its abuse Is there, In It, function as the emblem of union. What of our good Conservative friends on this occasion? In place of the grand old flag that has done valiant service so of ten, the flimsy setting Is smuthered with dull and unattractive big nickels. In fact the supply Is so abundant that the Hon. II. II. Stevens and, indeed, our own good member has been disgorging them over the entire country on their way west and yet we are promised a deluge of them for home consumption. Because 0 the paucity of further material It Is predicted that the party will be driven to the necessity of dragging out the mummy of Sir John A. McDonald. This with an oc casional greenback will be the The writer predicts that under those circumstances the chances are all In favor of Mackenzie King, and will to a limited extent be prepared to back that conviction. A SOMETIMES LIBERAL, The Daily News PRINCE RUTERT - DItlTISH COLUMBIA SHE THOUGHT: Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert " 'B.O.' is awful in a closed Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue car." ' II. nil W III F. PULLEN - llanaging-JEditor u uiio mi premier Bracken and Mayor VebJ Yet, to be pqlitf, v' Went to Seattle to Meet Ship t"tttoruiiTrrKf DiTPO DUUoum..w..n. ' JASPER PARK LODGE. June 11:, Uy mail to all other , parts of British Columbia, the. British Lm- ; Thirty of Winnipeg's prominent pire and United States, paid in advance, per year:... 6.00 business men, headed by Premier By mail to all other countries, per year T.50 John Bracken and Mayor Ralph By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, . Webb, passed through here at the . paid in advance for yearly period j.,.. 3.06; week-end en route to Vancouver Or four months f or ' . ; ' . i V.-l'i '. ...... 1.00 i where they entrained for Seattle to Jf. HT'ODAY he had planned to propose But -r? her attitude froze him. Wlwt could be the matter? It was hot, to bo sure. Hut why should that distress her so? . Fred never suspected "B.O." then. Yet body odour isn't interfering with bis happinow now he's married to Anne. Read how lie found the easy way to keep perspiration odourless. Perspiration without "II. O." "Like any normal, healthy human being, I )crspiro particularly in hot weather. I've been told that pores give oil as much as a quart of waste daily. Lifebuoy S8 Itarich.creMnr.douMe'drfuel.tfcrrlubri. catcthc far iluirinf IriiktbiiauuluiigUtlKr. Smplclm. Lmr Brothrn LimlM Dcpt 411, yS Toronto, Oat WARREN IN VANCOUVER C. N. R. Vice-President Optimistic As to Crop Prospect VANCOUVER. June 11: A. E. Warren, vice-president, Canadian National Railways, with headquarters at Winnipeg, arrived in. Vancouver at the week-end pn the Continental. Mr. Warren is In the west on one of his periodical business visits and will be here for several days. He has a; busy program laid out 'and oh Saturday Accompanied Mayor Malkin in wsleomlng the party of Winnipeg business men who visited the coast to officially welcome to Canada Waters' the new French Line ss. Winnipeg which arrived in Victoria early on Sunday morning. The Winnipeg party arrived at the Canadian National depot at 7:25 a.m. Saturday. Kir. Warren is of the opinion that the crop conditions in Western Canada are a little above the average. "There has been considerable rainfall lately which will have a very beneficial effect all round." stated Mr. Warren. "It is, however, the eventual 1030 crop. It is raally much too early to prophesy as to Impossible to get a fair idea of crop conditions until around July 1. "The early state of a crop is subject to many things that might change conditions. There docs seem to be a better spirit of optimism, however, generally thrpugh-out Western Canada which in Itself will have a very beneficial effect. "While I am hpre this trip I will make a careful inspection of the Lulu Island development the Canadian National Railways have In hand. The progress has been quite satisfactory to date and I am sure when our work is completed It will mean a tremendous step forward in the development of Industrial life In this territory," stated Mr. Warren. Mr. Warren was met at Jasper and accompanied over the territory by B. T. Chappcll, general superintendent for British Columbia. Let's open the windshield, v. such a hot day." i. i-v How Fred's happiness was 1 X nearly ruined by "BO." "Hut it never occurred to me that per? jpiratioa uwsai '11.0 Wo Ix-comc insensitive to nn ever-ttretent odour. I offended un-knowRgly! "Thu I changed to Lifebuoy and what a difference! When I step out of my daily tub i.b,v, I feci alive gloriously clean! Porps are purified so dp1y by Lifebuoy's marvelloui onthgqptic kUtec, that '1J.O.' is prevented. "lifebuoy's a fine skin soap( too. It guards health by removing gerun. Its pleasant, ulm-deaii went, that vanishes as. you rinse, tells you'ilifebuoy purifies." ' . I i'I .Ivmvil ni i'I Jvf-vibU - ,. : 1 TliEi sum 11 K H L PLF J V 1 ' m 1 H EALTH SOAP stops bodtfr tidour Tne regular monthly business, wndlng a ctelegatt to the Interna-; There was no mening ol luncheon of the Prince Ruocrt Uoaal convention in ivnn nvi nnn.r. r.f nn,v..r ksxft Oyro Club was held in the Comm dore Cafe today wtien a number of matters of club business were discussed including the question of month. President C. A. Ktrkendau 7s4dad over tfae RumJmwi at whkh there was a goodilzed at-taiK&afe aX mepbers. for perfect meals cooked without trouble in a cool, clean kitchen Unn aat nlchL but It U OVM )1um tulll Hn a c 1 1 hi Ini not I ..... m p - ciar up cerwm vuiuuiuui tf ri of business 1- -ill.', , t Pay Only $00 doivn for an ELECTRIC RANGE Find new joy in mealtimes, new pleasure in planning your favorite dishes. Cook electrically, the easy, modern way that'sav'cs endless foot Steps and, worry, Decide now, to finish Willi old-fashioned njcthods. Choose ypuf trie Range and usher in a new era of Wtchcn comfort, ancj meakirne delight Northern British Columbia Power Company Ltd, PWNCE UUPKHT, H.C,