YAVKEES BEAT BROWNS MBWr YORK, June 11: Bob Smsth f Boston shut oat St. Louis three MU for eight Innings but weakened in the ninth and tenth and tl Cardinal wn. in tfe An Art win Leaeup rhli. WWte Sex went II Innings to de- im iWMpUi Atiilettes. Ctffsnan for five mm in th first two snata and defeated 8t. Louis DlMMS. Big League Scores National League rjhiaM 2, Philadelphia 6. St. Lows 2, Boston 1. American League New York 1, St. Louis 3. Borton 12, Detroit 6. Philadelphia C, Chicago 7. GENARO IS WINNER icetalnrd World's Flyweight Title Last .Night By Ilefeating Albert Ilerla tiger TORONTO, June H: Fninkle uenaro, recognized bv the Natinnai Boxinc Commission a. th fivurtoh champion of the world, retained the wwe Mat nignt by winning a 10 round decision from Albert er of Toronto, Canadian champion ana ionner world's tiUeholder. The New Yorker took the lead In the fourth rotfhd'whkn he solved Berlangert crowding (tactic and, for toe remaining stt rounds, was in complete control. DAVIS CUP SEMIS NOW Australia Is to Meet Italy and Japan to riay Czechoslovakia LONDON, June 11: Australia will play Italy and Japan will meet Ssecbo-Slovakla In the semi-finals of European none Davis Cup tennis. Australia eliminated England four matches to one when Harry. Hopman defeated H. a. N. Lee, 6-3, 5-6, 7-0. e-4, and Jack Crawford beat J. O. Oresory 6-2, 7-3, 6-8, 0- at Eastbourne. England won only the doubles. At Barcelona, the Japanese defeated Spain. v. SOITHAIJPOSTINEDT Owing to the threatening weather last night, the C. N. n. softball fixture between Station and Round House was postponed. Round House and Dry Dock are to meet this evening in a game postponed from last week. wmms Life liloj good golf it mad up of tnany little thing! each one of which helps the icore. Detter dlgeitlon iteadler nervct clearer brtln, are all factort that count and arc gained from the sr lue of WrlglerV fy rKUtd SPORT CHAT Chad Klmsey held the New York Yankees to five hits In the Jast six Innings Monday but the Yanks had 'scored seven runs In the first three Innings and beat St. Louis Browns. A five-run rally In the seventh gave Boston Red Sox the victory over Detroit Tlaers. The VMUrieinht Athletics came up from behind in the ninth inning to defeat Chlra White Sox. Cleveland Indian ea meir second straight nnp.mn comeback victory over Washington Senators. In spite of sliowers. the annual ! sports day at New Hazelton on May great success. The feature of the program was a baseball game in whieh New Hazelton hov - " . jocat Smilhers playew, having the best of the play all the way. The reiay race was won from New Ha zelton by a team representing simmers, mere was also a nm- gram of children's sports although mere was a scarcity girls' en tries. Softball Is now being played regularly at Prince Oeorae bv member of the Canadian National Recrea tion League. In the latest came th Oil ice stall, bearlnz the name nf Excelsiors, defeated a team from the Round House, deslenated as Shieks, by a score of 25 to 5. The game Is taking on well at Prince ueorge ana soon' it is expected there will be a regular leaeue in play with a full schedule. The Prtnte-O'eorce baseball loam Journeyed to Horsefly and Williams taice over tne victoria Day holiday and had a very successful trln. al Horsefly on the twenty-fourth they piayea a game with the Williams Lake team and when the Contest was called in the seventh inning were on the short end of a 7.4 score. On Sunday at Williams Lake thev took their revenge and when the game was over they had a total of 27 runs to Williams Lake's 17. Wil liams Lake is bringing a strong contingent or players to Prince George for the first of July celebration and expect to take home the championship of the Cariboo. Leading tennis stars of the continent will be attracted to Ottawa this year to play In the Eastern Canada championships, which will take place on thF10 clay courts of the Rldeau Lawn Tenpls Club at Overbrook durlne the first wic in July. Titular tourneys taking place m we Kiueau cjub in the past have attracted world famous tjir .Johnny Doeg of Santa Monica, Cal., 'third ranking player of the United States; Mrs. Charlotte , Chaplin of Springfield, top ranking juaycr in me women's tennis realm, and other satellites of the tennis firmament whose names have been written for all time In the history of lawn tennis In the United States PROGRAM FOR CELEBRATION nnurens Sports, Track Meet, uasebail Game and Dance Will Be Among July 1 Features The program for the rwnint J-ay celebration here nruUp tt.A autpicM Ot the -Son of Canada vtu set at a meeting last night of the