cdrrsday. June 11, 1930. THE DAILY NEWS PAOE THREF A Graduate Pharmacist is. Always on Duty , at OrrfiLimited Dispensary BRING YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS TO Ormes Ltd. ZTfw. Pioneer Druorisx Three Graduate Pharmacists THE N AME OF THE ROSS & MOORE CO. LTD., HAS BEEN OFFICIALLY CHANCED TO KAIEN MOTORS, LIMITED CHEVROLET and BUJCK DEALEKS Our accesorles lines ofJGpodycar Tires, Wiiiard Storage Batteries and Itaybcstos Brake Linings are of the highest standard. Our xcrvice department is in charge of a very competent man, Tcrnand Roussell, and is equipped to give efficient and econom-, al service. KAIEN MOTORS, LTD. CHEVROLET and IJUICK DEALERS 52 Prince Rupert, B.C. 1'FMIUNA EGG Delivered, Per Ton $12.00 MINEHEAI) EGG Delivered, Per Ton 12.00 MINEIIEAl) LUM Dplivdr Ton . , . 13.50 FURNITURE and PIANO MOVING - A Specialty HYDE TRANSFER-RHONE 580 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Killlnt. Iiuin ITIiio Kuiwrt 'fOUVER, VICTOaiA. Buted.le. Alert Buy. etc Tuesday. 3 SO pjn AM Ollt I K. VICtOUll. Ilutrdale. Alert IU. ne . fnaty wldnlcnl (IKE ARM. AN VOX, STEW ART, Nium KUer. Tort Miuumo. fun djy, B.bO t m '(T SIMPSON Md WALES ISt AND Thursday p.m. i: Ind Atenue R M SMITH trol ITine Rupert. II. C Tlmoth Itrktt .old to Victoria anil nnittlr and batcme ehecaed :.: :h to dtlnilon B COAST ' .VAMSIIIPS B. C. Coast SAILINGS To Ketchikan. .ne 9. 16, 20, 23. 27 To Vancouver June 4, 14, 21. 25. 28. Princess Mary Ocean, Victoria, every Friaay, iu pjn Agents For Ail Steamship Lines W C. Orchard, General Agent, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, Vhoi.c 2u COAST n . , AMSHIPS t n SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT FOR VANCOUVER; y Monday & Thursday 4 p.rh. y Saturday pS Monday-. 8 p.m. Friday 2:30 pjn. yi MASSLTT INLET yt Monday Pi Steamship Service FROM PRINCE RUPERT WrangelL Junoau, Skairway 30. Victoria. Seattle- Falls, etc., Vancouver and ISLANDS ;.sii Wednesday .a llWEiPkm' SKEENA RIVER Tnursaay ouiuiuj NAAS RIVER 8 n-m' Friday CANADIAN NATIONAL U McftapKhtpn, District Passenger Accnt, 1'r'nce Rupert, n.C- Local Items Dentist, Dr. J. It. Gossc, Phone C86. ;See;the second prize in the Dally News campaign in Bulgar's win-d6w. It is sterling silver. tf City Assessor says this 2nd Ave. Lot between 8th and 9th . Streets, is worth with building, -$1,270. Sale price $450. Helger-. son. , 136 A. few days more and the chan Ces.ifbr entering the Dally1 News campaign will be gone. Enter now and stand a chance of winning one of the four big prizes. tf Hill Sixty Chapter, Imperial Or der. Daughters of the Empire, had a meeting last night at the home of Mrs. John Manson, Fourth Av enue East. Merely routine business was taken up. The Chapter has now suspended meeting for the summer months and will convene again in September. On her first trip of the season to Alaska, CNR.' steamer Prince Oeorge, Capt. Neil McLean, arrived in por a,t 10.30 this morning, an hour ah4ad of scheduled time, from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean Falls. The vessel sailed at 2.30 this afternoon for Bkagway whence she will be back here southbound next Monday. It is announced by the Canadian Legion that a button in the pocket of Otto Friden, destitute Swede. who hanged himself at the end of last week, was not that of the Canadian Legion but of the Women's Auxiliary Canadian Legion. Deceased is believed to have picked the badge up in the course of his travels. He was not an ex-service man, as far as can be learned. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY OENTLEMAN wants room. Apply Box 23, Dally News. 135 Pains Around Heart Weak Spells Would Fall Over Mr. Jimta Vanalatine, Plbroeh, Man, writes i "1 had paint around mj heart, and luffrred with weak, mothering ipella, Sometime! I would fall OTtr and would have to be plckcJ up and put to bed. "I used Mveral boxei of and It Ii now orrr three years sine 1 have had a tpell. "I h anyone , trt . il , to . tbj sum condition I waa will give H. N. Puis a fair trial." Priee, 50c a box at all druggirti and dealer, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milbura Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont., HOTEL ARRIVALS . Central Hotel INDKIt NEW MANAOEMENT Mm ni llrutnt: Travrllrm' Sum pie Knonia; Hot and Cold Water 1'rre Itin Meet All Trains and ItnatP Rates Sl.Od and Up M'lXIAL MONTHLY KATES C.K.llIC.OAKT & A. DONALD rroprletort PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water In all rooms A. J. rnUDUOMME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sts. Savoy l. Karlson, Premier; T. Walsh. Salvus East; W. Payne, Dominion Cannery. New; Royal Hotel ' LRlit Vrop. THK HOTEL UOICTII WHILE Hot tc Cold Water: Steam Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP Telephone 2HI Royal Mrs, Bterhett, Alice Arm; R. Morgoton, Anyox; E. Warren, C. Peterson, G. G. Wenteel and Bill Shrlaber, city; Jacob A. Greene. C. Swanson, O. Williams and J. Wolff. Fails River; William Mar ley, Vancouver. .. - Summer COLDS Quick Relief from any Cold, Sore Headache Throat, Ml Other Pain DTeS,v mTe8dioVora summer cold can easily develop into dangerous illness ii neglected, a tablet or two pi Aspirin win cnecic a com as quicwy as it came. Ana vr.ii arill crot fmmprliatrt relief from the beadacne that gees witn it. If there's a sore throat, too, crash ! a2ne.n ZXKS the true value or Asmrin are never i without it in any season of the year. It's always ready to relieve headaches, neuritis, neuralgia, and a long list of aches and pains: see proven directions in each package. Aspirin does not depress the heart or upset the stomach. Druggists everywhere have it. TRACK MARK RIO SPIRIN Dinnerware, china, crockery, glassware. Heilbroner's Store. Anglican W. i. Tea and Sale of Komecooking at the home of Mrs. J. W. Nicholls, Fourth Avenue, W Wednesday, June 18. 136 The regular monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Retail Clerks' Association, scheduled for last ev ening was postponed until the end of the month. Thomas A. vKelly, well known Queen Charlotte Island logging operator, came north from Vancouver to his camp at Selwyn Inlet on the Prince John this week. i H. E. DaWoJf. local manager of the W. H. MYtkln Co. Ltd.. ra- tifrned to the-( city on the Catala ' T T " hticmMtt , trfr tt A nvnv nnH .Clour- I art. E. M. Halne. Post Office inpr-tor, was a passenger aboard the Oatala yesterday -Afternoon re- . ,.,wU.s. v to Anyox and Stewart on official duties, Mrs. Lance Pottertdn and children of Stewart arrived in the city from the north on the Catala yesterday afternoon and are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Unwin, Mor esby Avenue, Westvlew. Cliff Pitman, years ago a mem-i of th Unlon k of Cana. 'u.., ua .ICTiC MliU I1UW lUCilVIiiCU fftui the Tone mine, was a passenger aboard the Catala yesterday after noon bound from Alice Arm to Vancouver. Walter Shaw, who has been en gaged In bridge construction work at Oedarvale recently, sailed yesterday afternoon on the Catala for his farm near Clayburn in the Fraser Valley. He expects to be returning north before long. CNJt. steamer Prince John, Captain Dan McKinnon, arrived In port at noon yesterday from Van couver via Alert Bay, Englcwbod and southern Queen . Charlotte Island points and sailed at 1 o'clock this afternoon on her return south. The regular monthly dinner of the local branch of the Professional Engineers' Association of British Columbia was held last night 'n the Commodore .Cafe.' Therp was a full attendance and F. D. Rice, being in charge of the meeting, j presided. The procedlngswere of a routine nature. Dr. A. S. Lamb, provincial health officer and chest specialist, and his nurse, Miss J. B. Peters, R.N., arrived In the city on the Catala yesterday afternoon following a brief visit in Anyox. They will hold chest dirties in the Prince" Rupert General Hospital here and then proceed to the Interl6r. F. J. Boutell of the International Correspondence Schools is now located In Prince Rupert from which centre he will serve Hhe whole of Northern and Central British Columbia. It is found, he says, thati Prince Rupert is the most'eonven-! - " - - ..v w. i All. i 'will home1'! ! I 4 make ht? fre: Li . Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Heilbroner's store. Sam Woods wishes it known that he did not tender on the firemen's uniforms. 136 William Burke of Alice Arm was. an arrival' in1 the cltjr from the' north on the Catala yesterday afternoon. A. Y. Wilson, of Remo, after spending a few days in the city, left by today's train on his return to the Interior. Alex O. Rix of the Imperial Oil Co. relumed to the city on today's train from a brief business trip to the interior. Lector James M. Tupper. R.C. M r- returned to me city on to- aay-s tram irom a trip to vanaer hoof on official duties, a. u. juauiesun, manager ui lisle Cannery, and Mrs. Matheson rrived in the city on'today's train u u"c " wwu, Fred Mathers, local representative of the B. C. Packers, sailed yesterday afternoon on the Catala for a trip to Vancouver. Owing to the tact, that no quorum turned up, the monthly meet ing of the Baptist Brotherhood scheduled for last night, was postponed. Mrs. E. J. Palmer, formerly Miss Margaret Morgan, R.N., was In the city on the Prince John overnight bound from Cumshewa Inlet for a trip to Vancouver. The Ketchikan troller May. ag ainst which a charge is pending of being illegally anchored In Can adlan waters, was taken from the fisheries float yesterday afternoon to anchorage at DIgby Island. There were 160 passengers ar riving in port on the steamer Prince George this morning. Most i.tenicid Boarding School for boys, of theie were tourists and manvi North Vancouver, will be plea'sed are making the round trip toSkag - fay: " - . J Mra W H WtUnn.Vfnrrav ariHfr son and daughter, who have been remain m EiinDnrgn. wotiana I Tnr the' pasV lew years, - will be re- Mimbw to Prince Rupert ' in Sep- r 'eraber to resum residence here. Mr. Frank Vandcwall. wife of the United States customs officer at Skatrway and her son and rtAfifrVttor.ln.l'i vtr ttrora no uanivAra ,ird p ri oeorge today ... returning north after a trip to Seattle. Harry Melvin Hanson, on a charge of driving to the common danger on Comox Avenue, was fined $10. with option of seven days' Imprisonment, in city police conrt last evening and a blue license was issued. W"ir Hoffmann, president and . . , , . Montreal, was one of a party of rpovln picture officials from the Rast who arrived on the ss. Prince George this morning from Vancou ver and entrained here for the. East. " During his brief stay here, Mr. Hoffman visited with 'his friends, 'Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bloom. McMordie Apartments. . ANNOUNCEMENTS Moose picnic, Digby Island, June 122 Elks Dance June 30. Elks' Home. C. N. Recreation Picnic to Terrace July 1. Canadian Legion picnic Digby Island July 6. DO YOU SUFFER WITH S HEADACHE? So easy to get quick relief and pre vent an attack in the future. Avoid bromides and dope. They relieve quickly but .fleet the heart and are very dangerous. They are depressing and only give temporary relief, the cause of the headache still remains within. The sane and harmless way. First correct the causp, sweeten the sour and acid stomach, relieve the intestines of the decayed and poisonous food matter, gently stimulate the liver, start the bile flowing and the bowels pass off the waste matter which causes your headache. Try Carter's Little Liver Pills. Drug-gists 25c red pkgs. 9 I- iv.-i . Norman A. Watt returned to the city on the Prince Oeorge thk morning from a brief trip to Ocear Falls. For parking his car on the wrong side of the street, JohrJ Robinson was fined $5 in city po lice court this morning." '.