ceieoratlon committees. In the mornine at 10 o'elrwk f hr wiu oe tne usual parade from down town to the Acropolis Hill grounds and, on arrival there, the children1 sports will begin about 10:30. At i.3U m the afternoon there will be a track meet followed bv a iunku looioau matcn. At 3:30 there will be a Senior League baseball game and the proceedings will conclude wim a dance m the evening at the moose mil. Baseball Standings National League W. L. Brooklyn 30 17 Chicago 28 22 New York .23 22 St. Louis 26 25 PltUburg 22 23 Boston , 20 25 Philadelphia 18 25 Cincinnati 19 28 American League Philadelphia J3 .489 .444 .41 .404 L. Pet 16 .675 wasnlngton 29 18 .617 Cleveland ,a29 19 .604 New York .;26 v20 J58J Detroit 21 29 .420 Chicago 18 26 .409 St. Louis 19 30 .388 uoston 16 33 J28 RESUMING TENNIS After the week of inclement weather, the C. N. R. Tennis Club's tournament Is belne resumed todav1 There were no games yesterday on account or tne rain. BASEBALL POSTPONED On account of the wet weathor. last night's Senior Leaeue Baseball fixture between Elks and Sons of Canada was postponed. Mrs. F. V. Woodbury and Miss M4iry uurrie 01 Jiauiax, NJ3., the brilliant Maritime players, and holders of tne Ontario and Southern Ontario ladles' doubles titles, have alroadv signified their Intention of taking part m the tpurncy and their advent should be followed with inter- est when It is recalled that they are the only ladles' doubles team to have Inflicted defeat on Miss Olive Wade and Mrs. E. O. Gray, Canadian tltleholders, which Mrs. Wood- DUry ahd,M.lss Curjie achlaved.three times last year. ' ' ' ft '": ' 4 ' v i r. c 'f SOX WON Sir Thomas Lipton FROM A'S : 1 III.- sr Took I.1mn Innings For Chicago vanquish Philadelphia Yesterday v n AT- Who will make another attempt to capture America s Cup. ne is seen holding the famous trophy. Here "IS ) GET READY FOR FILM Advance Guard of "Red Sky" pic- lure at Jasper Park JASPER PARK LODdk. Jun 1i- Four members of the Fox fcHm party, who are the advance guard oi a party or 70 film stars who are Invading Jasper Park lo make a special Canadian picture, arrived, here at the week-end totnaks preparations for the fllmlnb. nf k. "Red Sky" which name has been cnosen for the picture. Those arrly-lne were A. F. Eriekson. Hlritnr M the production. Oeorge Echneldo'r- Ytan tPfthnlrlan Tim Tl - JU wrote the scenario and story and Al protman, sounder engineer. Pfl.rt nf ihn film In ir 0,11 1 Ka w. ...... ,4, fcro iroun Jasner Park Lodae. whlln f h balance will be takeri In the neigh- oornooa 01 Mangne uiice and Mount Robson, the sceneryfefng specially adapted to the prbjjo interpretation of the story J '-,' The main nartV'-wlll arrive flflOir- day evening by speclkl "trin, and wiu include sucn stars as Lois Mor an, Sharon Lvnn. Howard Murrnv. Tom Kerrigan and others. it is expected that It will take from three to four weeks to com- plete the .film which Will bo the first outdoor scene picture to be recorded on Canadian territory. NO TENNIS PLAYEb Owine to the rain no further games were olaved vesterdaV in tho Prince Rupert Tennis Club's tour namcnt but it Is expected that play will be resumed today. ALL LOOK ALIKE Home runs have been scored bv Babe Ruth In every park of Jhe American League, against every club In the circuit and off the de-liveries of prdctlcallycveryf pttfcher he has faced. ' -4 'V - itii : f Yes, Sir a five cent cigar! Full size long filler choice Sumatra wrapper with its fine flavour and freshness pro tected by the foil wrapper. - - r - - . , ,, , ""w Jf - vs ;-MsfJS m W. ' Wr1T4 VT I fcaV . V CIGAR -A r.r . . . . t V .11. MkM ' IliVv awsi t sm m i rsasa BtsaBaBaw vm.i ilM 1 M. - BSSSSi. ISSSSSSi II I MH ' . V.T - . US i IKI I'l-SEHBaSl , . - . . w, m mm - .j sSSSSaVf . f mWM- ri mri .ftymn Davis Cup team at Philadelphia Country Club during practice work-om -Marcel Ralnvllle. Wlllard Crocker. Capt Dr Jack Wright and OMbn BASEBALL Dock. SCHEDULE Juno 12 Centrals vs. fl. o. C. June 17 Elks vs. Centrals. June 19 Elks vs. S. O. C. June 24-5. o. C. vs. Centrals June 20 Centrals vs. Elfci Jtiy O. aVs.-Klk'sJiW1 July 10-Central$ vs. . O.'A July 15 Elks vs. Centrals. SOFTBALL SCHEDULE June 13 Dry Dock vs. Offices. June 17 Station vs. Dry Dock. June 20 Roundhouse vsi Offices. June 24 Roundhouse vs.- iirv All games will be played at 7 pjn ''tiefthe Ad W!Ulnh: hnhlH Tt 1 ' ' pays. Don't C bc orung Here's tht sure, quick, easy way to kill all mosquitoes Indoors and keep 'cm away outdoorsl r I w f ri 4 whs "mi AW sVI f II I OoSTTKht lain m. Y V'trS wrappei 1 1 Hi r If VOlir nnimi ... ilic off . uuta uui arrive, icicjhw"'