- The case of Mrs. Sam Bill, charged with keeping liquor for sale, has been further adjourned until this afternoon In city police court. Oeorge McAfee, manager of the Big Bay Lumber Co, returned to the city on the Prince George this morning from a business trip to Vancouver. John McHugh, fisheries depart ment engineer, arrived in the. city on ths Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver, being here on official duties. Aid. S. D. Macdonald states that it was not he who seconded a motion at Monday night's council meeting to file a letter from O. W. Nlckerson complaining at the street traffic bylaws. Patsy Mazzel was found guilty by Magistrate McClymont in city police court yesterday afternoon on a charge of driving to the com mon danger and was remanded for sentence. Capt. C. N. Mitchell, V.C.. con structlon superintendent for the Power Corporation of Canada, Montreal, arrived In the city on the Prince Oeorge this morning from Vancouver. , O. A. McNlcholl, general passcn ger agent, Canadian National Rail ways, Vancouver, is in the city to day aboard the steamer Prince George on which he is making the round trip to Skagway, F. H. Bates, principal of Ches- (to interview parents desiring irif"oiS Imatlon about the school. TeieU phone Prince Rupert Hotel., Joo! . Tom Hanson, for drunkenness. was sentenced to one months,' 1m - prisonment by Magistrate McCIy- mom m city ponce court yesier - day afternoon. He had been con - victed several times previously. The case of Magistrate Thomas McClymont. who is charged iyith,,,1,q wrjtj, :. ' violation of the traffic bylaw by ', ; John R. Morgan. Queen Char- O. W. Nlckerson, will be hcird this Evening by W. E. Collison and Aid. S. D. Macdonald, sitting as Justl- ces of the peace. DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD " Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PK1NCE RUPERT, D.C. LUM KILN IJK1KII Kl'Klll K. FINISH, CEILING, RUSTIC, MOULDINGS, ETC. S GET WASTE OUT 1 OF YOUHYSTEM Banish Constipation at the Start with Kellogn'a j ALL.BE AN I Look out when you wake up tired and stay tired. Beware of head aches, unpleasant fcreath. These are usually the first symptoms of con. stipation. The trouble is that your lntes tinal system is clogged. You have eaten too many bulkless foods. But you can clean your system safely, If you start at once to eat Kelloggs ALL-BRAN. Kellogg's ALL-BRAN Is a cereal that you can eat naturally. It sweeps the intestines clean of poisonous wastes. Far better than habit forming pills and drugs. Kellogg's ALL-BRAN is gnaran. teed. Just eat two tablespoonfuls daily recurring cases, with every meal. Youll like its crispness and flavor. Your system will Denefit by its rich store of iron and healthful elements as well as by its roughage. Ready-to-eat with milk or cream, Delicious with fruits and honey added. Use it in cooking. Recipes are on the package for muffins and irriddle cakes. Sold by all grocers. Served by hotels, restaurants and dining-cars. Made by Kellogg la London, Ontario. ALL-BRAN "Improved In Texture and Taste.' The Weather Prince Rupert Cloudy, calm; temperature, 44. Haysport Clear, calm, 54. Port Simpson Clear, calm, 54. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 54. Smithers Part cloudy, calm, 47. Burns Lake Cloudy, calm. Terrace Part cloudy, calm, 52. Rosswood Part cloudy, calm, 52. , Aiyansh Part cloudy, west wind cloudy, calm, 50. ,".:'t .ii PLANE HERE 1 . The Gorst Air Transport's Boeing flying boat, .piloted by C. L. Scott, 1 armed snortiy alter 6 o ciock mis ; morning from Ketchikan with a )jirty cf passengers on board. The HiW6iijAtt on her return north -thte afternoon. lotte Island logging operator and pioneer resident of this city, was an arrival on the Prince George this morning from Vancouver. ( K )A t AN IIKYll.tHMv M Specialties . Edge Grain Boat Cedar. Kiln Dried Edge Grain Hemlock Flooring Spruce and Cedar Shiplap, Boards, Dimensions and Timbers Doors, Windows, Shingles, Etc. Odd lots off-grade material at reduced prices. BIG BAY LUMBER CO., LTD. Lumber Manufacturers Prince Rupert, B.C. LtJU P 1